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22497130 No.22497130 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>/lit/thread/22314801

Post philosophy since 2000 that you think people should read/that you want to discuss with others.

Here is One: Being an Investigation into the Unity of Reality and of its Parts, including the Singular Object which is Nothingness by Graham Priest

>> No.22497137

>Being an Investigation into the Unity of Reality and of its Parts
Lmao it's going to just be nihilist Jung archetypes. Modern anything is fucking cringe, I don't read anything post ending of slavery that a country has produced.

>> No.22497187

Unhinged. There must be some modern thinkers that share your view? Please share them.

>> No.22497201 [DELETED] 

Lol. Lmao. Look anon, something like 98% of people living in my country support interracial marriage. How sick is that? You pick up a book, and can assume as a statistical consideration that person wants to see niggers fucking white women, they actually love seeing it, it's some perverse turn on. Ok so if you're following you might be saying hey what about that 2% that doesn't support it? Of that sub sample, 90% are too old to write or be continent, and the other 10% are too scared of the 98% of the population as a whole they won't voice these thoughts but keep them inside or post them here.
Which brings me back to: I don't read anything past freeing slavery date of whatever country the author resided in at time of writing as anyone who can even pretend blacks are human is a retard.

>> No.22497209
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>> No.22497220

most people believe in what's dogmatic at the time as a survival mechanism, it doesn't detract from their entire body of work (unless they're directly speaking of those things). or would you say descartes is a retard for believing in god and so on.

>> No.22497238

God is real you fag.

>> No.22497406

I don't necessarily agree. There has been a definite shift in opinions on this kind of subject - it's way more acceptable to talk about such things in public than it was 10, even 5 years ago. So you are either underage/close to it or have been living under a rock. Now whether there are any thinkers of this type beyond meme shitposters doing bad and ill-informed impressions of phillosophers is another matter.

>> No.22497411

>or would you say descartes is a retard for believing in god and so on.

yes, andsoforth.

>> No.22497642

Dude I understand where you’re coming from but you need to stop watching porn.

Anyways, that being said, the most recent philosophy text I’ve read was Understanding Media and that was published in 1964, when the Beatles came to America. I have a huge library but it will be sometime before I go past that publishing date.

>> No.22497689
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This is a pretty good anthology. Pinter's Mind and Cosmic Order is good to, as well as Hoffman's the Case Against Reality (argument for idealism from cognitive science).

>> No.22497694
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Also a really good one. Great intro to information theory even before getting into the main thesis.

>> No.22497697
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Actually, I think these are all post 2000

>> No.22497705

Maybe some introspection would help you get laid rather than bitching here about it.

>> No.22497715

>Muh sex
>Muh porn
Lmao I have a sex life you nigger lovers couldn't imagine. How about you attempt, vainly I'm sure, to critique what I've said rather than embarrass yourselves further? Liberals cannot argue in good faith, it's truly impossible when your entire worldview is backwards and fucked.

>> No.22497718

Mind utterly broken by pornography and meme culture. Please, take ONE day off from the internet and observe your mental health returning.

>> No.22497732

got proof? also I'm extremely far from a liberal, you must have me mistaken for someone else.

>> No.22497735
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>I-I have sex, okay? I am just mad at other people having sex for no reason.
>Liberals cannot argue in good faith, it's truly impossible when your entire worldview is backwards and fucked.
Kek. How about you read your first post again, then.

>> No.22497753

Blacks should not have sex with whites because blacks are not human. If you support bestiality then go ahead, but I'll continue speaking against it.

>> No.22497765

So is this the official textbook of mereological nihilism?

>> No.22497778

kek. Good luck stopping interracial relationships, clown.

>> No.22497832

I agree but let’s not pretend you or I have the legal authority to stop it

>> No.22497844

Then how come whites and blacks can have children?

>> No.22497870

Not the person you’re responding to but it’s not really that but mixed children tend to have higher rates of medical complications. Women are just retards without foresight in most cases.

>> No.22497873

I plan to ask God when I meet Him. It's #18 on my list of 74 (and growing) questions. I also plan to as Napoleon I, Emperor of Europe just because id like his opinion on many things.
I'm not saying there's anything to do about it. The world is a lost cause. I'm just pointing out correctly that it's wrong and vile.

