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22494906 No.22494906 [Reply] [Original]

Best books on Islam for a Christian? I don't care to read about all the political infights about who's the succesor, I want to know about the Muslim theological doctrine and its development across the centuries. Also definitely not a book by a contemporary.

>> No.22494946

Islam is basically a great religion to whip low IQ inferior people into shape. That's why countries like Saudi Arabia basically have no crime and you see these nation of Islam niggas who were gangbangers but now walk around in suits and shit. But it doesn't have any of the mysticism, symbolic/artistic profundity, or philosophical depth that Christianity possesses. The Eucharist would be something totally incomprehensible for Muslims. It's basically an extremely legalistic religion that conceives of God as an arbitrarily powerful dude in the sky. It's similar low-Church Protestantism but without any emphasis on inner enlightenment or mystical unity with God. Good for sandniggers, not so much for civilised men.

(I exclude Sufism from these comments)

>> No.22494955

Tired of this garbage. I just want to read about a millenniar religion that most likely existed before your garbage country and their countries are still more religious than whatever atheistic shithole you're posting from. Fuck off.

>> No.22494980

islam is not a deeply "theological" religion, you wouldn't see muslim scholars debating in the sense that christian scholars do, but if you want that kind of experience sufi mysticism and guenon would be a good read.

>> No.22495013

>Favouring a religion because it has a lot of adherents
Like I said, Islam is good at whipping people into shape. But it's inferior in content to Christianity.

>> No.22495024

I read Guenon's book on Hinduism but he obviously didn't care about portraying any religion honestly. He only cared about his weird perennialism. I also read some poems from Rumi (he was a Sufi, right?) and they didn't even feel religious. He was encouraging animalic/feeling-based responses and erotic love.

>> No.22495025

I'm a Christian, I'm not trying to convert, I'm trying to learn about it since I like learning about religions in general. I like spiritual people and their responses to how they see God. I don't care about contentless criticisims like yours. In fact, I'm not looking for criticism at all, I like learning from people who genuinely believe in their faith so I understand it better.

>> No.22495026

The Bible was told by a true poet. You can almost hear his voice through the years of false edits.

>> No.22495053

> He was encouraging animalic/feeling-based responses and erotic love.
Where’d you get this from? Coleman Barks or some really neutered, abridged translation/compendium of him? E.H. Whinfield’s Masnavi is a very good translation of Rumi and the mysticism on display there is obvious, and it’s far from “animalistic,” although, yes, sometimes Eros is employed in Sufi mysticism and poetry as a symbol of divine love and transcendental states of consciousness. Like Ibn Arabi (in)famously saying: “The sight of God in woman is the most perfect of all.”

>> No.22495061

Pretty sure he had some poems about drinking. It wasn't a translation issue, the writing was fine. It was an issue of the message of the poems. Anyway, it was really bad.
>“The sight of God in woman is the most perfect of all.”
Terrible. This is not religion. I'm sure Islam got so much better than this crap.

>> No.22495068


>> No.22495077

Uh… the quran?

>> No.22495088

Well, the Song of Songs (otherwise known as the Song of Solomon) is an extended conceit in the same vein and respected in both Judaism and Christianity. And that was just a single line/example, one fish out of the ocean of the possible study of Islam.

>> No.22495094

>Song of Songs
Yes, but that's one book. Anyway, I don't care about this conversation sorry.

>> No.22495095

I know this isn't what you're looking for but these videos are really great

>> No.22495107

Islam is ultimately about the Islamic society. If you don't want to live like a Muslim, then Islam will not be helpful for you

>> No.22495124

>quotes Heidegger
Why are theologians simping for philosopher frauds so much? It's embarrassing.

>> No.22495305

Skip it.

>> No.22495375

If you're not interested in the politics of it just don't bother. It's really all they care about when dealing with each other.

>> No.22495809

Listen to these:

>> No.22495818

"Ibn Taymiyyah expounds on Islam" since it isn't just his theology, but rather includes his addressing the arguments of his various opponents on things, so you can see multiple perspectives. From there you can look into the theologies he's arguing against

>> No.22495851

Do you have any recommendations for Quran translations? I’m in a similar boat, Christian who wants to learn more.

>> No.22495873

>across the centuries
You need to get a little political in order to see the distinctions. One archaeological note that needs to be addressed is that the Qaba was stolen and removed from its original Forbidden Place of Worship and taken to Mecca. Many suspect that the original location was Petra, and the old mosques being situated towards Petra tend to corroborate this.

>> No.22495881

>so I understand it better
Keep in mind that there is Islam outside of Mohammed. Something like 90 percent are mohammedan, but not all of them.

>> No.22495890

NTA but The Critical Quran by Robert Spencer. Has useful commentary and translations that don't try to mask anything. For example, it renders Surah 18:86 as such:
>Until, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of muddy water, and found a people nearby. We said, O Dhul-
Qarnayn, either punish them or show them kindness.

