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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 313x500, 51dPFjOlgCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22505791 No.22505791 [Reply] [Original]

Just to show how writing is so lame and irrelevant, how how banned I am in Canada, I can't even get any troll 1-star ratings anymore!

If you dissent in Canada you are completely non-personed. If you want to be a successful writer, you need to either completely avoid the narrative and write books that have nothing to do with the modern social or political system, or you have to support the establishment.

There are absolutely ZERO dissenting authors in Canada. At least nobody is being discussed. The only "counter-culture" allowed is if you are a man in a dress wearing lipstick and want to cut your dick off. Then you get a platform!

Pretty wild that the censorship has been so extreme that I can't even get haters... that's just how banned I am, completely non-person'ed!

>> No.22505798

what if you just suck though

>> No.22505804
File: 1.63 MB, 1552x1000, frutiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe your book just sucks man, maybe it's just boring and unreadable

>> No.22505809
File: 1.55 MB, 1541x1957, wtfisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The 5-star review I got from my 1 single fan hasn't even been trashed with a bunch of 1-star reviews from haters... the situation for artists in Canada is that you are completely banned and removed from society so you can't even collect haters anymore.

Speech isn't banned, but if you can't even get any attention for your work or your speech, does it matter?
>banned on facebook
>banned on instragram
>banned on reddit
>banned on twitter
>banned on goodreads
If you ever ask yourself why western society is in such a nose-dive, it is because the people, like me, who question why things are all fucked up are just banned and silenced. There is no dissent allowed in Canada.
>unless you are a crazy tranny
If you want to get your dick or tits off... then you are the #1 star!

>> No.22505816

Try reading "The Glass Hotel" by that cunt that Obama endorsed, that shit is a slumber fest, written like dogshit by a group of feminist cunts with zero talent. Like what, 3-4 editors and an entire team behind it? I read the first half of the book like 3 times and it was the most boring fucking shit I have ever read. Where was the entertainment? The lesson? What exactly was good about that best-selling book?

>> No.22505818

how are you still alive lol

>> No.22505826

I have porn income and I'm building the best new porn site for 2024:


Just need to fix the behavior when the user scrolls backwards and it re-loads the playlist of webms.

Gonna be rich as fuck again once I perfect how to scramble people's minds with the most stimulating and crazy porn site they've ever seen, just need to get a handle on the memory leaks and appending the restored webm playlists to the master-video-container. Right now it is nesting that shit and causing a loop that bloats out the memory and CPU.

>> No.22505831

Book 3 is coming, soon!

The culture in Canada is so astroturfed, nothing is organic anymore. There is absolutely no organic culture in this country anymore. (Other than being a drug addict or boomer)

>> No.22505838
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Oh nouuuu>-< I feel bad for you!! I’ll be your one special hater, but to keep this going you’ll have to send me 20 bucks a week on PayPal

>> No.22505843
File: 60 KB, 1200x900, The More You Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writes book
>plagiarizes "Ready Player One"
>refuses to hire an editor
>publishers ignore submissions
>published on Amazon for free
>creates separate account to pump a single 5-star vote
>wails about non-existent censorship

>> No.22505851

Canadian society is so diluted by foreigners that there is almost no cultural traction here, everything is unbelievably astroturfed that haters aren't even necessary.

If you dissent in Canada, you are just erased from being seen.

It should be a bigger topic, I'm sure there are at least a few dozen dissenting writers in Canada but you cannot find a dissenting voice in writing in Canada at all.
>you suck
>Jason Bryan sucks
>you're a horrible writer
Okay, let's assume that's true, if that is true, there has to be at least another 5-10 dissenting authors in Canada that lament how shit this country has become.
>where are they?
That's what I'm asking!

Maybe there are Canadian dissenting writers who are much better than me, but where are they? Where are ANY of the dissenting writers? Am I the only dissenter out of 40+ million Canadians writing fiction that talks shit about the establishment and the culture here?

>> No.22505856

>plagiarizes "Ready Player One"
Never even seen it!

Where are the other, better, more skilled, cooler, Canadian dissenting writers?

>> No.22505879

Is Jason Bryan the only writer out of 40+ million people that talks shit about this country?

Where are all the voices? Certainly there has to be someone writing fiction about this place that is better than me!

