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22514875 No.22514875 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22514879
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Can we bring back dfwposting?

>> No.22515726

Good post. He's really sharp. Buckley isn't particularly good but he doesn't really need to be since it's mostly a JLB monologue.

Here are a couple of BBC interviews with Robert Graves. No great insights about his writing but quite enjoyable. Mostly Graves is just having fun. Clearly he doesn't care a hoot about any of it.


>> No.22515739

Borges seems retarded somehow.

>> No.22516252

He is Latin American

>> No.22517575

Here's Evelyn Waugh. He's a bit defensive but that's just because he didn't much care for journalists, especially BBC journalists, and quite right too. He's perfectly well-mannered and reasonably forthcoming. Quite a few interesting comments, e.g. he liked the countryside because it was a place where one could be silent. There's no silence in a town, ever. Also he thinks Finnegans Wake is gibberish, hahaha.


>> No.22517581

I've seen Latin Americans who didn't look retarded. It must be something else. He seems autistic.

>> No.22517594

>tfw been pronouncing his name as ev-eh-lin wow
>tfw thought it was bride-shead revisited

>> No.22517612

Ratemypoo dot com

>> No.22517636

On the topic of pronunciation, I was startled when I first heard this interview, because EW pronounces "gibberish" with a hard "g", like Gandalf. I always assumed it was soft, like giraffe. I looked it up and apparently either is considered OK.

>> No.22517644

>I looked it up and apparently either is considered OK.
I've literally never heard that before. I guess some British accents allow for it or maybe it's just always been something left open to every English man?

>> No.22518868
File: 31 KB, 500x716, ernst-gombrich@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This interview is from 1995, Gombrich was in England since 1936, but the Austrian accent couldn't go even after 59 years.


>> No.22518912
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The Bukowski one shortly before he died where he coined the famous: "BIM BIM BIM, BIM BIM BIM."


>> No.22518976

I can't not give Vidal credit for managing to make his opponents snap. I'm still very mixed on whether or not Norman Mailer is actually that good of a writer or if he just managed to hit the literati scene and network his way in.


>> No.22519684 [DELETED] 


>> No.22519692

Both are okay writers but Mailer easily has the edge

>> No.22520023

They edited out an awkward moment where Mailer tries to counter Cavett's "pehaps you want another chair to contain your giant intellect" line

>> No.22520028

Where can I watch it?