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/lit/ - Literature

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22497151 No.22497151 [Reply] [Original]

I know two women who read.

One has a degree in English literature and exclusively reads NYT bestsellers about racism.

The other reads airport romance novels.

They both share photos of the books they're reading on Instagram.

>> No.22497162

Cool. I know women who basically only read fantasy, and another who reads all the same stuff that anons on here read, and yet another who reads psychoanalytic theory. I don't know if any of them post about it on instagram

>> No.22497167

>women I like don’t read the same things men do
Because they’re not men. Stop thinking girls will have read Dostoyevsky.

>> No.22497169


>> No.22497174

Observation triggers the simps lol

>> No.22497186

It's always baffling that people like OP think these posts reflect badly on women as a whole, rather than on OP himself for not being in any interesting circles or being friends with any interesting women.

>> No.22497200

It's funny that faggots like @22497186 think that hanging around women for their taste in books reflects well on him, and doesn't make him look like a longhoused pseud simp.

Post physique

>> No.22497208

I know a 22 year old who reads Dostoevsky, Jane Austen, Gogol, etc. And she actually reads, she’s not like all the book thots who merely buy the books. She has a great personality, can cook, is a virgin. The only downside is she’s a 5/10 at best.

>> No.22497212

Go back to frogtwitter you little bitch

>> No.22497216


The point





>> No.22497224

>she’s a 5/10 at best.
incel scale or realistic scale?

>> No.22497226

You need to go back to English class.

There's a clear difference between separating complete sentences using line breaks (which is what every real author does) and splitting sentences across multiple lines (which is what faggot Jew and female poets do, probably your favorite authors).

>> No.22497227

Sentimental melodramatic Dostoslop is perfect for girls, though.

>> No.22497232

and likewise, big difference between readings books and The Books

>> No.22497245

Yeah, I've noticed the same over years of browsing the /lit/ catalogue. A lot of anons seem to be stuck with very boring people for whatever reason and unable to spread their social circles. Although given how much so many seem to seethe over the absolute state of contemporary women, I'm not particularly surprised most women don't want anything to do with them.

>> No.22497251

>every sentence a new paragraph
‘Real authors’ would never

>> No.22497253

I know two women who read. (One fanfiction, the other one fantasy novels)
I only know one guy who reads and he reads like one book every three months or so.

>> No.22497260

> he reads like one book every three months or so
Better than 80% of /lit/

>> No.22497266

My wife likes Tolstoy

>> No.22497291

She “reads” all of the stuff other anons read on here. In other words, watching School of Life slop about existentialism.

>> No.22497348

This is also true. It also makes you question why faggots on this board constantly cry about soap opera type shit like Karamazov Brothers.

>> No.22497352


>> No.22497402

All I read is reddittor cope

>> No.22497413

also real
definitely real

Most women who read just read time-wasting slop or else the equivalent of New York Times articles. Most men don't read books at all. Good taste is rare all around. I'd honestly guess these days there are probably more women who read good stuff than men, definitely more of reading culture for women, but there's always going to be more men who really get it for reasons that are impolite to talk about.

>> No.22497427

>doesn't understand the purpose of paragraphs
>"You need to go back to English class."
good bait, raised my blood pressure

>> No.22497462

The fact is that men live in a world of signifying objects, and woman live in a world of people and signifying networks between them. Once my girlfriend while crying complained to me that there was nothing more to life than achieving things and gossiping about it. A piece of knowledge without immediate application, usually into some social schema, is useless to women.

>> No.22497494

Adding: think of the way kids play. Boys invent games for small groups of players with complex, well-defined rules and winners and losers; girls invent ever-shifting hierarchies to encompass everyone with complex nebulous rules and schemata of inclusion and exclusion. Nothing really changes from that time, not really.

>> No.22497561


>> No.22497566

Look at any schoolyard. The boys are playing sports or some kind of improvised tag; the girls are playing roles.

>> No.22497616

I am in graduate school for English lit right now and the girls in my program are largely very well read and almost always insightful when they participate in seminar discussions. I think you’re just a faggot or maybe even a tranny. Reminder that you will never be a real woman. A baby doesn’t come out of an anus. A baby doesn’t come out of a stinky artificial pussy that Dr. Frankenstein created for you. If I were desperate and fucked you and came inside you nothing would happen. You are not a real woman and you never will be. Stop grooming children btw.