Where are they?

>> No.22505883
File: 40 KB, 700x460, Open Directions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas King!
I'm all for First Nations literature!

Anglo literature is overrated!

>> No.22505909

>he didn't suicide
Honestly you always came across like you wanted to fail, you wanted validation of your views and not validation of your writing.

>> No.22505930

You could look for a novel by Margaret Atwood.

She is very great, and is known for "Handmaid's Tale."

>> No.22505937
File: 1.12 MB, 1085x609, vancouver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already lived the dream
>driven all the cool cars I wanted
>fucked 100's of chicks
>reached the pinnacle of cool before the woke began

I'm just tryna shitpost in 2023 and the ENTIRE SYSTEM does not want anyone dissenting at all.
Like okay, even if my writing is 1/10 and I'm such a shit writer, at least I'm screaming to the void asking where are all the GOOD dissent writers? I can't be the only guy out of 40 million Canadians that writes fiction that tries to poke fun of the society we're living in.

Where are they? I seriously cannot find anyone out of 40+ million people who dissents at all. Seems a bit strange, no?
>stuck in the narrative
It seems that anyone who wants to make money off writing in 2023 has to participate in the "libreral vs conservative" narrative, as there is simply no other point of view allowed. The strangle hold on culture is so overt.

>> No.22505945

The Handmaid's Tale... so rebellious that people made costumes to cosplay this when abortion and being queer has never been more popular, the country is being diluted at a rate never seen before, yet the population believes there is a threat that a Christian nationalist party could take over!

How deluded are these people?

I mean... I'm starting to wonder if I should just join the Liberal party, if their opposition is so divided and so conquered, why don't I just become a libtard and join in on the plundering?

>> No.22505949

the you is never personal... Canada clamped down on me too man it sucks but if you get Syme'd you get Syme'd there's no more to it than that

>> No.22505958

If you already lived the dream why did you put so much money and effort into writing, ffs you bought that binder when you couldn't even afford rent and were bitching about not being able to afford booze. Also, Canadian writers who want to make it get the fuck out of Canada.

>> No.22505967

The twice complaining about some irrelevant trannies at first seemed like a boomer annoyance

Then feeding into the porn epidemic that makes children sexually insane just exposes the whole thing for scumbag hypocrisy.

>> No.22505976


I mean, at this point, if you are an artist the suppression is so overt. Banned EVERYWHERE and not allowed to speak out at all.

Seems a bit fucking weird that this country has crossed over to this point where I cannot even find anyone else that dissents. I keep my ear to the Canadian cultural heartbeat and there is no dissent that bubbles up, instead, everything is gay, female, trans, black, immigrant, indian, queer, everything that is the opposite of me is spotlighted but I cannot even see a writer like me that dissents. Are there no Canadian white dudes that write? Where is all of the dissent?

The biggest dissenter in Canadian media is Billboard Chris. Sure, there's Jeremy Mackenzie, but he doesn't seem as organic as Billboard Chris. As far as writing goes, there is NOBODY that dissents. Out of 40+ million, nobody talks shit about our society?

Something seems fishy!

I find it funny when people talk shit about my books and I, but the weird thing is, nobody ever says:
>hey your two books are total garbage, but here's a Canadian author speaking similar to you and they're a much better writer
Nobody has ever suggested, not even once, another writer like me. Where are the dissenting writers in Canada? Am I 1 out of 40 million?

>> No.22505978

F Gardner says your book is really good.

>> No.22505982

how bad is it in America? is freedom still free?

>> No.22505983

Because I've fucked 100's of women and driven all of the cars I've ever wanted to by throwing caution to the wind

I'm not a normal 9-5 loser, lol

I do what I do, that's it, in 2023 Canada, people like me are punished as society is 100% setup for conformists and very little wiggle room for any dissent.

I'm STILL having fun, just need to get my porn site rollin' above 3k a month again so I can start writing and shit talking again. Problem is, where do I even shit talk when I'm banned everywhere?

>> No.22505987
File: 46 KB, 508x671, malberta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to northern Alberta

>> No.22505989

>in (United States of) America?
even Syria was Rome

>> No.22505991

Hey retard, without a porn income, I'd be homeless.

If you think like I do, Canadian society does its best to push you out.

