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File: 33 KB, 455x674, genji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22495382 No.22495382 [Reply] [Original]

Is it elite or shit? Being written by a woman is already a red flag

>> No.22495508
File: 571 KB, 1238x1600, ever-accumulating-heaps-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retard for saying that novels written by women are "red flags"

>> No.22495520

Oh, yeah? Are Nabokov, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Weininger also retarded then? Are all the ancient writers retards as well then?

>> No.22495525


>> No.22495527

imagine any of them trying to make a video post.

>> No.22495550
File: 165 KB, 1200x1817, the-golden-ass-the-metamorphoses-of-lucius-apuleius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first novel ever written

>> No.22495618

What is The Golden Ass? Satyricon?

>> No.22495620

Every single scholar agrees that Genji was the first novel, retards. Just search on Google.

>> No.22495625

The 2 books mentioned were written way earlier and considered novels

>> No.22495627

>Just search on Google
And now who is the retard?

>> No.22495633

The Golden Ass:
>James Evans (2005). Arts and Humanities Through the Eras. Thomson/Gale. p. 78. ISBN 978-0-7876-5699-7. "The 'Golden Ass' the only Latin novel to survive in its entirety"
>Moore, Steven (2010). The Novel, an Alternative History: Beginnings to 1600. Moore aligns it with modern novels like Joyce's Ulysses and Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.22495643
File: 118 KB, 1080x763, 123135454134213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so The Golden Ass was already well known for a while but why is Genji considered the first novel? Is there a particular reason why it's disqualified?

>> No.22495646

>why is Genji considered the first novel?
I've never heard of this. It's always Golden Ass (first surviving novel) or Don Quixote (first modern novel).

>> No.22495651

Fucking weebs.

>> No.22495654

Apuleius and Petronius definitely wrote what is considered a novel but they are free flowing and have side storylines or plots. I’d imagine anyone saying Genji means novel with a tight arc. I’ve never read it though so maybe an anon can elaborate

>> No.22495662

I've heard it multiple times. I think it's like a common misconception like how pasta originated from China.

>> No.22495664

>Everyone who likes japanese culture is a weeb
Fuck off

>> No.22495667

Where is pasta from?

>> No.22495676


>> No.22495682

>The earliest written record of noodles is found in a book dated to the Eastern Han period (25–220 CE).[1] Noodles made from wheat dough became a prominent food for the people of the Han dynasty.[3] The oldest evidence of noodles was from 4,000 years ago in China.[1] In 2005, a team of archaeologists reported finding an earthenware bowl that contained 4000-year-old noodles at the Lajia archaeological site.[4]

>> No.22495697

Isn't this about the prince that wants to fuck his stepmother?

>> No.22495733

Noodles aren't pasta.

>> No.22495735

Use spoiler tags, you fucking retard

>> No.22495739

Noodles predate Italian pasta

>> No.22495746

There was a nationalistic competition in the 19th century of who gets to claim the credit for anything and everything and the first novel proved no exception. You'd think the Greco-Romans would be a neutral ground, but you can't masturbate over the superiority of your own nation if you agree to that. So, scholars had to get around the Greco-Romans, leading to various definitions getting developed to justify every and each country's own book as the oldest real novel which incidentally is probably why that bit about Don Quijote being the first modern novel exists, although I don't know enough about its reception to say if it really stands out. That's also why the English wank off those early epistolary novels so hard despite them being arguably less novels than Golden Ass or Don Quijote; they didn't have anything better, but had to have something in order to stay competitive. Anyway, what ended up happening is that no matter what definition European scholars threw up, the Tale of Genji wound up fulfilling every criterion once the Japanese became aware there was a competition going on. Of course, after all that nationalistic fervour led to a couple of world wars, the Tale of Genji was fine neutral ground that for Western scholars that gave some credit to non-Europeans. Personally, I do agree that there is no particular reason to exclude the Greco-Romans. However, I really don't know where you're getting Apuleius from: Both Khariton's Kallirhoe and Petronius' Satyricon date from around the reign of Nero, predating the Golden Ass by a century or so, so either of them could be the oldest surviving novel.

>> No.22495757

Wtf are you smoking dude

>> No.22495760

>Every single (((scholar)))

>> No.22495761

pasta didn't originate from chinese noodles. They were invented seperately

>> No.22495775

>Both Khariton's Kallirhoe and Petronius' Satyricon date from around the reign of Nero, predating the Golden Ass by a century or so, so either of them could be the oldest surviving novel.
Because Golden Ass is complete and Satyricon incomplete.

>> No.22496092

*Oldest novel we know about

>> No.22496121

They aren't, but you are

>> No.22496170

Not true btw

>> No.22496270

Isn't Callirhoe the oldest surviving novel? >>22495643
My guess would be for the sake of marketing one of the English translations. My guess is there's a qualifier to set it as the earliest (certain type) of novel and publishers ran with it. That and/or someone called it "the earliest novel" at some point and the falsehood spread (could have been as simple as Japanese being accidentally dropped from "earliest Japanese novel). If you're interested look that up and maybe check out the move to introduce Japanese lit to the West in the early 20th century (e.g. Hearn and Pound)--it could be they were just genuinely mistaken and the existence of Callirhoe wasn't widespread knowledge (but my guess is marketing or publishers mistake).

>> No.22496391

His adopted daughter, among others.

>> No.22496942

>Isn't this about the prince that wants to fuck his stepmother?
Genji Monogatari is a fucking harem grooming novel, the first of its kind.

>> No.22497081

The protagonist has sex with a young boy and tries to raise a baby girl to be his lover.

Goes on to show that the Japanese were always creepy bastards.

>> No.22497341
File: 179 KB, 226x224, 1693341021237833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading it right now, but I'm not yet halfway through yet. It's very good and is very different from anything else I've read in a very valuable way. However, one must remember that the book was written by a woman for other women. And as such the eponymous Genji commits rape multiple times and literally cucks his own father.

>> No.22497385

Why are women so obsessed with rape?

>> No.22497442


>> No.22497469

It’s very hard to declare what the first novel is in the sense of a modern novel.
Genji, Satyricon and Golden Ass are put forward as opinions by various people. But it’s just opinions.

>> No.22497548

>It’s very hard to declare what the first novel is in the sense of a modern novel.
DQ is the first modern novel. Golden Ass is the oldest (complete) novel.

>> No.22497568

Why is Genji not "modern"?