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/lit/ - Literature

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22495859 No.22495859 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite history books.

>> No.22495924

Any Landmark book

>> No.22496005

Hammond and Hammond _Skilled Labourer_

>> No.22496045
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dont know if this counts.

>> No.22496175
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>> No.22496617

What’s a good historical account of mercenaries?

>> No.22496674

Recc me good history books in spanish please.

>> No.22496702

I liked the French Revolution and the Crimean War by Davidson and Figes, respectively

>> No.22496703
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pic rel filtered me so hard. it was the summer before my first degree year and i wanted to take a certain program that required a history class. i read this book and had to write a history essay but had never written a history essay before and couldn't figure out what to do. So i switched to philosophy.

>> No.22496903
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Diary of a Common Soldier in the American Revolution

>> No.22497055
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would recommend this

>> No.22497068
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also this

>> No.22497076 [DELETED] 
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just discovered this recently. really comfy chud friendly history of the 20th century. there's a couple things that might piss off a 4chan kid, but so much good stuff that other histories don't mention or downplay that's it's absolutely worth a read/listen.

>> No.22497530

might be too general, but they're good for initiate level: Historia Universal, by Óscar Secco Ellauri and Pedro Baridón, I managed to find the first volume, Oriente, in a quick google search. http://www.bnm.me.gov.ar/giga1/libros/00132351/00132351.pdf
you might want to check out the other ones (i like the middle ages book personally)

>> No.22497972
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A distant mirror.

>> No.22497997

It's great.

>> No.22498009

The Plantagenets, The Wars of the Roses, and Crusaders by Dan Jones are entertaining pop histories.

>> No.22498574
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The Best Land Under Heaven: The Donner Party in the Age of Manifest Destiny - Michael Wallis

>> No.22498587

Interesting, I've never heard of this series. I'm going to have to give it a try. I think American history is the last history I've yet to delve into

>> No.22498594
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Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix.

Strictly a political biography but a comprehensive and enlightening one. It should've been put on that Japanese lit chart (the one sorted by era) we always see floating around.

>> No.22498615
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>> No.22498618
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The Society of Jesus was and is great. I'm sick of the constant hatred against it and its members. More ignorance than anything else. Just a bunch of conspiracy theory prone American protestants.

>> No.22498658

Any recs for Roman history? Either an overview or focused on the decline. I know of Gibbon but I don’t know if reading it worth it or just a meme.

>> No.22498721
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The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000


>> No.22498976
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Names on the Land

>> No.22498998

Any recommendations for overall German/Austrian history?

>> No.22499114
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Two thirds of my way through pic related and so far so good. Gives a very detailed account of the period, and it goes to great lengthts to explain the motivations of players both big and small. Definitely recommend it if you're interested in the period.

>> No.22499306
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Twelve Who Ruled

>The years 1793 and 1794 marked the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, a bloody period characterized by the brutal repression of those suspected of being counterrevolutionary. The so-called Committee of Public Safety, which directed the Terror, ordered 2,400 executions in July 1794 in Paris alone, and across France 30,000 people lost their lives. R. R. Palmer's Twelve Who Ruled is the classic study of the twelve men who made up the committee, the most famous of whom was Robespierre. Palmer approached each man as an individual, describing and explaining his inner motivations and dramatically portraying his revolutionary role. In addition, he saw the Committee of Public Safety as the prototype of modern dictatorships and the Reign of Terror as an early incarnation of the totalitarian state.


>> No.22499333
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This was amazing. Really mindblowing.

>> No.22499342


>> No.22499525
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de Tocqueville's The Ancien Régime and the Revolution

>> No.22499704

Have always wanted to read more about the history of the French Revolution. I've read polemics at the time, like DeMaistre's royalist writings, but have yet to read any history. It's such a pivotal event in European history.
I started this book about it and the transition away from feudalism, but unfortunately it was really dry and boring overly relying on a statistical method that made it unpleasant to read.

>> No.22499932

I just posted the book. I was raised Protestant and am American but I don’t have a particular hatred towards Jesuits. Besides the author is French anyways.