>> No.22497876
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>> No.22497877

>mixed children tend to have higher rates of medical complications.
No, they don't. If anything the more futher they are genetically the better it is. Why do you have to make up bullshit to spread your regressive ideology?

>> No.22497883

>I'm just pointing out correctly that it's wrong and vile.
I am going to have to say the same about you.

>> No.22497884

>I plan to ask God when I meet Him
>t. can communicate directly with God now

>> No.22497893

What thinker does Bernardo Ketchup draw this ontology from? From what I read it was Berkeley but I could be wrong.

>> No.22497902

In all seriousness no one has attempted to reach God through epistemological means rather than usual metaphysical methods or simple appeals to reason. That’s a project I want to take on eventually in my writings.

>> No.22497906
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BTFO atheists forever

>> No.22497920

>In all seriousness no one has attempted to reach God through epistemological means rather than usual metaphysical methods or simple appeals to reason.
you have no idea what you talking about pseud. 0/10 LARP and not even an E for effort. I do agree with your view of interracial sex tho.

>> No.22497923


>> No.22497924

It's Schopenhauer. He's literally a Schopenhauerfag

>> No.22497935

lol it's qrd

Michael J. Almeida presents a powerful argument which holds that several widely believed and largely undisputed objections to the idea of the existence of God are in fact just philosophical dogmas. He challenges some of the most well-entrenched principles in philosophical theology, which have served as basic assumptions in influential apriori, atheological arguments. But most theists also maintain that the principles express apriori necessary truths, including those principles that are presumed to follow from the nature of an essentially omnipotent, essentially omniscient, essentially perfectly good and necessarily existing being. Among the atheological arguments that deploy these philosophical dogmas are the Logical Problem of Evil, the Logical Problem of the Best Possible World, the Logical Problem of Good Enough Worlds, the Problem of Divine Freedom, the Problem of No Best World, and the Evidential Problem of Evil. In Freedom, God, and Worlds Almeida claims that these
arguments present no important challenge to the existence of an Anselmian God. Not only are these philosophical principles false, they are necessarily false.

>> No.22497940

Jean Gearson (1300s) defined mysticism as experiential theology. He talked about the difference of knowing a person academically, like a physician, knowing God as the scholastics did, and knowing them personally. He called mysticism experiential theology.

Ever since empiricism has been explicitly linked to theology. William James would be another good place to look on this. Actually, just get William Harmless' book on Mystics, it's a fantastic intro. The guy has a great way of making primary sources fill a coherent summary that remains true to the sources but fills in contest. Light From Light is good too, but more a traditional anthology.

>> No.22497994
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>> No.22498054

Ah gotcha. I can't get that into textbook philosophy of religion. It just seems hollow. Plus, Plantinga covers that stuff decently enough, although I think he just ends up with an argument for nescience not for rational belief.

>> No.22498060

good one

>> No.22499665

talks about maxwell demon

>> No.22499688

I like this but I have no clue were to start. Unlike general philosophy, the greeks doesn't work.
I agree with you, just to let you know not everyone is a biased retard. But also God is real.

>> No.22499881
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Anyone check this one out yet? I heard about it from someone saying it does well with meshing contemporary physics with metaphysics and clearing up some misconceptions philosophers have been juggling with.

>> No.22499966

>an object

>> No.22500101

Try to find a bone marrow donor for a mixed child then

>> No.22500102

Oh but I do, just no one has tried it yet. I write, you do not. Now sit your ass down, kid.

>> No.22500106

Alright thanks for being serious. Bunch of 19 year old broccoli headed retards in this thread

>> No.22500111

Schopenhauer did take from Berkeley though

>> No.22500199
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>> No.22500298

/pol/tards are the most autistic, mouth breathing, room temperature IQ retards that inhabit this mongolian basket waving forum and you're a prime example for that.

I genuinely hope you come to terms with yourself at some point in your life and stop visiting this infernal place, actually touch gras and talk to dome people. Maybe visit different cultures and experience this beautiful life.

>> No.22500308

I don’t even post on /pol/ never have, never will. Besides you post here on 4chan too, so what does that say about yourself?