If you are a man who thinks he is a woman, you can probably get a federal job and that 70k+ to affirm your gender!


>> No.22506000

Where are all of the dissenting Canadian writers?

>> No.22506019

Dumb fuck, I act on gut feeling, on instinct, and my intuition is so strong and so good that it has helped me fuck 100's of women and have a great life by following my "inner thoughts and feelings"

Now in 2023, my "inner thoughts and feelings" are pretty much always in opposite alignment to what the narrative is, because things are so backwards, so retarded, and so corrupt.

Just to try and keep myself sane, I ask myself, "sure Jason, you're not that crazy yet, there have to be some other dissenting writers out there" but where are they?

I keep my eyes peeled and I cannot see any other Canadian, not even ***1*** who writes any fiction that shit-talks a parallel Canada in the present of the future. 40+ million Canadians and NOBODY else is trying to lampoon the situation us Canadians find ourselves in? This country is beyond fucked, super fucking gay, and nobody is making fun of it? How is this possible?!

It is only possible if there is a campaign to suppress people like me, if other dissenting authors in Canada exist, they must be under the same thumb I am. I'm almost done my 3rd book (it's fun and the opening paragraph will get a lot less shit talk, lol) but I have to ask myself... where is everyone else?!?!?!?! WHERE ARE ALL THE DISSENTING FICTION WRITERS IN CANADA?!?!?!?

>> No.22506032

Frank is one of the only supportive writers from here.

>> No.22506043

The incel writers either move to south of the border or attempt (and fail) to bang a chick in a Mongolian brothel.

>> No.22506049
File: 136 KB, 750x715, F28vkWJaMAEjIiF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is a hell-hole of crabs, there is zero culture influence coming out of this place.

Canadian culture WORSHIPS faggots and trannies. If you are a dissenting author, you are non-person'ed.
>banned on facebook
>banned on twitter
>banned on instagram
>banned on reddit
>banned on goodreads
I don't even bother with BookTok, I'm sure I would be banned in a heartbeat.

It is wild to see, because where are all the other dissenting writers? Are they all banned too? I can't be the only guy out of 40+ million people writing fiction that pokes fun of this country and warns that dating has declined so harshly.

>> No.22506054

>hes drunk again
Still drinking that terrible Canadian whiskey? Windsor if I remember correctly?

>> No.22506058

Totally not cheap photoshop you are about to put on your profile pic.

>> No.22506067

Who is the incel here? I can post 3 videos of my cock fucking some whore, and that's just what I have left on this computer!

The "seek help" guy, I literally fucked his ex girlfriend multiple times and filler her mouth, pussy, and asshole with my cum, lol.

>> No.22506069
File: 135 KB, 680x850, My Wife Left Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you look for some First Nation writers, those what they are TRUE dissent writers, struggling with the society that attempted to erase them.

>> No.22506074
File: 193 KB, 960x948, Political Lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rest my case.

>> No.22506080

I wish I were drunk!

Kind of reminds me... 4:23... almost time to go get some booze. Will be back in 2 hours.

The whole point of this thread is to find a Canadian dissenting writer that writes better than me. Should be easy, right? I mean, my writing sucks and there has to be some other dissenters in Canada writing fiction, right?

>> No.22506082

Incel is more a state of mind then anything.
>waaahhh society is against me!

>> No.22506087

Oh God every fucking chug I have ever met is about 80 IQ.

Sick of how much their asses are kissed on a daily basis.

>> No.22506091

If you are a straight white male and you talk shit about modern society, absolutely society is against you. You're supposed to just conform and get in where you fit in.

If you're like me and you don't fit in, what do you do? I refuse to pretend a man in a dress is a woman, and I refuse to take the "vaccine", which alienates you from 99% of jobs in Canada.

>> No.22506095

Act like a father for once. Your kids have been longing for you.

>> No.22506105

Then be homeless if that‘d sort you out to where you could formulate a cogent value system. Your idea of dissidence perceptibly consists of bland irreverence to things you didn‘t like seeing on the news, while feeding into that same social fabric for your own comfort. This impotent lashing-out because you‘ve suddenly discovered the leash that Canandian liberalism keeps you on doesn‘t reach in *some* of the directions you want to pull at it—the ones that don’t feed your particular taste for degeneracy—is pathetic.

