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2251409 No.2251409 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a poetry thread going?


>> No.2251418

btw, OC only

>> No.2251420

Share bride failing star,
Care-line, care-mine, care-line, care-line,
Writhing the chevy-chevy on.
Share bright flailing star.

Tear my failing start,
Share-mine, share-mine, share-mine, share-mine,
Riding the chevy-chevy on,
Care my failing star.

>> No.2251448


loved dat

>> No.2251460

Samefag I guess?

>> No.2251476


no bro. just bumping the thread with my appriciation of dat poem until i found my shit to put on. here it is.

The seas were an advancement,
I died a hundred times,
And my smile wore a rifle,
on such a summer's day.

I hadn't seen you for a milligram,
I tied up all our chairs,
Keeping them there for you,
For the next time you were there.

>> No.2251490
File: 48 KB, 320x240, en la calle de san sebastian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologia, an apology under da sea
An epigram, an epitaph, extispicy
Extra spicy parallellograms
Suckling pig, pictrogram, grammarian
Care again, share and then I guess
It'll be time again to share again
Guess and win, pick and sin
Its troubling, grin and win, its time again
To kick a shin, to write and read some
Finnigan, see dat riverrun, recirculation
Quite a beastly sin; enringed in tin
Quixotic and quick, rapidemente
It's sick, a certain sequela picked again
From a certain uncertain number
Of untamed effects, mindful of its ruddy nature
Muddied in blood, and red and black like mine
Again, its sin and sure to win again like sin

>> No.2251562

The Wisdom of Crowds

"We always go to the fair, but never the forest."
"There is a reason for it."
"No there isn't."

"Where there's a pattern there's a cause.
Like hunchbacks in attics, or
deformed hands beneath gloves,
there are abattoirs in the trees, silent and waiting.
Forest spirits. Strange women.

"Everybody knows it—
you too, but you hide it."

A pattern emerges in identities;
backwards revolves the glittering wheel.

>> No.2251604

It was like Lord of the Rings,
only it didn't come in three parts.
Lo, I parked my kisser on the lip of the basin
And puckered up, strapped in my seatbelt,
And prepared to shit.

The waiting game...
Time- the only constant,
But nothing seems to change,
Only in form.
Only in-

At once the universe became ignited,
The fury of a hurricane passing through the eye of a needle,
Like brown thunder, it hit the bottom of the bowl.
As Aristotle said: "It must return to the place of earth"
And earth did move, and life did begin,
Through a rod of sod travelling at a blinding,
Interstellar velocity, passing through me like the turd of God.

O, to look at it!
A sight to mock all mortal imitation of art:
Superlative was second, to its girth, its aerodynamism,
There is only one.

One wipe of parchment.
One flush.
One big chud.

>> No.2251622

I love this.

I love you.

>> No.2251710

Comment too
Long here
Click to read
The Full Text

>> No.2251750

There was a sign
overhead on a house that read
"God Exists", but some days
I read "God Existed", and some
days I could not remember
what I read, or why I read,
or how to read—
then signs ceased to exist.

There was so much time
there was no time at all.
People busied themselves
dreaming of things to do
that were done. I once saw
a dead man trying to be dead.
I never saw man alive living.

The mayor held a meeting
for unanswered questions but
as people arrived they didn't
recognize the others and the killing
began. The meeting never
finished because it never started
and the killing went on and on.

One day a man appeared.
He knew something.
He said a lot of strange things.
Some people left.
Some people stayed.
Things like that.

>> No.2251773

Conor Oberst, is that you?

>> No.2251825

I just googled part of his poem. He is a writer of fiction and poetry named James Kusher. His work has been published in The Columbia Review, Tablet, and Columbia New Poetry. He was a journalist and publicaffairsman in the U.S. Navy. He will graduate from Columbia University in 2011, and will be pursuing an MFA in Fiction at the University of Michigan. This piece, in addition to three others, appeared in a journal named Love Among the Ruins.

I quite like it.

>> No.2251865

the internet is so creepy.

I liked the poem too, although my poetry professor would not.

>> No.2251875

Look here
Click here
Read here
Post here
Leave here

>> No.2251896

Let the burn burn into you,
Let the man lay into you,
Let the burn burn,
Let his flies lay eggs in you.

