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22511675 No.22511675 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys philosophy and religion in your path

>> No.22511684

>French beaten back
>Empire destroyed
>Died in a windswept bin covered in rat shit
I'll keep my faith and community thanks.

>> No.22511698

>greatest conqueror to ever live
>you, a christcuck
I think I’ll go with nappy on this one, although I don’t think he really said that, seems like a fabrication

>> No.22511703

Children should not be taught about Napoleon at too early an age nor should he be spoken of fondly by adults in the presence of children. Lest the consequences, as observable, may be catastrophic for the child (or childlike mind) afflicted.

>> No.22511717

His own life doesn‘t really follow it for a number of reasons: revolutionary ideals, proletarian sympathies, ingroup chauvinism, some religious inclination, romantic devotions. If he did say it, I suspect this is more along the lines of what Andrew Roberts described as his wry sense of humor.

>> No.22511719

Money and power are important when you're an invader, sure. But I'm just a guy. I find meaning beyond money and power. I'm not sure why people read all these leaders and think the exact same applies to them.

>> No.22511766


>> No.22511768

I doubt he said this. It just doesn’t read like even a translation of something Napoleon would actually say.

>> No.22511794

>greatest conqueror
Pretty sure that would be Alexander. If you lost while still alive, you're not a great conqueror. Otherwise one should name Hitler, if any temporarily held territory counts.

>> No.22511795

yet he had power over Austria, Russia and Prussia and still lost, defeates at Leipzig by troops from all three countries.

Caesar had no such problems with Gauls because he butchered them. Napoleon even said he regretted not burning Berlin to the ground.

so it was his philosophical view that hindered his progress. He should've been as ruthless as Ghenghis Khan if he had wanted ultimate power.

>> No.22511798

Napoleon received the last rites and died a good Catholic

>> No.22511803


>> No.22511819

>If you lost while still alive, you're not a great conqueror.
If you won using your daddy's army you're not impressive. Napoleon was an migrant boy who raised to power, not a rich prince who inherited a kingdom. That's what makes what he achieved impressive.

>> No.22511829

Julius and Augustus Caesar established a transcontinental empire and were arguably the most successful men who ever lived. Alexander was remarkable but he doesn’t have the resume of versatility and success of the Caesars.

>> No.22511831

> a migrant boy
He was a provincial aristocrat born into a martial-aristocracy and spent his entire early life studying how to conquer at an elite military academy in what was at the time effectively the most impressive nation on the planet. He was hardly a poor little migrant boy. It’s like the son of a Senator from California going to Deerfield and then West Point…

>> No.22511846

The Hellenistic World not continuing to be one united empire is not the same as his legacy being short lived. His opponent (the Persian Empire) was also much more fearesome than Caesars opponents. Augustus wasn't much of a conqueror of anything but merely a politician who happened to oversee great conquests.

>> No.22511876

He was the poorest student at the academy and couldn't even afford to visit his home during holidays. Constantly mocked and bullied. French was his third language. So in money and culture he was disadvantaged compared to his peers. Why didn't others of his time achieved what he did? He had something beyond what most people have, immeasurable ambition. And achieved it all without being absolute top of the hierarchy, without inheriting a kingdom and an army. Napoleon was a taker.

>> No.22511892

Augustus conquered what was pretty much the entire known world and became the wealthiest man who ever lived in real terms. That the Persian Empire was fearsome is basically irrelevant.

>> No.22511899

Okay, so the poor Hispanic son of a Hispanic Senator from California going to Deerfield and West Point then… I’m failing to see your point…

Yeah, he wasn’t the upper echelon of French society. He was far from a poor immigrant. Moreover, he was an aristocrat at a time where it wasn’t even that rare for aristocrats from different countries to commingle without speaking each others’ languages. That was relatively common.

>> No.22511910

Also, this is a giant marginalization of Augustus’ victory over the Senate and the Triumvirate. He was not merely a politician in the sense we might consider someone today who oversees a military victory “merely a politician”. Augustus was present on the battlefield leading his armies for decades, even if he did delegate much of the strategy and actual fighting, as all military leaders do.

