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22514509 No.22514509 [Reply] [Original]

i just read this book and have absolutely no idea what the fuck he was talking about
can someone summarise it in retard proof terms?

>> No.22514522
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Start with Wagner, then move onto Nietzsche. Nietzsche was reacting against Wagner's late turn to Christianity. Compare Wagner's statements about Siegfried:

>He then plays Siegfried’s awakening of Brünnhilde, is pleased with the character of this work, its trueness to Nature: “Like two animals,” he says of Br. and Sieg. “Here there is no doubt, no sin,” he continues, and in his Wotan he recognizes the true god of the Aryans.

>But in the evening the 3rd act of Siegfried, very well played by Herr Rubinstein, pleases both him and us. “That is Gobineau-music,” R. says as he comes in, “that is race. Where else will you find two beings who burst into rejoicing when merely looking at each other? The whole world exists just to ensure that two such beings look at each other!” “Here is just forest and rocks and water and nothing rotten in it.” “Here is a couple who rejoice in their happiness, immerse themselves in the happiness of being together—how different from Tristan!”

With statements from the period in which he was writing Parsifal:

>On the other hand, he is increasingly attracted to Gobineau’s idea, and when I say, “If we disregard time and space, there is surely no such thing as decay,” R. replies, “The thought I am occupied with is whether morality should not be preserved as being that to which everything tends—survival is then a matter of complete indifference.”

>He lies down in bed, we have breakfast, and he is soon so much recovered that he can embark on a detailed discussion of the passage in Kant concerning “seeds.” “I can very easily imagine how a Laplander, for instance, evolves out of a Norman, however farfetched it sounds, and this idea opens many doors. The seeds of the widest variety are in Nature itself—for example, man’s carnivorous tendencies are indicated by his canine teeth, and it all depends on the way things evolve. In Germany everything is in the process of dying out—for me a dismal realization, since I am addressing myself to the still-existent seeds. But one thing is certain: races are done for, and all that can now make an impact is—as I have ventured to express it—the blood of Christ.”

Nietzsche was following the earlier Wagner and rejecting the later.

>> No.22514535

Kill yourself

>> No.22514537

Huh? Nietzsche is an atheist and christianity lives rent free in his little atheist mind. You have to understand that Nietzsche is an atheist, a nihilist, a postmodernist which appeals to a lot of liberals and other deeply neurotic teenagers because Nietzsche is the achievement of the secular humanism which booted Christianity out of power. Nietzsche is overtly anti-christian, and it permits to all the atheist bug men to actually see themselves as the righteous resilient guy who create his own values.
In effect trannies are the best ubermen ever: they hate to see themselves as they really are, so they change both their neurotic spirit and also their body to match the narrative of the ubermen and even better, they impose their values to non-trannies. Same thing with feminists and all the idolized minorities in Humanism.

Naturally, the atheists cant know right from wrong, so their mental gymnastics about the uberman is flawed. The uberman is actually the last man: the uberman despises so much reality after seeing nihilism, that out of resentment for reality, the uberman CHOOSES to sink further in his delusion by building a narrative where he is not the last man, but actually the opposite, ie the uberman who creates his own values, ie cooming by living in own brain farts until he dies.

Oh and by the way only atheists take him seriously in the first place. Atheists love him because according to them, he found a way to be nihilistic without leading to suicide. In order to avoid being called a nihilist, friedrich PUSSY nietzsche re-defined nihilism to be 'not living in the present moment', which applies to christianity.
So now atheists dont say they are nihilistic, they say they are vitalist. And as a bonus they get to shit on christianity (their perpetual enemy that they defeated centuries ago, yet they still beat a dead horse to smugly fill up their days). You have to understand that atheists are braindead hypocrites so even when they say they are vitalist instead of nihilistic, they still remain 100% hedonistic and they still dont know what not do with their lives beyond making up self-aggrandizing narratives to feel justified for wanting to and actually doing coomming all day long.

>> No.22514539

>i just read this book and have absolutely no idea what the fuck he was talking about
"#185. “I dislike him.”—Why?—“I’m no match for him.”—Has a human being ever answered in this way? "

>> No.22514545

OP didn’t indicate he didn’t like Nietzsche

>> No.22514556

>can someone summarise it
Falsity of the statement is by no means an argument against the statement. Only helping to survive matters.
Absolute truth is not something you can stomach, you need lies to handle it and survive.
You should be grateful to illnesses, because they are a teaching moment. By the way, Christianity is a disease, and people have gone too far, ultimately sacrificed gods for Nothingness, and can't go back now.
True chads use religion strategically (to crowd-control plebs into compliance, to train virtues of the warrior caste, to ensure the reign of the brahmin caste), but Christianity is when the tool gone rogue and started acting on its own.
Scientists (and objectivity per se) are a by-product of christian life-denial and nihilism. An objective human is a slave-drone with no inner content, who just does what such one is being told.
Jews are cool, tho.
Worship Dionysus.

>> No.22514565

You were filtered for a reason.

>> No.22514578

>All is le... will to power

>> No.22515204

Ok so he argues that philosophers are a bunch of pretentious faggots who only write stuff to show how smart they are.
Then spends the rest of the book showing how smart he is over making coherent points.
He also says a bunch of stuff about how inferior men don’t understand irony.
You’re welcome.

>> No.22515964

It's a brand new day and there is already someone ranting about something they haven't read. All is right in the world.

>> No.22515993

>Worship Dionysus.
Who is Jesus btw and our biggest disease.
>that's not coherent
Fuck you reddit scum. This is a club for Aryan chads only (jews, blacks, arabs and orientals welcome).

>> No.22516284

>muh reddit
>muh made up master race
I have no faith in your reading comprehension.

>> No.22516305

Nietzsche was pretty crazy. Incredibly, there are people who still take him seriously.

>> No.22516413

You will never understand because you don't have the right spirit, which is inherited and also not. You will always be reddit.