>> No.22500310

>visit different cultures
Middle Americans like me usually don’t have passports and I’m deathly afraid of flying. You do you though. I have plenty of people to hang out with in my local area.

>> No.22500313

It’s nice to know also that one solitary comment struck such a nerve with you.

>> No.22500327

So most Brazilians can't find bone marrow donors, nor North Africans, most of whom are mixed? Nor Latin Americans, most of whom are mixed?

>> No.22500330

Lol one solitary comment and you are malding. Log off. Rent free, etc

>> No.22500337

Yeah, I know, the whole place is a reactionary CIA psyop. So the rent free concept applies to the entire site.

>> No.22500940

I had Koons as teach in my undergrad metaphysics class hah (hook em)

>> No.22500947

how was his class? did you go on to study more metaphysics?

>> No.22500949


>> No.22500952
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>One: Being an Investigation into the Unity of Reality and of its Parts, including the Singular Object which is Nothingness by Graham Priest
is this the new Hegel?

>> No.22500956

It was pretty Aristotelian/Thomistic in roundabout way. It's odd. You study ancient and moderns. Then analytics and continentals. But I think new turn is toward metaphysical and theological. Do indeed hope to continue studies. I am applying for grad school now actually.

>> No.22500972
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Tho there are certainly parallels!

Dialetheism is embrace of contradiction. Sitting w paradox. Mystic tho not quite quietist. Proposes alternative logic. Dialectics is how contradictions overcome themselves. Also proposes alternative logic but differently...

Desmond's metaxology books explains differences well (pic)

>> No.22500975

*it's odd because you skip medievals in undergrad but I have found it valuable to study since due to theological/metaphysical turn

>> No.22501001

>you skip medievals in undergrad
this is a mistake

>> No.22501004

I’m just imagining someone bringing up interracial marriage in passing and your mind suddenly filling with the most grotesque, vivid, pictures of juicy BBC entering the holes of your favorite pornstar/crush.

>> No.22501011

It's not required is what I mean although I ended up studying it on my own and also peripherally in a theology course.

>> No.22501013
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Anybody read this shit? Pretty mind blowing. Traddish but also proggy. Peirceian/Hegelian/Proclean henad triad monad -- ology...

>> No.22501020
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Recently translated theology. Good good stuff.

>> No.22501024
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This book is beastly but if you dabble in Latin and Medievals *and* German Idealists and Phenomenologists then this right here is perhaps the most amazing thing you will ever read.

>> No.22501031

unfathomably based. thanks anons.

>> No.22501043
File: 22 KB, 327x500, IMG_0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankee. Word. Ya. Older but recently anglophone translated stuff. Also if not christian then check out this recently translated neat parmenidean atheist mystic guy Severino (pic)

>> No.22501046

All that blabbering to still fall under the great scythe of the antinomies

>> No.22501092

Cleared by the great waymaker, Hegel (PBUH)

>> No.22501113
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If recently translated stuff counts, all you magic(k)fags ought read this shit right here. Apparently there is another translation recently as well for cheaper but Theion edition (pic related) is bee-ay-yew-tea-full

>> No.22501145

Any new philosophy of language texts out there that aren’t pozzed to all hell. I liked reading Herder and want something to extend his theories.

>> No.22501162
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>> No.22501202
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Cringe. Wittgenstein already ended philosophy a long time ago.

>> No.22501207

> Wittgenstein
the irony is lost on you

>> No.22501221
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No, it's lost on you who thinks any philosophy post-Witt has any value. I feel sorry for you, maybe try educating yourself a bit more.

>> No.22501234

>This is yr brain on being a teenager undergrad anglophone
Witty only ended bad phil w his first book. His second reinaugurated good phil. Other parts of world never lost good phil.