>> No.22499937

Hmmm. Is there any book on the history of rest stops or the American highway system?

>> No.22499940

I read that and don’t remember a lick of anything I read

>> No.22500122

Wishlisted it. A bit pricey about 22 bucks

>> No.22500132

I am reading The First Crusade by Thomas Asbridge
I was thinking about reading something about the Crusades, I have Dan Jones' book on the Templars but I found this at a thrift shop for a dollar and ended up reading 80 pages of it in an afternoon

>> No.22500150
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Just got these as a gift

>> No.22500186


if you like that and can read in french you should check olivier blanc works on internet he's a legit historian but as described by himself think the whole historiography in france is pozzed so he just put notice on geneanet.


and guy is legit good tho ,always primary sources.

>> No.22500621

Gibbon is worth reading if you're willing to treat it as classical literature at this point and willing to embrace that a not-insignificant portion of it is just factually incorrect.

>> No.22500631

>Any recs for Roman history? Either an overview or focused on the decline.
Rome in Late Antiquity by Hugh Elton

>> No.22500636

Lmao at this point i think these posts are bots

>> No.22500753
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Reveille in Washington, 1860–1865


>> No.22501804
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The Rise and Fall of Alexander Hamilton

>> No.22502062

Xenophons anabasis
Ancient greek mercenaries in persia

>> No.22502161
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I like :-)

>> No.22502307

Most of the book is about them grinding through the Caucasus and Anatolia.

>> No.22502362

Currently reading through Manifest Destiny's Underworld, and I like it.
I'm mostly readin g this book because it's the only one I've been able to find online for free.

>> No.22502388
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>> No.22502389
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>> No.22502390
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>> No.22502467
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>favorite history books
Bruce Catton's Civil War (Mr. Lincoln's Army/Glory Road/A Stillness at Appomattox)


>> No.22502766

How is it? Read a brief description and it seems interesting.

>> No.22502973

It's a great read, but I was surprised to find out it got shit on by scholars pretty hard

>> No.22503116

It's about the filibusters, crazy to think how many expeditions they sent to Canada.
Almost all of them collapsed before they even started to seriously invade. Goes to show they were at least marginally unserious people.

>> No.22503134

Does it cover William Walker? I ordered his "The War in Nicaragua" a couple days ago, and I'm looking for more sources on the guy.

>> No.22503135
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Durantfag here, Caesar and Christ is part three of the Story of Civilization by the Durants, and I always find the voice in the works really compelling and the foci always worthwhile

>> No.22503255

Anyone ever read these btw?

>> No.22503282

>might be too general, but they're good for initiate level:
Thanks anon, general is good when practicing reading in another language. I'll check them out

>> No.22503286

seconding Durant

>> No.22503613

>Durantfag here
Durant is dogshit. His work on Late Antiquity is so terrible it is embarrassing.

>> No.22503652

Read Carlyle's "french revolution". It's my favorite history book but ive read so few so take of that what you will. Def not dry. Really phenomenal.
Captcha is M(A)RATG0 what did they mean by this

Other fav is "the hidden war" by artyom borovik

>> No.22503746
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>> No.22504290
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>> No.22504461

Why is it terrible?

>> No.22504476
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>> No.22504570
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>> No.22504592

Be very careful taking recommendations from /lit/. These threads get a lot of outdated and in accurate dogshit passed off as good suggestions. It’s quite telling that as soon as this board tries to discuss anything beyond strictly “literature” it’s very obviously clueless.

>> No.22504601
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contrarians will h8

>> No.22504750


>> No.22504785

Half way through it, I'm really enjoying all the prehistory he has written in but ultimately I will still be a racist

>> No.22504791


>> No.22504862

Here's some criticism of a few pages I've read

His criticism of Gratian of
>Left the government to corrupt officals who put every office up for sale
This is essentially Roman virtue signalling and doesn't mean anything to the actual running of the state since it was a part of Roman culture. Not to mention it is obtuse. It could be referring to payments to your superior, which eveyone had to do by law or the promotion price, which was half part of legal practice and half part of the Patron culture the Romans held.