>> No.22506107

You just need to have more subtlety than a /pol/tard and society will be just fine with you.

>> No.22506108

Working on getting rich so I can attract another late 20's hot rich woman who wants kids.

The only thing that limits you from having kids is money and image. Women are a commodity, treat them as such.

>> No.22506111
File: 150 KB, 960x720, Large Marge &amp; Bubble Bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't grown up since high school.

If anything, you must have degraded mentally so much that the "Freedom" Convoy wanted nothing to do with you, let alone endorse you.

>> No.22506115
File: 75 KB, 800x524, He Who Does not Work, neither Shall He eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go to Reddit and join the r/antiwork movement. At least, they have a clear goal.

>> No.22506118

I remember you posted a draft of your book one time, and at least 6 different people put some genuine, well thought out criticisms and a couple of compliments (that I thought were unwarranted). Only for you to be a complete spastic jackass who disregarded the genuine complaints and tried to piss off every other writer in the annual writer thread because you thought your almost completed book was better. So, really, I'm glad your shit book is doing terrible. It makes sense why publishers wouldn't give a shit about a transphobic asshole with no talent. Who didn't bother to get help from an editor since you're such an egotiscal nutjob

>> No.22506121

Already WAS homeless in my life, TWICE now!

Once when I was 15-17, and the "seek help" guy helped find me a mattress to rent in the basement of a house for $200 in Lower Lonsdale in North Vancouver.

More subtlety than a /pol/ tard? Mother fucker, a tranny with a 5 o'clock shadow is allowed to fully express themselves and have a boner doing storytime for kids, and yet I'm not allowed to shit talk in internet comments? Do you see the imbalance here?

This is a good thread so far... but not 1 person has suggested a dissenting Canadian writer.

>> No.22506126
File: 81 KB, 506x594, 1612139247592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone commented on my comma splices (totally different book) and I combed through the sucker fixing it all.

>> No.22506127

Or maybe, and trust me, it's a crazy thought. Maybe women dont give a shit about you because you think of them as a commodity and not as a person

>> No.22506129

"transphobic asshole with no talent"

In 2023, all you have to do to be successful and get attention is be a faggot man in a dress, and if you shit-talk this, you are non-person'ed.

A man in a dress.... is not a woman. This is almost illegal speech in Canada.

>> No.22506133

Society has changed, women are no longer people, they are an object to possess... if you can afford them.

>> No.22506143

Can anyone suggest a single other dissenting Canadian writer?

>> No.22506145
File: 329 KB, 1200x1200, A Future Senset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one song that encapsulated the entire thread's stance.

>> No.22506148

Name a successful author who just wrote /pol/rants and seethed. Actual authors and not some cable new retard or the like. Even MK is more subtle than you are.

>> No.22506174

There are no authors that talk shit about Canada because if you make fun of the narrative, you're just banned, silenced, and non-person'ed.

If you champion cutting your dick or tits off, champion niggers, chinks, browns, trannies, women... you are a Canadian hero!

>> No.22506200

>avoided the question
Face it, you want to play the victim and probably live off of the governments tit.

>> No.22506215
File: 90 KB, 605x573, Mazda Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are so anti-woke, then why is your name Jewish? Answer us.

>> No.22506269

Who cares if there are any "dissenting" Canadian writers? Canada is irrelevant. Just a bunch of idiots whose ancestors had all of north America to choose from, and picked the frozen part. Canada could disappear tomorrow, and since everyone who wants an Instant Pot has one, no one would miss you. May as well crow about the most avant-garde theoretical physicist in Haiti.
I tried to read "Shitkickers". I made it about a chapter and a half, and was bored senseless.

>> No.22506276
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, The Fox and the Grapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent point!

Canada for the First Nation peoples, not those Anglo colonizers!

>> No.22506318

Cool, make a book and pretend you're trans. It's free money and free fame according to you, so why not right? Better get started /pol/ tard

>> No.22506332

I know people broke as shit that have girlfriends. Hell, I easily attract women, and theirs nothing about me that makes me seem rich or popular. It sounds like a /YOU/ problem

>> No.22506338
File: 24 KB, 259x383, Jupiter Ascending (2015).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with that is you are assuming that he would ever undergo any surgery whatsoever.