>> No.22501244
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>thinks in terms of temporal sequence

>> No.22501372

I said non-pozzed and especially not Chomsky

>> No.22501782
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I like Priest for some of what he's motivating, but disagree with his methods, and One isn't the greatest book of his, much less over all. I feel Beyond The Limits of Thought would be better but it's from the 90s and not post-2000. Read picrel, like I said in previous threads. Of the other books posted here so far, the Severino is interesting even if probably wrong, and the rest are no-name nobody nothings. I'm not suggesting there can't be wisdom in there (it's possible) but that raises such a big red flag to me. You guys need to stop being the equivalent of /mu/ hipsters that avoid good music because you want to out-hipster the hipsters and find the most obscure shit even if it's actually bad, just to feel you have a means to posture over them. My picrel is by a philosopher who is leading in 21st century analytic metametaphysics, teaches at the top 2 university philosophy program in the USA (and in the top 10 in the world), and I read his book and it's huge for us metametaphysics people (in academia) but it isn't trickling down to everyone else just yet, cause it's been only 12 years since it came out in 2011. Sider is still wrong though, very much so actually, but he is enlightening and is opening the door to the new, and in my view, right paths to go forward. One way to put the question to you people is: What do we query as fundamental? Is it sub-sentence bits of reality? Entire facts? Or the Absolute whole/totality? Or what? And people have trended the direction of the whole for millennia, it's such a spent and perennial dead end. Whereas here's a new way to go further down the other end. Study it.

>> No.22501880

>the rest are no-name nobody nothings.
>theodore sider
literally who?

>> No.22501916

>Sider is still wrong though, very much so actually, but he is enlightening and is opening the door to the new, and in my view, right paths to go forward.
Redpill me on Sider. Why do you think he's wrong?

>> No.22501975
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10 that BTFO materialism with Bernardo Kastrup

>> No.22502042

But Hegel doesn’t even argue to the unconditioned, in fact the unconditioned universal is taken as the first abstract moment in the dialectic of Understanding.

>> No.22502043

>this is yr brain on anglophone monologlottery and stemcuckery
Sider is not part of discourse for same reason Kripke and Lewis and Chalmers and so on are not part of discourse: analytic philosophy is ubiquitously banal and uninteresting. Priest is rare exception. Much of the work in this thread will very much outlast Sider.

>> No.22502188

I guarantee otherwise, because I read both sides and will make sure of it if my name is going to matter. Do I have a worse shot than you people and your no-names? I like Priest, I even like Severino, but you should not even make judgments on Kripke and Lewis and Chalmers unless you understand them. Alternatively, since these people go in the direction of ever smaller bits of reality, and Severino and the others go back to the same rehashed perennial monism, or dialetheic nihilism (as Priest gets close to), people on this board prefer that. But that's why some of these analytics are called neo-Humeans and others neo-Aristotelians and others neo-Fregeans and so forth. In this they're closer to Deleuze and Heraclitus and Whitehead than these monist types. Actually Priest is closer to them too, but certainly not neo-Parmenideans like Severino. Can you specifically tell me whats stemcuck about hyperintensional theories of sub-sentential fundamentality? Not a single STEM person talks about that. So what gives? If you hate the logical formalism you already need to hate Peirce, and Parmenides, and so forth. They use formalisms too.
>but muh SOVL
It has soul yes, but what if I told you you're bringing the soul to what you read? I can bring soul to anything I read. That's the best way to enjoy everything. Try to be a Kant and bridge the divide, instead of being some footnote to history. You know for a FACT the next Kant who bridges the gap fully will be remembered. Perennialist monist anon #457893457895 will not be as remembered if it's just rehashing the past. Don't become that. Like I said I don't dislike Severino he's fine. But anons should use that stuff well. Same with Priest, use Priest well. And so forth.
He has so many problems and I am writing a whole dissertation trying to go beyond him so it's a little difficult to give you the short story rundown of it. He's wrong but in very enlightening ways. His first main mistake (in my view) is that he thinks you can represent reality's structure with language, and his second main mistake is that he thinks the job of explanation is done by saying some of that structure is metaphysically real BUT not ontological. In my view that's not the end of the job, and more should be said. So he's enlightening because he's already daring to say some things that people resisted saying in the analytic tradition too long.
>Einstein? Darwin? Jesus? Never heard of them
Oh wait anon you're just not knowledgeable. Take a God's point of view. From that perspective, some people are still literally whos accomplishment-wise and (accurate) reputation-wise, and some are not.

>> No.22502242

>Hegel doesn’t even argue to the unconditioned
what part of ABSOLUTE is unclear to you copefag?