>The Imperial governor there, Butheric
Butheric wasn't a governer but a Magister Militum. He didn't govern.

>Valentinian II was assassinated
I used to, but don't particularly agree with this anymore. The problem is however there isn't enough detail given to why exactly somebody would think that. He died by hanging which was presumably suicide or an attempt to make him look like he did. The context to the event isn't given.

>Theodosius' sons lost control of their administration
This isn't true for Arcadius, he took hold of his government and had active efforts in law and managing the military by his 20's. He was not an idle puppet, he actively and sucessfully resisted strongmen from both administration and military.

>Alaric speech
He just makes this up

>Radagaisus with 200,000 men
An impossible number and just accepted.

All this from 2.2 of 'The Age of Faith'. On top of the fact it's just as barebones as a narrative could be and it can't even get it right. You would be better off reading wikipedia articles.

>> No.22504876

>Magister Militum. He didn't govern
The magister militum does govern...

>> No.22504882

>This isn't true for Arcadius, he took hold of his government and had active efforts in law and managing the military by his 20's. He was not an idle puppet, he actively and sucessfully resisted strongmen from both administration and military.
he was a weak willed fool. stop coping.

>> No.22504975
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this one was pretty well done

>> No.22505093

>This isn't true for Arcadius, he took hold of his government and had active efforts in law and managing the military by his 20's. He was not an idle puppet, he actively and sucessfully resisted strongmen from both administration and military.
Source for this, I'd be interested in reading more on him? I know Arcadius certainly was able to assert himself more often than he is traditionally given credit, but that's still far cry from what I understand by "actively and sucessfully resisted strongmen".

>> No.22506015
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Plutarch's Lives

>> No.22506773
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History of the Conquest of Mexico

>> No.22506825

What do you have to fear from people reading older books if they are so evidently retarded and "outdated"?

>> No.22507033

No one?

>> No.22507738
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Everyday Stalinism


>> No.22507855
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Anyone know of any books about the Italian navy? Primarily intersted in the period of the Great War and leading up to it. But I'd be interested in WW2 and interwar stuff as well.

>> No.22508966
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Based Foote.

>> No.22508989

Historians have an obligation to call the shit

>> No.22510131

I reccomend Bernal Diaz del Castillo's True History of the Conquest of New Spain if you want an easy to read first hand account by a guy who fought in the conquest of Mexico.
It also has soulful anecdotes, like how a spaniard guarding Montezuma farted one night, and Montezuma gave him a golden jewel so that he wouldn't do it again, only for him to fart again the next night to see if he got another one.

>> No.22510148

You ever read Collis’ book on Cortes and Montezuma by any chance?

>> No.22510842

Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization by Stephen Kotkin is good, too.

>> No.22510846

They had a Navy in WW2??

>> No.22510851
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Do any of you have recommendations for the history of pharaonic Egypt? At least until the bronze age collapse but beyond is fine. The more up-to-date the better.
Also, I like picrel.

>> No.22510854

Is Chris Wickham good on the early Middle Ages?

>> No.22510872

Yeah. I expected him to be a lot more obnoxious given he's associated with Past and Present, a marxist journal, but aside from a comment here and there he's not that blinkered by his ideology.

>> No.22510876
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History of Gommunism

>> No.22510879

Historians are like pimps. They prostitute the past to the highest bidder. Trusting one pimp over another just because he wants to sell you a different past is retarded.

>> No.22510887

The Magister Militum was the commander of a field army. Administration was in the hands of the Praetorian Prefecture and appointed administrators. Cities had their own local administration in form of the Curiate that worked alongside the Imperial administration.
Sadly, Arcadius was never given as much treatment as Theodosius II but he is covered in two works, with narrative 'The Rome that did not fall' and 'The Roman Empire in Late Antiquity' by Hugh Elton. Though I don't mean to say he was exactly a strong Emperor, but I think it is clear that he was able to rule in his own right and disposed of those who attempted to control him like Gainas.
Yes. He's probably one of the definative scholars on the period. His 'Inheritance of Rome' book is sort of an introduction to his (a lot) longer and scholarly 'Framing the Middle Ages'

>> No.22510908

Sup bros,

Any recs/books on Yugoslavia or Serbia? Thank you in advance.