>> No.22511993

> His opponent (the Persian Empire) was also much more fearesome than Caesars opponents.
Xenophon called Persians an army of slaves, while Caesars Gauls and Germans were tall muscly and accustomed to war. Why would you consider the Persians more fearsome? Besides their cavalry of course

>> No.22512010

Alexander > Caesar > Napoleon > Augustus >>>>> Hitler

>> No.22512020

Nappy lost. Its Napoleover.

>> No.22512027

It's basically true. But what you do with that power, that money, etc. is what really matters.

>> No.22512052

I never said he was a poor immigrant. I said he was the poorest at the academy. But coincidentally, Roberts does mention how he arrived to France as a 'penniless political refugee' and gained power only 6 years later. He was mocked for his foreign accent so however cosmopolitan the times were, if you didn't speak perfect French you were seen as lesser. You're trying to make it seem like it's business usual to do what he did. If you compare Napoleon to Alexander, Napoleon was way more disadvantaged.

>> No.22512102

subutai, genghis and timur mog the shit out of them, except Napoleon.

>> No.22512111

Conquering central Asia is not that much of a feat, it was mostly a wasteland without organized states and armies.

>> No.22512127

>Conquering central Asia is not that much of a feat
it is retard. No cedentary civilization managed to do that before gunpowder.
Also the people I mentioned conquered more then central asia.
Genghis and Subutai conquered china and middle east and timur conquered cnetral asia, entire iran, golden horde, sucked dehli and put ottoman sultan in a cuck cage.
Alexander and ceasar don't even reach their accomplishments you delusional fag.
All this people conquered what alexander did and much more.

>> No.22512267

What chances does a normal guy have if even Napoleon got cucked? Is the only winning move not to play?

>> No.22512333

>spend all your time trying to conquer Poland or some shit
>marry a Fr*nch whore
>surprised when you get cucked

>> No.22512374

After getting cucked he made his wife cuckqueen. That is only solution

>> No.22512387 [DELETED] 

Conquered shit and lost it 50 years later.
Yellowskins are worthless subhumans with no morality who rape, abuse, burn down, destroy everything that falls into their hands when they are in power, no wonder they are so despised and considered as racially inferior by other groups.

>> No.22512389

The greatest conqueror to ever live is Christ. He conquered the hearts of billions across the globe without himself ever firing a single bullet, or ordering another person to.

>> No.22512396
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>> No.22512400

unlike alexander whose empire lasted 0 years right faggot.
Those yellowskins had empires that lasted longer then century and timur had his own brnaches that went on to conquer entire subcontinent and ruled it for cneturies.

>> No.22512403

t. Napoleon

>> No.22512408

Ahh yes, the kingdom of the Saka, a literal Germanic tribe.

>> No.22512459

wtf are you talking about retard. Mughal empire was not germanic.

>> No.22512999


>> No.22513125
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My man.

>> No.22513196

Peak slave morality.

>> No.22513213

That's two things.

>> No.22513219
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-women-are-nothing-but-machines-for-producing-children-napoleon-bonaparte-3-12-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napoleon I, Emperor of Europe, is my hero, so I will bump your thread.

>> No.22513255

>ordering another person to.
But he did tell his guys to tell others about him though.

>> No.22513268

Alexander is overrated https://coffeeordie.com/greatest-generals-statistics

>> No.22513281

>read this because I can't explain it
don't care nigger kys

>> No.22513437

he pioneered the sigma grindset. Andy T eat your heart out.

>> No.22513443

>No source
Fake facebook quote

>> No.22513464

He died like a bitch. Its his followers that killed and tortured weaker people to become worthless golems that would STFU and pay taxes. The only hearts he conquers are the pedophiles he leave unpunished and brown third worlders.

>> No.22513474
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>He died like a bitch. Its his followers that killed and tortured weaker people to become worthless golems that would STFU and pay taxes. The only hearts he conquers are the pedophiles he leave unpunished and brown third worlders.

>> No.22513598
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>> No.22513609

Napoleon made one of the greatest monologues about the power and worth of Christians and Christianity in the end of his life.

