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File: 52 KB, 728x546, Wels Catfish huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22509300 No.22509300 [Reply] [Original]

With things like "occultism" and "spirituality" becoming more commonplace as the older established religions are rotting away, i find it very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is just too much bullshit and fraud going around. I started reading Guenon, and while i feel that he is critical enough of the empty spiritualism of his time, i cannot really find any good contemporary writers who took his torch.

What are some good follow-up writers after Guenon? I heard Aleister Crowley considered Guenon a kindred spirit (albeit a "black brother"), but that's it.

>> No.22509333

Also does anyone have Guenon's reading list infographic?

>> No.22509642

Did you finish reading him?

>> No.22510097

PO River cat fish is bigger ?

>> No.22510111

Crowley is such a massive faggot it's not even funny. I wouldn't waste my time on him.

>> No.22510114

>What are some good follow-up writers after Guenon?
Coomaraswamy, Schuon, BAP, Evola, Serrano

>> No.22510805


>> No.22510811


>> No.22511324

Evola was a contemporary of Guenon thoughalbeit

>> No.22511327

Just become a Muslim. I am seriously considering it.

>> No.22511329

Diederik Aerts

>> No.22511332

If you've read and comrehended N you have nothing to gain from Thelema besides heroin-fuelled schizobabble.

>> No.22511336

Who's N?

>> No.22511340

Nietzsche. He's foundational to Thelema. The rest is just derangement and wanking.

>> No.22511359

That pic is of the Po river catfish

>> No.22511371

Guenon himself is new age occultism lol

Anyway, I actually think there is less occultism around than even just a few years ago. This board was filled with it 4 years ago. It was all over YouTube.

>> No.22511375

That’s retarded. Guenon was wrong and Islam is literally false.

>> No.22511384

Try Colin Wilson's books on Gurdjieff and maybe Steiner. Also try Owen Barfield's dialogue Worlds Apart.

>> No.22511389

You're just going to get the same thing all occultists get. Inflicted with demons. The entire Middle East has them, and they're so used to them at this point that they convinced themselves some are good.
In the end, it'll be a Catholic priest whom all will come crying to for help.

>> No.22511398

>This board was filled with it 4 years ago
Endless occult generals, now lost to time (and that's a good thing!)

>> No.22511443

This board is really filled with flavor of the week phasers, isn’t it?

>> No.22511498
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>Islam is literally false
No, you're just religiously illiterate

>> No.22511501

Demons > Universalism IMO.

>> No.22511510


Voevodsky last interview:

> In 2006-2007 a lot of external and internal events happened to me, after which my point of view on the questions of the "supernatural" has changed significantly. What happened to me during these years, perhaps, can be compared most closely to what happened to Karl Jung in 1913-14. Jung called it "confrontation with the unconscious". I do not know what to call it, but I can describe it in a few words. Remaining more or less normal, apart from the fact that I was trying to discuss what was happening to me with people whom I should not have discussed with, I had in a few months acquired a very considerable experience of visions, voices, periods when parts of my body did not obey me and a lot of incredible accidents. The most intense period was in mid-April 2007 when I spent 9 days (7 of them in the Mormon capital of Salt Lake City), never falling asleep for all these days.

> Almost from the very beginning, I found that many of these phenomena (voices, visions, various sensory hallucinations), I can control. So I was not scared and did not feel sick, but perceived everything as something very interesting, actively trying to interact with those "creatures" in the auditorial, visual and then tactile spaces that appeared (themselves or by call) around me . I must say, probably, to avoid possible speculations on this subject, that I did not use any drugs during this period, tried to eat and sleep a lot, and drank diluted white wine.

> Another comment - when I say beings, then naturally I mean what in modern terminology is called complex hallucinations. The word "beings" emphasizes that these hallucinations themselves "behaved", possessed a memory independent of my memory, and reacted to attempts at communication.

> Despite the fact that all this was very interesting, it was very difficult. It happened for several periods, the longest of which lasted from September 2007 to February 2008 without breaks and there were days when I could not read, and days when coordination of movements was broken to such an extent that it was difficult to walk.