>> No.22497692

Why would you come here if you had an IRL circle to discuss this stuff with?
I'm not a woman hater (top 2 genders IMO), and I don't know anyone in general that reads most of the lit stuff we talk about here. I'm just in a poor area with a STEM degree. Lots of very smart people in my circle but none of them read.

>> No.22497758

There are only 2 genders. Death to America.

>> No.22497855

I know a girl who got me into Dostoyevsky and russian lit in general, if she weren't so ugly I would be her SIMP 100%.

>> No.22497861

she reads BECAUSE she's ugly and so do you

>> No.22497889

I'm gonna tell you a secret, anon. 90% of women will be a 5/10 by the time they hit 30. a lot of them hit the wall at 25-28. you're not gonna have some influencer's gf who looks like a playboy model at 40 unless you're rich. so unless she's actually disgusting, I say go for it. you want a smart and useful person, not some fickle anorexic whore.

>> No.22497898

Is a 22 year old who has a good personality, can cook, is a virgin, and well-read average?

>> No.22497899

i know more women who read books that are not total trash than i do men, but they are mostly over 70 years old and in my bookgroup
the only man my own age i know who "reads" just listens to audiobooks of some shitty fantasy series in his car on his commute

>> No.22497900

Yeah that's probably true. But she's a legit genius, probably top 5 most intelligent people I've ever met, huge outlier.

>> No.22497909

Women love dosto. They love lolita, the bell jar (they probably have trauma if they relate to these), wuthering heights, madame Bovary, jane austen and kafka.
Thats what from what i've seen

>> No.22497910

>not some fickle anorexic whore
but anon...

Same experience here, average women read more (and have better taste) than average men.

So obviously she is a 5 on the true scale, else she wouldn't be a virgin, that's almost impossible for a woman.

>> No.22497981

aight help me out here then. is she fat? that's fixable. weird proportions? horse face?

>> No.22498112

If she likes Lolita just don’t even bother. Obvious red flag, damaged, daddy issues, probably will be an amazing slut for you in bed and call you daddy but not marriage material.

>> No.22498468

>I don't know if any of them post about it on instagram

He's not following them on Instagram for their taste in literature.

>> No.22498778

None of the women I know read, but neither do most of the guys I know. It's pretty much just me and my Dad.

>> No.22499274
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>tfw I married a woman who reads 5-7 books a week and has in-depth conversations about them with me during dinner most nights

Suck it, dweebs

>> No.22499287
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I approached/met my wife because she was reading Pratchett novels endlessly when we were both in high school. I've a distinct memory of being in the middle of calculus, I looked over to her and she's sneakily reading Mort under the desk. She's not exactly into highbrow stuff a decade later but it's a lot more respectable than Fifty Shades of Harry Potter or whatever. Some of her recs are even good in a guilty pleasure way like I recently read and enjoyed Mogworld because of her.

>> No.22499290

I hope you both meet horrific ends.

>> No.22499371

I don't really know many people who read. I used to but they won't talk to me anymore. I set aflame my chance to be an artist and I want to stop wasting time and die.

>> No.22499580

>I know two women
You know the problem. Yet you haven't fixed it.

>> No.22499642

Literally every single one of my exes... but sadly none of them read Lolita.

>> No.22499647

Comfy, I hope you guys have amazing relationships.

>> No.22499673

Can you fags go a single day without obsessing about how much you hate women?
There is more to life

>> No.22499682

Fortunately I'm at a better place now, but there isn't more to life. Finding someone you can love is 90% of life's meaning, therefore if you believe that to be impossible I think it's a fairly predictable and obvious course of action, trying to channel that hopelessness into hate.

>> No.22499812

You don't even love women. You stress out and drain the life out of every woman you interact with.
Men should just fuck each other and leave women in peace.

>> No.22499835

>Finding someone you can love is 90% of life's meaning.

This is why agape is so sustaining. You are trying to find that deep meaning in a relationship with a woman which can only be found in a relationship with God.

>> No.22500007
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The Death novels are top tier, I really should re-read them one of these days.

>> No.22500016

I only know one girl who reads. She reads smut and it is retarded smut where horrible things happen to women. I fear she is also retarded.