>> No.22513677

Bismarck and Motlke will give them a run for their money
Nobunaga takes the cake

>> No.22513684

That's a philosophy.

>> No.22513685

Number of victories can only say so much. Do a quick Google search on the "greatest scientist ever" and you'll probably get results or popularity polls that get you names like "Isaac Newton" or "Albert Einstein" . But are these statistics an accurate indication of what you are looking for?

>> No.22513704

Post it

>> No.22513717

>greatest conqueror to ever live
a lot of good that got him

>> No.22513735
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what in the fuck is with this website and weird low status males living vicariously through militairy leaders who waged wars and engaged in power grabs that blew up in their face and destroyed their people?

>> No.22513741

He is the cause of the decline of the western world. He might be the most evil man in history

>> No.22513746

I like power but find money disgusting. The mercantile element instinctively produces a revulsion in my Aryan spirit.

>> No.22513747


He was a Catholic except for a few years and those years he was still a theist

>> No.22513765

Fedoras BTFO. Eternally.

>> No.22513844


>> No.22514007
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>He conquered the hearts of billions

meh. so did jenna, and at least she doesn't spread abrahamic hogwash

>> No.22514589

peak tranny mentality

>> No.22514592

ow so much edge of little atheistcuck. Did your nigger father molest you kek

>> No.22514603

>Bismarck and Motlke will give them a run for their money
they are great state builders, we are talking about conquerors here.
>Nobunaga takes the cake
if you are delusional low IQ weeb.
Only thing he did was semi conquer one shitty island on the edge of the world which he failed to consolidate and got killed by his own men.

>> No.22514917

Well other anon already compared Napoleon to Augustus so may as well take the bait

>> No.22514930
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>not great conquerors
You need to be a privilege position to be even be able to be a "Great conqueror" in other words live somewhere that makes the possibility even feasible that even the most midwit general could pull it off. Moltke and Bismarck are conquerors in the sense that they were able to put their talent to use in acquiring territory. Which they did. Also they weren't 'mere state builders', they created an empire.
>got killed by his own men.
So did Little Caesar?

>> No.22515050
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Ah, so you don't know what you're talking about.

Based and true.

>> No.22515063

ceasar controled entire mediterian retard unlike literal who nobunaga. Nice disingenuous comparision.
other thinks you vomited are irrelevant to my argument.

>> No.22515118

then he got cucked again by a general he mogged in battle

>> No.22515142

protestant england unites with catholic inquisition, the facade of history drops

>> No.22515149

The christoids are projecting that they would be trannies if not for their dead rabbi again

>> No.22515164

True. Christ literally conquered death itself.

>> No.22515176

No, I’m not making it sound like business as usual. I’m merely pointing out that Napoleon was part of the military-political class for pretty much his entire life. That’s not remotely the same as being like a poor economic refugee working for a shoe maker or something.

>> No.22515180

Is a Hitler or a Napoleon or a Caesar even possible today? The most insidious thing about neoliberalism seems to be the way it makes even the military a fucking a joke.

>> No.22515291

what a dumb fucking gaul lol imagine idolizing this guy

>> No.22515340

You made two arguments so I responded with two. Go back to playing total war you fucking sperg, or kill yourself. Whichever way works

>> No.22515401

>Spends life pursuing money and power
>Achieves more than almost anyone else in history
>Dies alone and in exile
His life really answers itself, doesn't it?

>> No.22515689

I think a tragic death is the best we could hope for. Nothing bothers me more than the thought that my death (and life) could be boring.

>> No.22516208

We're on /lit/, so I'm going to post this with total impunity, but as long as you have access to a library or the internet, how could you ever be bored? Infinite ideas and concepts are at your finger tips. Sure if you were like a 15th century illiterate fisherman, life was probably pretty boring, but in the modern day boredom is only ever self inflicted.

>> No.22516239

Turns out boredom/laziness is intro to depression and simply blaming someone for being lazy won't make them pick up a book.