> It should be said that despite many conversations with non-material "creatures" during this period, I completely did not understand what actually happened. I was "offered" many explanations, including hypnotists, aliens, demons and secret communities of people with magical abilities. None of the explanations explained everything I observed. Eventually, since some terminology was needed in conversations, I began to call all these beings spirits, although now I think that this terminology is not true. The terms "world system" (apparently control over people) and, especially in the beginning, "the game hosted by fear" sounded in this context.

>> No.22511522

Thanks for letting us know that you've literally never read Guenon

>> No.22511611

sounds like an unironic schizo

>> No.22512419

Guenon wasnt really a universalist in the way modern theosophists are

>> No.22512439

I bet learning about plants and animals around you is more fulfilling than reading all this meaningless shit about the 7th astral plane or whatever.

>> No.22512443

>when I spent 9 days (7 of them in the Mormon capital of Salt Lake City), never falling asleep
Fucking liar he would be dead.

>> No.22512566

Just read "Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta"

>> No.22512649

Guenon is a third worldist snake oil salesman

>> No.22512656

My buddy talks about this and the Megalodon constantly. Wish I could find some books on the evolution of sea life.

>> No.22512663

/// I'd love to come to Hawaii with you, but I'm a little strapped /// Expect a breeze to allay the heat /// We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk /// He used his speech to sound a clarion call for affordable health care /// That is the fundamental perversity of dog whistle politics, whereby political parties send coded messages that will be heard one way by their core supporters and another way altogether by others /// The sound of the telephone was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner /// That's the spot where Sara and I used to while away the hours between lectures /// She scrawled her signature on the receipt /// The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road /// They were in constant contact, conferring about every aspect of the construction project /// How are we ever going to scrape enough people up to form a team by this weekend? /// You can count on him to ham it up for the camera /// The fat man loudly prattled unctuous apologies /// Some respondents who renewed contact with children or siblings had positive responses, but others were rebuffed /// Everything seemed to go wrong. For one, we had a flat tire /// Retailers are moving into high gear as the holiday season approaches /// She wrote several vignettes of small-town life /// Market sentiment can turn on a dime /// Symptoms include a wobbly gait, stumbling or a droopy lip /// We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel /// Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to cross-tolerance to other drugs, for example the barbiturates, so that the effectiveness of these compounds is reduced /// I came home laden with cardboard boxes /// However, as anyone who has experienced the bad egg smell will know, the unpleasant, putrid odour can make people feel sick, to the extent, sometimes, that they become sick /// I am not endeavouring to be difficult or in any way obstreperous /// Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis /// Ability and hard work cinched her success /// They recruited the paralegals in the local area, and not surprisingly, these seemed primarily to be part of the district coordinator's political network /// This is the time of the year that studios release their tent-pole film /// Nor should it be reduced into Manichean lenses - blaming property developers and the civil service for creating the crisis /// She sent a ten-page missive to the committee, detailing her objections /// Manual work was considered below their station /// Then the woodcutter let his axe fly - Thwack! Everyone heard it /// Everywhere we go, we're low-key checking out coffee shops, parks, and window seats for maximum reading coziness /// He made his way up a flight of steep stairs and into the main keep of the castle /// He liked to fulminate over moral depravity and the decline of traditional family life /// She claimed to have had an affair with the candidate, which produced a huge media flap ///

>> No.22512669

meds now

>> No.22512830

No because he realized the ontological realm of spirits is in the social and psychological effect they have on people.

This is something that is somehow universal to every deliriums (even worldviews): they try to explain themselves in their own terms.

However, given the depth of his hallucinations and the sobriety of his reception, he deserves our attention on this topic.

And he's a field medalist. What he got famous for, a new development of structural mathematics called homotopy type theory, posits that when establishing identity schemas, equality is equivalent to equivalence. It's a shame he doesn't mention this aspect when he talks about synchronicities in the interview because it is absolutely central. That identity link your mind draws between two disparate events is arbitrary in that it can make more or less sense. Proximity in time between the two sides of a synchronicity is usually short because it allows the cognitive path between the two to be short (what truly matters), and this why it makes sense to others: because it is easy to process cognitively. There might be a discrepancy in the cognitive cost of the person who perceives a synchronicity, and the people that are told what happened. It happens when one attends to its own schizo-garden (I do) or has set himself into a peculiar remembering dynamic that is favorable for post-dictions.

