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/lit/ - Literature

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22497607 No.22497607 [Reply] [Original]

huh, it's literally shota porn written by a nobel prize winner, interesting

>> No.22498331

I get those who fetishize and defend consensual recreational incest between consenting parties (whether it be between teens, between adults, or even where one party is 16-17 and the other is an adult), but shota/loli incest truly is another level of depravity.
What even is the appeal of an incest fetish (minus those who are raping abusers)? Cousin marriage is understandable, but parent-child,sibling,etc is something else.

>> No.22498336


>> No.22498346

Wait till you hear about Nobel prize winner André Gide

>> No.22498356

most real life incest is rape and pedophilia, but incestshitters are blinded by consentualism and forbidden “byronic romance” that’s easy to gloss over in fiction. they can grow out of it.

>> No.22498368

Yes I see what you mean. Seeing traditional family roles combined and twisted with something erotic is the appeal of an incest fetish. The appeal of mother-son incest for a lot of porn addicted men, for instance, is the notion of the one who took care of you being the one who takes care of your sexual urges, maternal instincts being corrupted into something hot (albeit depraved and degenerate).

>> No.22498369

Consider that video games about murdering innocent people are popular

>> No.22498370

Ever since i've gotten into literature this is one of the most common themes. I wonder why they're often sich great writers, are they sublimating their unachievable desire into a creative drive?

>> No.22498379

Those who champion consensual incest (instead of just acknowledging its an immoral fetish) claim that those who engage in consensual activity don't report it and thus you won't know. Fair enough, but that isn't an argument for getting rid of anti-incest laws that with abolishment would normalize incest and lead to rampant abuse like in France (anti-incest laws and anti-incest taboo were abolished by the Napoleonic code).

>> No.22498390

Consensual incest legality is defensible provided there are strong anti pedophile laws and the taboo against incest is maintained. Otherwise, society gets fucked.

>> No.22498763

Vargas Llosa date his aunt and then left her for his cousin Patricia. Moreover, he punched the Nobel Gabriel Garcia Marquez for, apparently, trying to kiss her.

>> No.22498954

>nooo! war is bad! if we all join hands and dance in a circle then there will be no more war!!! stop playing games and learning tactics about combat!

>> No.22498971

>grand theft auto is based because crime will never go away

>> No.22499672

Screwing around with NPCs in games for fun is quite different from getting off to family members banging each other.

>> No.22499681

>the chapter where don rigoberto takes a shit
had me dying of laughter

>> No.22500745


he also left Patricia (his cousin and wife of ~40 years) for some random socialite in Spain. Was with her for about 10 years and just recently left her to return to Patricia.