>> No.22500098

My mom used to read to me every night as a kid. Good stuff too. The Bible, the Kalavala, Shakespeare, Madeleine L'Engle, C.S. Lewis, etc. She's, probably moreso than any other person, responsible for me reading recreationally.

My first crush introduced me to Neiztsche and Freud and also the music of Serge Gainsbourg. Later that year a classmate of mine, a chainsmoking somewhat neurotic girl who ran circles around the rest of us in Greek and Latin introduced me to Celine.

A chinese exchange girl I was friends with in college swore up and down that Roberto Bolaño's 2666 was a masterpiece and one of the best things she ever read. I've never gotten around to reading it. She also introduced me to Frithjof Schuon and Georges Dumézil. She was exactly as based as you would expect.

I don't actually know any English majors come to think of it. And only one of the ladies I mentioned uses Instagram/social media. Why is it that you don't know any interesting women OP?

>> No.22500609

There's this one girl on my uni that I saw was reading Guns germs and steel.

>> No.22500709
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>> No.22500866

time is clearly fake.

>> No.22501119

If your woman is reading 5-7 books a week then chances are they’re absolute shit tier.

>> No.22501142

I am acquainted with many women who read shit. I don't know of a woman that reads something more substantial.

>> No.22501427

It's a mix. She reads astoundingly fast (she's like a savant or some shit, idk) and she's read so many books in her lifetime that she doesn't really draw a distinction between books beyond "serious" or "popcorn". She typically reads 3 or 4 popcorn books (usually re-reads of older pop authors like Wodehouse, Agatha Christie, Pratchett, etc.) And a couple serious books (classics or heavy modern lit) a week. She loves imperial russian literature. She spent two years learning Russian so she could read Pushkin untranslated. Her favorite book is Wuthering Heights. She has like 10 copies, all different editions. Love her to death.

>> No.22501503

based and kek, also checked

>> No.22501509

See Isaac Newton

>> No.22501530
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>wanting a gf who reads
my wife will be a tard who can barely string a complex sentence

>> No.22501658

Posts of the decade. One of the many underlying themes of Genesis actually. I'll take it as a sign from God to leave. Peace.

>> No.22501759

I'm currently talking to a girl who loves Kafka and Burroughs as much as me. She's recommended me quite a few new authors as well. Maybe you just haven't interacted with any interesting women. You are probably American.

>> No.22501770

This guy gets it

>> No.22501787

The chainsmoking neurotic girl who reads Celine sounds ideal. Was she hot?

>> No.22501790

>a girl "wants" to talk about books
hope you're at least interweaving some flirting in there

>> No.22501806

I've tried but she never reciprocates with anything more than "is that soooo ;)" I will invite her out for a drink this week, maybe it'll be easier to flirt in person. She must find me somewhat handsome, though, as she liked me on Tinder. Wish me luck.

>> No.22501839

your second message should've been asking for a date
stop texting like you are her friend
you're not her friend

>> No.22501852

Nigga what do you expect me to do? Tell her to shut up and suck my dick??? How else should I speak to her??? Also a date is already loosely planned, just waiting for her to return to the city for university, which will be this week. Nigga.

>> No.22502011

What an absolute keeper (albeit imaginary)

>> No.22502252
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>> No.22502451

>I know two women
congratulations, you're doing better than me

>> No.22502462

5/10 why? can she start working out and atleast have some nice firm parts even if the shape isn't perfect. Come on man, you're probably a 5/10 at best too.

>> No.22502466

she pretended to like him when you first started dating to impress you, and never had the heart to correct the misrepresentation

>> No.22502487

Aren't the incels fairly objective in critique of beauty? It's normalfags that rate every broad a 10 that is unrealistic.
>Beauty comes in all sizes, amirite guise?

>> No.22502493

Not him, but 5/10 is not a real insult to an average broad. It's literally average. There really are ones and twos out there.

>> No.22502520

Not when I knew her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's grown into herself in her 20s. She was very skinny, kind of mousy looking, with perpetual bags under here eyes and yellow teeth from chainsmoking. Frizzy brown hair that jumped in all directions. Fine French features. I would still marry her in an instant but hers is more of an inner beauty. Fwiw I haven't slept with any of the women I mentioned. The Chinese girl licked whipped cream off my finger one time but we never really clicked on a sexual level. I used to write love letters back and forth with the crush who got me into Freud for years after we originally met but that eventually faded out as we grew up. Last I heard she was in a lesbian relationship with a strikingly pretty gypsy girl and working as a marine biologist in Mauritania.