I'm in this situation. In the times when I was in elementary school we would often, my parents and I, listen to a radio show for kids which had a section dedicated to schoolyard neologisms. Twice they mentioned a word I was convinced I had invented a few weeks earlier. Later after high school I picked linguistics as a major because I was good at grammar, and also because I wanted to play it cool like Haruki Murakami (I made the choice in 10 minutes looking at an orientation flyer).

This can be vaguely synchronistic to you, but maybe it will get more salient if I tell you in the time since then I have developed what one may call a theory about synchronicities. It is in fact only after I realized such a theory was emerging in me, looking back on my past, that I noticed the weird bends in the path that lead me towards linguistics. This 'emerging' phenomenon was feeding itself by retracing its steps, and gave me an extremely strong intuition quantum computing was *meant* to support natural language processing because quantum mechanics was fundamentally a theory about embedded conceptualization, not things. So why would one want to introduce quantum mechanics here (there are many paths in my schizo-garden that lead to it).

As Fredy Mercury puts it in It's a Kind of Magic:

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time

Or in Hammer to fall (hammer, literally my last name)

Don't hear the bell but you answer the call

Well, guess what ? It was real, and not only in my mind.

>> No.22512978

Turns out the research fields I have been surveying, applied category theory, quantum natural processing, quantum cognitive science, are taking off.

As of now, toy question answering systems are running on quantum hardware. Forget what you've been told about Quantum AI. It's not just about accelerating computation. Their model of language are "quantum native" as the y say and they are adamant they will bring on the table AGI. As I anticipated in 2012, the hardware is meant for the software: we'll have artificial intelligence running on quantum hardware as soon if not before we can run Shorr's algorithm to its full extent. As for my intuition that quantum theory is a conceptual, cognitive, semantic theory in disguise (because it is embedded into matter !) it is getting confirmed by the fact those new quantum linguistic construct could come as a replacement for the classical Hilbert space formalism (the ideas of Coecke are percolating into the physics community as I speak, and this guy is becoming a rockstar) and I recently figured out his thesis adviser, Aerts, is up to some good stuff to, with a conceptual interpretation of quantum mechanics (basically what I said above), and the discovery that one can properly account for the shape of Zipf distributions in language if we consider "Human Language as a Boson Gas of Entangled Words". How ? Because when interacting within a story, some words will be interchangeable as they refer to the same conceptual entity, arising on top of words as they contribute to the emergence of a meaningful story (the emergence looking back on itself I talked about above strikes again here). The frequency of their occurrences will sync, and they will assume the same identity: exactly like a bose-einstein condensate, a group of atom that lose their individuality and behave as a single quantum particle because it's so cold and they all vibrate at the same frequency.

This aspect is very important as Zipf distributions was the first synchronistic drop that fell on my skin. I observed something novel about Zipf distributions in language, spotted what I had focused on in an equation from a book authored by Coecke (with absolutely no mention of language or Zipf distribution), and that set me on track to intuit there was a link between ZIpf and bose-einstein condensates, and, as you may have astutely noticed in my story where the infra, what is conceived and , the meta, how it is conceived are one and the same, I deduced I was in some social bose-einstein condensate situation, vibrating at the same frequency as these researchers. I figured that out 8 years earlier than Aerts using only my schizo-mind and I'm now focused on formulating new prophecies for the next decade (for instance, quantum cognitivism [1] will hit some limit and morph into homotopy type theory, as we realize human language and algebra are the same kind of thing).

>> No.22513002

Now you have to understand this intuition is not your ordinary intuition because it is bent on giving humanity the means to technologically induce these kind of intuitions.