>> No.22510931

I do have to ask because it's a long-standing doubt I have. Is there any consensus on the general fate of the Roman patrician/senatorial class after the fall of western Rome as far as you know? Or is it a murky area and no one really knows?

>> No.22510977

Believe it or not, there is an entire book about it. 'The falls of Rome' by Michele Renee Salzman. I really enjoyed it, about half the book is related to the Ostrogoth and Justinianic periods. The very very end of the Senate in the later 6th century and early 7th isn't well recorded and the main argument as to why they stopped existing was just becuase they had nothing left to do, nothing to work for and no offices or glory to win so there was no reason for Senators to remain in Rome to compete as there was nothing to compete for and they instead moved to their estates in Italy or moved East. The book covers from Constantine until the early 7th century.

>> No.22511111

Would like to know as well

>> No.22511247

thanks for bumping, also checkd

>> No.22511271

Is that the one where the Holocaust is never mentioned? Hmmm

>> No.22511288
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that book is refuted by observing the border between Haiti and the Dominican republic
Also, you can tame a Zebra

>> No.22511629

How’s The First Crusade been? I’ve been thinking of reading one of Thomas Asbridge’s books on the crusades

>> No.22511650

Could you please take the trouble of showing your desktop that's behind your stack?

>> No.22511693 [DELETED] 


>> No.22513042

interesting, if you know, is it the idea of the 14th century being calamitous, or more specifically how the book goes about that?

>> No.22513136

Great read. The diary of Joseph plum Martin is just as intriguing.

>> No.22513271

Does someone have a good book rec on the Spanish Civil War? In English or Spanish

>> No.22513287

Are all the lives worth it? I'd read it just for Alexander and Philip, but there's like 40 others

>> No.22513612

>Are all the lives worth it?
Yes, some are obviously more exiting than others. All of them are interesting but I wouldn't recommend reading them all at once.

>> No.22513614

Bumping to see if I can get an answer for this

>> No.22513625


>> No.22513951

Any book recs on Latin American history through the lens of the evolution of institutions?

>> No.22514012

Historians are like pimps.


That's why you can trust historians.

>> No.22514249
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Any good books on the history of rhetoric and speech? I have picrel

>> No.22514267

It is extremely easy to read and the structure of the book contributes to that as does the writing
It's very much a narrative history but it gives you a lot of information about the world of the crusaders when it is relevant

>> No.22514606
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>Joseph Plum Martin
Good recommendation.

>> No.22514663

>in accurate
Do you have a time machine? How do you know what's accurate and what's not? And how about some examples of your bullshit statement.

>> No.22515183
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Really good book, had no idea about any of this stuff beforehand.

>> No.22515194
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another good one

>> No.22515205

Does anyone know anything decent on Kaiser Franz Joseph? I thought I'd try to piece together his educational plan.

>> No.22516081

This book is dogshit

>> No.22516189

Are there any good books on Italy during WW2 in general? Most general histories just gloss over Italy to talk about Germany and Germany.

>> No.22516216

It's a really good Comedy and a terrible history.

>> No.22516236

I need a good book about the history of Rome. Everyone seems to recommend SPQR by Mary Beard but I don't know if I can trust a women on this subject matter.

>> No.22516409 [DELETED] 

Sexist pieces of shits like you don't belong here.

>> No.22516448
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>> No.22516884

Read this telephone book before the Hamilton phenomenon and, because my sister lived in NYC at the time, visited Harlem Heights before it became the tourist Mecca Hendrickson regretted its not being at the close house of his tome. Enjoyable completely partisan biography.

>> No.22517358

Check out Stanley Payne

>> No.22517448

Mommsen I heard is good