Nothing but nutrients,
a fruity sense,

As the burn burn burn,
let the eggs grow old and weary,
as they burn and the burn is dreary,
and the liar is burning,
and the wheel is turning,
and the love worth learning is quickly turning into a churning desire for the aesthetic of fire as the liar burns and the turn of the burn turns sire into liar.

And the burn will burn will burn, your inner attire.

>> No.2251910

Cree Cree Cree, Hiss Hiss Hiss
Dick Dick Dick, Bliss Bliss Bliss
Virgins Virgins Virgins, Kiss Kiss Liss

fuckin' edgy

>> No.2251911

Images uplow
Dead are the responsible
It 'e of the Poster com

>> No.2251933

He called;
I answered in irritation.

My head and heart were stale grounds;
My stomach lined with bitter dregs.
Leave me, I said. He called out again.

His words are a filter,
His voice a cup of sweet, clean water
That pushes through my regrets and worries and sorrows,
Leaving me stronger and richer for the experience.

>> No.2251942

this is super good, i really really like this. a++ would read again.

>> No.2251950
File: 4 KB, 185x82, oh gosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thank you, anon. I didn't expect any kind of response, least of all one of praise.

>> No.2251954

It's good because of your vagina.

>> No.2251980

When the aliens come, I'll be the first to kill myself

when i was a kid i use to love aliens
i wanted to be abducted, but never probed
then i got older and realised how earth life was
if aliens were smart enough to travel then they didn't need friends
they needed brains
brains i was not willing to give them
so if the aliens come, i'll be the first to kill myself

>> No.2251984

This is how it goes:

liberation of the soul
consternation of the body
recession of the ego
emotion is irrelevant
evocation is incredulous
equation is indefinite
animum adere

don’t get yourself
all teary-
‘cause this is how it goes

>> No.2251995
File: 175 KB, 670x992, houdini-chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great One whispered, on the op'ning night,
“Ensure the jacket straps are loosened, right?
The trick'll die without some room to breathe,
to do what others see but can't conceive.
And later, when I'm trapped within the cask
I trust you with the most important task,
to equalize the pressure there inside,
to flood the shallow grave in which I hide.”

If poems were magicians, Houdini
they'd all be, inviting blows - all flurried -
by the dozen. Exhuming on TV
all the circle-secrets they thought buried;
with all their tricks just simple sleights of speech.

Meanings mostly clear.
Means kept out of reach.

>> No.2252002


this is weirdly poignant, props

>> No.2252022

Op is a faggot....

Faggot is an OP....

Sippin' on gin and juice

Laid back ....

Fuck Christmas


>> No.2252024

Yeah this is good. I'd look at the "if" and "when" in the first and last lines, maybe put the "when" at the end?

>> No.2252040
File: 66 KB, 487x336, ladysovwhoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are good peoples. Honestly wasn't expecting positive comments.

>> No.2252051

Wrote this when I was like 16 and haven't written anything noteworthy since. Bash away!

The hourglass

Turned around with a dazzling move
Upside down by some cruel fate
The falling sand the only proof
Of passing time, washing love and hate
Deep beneath the grains

Gravity takes millions to grave
You’re slipping through my fingers
Oh gravity, is not one safe?
Time flows, it never lingers
It doesn’t leave stains

Relentlessly drops keep falling
Even memories don’t last
Endlessly I can keep calling
It will always go too fast
Only dust remains

Finally it seems it’s ceasing
The bottom half almost full
Is its power decreasing?
Again you push, and you pull
Ev’rything will change

Can’t you offer some peace of mind?
I’ll die of eventfulness
Then again, you are so kind…
It bothers me less and less
I embrace the grains

>> No.2252205

the hammer replacing a baby soft hand
to the pocket she has ever gone alone.

>> No.2252224

Why you coming home
at four in the morn'?
something's going on
can I smell yo dick?
Don't play me like a fool
'cause that ain't cool
so what you need to do
is let me smell yo dick

>> No.2252232

There goes Christmas lumber
down ditches
in an ordinary refinery.

There goes public decency
through times
on a blink’s verge.

There goes enlarged figure
past proclamations
out an ultimate habit.

There go clock hands
aged august
to a new old child.

Baby New Year:
So similar to last’s!