[1] literally 2 weeks ago https://pulse2.com/quantum-physicists-from-quantinuum-and-chubu-university-collaborating/

If you have a hard time making sense of what I want to say, you may see it more clearly if you put it in parallel with the fact machine learning has already led us down that path: have you ever talked or even thought about something and seen an ad in your browser about it just after ? This is engineered synchronicities, and thinking you're being spied on by engineers as you speak to your friend is just a paranoid cope.

>> No.22513617

Seek what evil hates. For Example, Sir Sic hates Christians that question evolution and its flimsy evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ca70iSD0EE
Demon Magicians reveals that Magic is real and they seek to overcome the image of Christ.

>> No.22513618


>> No.22513715

Would it even be possible for a modern day prophet to arise? Someone that could grip millions like Christ or Muhammed could and create a religion that wouldn't instantly be destroyed by cynicism.

>> No.22513718

Bump for this

>> No.22513770

Resistance to cynicism would require a lack of anchor point, thus a lack of specific ideology, theology, events, etc. The only solution is to embed religion as a long-lasted phenomenon communicated between peers into synchronicities so that the dogma is tailored to each believer within its own singularity.

This is explained in the wall of text above. Can you see it ? I feel like the invisible man.

>> No.22514423
File: 6 KB, 200x251, Lasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes, i'd say the time is ripe for it now more than ever. While cynicism has rotted away earlier religions, it has not manage to fill the void that these religions left, and religion and faith that comes back after being lost is usually far stronger than the kind of belief that just lingers from birth throughout life. It's why converts and twice-born religious people (like Job) are so much more zealous.

>> No.22514610
File: 1.18 MB, 5000x4000, Guenon Reading Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22514624

Read Atkinson. Crowley was an hack but you do you.

>> No.22514628

Rowan Atkinson? Mr Bean?

>> No.22514633

Rowan Atkinson aka Mr Bean is a 4th level initiate. He plays the fool but creates good luck for everyone around him.

>> No.22514635

William Walker Atkinson the guy who wrote kybalion.
The arcane formulas and arcane teaching are 2 very good complementary works.
Plato is essential reading also but if you're on this path you probably know that already.

>> No.22514640

Wait is he the guy who basically wrote that if you manifest something hard enough in your mind, it'll come through, as in the Law of Attraction?

>> No.22514648

No that's the subversion of his teaching. He wrote that humans are basically just will and awareness. If you increase both of those aspects you can kinda get what you want (LoA).
This awareness would be more akin to intellect and perception and the will the resolve to follow the path that your awareness mapped not the 'just whish it really hard bro'

>> No.22514652

nothing is rotting away, pick up and read a bible. Christ will liberate your spirit and mind

>> No.22514904

Sure, but it will probably be an AI.

>> No.22514932


>> No.22514943

Which denomination is the true one?

>> No.22514960
File: 281 KB, 1994x2325, 1692884970018321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading "The pragmatist's guide to crafting religion" and while I think the "religion" the author's are trying to create for themselves is cringe (utopian AI worshippers) I think it has a lot of interesting things that may help you discern better.
Anyone else read it?

>> No.22514964


>> No.22514967

Organised religion is a basterdized form of spiritualism.

>> No.22514994

Very interesting, i shall use these techniques to craft my own religion.

>> No.22515066

Is my wall of text shadowbanned or what ? It is extremely pertinent to the conversation

>> No.22515072

I spent probably 4 years reading Guenon, and Evola, and Schuon, and Ramaswamy, and Nasr, and all these other guys. It’s all quite literally nothing more than an attempt to smuggle Eastern philosophy into Christian theology and Western philosophy.

>> No.22515081

I think this sentiment is partly the problem. People like to ignore the obvious fact that science is fundamentally disenchanting. Take astronomy for example. Maybe at the bottom of the science glass is a sense of re-enchantment. Few will ever get there. For rest, you’ll only move from a sense of awe and magic and mythical-cosmological distance to a sterile scientific consideration of elements and bodies like billiard balls. The most surefire way to lose interest in space and stars is to study astronomy. Frankly, this goes for most things. It misses the point. And the way a poet or a prophet considered natural phenomena is entirely different than the way a scientist does because the latter wants to rip it apart and dissect it in order to understand it, and possibly to dominate it, while the former wants things as they. A spiritual person looks in himself and wants to unify with the divine and perhaps the natural world, while the scientific person looks outside of themselves and wants to tear it all apart to see what’s inside. You can see how the latter is a problem for the former.