>> No.22516285

>universal suffrage
>the jews go on to rape your country

>> No.22516299

What Hitler did was actually far more impressive
>literal nobody
>makes Germany into a great power from being a third rate, commie raped nation
>smokes the poles in a month
>smokes the French in a week
>wrecks the British, but too benevolent

>> No.22516492

Depression isn't a death sentence. If you identify depression-like symptoms, make changes. Unironically touch grass, get out in the sun, exercise. If you won't or can't do that, at least try medication, anything other than meekly accepting lethargy. In this particular time of history, there are resources of every kind available, sitting at home moping about how bored and unmotivated you are is a choice and thus is self inflicted.

>> No.22516523

It is more possible than ever. This silly idea that the age of great men is over will be proven false very, very soon

>> No.22516531

No, power in democracy is spread out among lobbyists so there can never be an upfront dictator. It’s various no names hiding in the shadows.

>> No.22516547

your arguments are worthless subhuman cuck.
Your low IQ retarded posts failed to make a point.
Slit your throat before I do it myself cuck-spawn.

>> No.22516562

>no u
atheistroons have nothing to project because they embrace their tranny nature.

>> No.22516628
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my replies take no effort but i love controlling others

because you are condemned to be a submissive bitch who bumps my thread for eternity

You will continuously make empty posts with no arguments needlessly will keep bumping this thread. You may be suffering from severely low iq + attention span. If i may may recommend an idea, i suggest you livestream yourself slitting your wrists because of how much I have brutally insulted you on 4chan, faggot

>> No.22516644

I can never get a good read on if Napoleon is a friend or enemy of the Church. He was simultaneously the one to "end" the anti-Catholic reign of terror in France but also kind of the outgrowth/succession of the revolution. He imprisoned the pope but reconciled at the end of his life and got Britain of all places to allow him visits for Catholic sacraments. Nowadays his non-temporally-powerful descendants larp as the great banner-bearers of French Catholic tradition.

Such an odd figure, but I think that's part of what makes him so enduring.

>> No.22516650

Fedoras absolutely obliterated by this post

>> No.22516895
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Based and christ pilled.

>> No.22516917

This is a total lie. The spread of Christianity was largely due to Roman imperialism,and the expansion of colonization post Europe.

>> No.22516948

So you created a strawman and then attacked it. Very clever (not!).

>> No.22517568

>guy who has the world figured out was very successful

>> No.22517869

is that why you are crying right now?
I suggest you dilate before you post cucky.

>> No.22518087
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>> No.22518465

The biggest universal flaw with Great Men is they don't know when to cash out and actually enjoy what is around them

>> No.22518503

>money, money, money
sounds pretty jewish not gonna lie

>> No.22518639

Pretty sure Constantine and the might of the Roman Empire had something to do with the spread of Christianity.

>> No.22518642

By this logic, Heather Harmon is superior, because she won the hearts of billions of men, not through her death or through violence, but through acts of love.

>> No.22518683

He forgot to mention pussy. Acquire money and more money, power and more power, pussy and more pussy.

>> No.22519099

>Heather Harmon
Who? I'm guessing it's a porn star, given the 'acts of love'.
I can only find one porn-star named Heather Harmon, who has 250M views on Pornhub. Given the fact that many of the people watching will likely have re-watched her videos several times, it's safe to say that the number of people who've watched her videos is <100,000,000, most of which will have clicked away in a porn induced frenzy to find a better video.
Also, she didn't "[win] the hearts of billions of men". She was momentarily the object of their sexual desires. Nobody, bar a few really lonely men, would say they love her, or that she won their hearts.

>> No.22519115

>There is only one thing in this world
>money and power
Seems like there's more than one thing.

>> No.22519594

>Pornhub views is the only metric that exists
kek, you were born after the year 2000, weren't you? Also, hundreds of millions in a just a few years, it took old Jezzy thousands of years to reach that level of notoriety.

>> No.22519599

As I said, nobody beside a few really lonely men would say they love her.
She is merely an object of their sexual desires.

>> No.22519619

She definitely conquered the hearts of hundreds of millions, probably billions. You should have picked better wording in your first post. Also, how old are you? Does your mom know you post on 4chan?

>> No.22519638

lmao this, faggot had all his money and power taken from him and died like a bitch, hope he's burning in hell.