>> No.22502636
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>> No.22502657

Yeah man there's a few average women I coulda had when I was tounger that I now look back and cringe because they were good girls, one bish even read Moby Dick and it was the first time id heard of it, she was complaining about how long and detailed it was but she finished it so it's still something. I don't expect women to understand Moby Dick, my mother told me she tried reading it but got to emotional and sad at the whale killing lmao.

>> No.22502660


>> No.22502677
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>> No.22502684

I need these kind of women in my life man. I'm not a virgin, I've had girlfriends before but never met any women like you've described. I suppose they're only for the lucky few

>> No.22502753

She read Anna Karenina two years into our marriage after a kid. I was sitting on the opposite side of the sofa watching her read.

>> No.22502780

aww, you guys are so lucky!

>> No.22502882

Very nice. My gf basically only reads crime / horror novels she sees on tiktoks. I'm glad she's at least reading but it's not something I (white man) would read.

>> No.22502931

she was afraid of being replaced by a /lit/ girl and decided to play the role to give you the illusion of having one

>> No.22503004

She, while reading, and her phone being in a different part of the house, gave an accurate update as to what was happening in the story. Also I met her on this site so I don't think she was that worried about being replaced.

>> No.22503067

Because they're retarded, that's why

>> No.22503541

Ignore that faggot you're the one with a date not him

>> No.22503733

Reasons for not engaging in texting with girls:
>removes mystery
>chit chat can be perceived as "friendly" and leads to the friendzone
>putting in lots of effort forms the psychology that you need to appeal to her and that she is better than you
>if you have a few girls going at the same time, it is really time consuming
You want to save the talking for the date where you can touch her as well. Texting should only be for date logistics. If she liked your profile, that means she wants to date. Simple as.

His date is "loosely planned", i.e. not guaranteed. Plenty of time for her to flake. I have dates this Wednesday and Friday with two different girls.

>> No.22503911

Is this what Andrew Tate has done to you niggas? Some people enjoy talking to each other and have nothing better to do than text? I've had girlfriends where all we did was text each other before we went on an offcial first date and we ended up dating. Logic like yours will always be flawed and vapid because you seem to believe you understand how every woman works and you're some grand authority on the matter. Just because one girl likes to text, doesn't mean another girl doesn't prefer to save it for in person, and vice versa. You are clearly a faggot, only interested in the sexual aspects of a woman rather than the nuances of her personality. And yes, having sex with women you don't care about does make you gay: millions of gay people have fucked women, they just cannot love a woman beyond being a hole. Maybe you should consider this before your dates this week, anon. Good luck,

>> No.22503986

I am worried because while I am good w women and a hopeless romantic as soon as I get a gf I start to get incredibly neurotic about expectations/them taking away from the time I use to read and write. I legitimately don't know what to do. Falling in love is stressful.

>> No.22503990

My sister grew up reading fiction while I grew up reading non-fiction. I got into documentaries while she got into basicbitch tv slop. Now Im going through her phase of fiction in my late 20s and man it feels like I missed out

>> No.22504050

beta cope paragraph
imagine thinking fucking many women is gay

>> No.22504074

I know faggots who have fucked over 50 women. Guess what? They're still faggots. Fucking many women is a sign of sexual deviancy (the same as faggotry is borne from sexual deviancy). Only a true straight person would have sex with a woman because they're beautiful inside and out. Overly promiscious males will fuck ugly bitches simply because they want a hole. Pure faggotry

>> No.22504077

Also every overly promisicious man I know has at least one story of them experiementing with a male during college or at a party. Promiscuoity leads to homosexual behaviour. Cope, faggot. Delete the dating apps, stop watching porn and make a meaningful connection with a woman.

>> No.22504089

Thanks anon.

>> No.22504096

Ah yes, those whores posting their books on insta, completely different from us basedboys posting shelf and stack threads on /lit/

>> No.22505263

Just b urself anon. It'll happen for you.

>> No.22505507

>Some people enjoy talking to each other
I thought you were talking to a woman?