The last the Wachowskis have ever went that far, they ended up making a fever dream that's called "Jupiter Ascending."

>> No.22506354

I said pretend, I never said he had to actually be transition. Also, even though Jupiter Ascending is undoubtedly dogshit, Matrix Resurrections was at least decent. In my opinion, it's a pretty good sequel that takes pleasure in not being binary in every turn. So I dont know what youre getting at

>> No.22506382

>fucked 100's of chicks
sluts deserve to be banned

>> No.22506406

Unfortunately, the so-called "First Nation" people simply conquered the previous conquerors. The whole concept of "original natives" is just a whimsical, self-serving myth.

>> No.22506413

Gagged his ass #spill

>> No.22506419

you are a pornographer and you deserve to be executed, praying for you to get homeless and die from AIDS after getting raped by drug addict on the streets

>> No.22506441

Why would I PRETEND to be something?

My entire schtick, and everything I have been since I was a teenager was just saying how I feel inside. Why is that demonized in 2023 if you don't agree a man in a dress is a woman?

>> No.22506447

Where did you stop reading "The Shitkickers"

I will make sure book 3 has action and chaos by the 2nd page!

>> No.22506449

Neither are the so-called Anglos! The French conquered first and have better culture and your toilet.

>> No.22506450

It was more that all these bad things happened to the MC, but there was no reason for any of them, nothing that set up the fall. The lack of a connection between the MC and his fate made it feel like arbitrary ass-pulling. And the "action" was just him hanging out with his rootless douchey druggie friends.

>> No.22506452
File: 44 KB, 583x1195, tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be based to be a government tit NEET, I'm barely surviving off affiliate income in 2023. I quit porn for several years after my kid was born. Had a great time working a "real job" until COVID.

>> No.22506461

Even without the surgery, it's not that hard for trans people to make it out as successful authors, though.

There is evidence that many of the plays attributed to Shakespeare were likely to be written by Emilia Bassano, who is a woman of Italian heritage whose parents were Jews converting to Christianity.

For an Englishman, his plays somehow had a lot of detailed references to Northern Italian cities, which were settings for plays to the likes of "Romeo and Juliet," "Othello," "Titus Andronicus," and "Julius Caesar." The real Shakespeare never travelled outside of England. They even had perfect puns that can be easily understood in Italian!

Also, many of the plays had an unusual highly accurate depiction of the lives of ordinary woman and their thinking of their period as well as references to the Jewish religion, which could not have reached to a middle-class Englishman like Shakespeare.

The likely person who has the right background and was present in England was Emilia Bassano, a noblewomen of Italian heritage.

>> No.22506466
File: 947 KB, 1020x1360, Pay Denbts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you are saying that COVID ruined you manners!

>> No.22506473


I only met 1 convoy person in my life, a country-western singer. I wish I remembered his name.

To be honest, the convoy had several people wandering around talking about flat earth. It was fucking annoying, there were at least two dudes I saw on the regular that walked around the crowd and would steer the conversation towards flat earth. Seriously annoying.

>> No.22506476
File: 122 KB, 2125x731, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... if you are as based as me, 4chan is the only place you're allowed to post at all.

Out of all of the criticism, not a single person I have ever spoke to has ever finished "The Shitkickers"

>> No.22506479

I grew up playing Leisure Suit Larry, having sex with many women was seen as a skill in my time, much like wearing an onion on my belt.

>> No.22506483
File: 62 KB, 474x672, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we agree the right of way goes to the one with the biggest guns

>> No.22506485

How can anyone believe in the bullshit of "trans"

If you have a cock it is pretty fucking simple

If you have a pussy it is pretty fucking simple

>> No.22506486

>having sex with many women was seen as a skill in my time
I'm pretty sure God has always condemned promiscuity
>hurr durr im not a christcuck
That's why your writing sucks so much, because you don't have any divine assistance.

>> No.22506491
File: 85 KB, 700x918, Mixed Packaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's what you get when you pack an entire conspiracy community in a room and have the foreign stooge convince them to launch a pseudo-coup.

I was unfortunate enough to have met some of the Convoy members, who made dubious claims about being of Native American heritage and carried the American "Blue Lives Matter" and, of all things, some "Breton Nationalist" flags.