>> No.22515090

Of course with God all things are possible, but what makes a prophet is divine intervention. I think most likely, Western civilization will continue to slide into skepticism, away from traditional religion, away from science, and perhaps even away from technology, while some within it flee to traditional religions, eastern religions, and primitive religions resurrected as literature by scientific study, but they won’t necessarily believe it in their hearts. History is a long game and even if you believe the doom and gloom saying about climate and AI apocalypse or whatever, we are probably not even in the fourth quarter. It’s not as if climate reaches a certain degree and then all life ends and civilization crumbles. It’s at most a slow and gradual unwinding into miserable conditions while human life continues on.

>> No.22516140

But most of them are quite critical of Christianity, so why would they do that?

>> No.22516858
File: 45 KB, 415x623, th-3669387518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch a TV show called River Monsters

>> No.22516881

The moral nihilist atheist gay Jew who hates philosophy and metaphysics is a good followup author for someone who read Guenon?

>> No.22517912

I think the fish in the OP actually got caught in that show as well.
Also do you have the faceswap version of that pic? Always cracks me up

>> No.22517924

Anyone wanna join my cult we're racist white nordics that wear black robes when prying to purple crystals to feel the VRIL

>> No.22517925

yeah sure

>> No.22517985

Okay, but what is your metaphysics.

>> No.22518279

You just exposed yourself, larper

>> No.22518334

>With things like "occultism" and "spirituality" becoming more commonplace as the older established religions are rotting away, i find it very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is just too much bullshit and fraud going around.
Yeah surely there is so much fraud but once you separate wheat from the chaff you will find real religions/cults/spiritualities etc that are not fraud and are real with real skydaddies in the sky

>> No.22519036

anon you should have grown out of your reddit atheism phase by now

>> No.22519046

>grow out of being mentally sane
no thanks

>> No.22519135

Did Lasch ever write about this?

Sanity is just a mask

My buddy watched that too. Was a favorite of his for awhile.

>> No.22519153

He wrote about it in Revolt of the Elites, he might have written more about it had he not passed away.
I think that he also writes on religion in True and Only Heaven but i cannot get that book shipped in my country for some reason

>> No.22519606

You jest, but i do seriously believe that the next religion will become an amalgamate of the various esoteric sects that are floating around, as soon as they find a more rigid structure to coalesce around.

It'll probably be a synthesis of theism and more eastern dharmic and karmic metaphysics. A bit like Sikhism

>> No.22520221
File: 432 KB, 441x561, river monsters jeremy fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also do you have the faceswap version of that pic? Always cracks me up
Ask and ye shall receive

>> No.22520395
File: 375 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20230922-231943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm optimistic for the death of Tradition™ in the Kali Yuga. It's time to get back to the primordial fundamentals of spirituality.

>> No.22520444

We will fix the world and the aryan masses will claim their homeland

>> No.22520446

we wear Polo shirts with black / purple

>> No.22520450
File: 479 KB, 1195x1367, 1686107584863811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner chads keep winning.

>> No.22520529

The only you'll get is more demonic possession and the veil thinned. It's already happening. Exorcists working overtime.

>> No.22520748

>exorcists working overtime
Is this genuinely a phenomena? As in, there are quantifiably more exorcisms being performed in recent years?

>> No.22521202

Are you looking to get into the business? Remember: Simony is a sin

>> No.22522170

Shamanism isn't really the fundamentals, it's more a vestigal remnant of spirituality, unrefined.

>> No.22523619

By fundamentals I mean the base nature of things that contain profound metaphysics which are self-evident.

>> No.22523651

Can't wait for the "older established religions" to fade into obscurity so damn hard it makes them seem esoteric to pseuds, teenagers and women so we can finally get back to normal.

>> No.22523913

Great choice, Ride the Tiger with us brother.