>> No.22502260

>Oh wait anon you're just not knowledgeable.
the irony here is through the roof

>> No.22502263

I've read them. I can knock em. Sider ain't bad. But the continental is leading the way in novelty and the analytics are playing catch up. Why not just read Deleuze and Whitehead and Heraclitus? I guess this is about that new new tho. Idk. I don't care about novelty. Nihil novum sub sole. I find the theology angle interesting these days. But yes. Neither nihilist nor monist. Nor dualist nor non-dualist. I think stuff like Desmond and Ulrich and Pryzwara are pretty incredible moreso than Severino but the latter does have some novelty in renewing doctrine.

>> No.22502277

>modern philosophy
>thread is full of dualism bs
okay no need to continue the joke
if you're going to post anti-materialist shit at least go the full way like >>22501113

>> No.22502284
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Anyone read picrel?

>> No.22502293

why didn't you say it was by Klages faggot? shit. I almost overlooked this.

>> No.22502298

>analytic theology
not wasting my time on that

>> No.22502308
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>if you're going to post anti-materialist shit at least go the full way like picrel

>> No.22502426

Let me guess, it's about how the west has fallen and evropa must retvrn to traditional nietzschen larpaganism to counter the growing threat of islam?

>> No.22502500

It's about love, it's about the highest form of love, it's about listening to the soul instead of the spirit or the flesh, it's about primordial phenomenology and dark atavistic enlightement, it's about the gnostic alien parasite in your skull that you must kill, the reality of spirits, magic, and the paranormal, the importance of sacrifice and ancestor worship, and the undervalued role of chthonic and underworldly currents generally within esoterica (and the importance of feminine dark mother archetype)

>> No.22502570

Sounds like I was right.

>> No.22502602

Well, it was written by a literal Nazi

>> No.22502631

The opposite, says the West was a mistake looks to primitive and indigenous, especially underdeveloped Africans, to try and correct this

>> No.22503180

>Why not just read Deleuze and Whitehead and Heraclitus?
I do recommend reading them. However, they also are wrong. Obviously everybody in history (including myself and yourself) got it all wrong, but we're part of a process trying to get it right. Philosophers are very useful when they're wrong, because it helps you narrow down the choices. Mistakes are very insightful.
Anon back up your words or eat shit. What have you read? More importantly, what have you written or are writing?

>> No.22504156
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>Obviously everybody in history (including myself and yourself) got it all wrong,

>> No.22505580

Technic and Magic

>> No.22506821


>> No.22507799
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Being is the mojo dojo casa house of truth

>> No.22507802


>> No.22507823

Look around

>> No.22507839
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Seeing all those philosophy books on this thread just made me realize that great part of philosophy is just pure mental masturbation, and just people arguing to defend their pet view of how the world's is or work, kind of pointless in the end, they would never arrive the truth to know if their pet worldview is right because is beyond the means to put to the test once and for all.

>> No.22508024
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Retvrn to shamanism

>> No.22508039

Nobody's mentioned Fanged Noumena? Fail

>> No.22508332

Revolutionary Demonology and CCRU too!!!!

>> No.22509035
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Anyone check this out? Heard good things

>> No.22509042


>> No.22509051

>looks to primitive and indigenous, especially underdeveloped Africans,
You didn't read the book, you fucking idiot.
Klages looks more to the Pelasgians, not fucking Africans.
KYS, you stupid fucking pseud.

>> No.22509058

Some simple philosophical questions /lit/:
>What makes you?
>What breaks you?
>What takes you?
>What shakes you?
>What bakes you?

No further questions allowed, that would ruin the exercise

>> No.22509522

sider and kripke and lewis are not part of the "discourse" because their work is uninteresting to people who don't have an interest in philosphical questions. the irony is that anyone who has an interest in philosophy and enjoyed thinking about philosophical questions would immediately recognize those men, lewis and kripke especially, as extremely interesting thinkers

>> No.22511006


>> No.22511690

I want this shit thread to die because most of the books recommended are garbage and the people recommending haven't even read them cover to cover, just ask about it like >>22509035 and >>22502284 and >>22499881 and probably still >>22497209 the only good examples are the Priest book, the Severino, the Sider, I might have missed others but who knows when the people recommending them haven't even READ the shit they pull up.
If this was the 1700s these anons would claim Descartes and Leibniz and Hume were boring, that we should only read Aquinas and earlier, and they wouldn't even know about Spinoza, and just a little later Kant shows up and fucks them all over by showing it's possible to synthesize bits from all those medievals, rationalists, and empiricists and give birth to German Idealism. That's what these anons are, they're stupid and will look fucking stupid because they're doing the equivalent of sticking to one old tradition, ignoring another one, and not doing a proper synthesis of everything in current existence.