I refuse to consider them as countrymen so much as Quisling-wannabees.

>> No.22506495

I am building AfterWorkFreePorn.com not to get rich in porn, but to get some money from porn to launch GoonFlow.com my mainstream Reddit competitor...

I want to give away the GoonFlow media engine for free or for like 10% of revenue of companies that can use the new media display system I'm working on to teach people, I think the rapid display of important moments in media can get people excited to learn more and keeps people engaged.

I want to actually launch a system to teach and train people to do nearly anything, for as cheap as possible, and for people to put their "GoonFlows" on my site and get paid for whatever they put on there, even if it is a small amount.

I'm all about innovation, but being in Canada, you see zero innovation, just slavery, boomers, and NPCs.

>> No.22506508

I genuinely tried to read your book, Mr Jason Bryan, but I was grossed out by the interracial relationship between Ken and Allison. I don't support racemixing.

>> No.22506510
File: 173 KB, 880x1100, Netflix Hideout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how are you and the other 4channers on this site are going to explain hermaphrodites?

And that's before I mention some peculiar phenomenon where some Dominican girls turn into boys at puberty.

>> No.22506515
File: 70 KB, 768x512, Rebirth By Todor Vankov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like interracial couples, you can move to Alabama or Mississippi where the swamp people dominate.

>> No.22506520

You can do without surgery, it's not that hard for trans people to make it out as successful authors, though.

There is evidence that many of the plays attributed to Shakespeare were likely to be written by Emilia Bassano, who is a woman of Italian heritage whose parents were Jews converting to Christianity.

For an Englishman, his plays somehow had a lot of detailed references to Northern Italian cities, which were settings for plays to the likes of "Romeo and Juliet," "Othello," "Titus Andronicus," and "Julius Caesar." The real Shakespeare never travelled outside of England. They even had perfect puns that can be easily understood in Italian!

Also, many of the plays had an unusual highly accurate depiction of the lives of ordinary woman and their thinking of their period as well as references to the Jewish religion, which could not have reached to a middle-class Englishman like Shakespeare.

The likely person who has the right background and was present in England was Emilia Bassano, a noblewomen of Italian heritage.

>> No.22506522

France itself is overrun with illegal-immigrant race riots. Nothing to be proud of.

>> No.22506526
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 198b4feaff74485484e65322405d84dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prayer can be hard to do, I honestly feel guilty sometimes because I have had an easy life and never got cancer or suffered physically from anything I did, I had a herpes scare once where like a year ago I had these red marks on my dick but I figured out that was because I used some dollar store conditioner and it gave me a fuckin' rash on my forehead and dandruff like fuck too! FUCK!!!!

My writing is awesome, it is just under an extremely critical microscope because I dissent. If I were Jasmine instead of Jason and I talked about BBC and adding more queerness to Canada and going on TikTok and Instagram and being queer and encouraging queer teens to be more visible online, I'm sure I would gain popularity and not be banned everywhere online.

I'm not even allowed to go on social media and say:
>always question everything you learn and look for multiple opinions on a topic
>understand items and things can have real value and don't trade your money for rent to have an experience over building a life
>older things prove they've lasted, most of modern life is about planned obsolescence
>when things are free, you are the product
Turning people away from "lib vs con" and "left vs right" has the most resistance I've ever felt in life. Trying to pull people out of the brainwashing has been rewarding as an experience, but still, like on /pol/ or /r/ongaurdforthee/, everyone needs their echo chambers.

Even in writing, if you dissent, you are just attacked by both sides, and most of the people that attack the hardest are probably also "poor", lol!

>> No.22506528

Many of these were born in France, but again the French welfare system is scheiss tho.

Even then, they fade after a week and no one there wines about failing to get a book published.

>> No.22506531

Okay you fucking faggot I dare you to copy and paste or screenshot how you determined Allison and Ken's races, asshole!

>> No.22506532

I can't believe they never remade "Autoduel" for modern computers. That was a classic.
>biggest guns
Just think...odds are, there's a good-old-boy in South Carolina with an F-35 stashed safely in his barn.

>> No.22506535

That still doesn't change the fact that you're a slut

>> No.22506536


This story is so weird.

You either have a cock or a pussy, having deformed genitals is extremely rare!