>> No.2252233


Nigga this is the 15th muthafucking time
That I called and left yo ass messages
I done text yo bitch ass,
And you ain't responding to nothing
What the fuck is you doing
Who the fuck is you out there with
You think I'm stupid,
My gurls already done put me up on your ass tonight nigga
When you get home I got some news for yo bitch ass

>> No.2252248

ITT: more creators than consumers.

>> No.2252368


>> No.2252375

I wrote a short prose piece. I might re-write it as a poem - it has that sort of feel to it.

He told me not to say anything and drove me out to the top of the hill. We could see the lights of the entire town - orange and black, orange and black, into infinity, like the wings of an enormous butterfly, at rest until the morning breathed it into flight. The engine fell silent and we continued without words. He was right; we didn't need them. In the silence, was the music of silence; in the sleeplessness, sleep of the spirit. The world's head was under water for a while; the sky held its breath.

After thirty minutes, we returned home. Moisture lingered and faded on the windows of the car, and on the places where we touched the handles of its doors. I dreamed that night of trainrides, of hurtling noiselessly down a neverending tunnel of black; of bats spiralling deeper and deeper into a cave without light. I hurtled and spiralled until the morning came, and the earth began again to breath.

>> No.2252425

How many dicks did she fuck?
i don't really know
i hope she stop
because her poetry sucks

Manly men fucked her cunt
she loved it long time ago
nobody was really sure if she love someone
but that doesn't matter, she's just a cunt

>> No.2253138


>> No.2253156

In the welfare line, they made out.
it helped me pass the time

she smiled and bit into his ear
he grimaced, baring his yellow teeth
and pushed her away
leaving black finger prints on her uniform

>> No.2253168

I hiccuped a soft goodbye to my dearest
Wife and daughter, boarded train
And left the town that I'd called home
For all my life

The scenic countryside
Swayed to an unheard breeze
It said, it seemed, that I was heading
Towards some light that I'd failed to notice

We arrived in an August day
Light like gold seraphim on display
Through the trees that blew with the
Same breezes that I'd seen in that car
Those hours ago

And so I went to the work to which I'd been hired
Took my lye and gloves
Put on the mask and respirator
Apron, boots, goggles, watched the skybirds
Dive and parry high above

I picked up that jug of corrosive substance
Sprinkled over the bodies
That littered the grounds in heaps in pits
Looked around and thought of my family
Standing within that station, surely bombed
To oblivion by now

>> No.2253202

Basic solution taking four year sips
and all I asked was for a half-full helmet
and a cup to hold it
Saline drips down every old man
with a little too much drink in his heart
Left awake and nobody taught her how to sleep
and what sleep was for
she drew through the night
pictures of lovers she hoped to one day meet
From her classics collection a man without glasses
that brown combed hair you see in movies about soldiers
Blessed are thee who don't stop to think
and live their lives as if only a short stint
in an eternity of flame or flowers
Ought we not listen most
to the girl with no tongue
as she scrapes her letters on the wall

>> No.2253236

Always distance
Dark not Darkness

>> No.2253237

This thread needs a good poem

A Dream Within A Dream
By Edgar Allen Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

>> No.2253714

bump. Guys, come on post some angsty teenage love poetry

>> No.2253724

that bitch broke my heart
so i broke her face
fuck a dumb as tart
her whole life's a disgrace
if i could go back and do it again
i would
if i could tell her how much she ment to me
i would
but fuck a broad in the eye socket.
fuck a bitch.

>> No.2254103

Bump for poetry

Coca Cola -

Forgotten and red as ruby
Empty as the universe
and cold as the stutter
Its shining in my sight
It shines in the gutter

>> No.2254115

She's cold as ice
My heart lay in pieces at her desk
In biology, I stare up her dress
Does she say Hello? No.
Back to the Smiths, the Cure I go

She's like fire or a volcano's
Ejaculate, her jacket I sniff
Her pantaloons I purloin
I sniff that shit like sirloin
Her loin, I'd love to take a bite of
Like vampires in the night
Sparkle sparkle, sparkle sparkle
To die by your side
Is heavenly stairway, really
Sparkle sparkle, sparkle sparkle

>> No.2254837


>> No.2254944

wrote these both not to long ago..

love, you lead me askew, you blinded me too.. oh how could you!
you messed with my head, you left me for dead
is this what you want; to see me tread?
i think you just might, so this is goodbye
since all ive been fed was lies; this entire time
so, i wont look back or turn blue
but this is it now, i bid you adieu.


the beast comes out in darkness of the night
with eyes that shine so bright for destruction of life!
he might succeed, because he brings no sympathy..
for all he wants is your soul; to keep
so do be warned this is no joke
always watch out.. even for the regular blokes
or close your eyes and count to ten, it may just be all in your head..