>> No.22511790

>t. Buttflustered analytic

All those enlightenment philosophers were very much part of discourse. Also boo on you for dismissing scholasticism.

>> No.22512303
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>> No.22512365
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I only read parts but it was a let down. It advocates for a mathematical scientific realism but doesn't justify it.

At won't point it literally says something like: "so yes, reality is best described by these equations. That's what it is but we do not embrace ontic structural realism (e.g. Tegmark) because these are physical things not mathematical entities. No we absolutely refuse to distinguish what makes something physical and not mathematical."

It seems to fall hard for the positive trap of thinking that "more objective = more truthful" and that objectivity becomes truth at the limit. This isn't true. Is the truth of how you feel when pissed off better reflected by equations than any other description? Is a textbook on mechanics that only uses equations rather than diagrams really "reflecting something more true?" This is fundamentally mistakes what objectivity is. Objectivity only makes sense in the context of subjectivity. The positivist position is like asking someone to see what something looks like without eyes or think something like they didn't have a mind.

So you also get the "more abstract = more objective = more true," and this leads to dismissing many issues as pseudo problems because they aren't about how best to get your abstractions set down the best way.

Oh, and logic is still totally disconnected from the world and "constructed." Why do we construct logic? Why do we do it one way and not another? Why do we see cause as we experience it? IDK, but it's definetly not because something logic like exists in the world itself because Gödel and Tarski got everyone to shit themselves over claiming any sort of greater Logos might exist, even though the scientific project is incoherent if the world isn't pattern driven and intelligible. Seems to still make the mistake of cutting man and subjectivity off from the world, not realizing we are part of nature and perspective IS natural. Fucking Hegel has this shit write but he wrote like such an asshole that the idea didn't take I guess.

Fuuuck that noise. If you want to hold science up as the be all end all then just let scientists speak. And then they will speak about the "logic of natural selection," "the logic of thermodynamics," "the logos at work in cosmic state progression," and trample all the fuck over your positivism. It cracks me up that physicists are now more Platonist than many science adjacent philosophers.

Pic unrelated but good.

>> No.22512452

You don't know how population genetics works. After sufficient time inbreeding sheds off its negative gene associations and you have what one might call a new race.

>> No.22512456

The CIA pushes progressist, not reactionary, politics all around the world.

>> No.22512490

That's absolutely wrong. Socially, it has many documented bad outcomes on average, which should be a good enough reason not to do it. But It's not even the case that the more genetic distance, the better: genes then interact in ways they aren't selected to in the respective populations. That's why data suggests the ideal is third or fourth cousin: https://www.livescience.com/2271-kissing-cousins-kids.html

>> No.22513201

>boo on you for dismissing scholasticism.
Idiot doesn't read the post before he replies, I did nothing of the sort
>All those enlightenment philosophers were very much part of discourse
But you people aren't part of the discourse today. If you lived back then you wouldn't either. But you WOULD act like Descartes, Leibniz, Hume are boring because your anon nature is fundamentally conservative: you like to conserve the old, and dismiss the contemporary, until it becomes old. As such 4chan is not a vanguardist place to be at the forefront of philosophical progress, and it won't be until you get over that yourselves.

>> No.22513299

>His first main mistake (in my view) is that he thinks you can represent reality's structure with language,
sounds reasonable. I don't think philosophy is possible if this weren't true in at least some qualified sense.
>saying some of that structure is metaphysically real BUT not ontological.
that just sounds retarded. metaphysics IS ontology. they're synonyms, and only through a bizarre game of telephone by pseuds has it come to mean anything different .

>> No.22514446


>> No.22514492

If they did the latter I’d be a fan

>> No.22514508

Yeah but that’s bad for culture

>> No.22514575

The CIA was the boogieman of lefties and the cool tough guy of the right until just recently Zoom Zoom. They were based terrorist hunters not afraid to get their hands dirty, funders of reactionary regimes, commie hunters.