Islam will be the unifying religion once Salafism dies.

>> No.22524094

They already are normal for normal people. Everything is bleak just for dadless anons in their collective misery like on this site.
>A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.-Deuteronomy 23:2

>> No.22524200
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>> No.22524206

If you're interested in pure metaphysics and esotericism from a theoretical standpoint I don't think you can do much better than Guénon in terms of how profound yet broad the scope of his works are. Evola is top-tier imo, he's pretty close to Guénon. If you're interested in practice I've found others but they're a lot more obscure and niche. Try to find esoteric writers who follow the Traditionalist worldview, that tends to separate the wheat from the chaff, although some of the newer perennialist stuff seems like crap. Also I've had better luck finding books in French and Italian than in English.

You could check out the other authors published by Sophia Perennis. Charles Upton and others. Btw I don't know what's going on with SP, are Guénon's collected works still for sale? Can't seem to find em.

>> No.22524224

>randomly converting to islam
Evola and Guénon have already pointed out that notions of this sort are merely forms of escapism which typify our times. The only reason Guénon did it was because there was a regular sufi lineage available to him and because he was already above exoteric forms. In terms of decadence and dissolution, Islam is just a few years away from Christianity. All of these idiot le based muslims vote for bigger leftist zog government every chance they get, and are the worst npc bugmen within a generation. That is if they aren't leeching welfare and preying upon their European hosts like the shifty, low class semites they are. And beware of muslim groomers.

>> No.22524237
File: 900 KB, 1326x2000, 34744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Vajrayana Buddhism is the only worthwhile esoteric tradition and it's an actually accessible, living tradition

>> No.22524269
File: 1004 KB, 3674x4783, DerTiefeDenker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the only

>> No.22524287
File: 163 KB, 1140x618, KantUndHegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some good follow-up writers after Guenon?

>> No.22524659

>i find it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff
>mentions crowley in a positive light

>> No.22524697


>> No.22524751

actually quite true

>> No.22524986

Very based post. A demon invaded my dream once. Very scary.

>> No.22525085
File: 164 KB, 400x574, IMG_6465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims are not subject to the process of Secularism the way Christians are. We do not have Matthew 22:21. Despite that, Muslims are secularising but never can the scholar elite class augment the Sharia itself. Secularism can only destroy a Muslim people, not Islam. That is the difference between the two religion.

>> No.22525112

Thelema is so ridiculously more useful than Nietzsche.
I mean really, you rather take your life advice from a seething incel who ended up in a mental institution? or a man who became the master of his own sex cult, whose death is a mystery?

>> No.22525520
File: 2.11 MB, 1758x942, Justin Sledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will just pretend to be religious even though they dont believe in it.

Like pic related, who devoted his entire life to occultism and living as a jew while he's actually a Marxist and probably an accessory to murder in the 1997 school shooting that he "survived" (because he did it)

>> No.22525547
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, is that the same guy?

>The State of Mississippi made it a capital crime if a murder is committed on the property of a school.[27]

>In 2003, Sledge pleaded guilty to unrelated federal charges of having purchased an illegal and untraceable machine gun online. Sledge's involvement in the shooting was addressed at sentencing. "I think we're dealing with a brilliant mind. I hope we're not dealing with an [sic] Hannibal Lecter," Judge Barbour said of Sledge, to which U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton replied, "That's what concerns me. He has the ability to manipulate...He was a lot closer to Luke Woodham than he led the court to believe. That's what's disturbing to me."[28]

>Dr. James Justin Sledge is a prominent member of the academic religious community and runs the YouTube channel ESOTERICA. He states on his website that he is not available for comment on the shooting.[29]

Holy shit

>> No.22525629

I can't stand this lisping numale fag.

>> No.22525653
File: 164 KB, 1140x618, DieHerrenDerMetaphysik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you rather take your life advice
from neither

>> No.22526389

Whats the best literature to start with on Vajrayana when youve already had a primer on Buddhism in general?

>> No.22526817

If you take life advice from either Hegel or Kant you will end up in an insane asylum