>> No.2255234

deviation became the norm announced in late
March, when an earthquake
the industry of inexpensive natural faces
behind Peabody.

Increasing disaster in New York
source will persist
spurred tsunami as a model of dysfunction
crab-like Executives noisily gnaw at terranean gloom.


the beauty of the story melted into bars
the price of one
$50 million.
Around all the nation's gold.
The bars would stimulate the troubled elongated mechanical beast,
increase the amount of cynicism
and damp muck.
They shouldn't have been minted.
In Cairo
King Ann
kept nearly 15 tons,
a reclusive manic only child, she

>> No.2255241

A Haiku...

The Heavenly Bliss
The Orgasm in my mouth
THESE....are good nachos

>> No.2255246

Poems reproducing like rabbits
but it is christmas! not easter!
they contain no silken-melt-in-the-mouth texture
and they are infested with mixamatosis
red gummy eyes
little elves overworked and fed up
just want to go home
to a bowl of rice
I love you little bastards.

>> No.2255271

April sorrow cast shadows,
So ants can hide
Where your shine
Does not follow.

I am trying to incorperate all the seasons, but i am forgetting how summer feels.

>> No.2255301

it feels like disgusting sweat and swarms of ant-like invading tourists settling into your city; like you called the sun a cunt behind its back and now its getting payback. it feels like not having enough money to get air conditioning so you sleep in your half filled tub.

>> No.2255462

A man is a man
Not a statistic or word
Nobody understands this

>> No.2255475

A heavy heart
A heavy gut
Like the contents of each flows out
Out into the body
Polluting the mind
Weakening the muscle
Killing the soul
But don't let this injury defeat you
It is but a broken heart
Yet while there are no stitches to suture the heart
Time heals all wounds
Whether we want it to
Or just want to wallow
Just this once
Because we can
Because we must
We want a hand to hold
A person to shine and to care
We have them
But not that one
Not Her
Not Ever.

>> No.2255494

I don't know you
Nor your life
Nor your story
Nor your empathy
Nor your toil
But I know myself
All too well in fact
I've danced to the piercing sound of nothing
I've played piano outside in the pitch black void
I've read aloud for all to hear wisdom
Yet I've never truly been enlightened
But if I say one thing
And only one
It's this:
Live and be happy
You may not die tomorrow
But you'll always live
Not in your words
Not in the hearts of the soon dead
But in your actions
Your beautiful, fulfilling, ballet dancer actions
And you'll be remembered
Maybe not by me
Or by anyone
But by the Earth
And it will cry
And you won't feel it
But the Earth and Space and God and Keroac and Aristotle
And Plato and Cervantes and Stalin
And Rosa Parks and your mother and your dog
They'll cry, too.
But you'll be together.
At last.

>> No.2255495

see op, the problem with this threads is that people defecate their stuff on it and then leave.

>> No.2255596

A State of Forgiveness and Rage

And he caressed her cheek
maybe a little harsher than expected,
but it was enough of a touch
to leave any woman with a mark,
a blush, a rush of feelings adequate
to let tears gather gently in her eye.

A delicate hand he still possessed,
clasped lightly on her chin. He stared
directly in her pupils; she had been crying,
so maybe it was only her mascara smudging
that looked like swelling around her eyes,
he told himself. He held her gaze and everything
about her, gently smiling, “You let your emotions
get the better of you. This isn’t the woman I love.”

He held her tight, anointing her with
his lips. She could not leave if she wanted
to. Together, together, she thought.
That’s right. I know he’ll love me again.

>> No.2255708

bump because poesy

>> No.2255721

Someone's been reading burroughs.

cut up much?

>> No.2255730

don't throw your curs-ed coins at me
did you not think that i can see
that you are not the same as he
waves crash down upon your beach
like rain upon a sun dried peach
with haste you flee to sleep at last
dreaming up a pleasant past