Somehow Donald Trump single handedly got almost the entire right to turn on the US security state, including the military, because he can't take the slightest criticism. The intelligence agencies didn't even shit on Trump, they just said Russia hacked the DNC and he thought that made him look bad. The military feud is even more recent and comes from Mattis, Espers, Milley, etc. men Trump appointed by the way, saying he was a deluded Boomer who viewed all foreign policy through the lens of the culture war and listened to Hannity more than his cabinet. Tilerson has said the same thing. Even Barr has said similar things, but based Barr became a beta soi RINO as soon as he said Trump lost the election fair and square.

I don't think this will last. Blumpism will shit the bed if he loses again it goes to jail first. Already they can't pass a bill to keep the government open in a house they control because of infighting and they want to slash their voters benes right before an election. I imagine they will have a crisis for a bit longer and then swing hard to the center like Clinton swung the Dems to the center when it becomes apparent they can't win national elections anymore (they only have won more votes in one in over a third of a century and that was because of the incumbency during 9/11).

CIA and the military will become conservative aligned forced again because they always have been. It's that we live in a world were sucking Trump is the sole measure of being conservative and the past five GOO candidates aside from Trump are now openly called beta soi RINOs, as if the true GOP only formed when he road down his escalator. Hopefully he'll die in jail, seems likely. No one has done more to further liberal hegemony long term than that retard.

>> No.22515432
File: 205 KB, 1170x1111, 1690230543924869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the response.

>> No.22515948

>you would blah
>because blah blah blah
Bitch. You don't know me. Projection much? Pretty ironic that you are saying us anons posting new books are not open enough to newness as opposed to you the enlightened anon who only likes Sider and nothing else. Idiota

>> No.22516323

Any of you guys ever hop over to Colin McGinn's blog? I sometimes peruse his little philosophy essays and think some of you might enjoy them.

>> No.22517670

the CIA has always been leftists. Fighting communists doesnt make them right wing, it makes them competing revolutionaries
likewise their relative unpopularity with many domestic progressives/crypto communists doesnt mean they arent lefty
If you really think running around the world toppling governments, promoting “human rights” and “spreading democracy” is right wing idk what to tell you
I mean they put Castro in power for gods sake. They went on to regret it when he sided with the soviets but the cuban blockage was originally a blockade of Batista…

>> No.22518086

Just say you think otherwise if you do. Well? Do you like genuinely new philosophy that contradicts the perennialism? You can answer this and settle the matter.

>> No.22518189

I am not a perennialist. Or a monist. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those. At least not necessarily. I also like theology. But even though I like theology I nevertheless believe even that particular field is not a static dogma but a process of invention and discovery. I do not slumber dogmatically. I have completed an undergrad in philosophy and read and posted numerous books of recent philosophy in this thread and the last one and on this board over the years. Probably more than you considering you think Sider is only novel philosopher in the entire field. I recognized that such blindness is common with people while doing their dissertation, they think their topic is the most important in the world even when it clearly isn't it -- hopefully you'll grow up and wise up out of such myopia when/if you become a professor, I pity your students otherwise... Philosophy however is IMO both transhistorical and historical. The enterprise itself is somewhat timeless but there are also movements in history. Progress, yes, evolution and so on. Even the perennialists have changed their positions over the years. Compare Huxley to Evola. Or Evola to Guenon. Or Guenon to Ficino. Etc.! All perennialists, all wildly different. Similarly, Severino is not a 1:1 for Parmenidean thought. Every philosophy has its own individuality and suchness. Every philosopher, every human.

>> No.22518220

I suppose I was trolling a bit by calling analytic philosophy boring and not part of discourse. But I do feel continental philosophy in general is more discoursable insofar as it gather together all the politics and social as well as the purely logical or metaphysical. Just like the gayreeks or the idealist germs, it's more integral yano. Kripke is great, but hard to appreciate without understanding of the analytic tradition and its history.

I actually agree with yr semi-hegelian view that we are toiling with error and slowly growing closer. In fact, the perfect philosophy might not be attainable from within this world insofar as it would be part of world...