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/lit/ - Literature

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22508595 No.22508595 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we list books or writers we are interested in. Other anons comment or give opinions if they read them

>Meister Eckhart
>Paul Valery
>Life is a Dream-Calderon
>Lope de Vega
>The Nature of Things-Lucretius
>The Outside-Wilson
>Art and Artist-Otto Rank
>The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence-Gracian
>William Blake
>William James
>Samuel Johnson
>any of Charles Dickens’ lesser known works
>John Ruskin
>Thomas Browne

>> No.22508600

Invisible cities by Italo Calvino

>> No.22508604
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>> No.22508607

1. The God Delusion
2. God is Not Great
3. Infidel
4. On the Nature of the Universe
5. The Golden Bough
6. The End of Faith
7. The Future of an Illusion
8. The Problems of Philosophy
9. God and the State
10. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
11. Utilitarianism
12. The Age of Reason
13. The Doors of Perception
14. On Liberty
15. The Selfish Gene
16. The Art of Living (Epictetus)
17. Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
18. Why I am Not a Christian
19. The Nicomachean Ethics
20. The Trial and Death of Socrates

Any recommendations?

>> No.22508613
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>> No.22508615

I read The Outsider when I was first getting into existential writers. It was a good introduction and got me interested in writers like Hesse and TE Lawrence. And he also got me thinking about Hemingway and Tolstoy in existentialist terms even though I hadn’t thought of them that way before.

>> No.22508657

>existential terms
Interesting, especially for Hemingway
Meditations is great but it’s not a book to binge read, more of a bedside book where you read a little at a time an ponder. I felt it had a good impact on me. The stoics get a lot of hate here for some reason

>> No.22508792


Re: Charles Dickens' lesser known works, the Pickwick Papers is extremely good and not like anything else he wrote. It's funny and comfy.

Re: Plotinus, you're not going to be able to understand him without studying Aristotle for two or three years first.

>> No.22508811

Unfortunately The Pickwick Papers is the only Dickens I’ve read lol