>> No.22506538
File: 534 KB, 818x1024, TankiexMAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now you are writing like some Nazi liberal teen poet wannbee.

Forget Reddit, you should keep yourself in Tumblr from now on!

>> No.22506540
File: 1.90 MB, 1200x1500, The other starry night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done retrogaming for a while, but I should try it one day. ;)

>> No.22506547
File: 89 KB, 800x600, ‘Oak Fractured by Lightning’ by Maxim Vorobiev, 1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does not mean the Eve should be stuck in a kitchen nor does Adam be confined to being ostracized for liking flowers.

>> No.22506551

City of Singles second edition addresses this.

If I could go back, I would have been more demanding of my high school "sweetheart"

She ended up becoming some lazy fat bitch with a house and no man, she is so gross and has a mustache now, if I had been more powerful as a man when I was younger, I would have told that shitbag cunt to work out, be more of a woman, care about herself, she's now almost 40, no kids, her brother is 44, no kids, the entire family has died out. Disgusting and makes me want to vomit to think that one of my first loves is so fat and so gross now.

>> No.22506553

Who hurt you?

>> No.22506554
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, 80fc80f2e2d43a1cca4fec7c04aba8e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women just need to be beautiful and are most successful when they follow what is in power

Men need to find their own paths regardless of how easy or difficult they may be, that is the secret they don't tell you in life

>> No.22506561
File: 56 KB, 540x720, 67406_10150280250200538_519325537_14845484_5940253_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22506562
File: 1.16 MB, 3024x4032, Color Prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it can be done the other way around at the same time?

>> No.22506563

>the first person i fucked got fat
>so it's okay for me to be a slut
You shouldn't have fucked her in the first place

>> No.22506566
File: 15 KB, 256x256, Minorai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"writer" looks for slut
>slut leaves "writer"
>slut dates random 4channer
Got it.

>> No.22506568

She wasn't fat when I fell in love with her you prick!

>> No.22506573
File: 294 KB, 1136x1280, 61E24792-8DB9-4A57-9EF8-5B66C6FC8DB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked so nicely . . .
Allie's last name is Chang, so she's of Chinese descent.
Ken is stated to be a white male in that news report of him.
Now, I'm disgusted by this racemixing. Clearly, you're some sort of yellow fever racial fetishist.

>> No.22506574

Not quite it, I think at 45 years old I'm finally understanding the anti-natalist culture I grew up in. So many guys I know my age never had kids, it's fucking weird man, I meet waaaaay more guys my age and older than I meet who are younger and have no kids. It seems like my generation was targeted for anti-natalism real hard, yet I cannot remember a single cultural moment or movement or any one thing that make me anti-natalist. Maybe it was all-encompassing, so much so that I could not see the forest from the trees.

Nigger kike cracker wetback faggot tranny jew

>> No.22506575

You missed the scene at the bar in the first act you absolute fucking faggot

>> No.22506576

You shouldn't have sex before marriage at all, you slut

>> No.22506589

You're a fucking geek I guarantee it

How can you know you like pizza if you have never eaten sushi and cake you absolute dipshit

>> No.22506595

Would you have an unopened bottle of coke or an opened and used one?
Face it, you're just a stupid slut.

>> No.22506597

Man, there are so few artists and weirdos like me on the chans. Sad that I attract haters like you!

>> No.22506602

>my Canadian-half
Is this what you mean? So he's half canadian, half american. How does this mean Ken isn't white?
You're just some racial fetishist /pol/tard, and that's why no-one wants to read your shitty novel.

>> No.22506605

>implying he's an artist
Your book isn't art. You're nothing more than an ugly retarded slut.

>> No.22506634

Because it means you don't know the difference between sex and gender, and no one wants to respect the opinion of someone who wants to ostracize peoples identity

>> No.22506647

Never said they read the entire thing. Most of the people who read his draft got through 10-20 pages, with a lot of the complaints being commas, weird phrases, and being bored as hell. For me, I could barely get past the 3rd page since I knew it was going to be dogshit from the start

>> No.22506654

>book isn't that good
>"not a single person has managed to finish my book!"
Look, be honest with me. Have you considered the possibility, just the possibility, that your book isn't on the level of Shakespeare?

>> No.22506659


Don't bring Shakespeare into this. Shakespeare was a mere producer who took credit from an Italian noblewoman, Emilia Bassano.

>> No.22506663

Don't dodge the question. Have you considered that your book, maybe, isn't very good?

>> No.22506669 [DELETED] 

t b h this is the only self-published /lit/ book that i read a sample of and actually felt engaged with. if it were printed in paperback i would def cop a copy but i'm not buying a kindle book. the scenario dealing with the dickhead fucking with his bike is anxiety and inducing and exactly how shit like that happens, but even with the anxiety cranking up there's funny shit like this:
>his scraggly bleach blonde beard resembling a gallows for bbq sauce and ketchup stains
sure if you think about it for a while i'm not sure it quite works, but it doesn't matter it's funny and before you can think how would a gallows for a stain work? you're on to the next paragraph waiting to see how the situation is resolved. i think you guys hate cuz it's actually good and because the author fucks.

>> No.22506680


>> No.22506681

Really same fagging, are you really stooping down that low? I dont give a shit if someone fucks, what I do care is if a book is boring or not. From what I read its dull

>> No.22506689

It cannot be! I really should not have posted on some shithole of a trolling site!

>> No.22506691

>My book doesn't suck, everyone is just trolling!
Go hand out free copies then. Go to some club or interest group that would like it. All your friends or mum to read it. See what happens pussy.

>> No.22506704

>It cannot be!
I genuinely don't understand this sarcasm. Just be honest with me. Have you actually considered that your book just isn't that good? I'm not trying to troll you. I'm genuinely trying to help you. Maybe the reason why nobody wants to read your book is that it simply isn't very good. Have you even considered that possibility?

>> No.22506712

>some shithole of a trolling site
If 4chan is so bad, why do you even come here?

>> No.22506721

Did you see the list of sites he's banned from, that he posted above? He literally has no other choice.

>> No.22506741

He has the choice of not spamming his shitty book at all.
He has the choice to kill himself, also.

>> No.22506824


You can all go to hell that is the hivemind of the Internet!

I would rather let Russia take and demolish Canada than pay taxes to the fairy guys running my country!

>> No.22506885

I'll read your book. Where can I find paperback?

>> No.22506903

Frank has legitimately filed fraudulent copyright claims against 25% of /lit/ authors.

Also, Jason Bryan: are you aware that you feature as a secondary character in Call of United Airlines?

>> No.22506904
File: 95 KB, 640x747, Merry Wokemas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck getting straightforward answers from this guy.

>> No.22506907

Where can I find "Call of United Airlines"?
I am out of the loop with this detail.

>> No.22506908

lmao he doesn't know!

>> No.22506930
File: 42 KB, 449x450, 5838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey your two books are total garbage, but here's a Canadian author speaking similar to you and they're a much better writer

>> No.22506933

try saying Free Palestine sometime and see the same or worse censorship, you dumb nazi faggot

>> No.22506986
File: 210 KB, 800x800, isfj-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are an object to possess
Once you possess the object, make it a person.

I looked for your book on libgen but couldn't find it there. Upload it and I'll read it. It would also help if there were a reading group.

>> No.22507283

Why are you lying? F Gardner gives shoutouts to /lit/ authors all the time.

>> No.22507285
File: 7 KB, 183x275, Woolston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain dude, the establishment here in Australia is completely pozzed as well.

>> No.22507369

Fuck off. Gardner went insane and wrote an entire book about how he thinks the jews control the planet. Your fucking retarded. He’s a living caricature of why people hate /pol/tards.

>> No.22507496

I think you ought to learn French then, my nègre blanc

>> No.22507519


>> No.22507564

Hell yea, a JB thread. If you just learn to roll with the goofiness they can be quite comfy.

A funny thing that struck me: this guy has done more promo for his book than most "real" authors. Over two solid years of shilling now.

>> No.22507608 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 313x500, gothic-age-shitkicker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude if ur gonna self-publish rightwing stuff for adolescent readers you need to use primary colors on the cover.

>> No.22507816


>> No.22508225

>he doesn't know about English third person neuter

Shame it's completely unreadable

>> No.22508246

What’s a crab?

>> No.22508285

>pictured Douglas Coupland (fag but a guy)

>> No.22508317

How the fuck are you a "dissident?"