Other translations usually like to add words that soften what it says, such as Sahih International
>Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them [a way of] goodness."

Or for 3:54 it renders as
>And they schemed, and Allah schemed, and Allah is the best of schemers.
Which isn't even as harsh as it's arguable one could render 'scheme' as 'deceive,' so while the book is critical it's not overly zealous.

And for reference Sahih International softens this as saying
>And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners.

>> No.22496479

But he was imprisoned by muslims

>> No.22496578

>Best books on Islam for a Christian
Probably the best all-in-one introduction to islam is still Hodgson's trilogy, "The Venture of Islam".
>I want to know about the Muslim theological doctrine
Islam doesn't really have a theology in the sense that christians use the word. Which is why polemics among muslims are usually about authority and with whom it lies rather than, say, what they think about double predestination. This isn't even a "hurr durr islam is dumb" thing, muslims genuinely consider their lack of theology a good thing because they think their religion is better than needing things like theology to be justified.

>> No.22496631

So he's wrong

>> No.22496758


So were three out of four of the founders of the four schools that Muslims follow. Malik, Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad were all imprisoned

>> No.22496773

St. John of Damascus’s Critique of Islam

>> No.22496775

>muddy water is the muddy blood of Indians

>> No.22496798
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>> No.22496801
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>> No.22496802
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>> No.22496804
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>> No.22496808
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>> No.22496810
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>> No.22496813
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Abdu Murray digs deeply into these three representatives of major worldviews of our day: secular humanism, pantheism and theism (specifically in the form of Islam)


>> No.22496816
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Also several books for Christians who are interested in dialogue with Muslims and want to better explain the Christian faith to them. And also for all curious Muslims.


>> No.22496818

islam is a political system masquerading as a religion, same as judaism
neither are spiritual

>> No.22496820
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>> No.22496822
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>> No.22496825
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>> No.22496829
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>> No.22497500

>imagine needing secondary literature from an academic to understand christianity

>> No.22497587

>Good for sandniggers
That's pretty much what Jesus was. Based on what you're saying, then that would mean Europeans are sandniggers too.

>> No.22498754

Try Sachiko Murata's Tao of Islam (classical philosophy and mysticism), Carl Ernst's How to Read the Quran (selected guided readings from the book) and Wael Hallaq's Introduction to Islamic Law. Lastly, Edward Said's Covering Islam is more an analysis of the media image of Islam in the Western media since 1979, the issue of terrorism/fundamentalism is sadly unavoidable.

>> No.22499582


>> No.22499907
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remove kebab
all of them

>> No.22499909
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even moooslimes realize that islam is a pile of poop

>> No.22501164

Merton and Sufism.

>> No.22501169

Your best bet for Islam, would to read a quran with commentary. You can also read the sealed nectar collection, for the life of Muhammed (saw.) If you want to read about the teachings of Muslims, then you should just go to a local mosque (if applicable) and ask for those books.

>> No.22501749

Spoken like a retarded that knows fuck all about Islam. There's categorically been more theological discussion in Islam that Christianity. FFS massive Christian scholars like Thomas Aquinas literally read Islamic theological works and ripped their idea nearly 1 for 1.

>> No.22501943
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how about instead, they read hate mail about the Quran? Surely that will inform them. jk

>> No.22501957

>(I exclude Sufism from these comment
I was about to say

You can read "Abraham" by Bruce Feiler and have a laugh about how the story of the Binding of Isaac went off the deep end.
>The Koran assumes the audience is familiar with the torah
500 years pass
>the Koran takes precedence over the torah
500 years later
>the Koran is the only true work
silly moselms

>> No.22501974

If you read the Barks "translation" of Rumi, note that he doesn't speak Farsi and he basically just made a version of Rumi based on other English translations he read. Many people have specifically noted that he has tried to secularize Rumi, so that may be why you got that impression

>> No.22501997

>one could render 'scheme' as 'deceive,'
No, one could not do this without being disingenuous as the word for deceive in Arabic is totally different and used in the Quran to describe Satan.

>> No.22502005

Henry Corbin, History of Islamic Philosophy. This has both philosophy and history but leans more towards the history side but it might be helpful for you to find sources

>> No.22502375

>>the Koran takes precedence over the torah
Was this not from the beginning? Abrogation? That later prophets can overwrite previous works?

>> No.22502471

This only applies to Salafis and Wahabbis

>t. Ismaeli Muslim

>> No.22503072

Blah blah typical narcissism of small differences bs.

>> No.22503795

You cannot exclude Sufism from Islam. Never happened in any of the dynasties. You cannot ignore the henelogy in The Quran and The Hadith. Literally impossible.

>> No.22503809

Read the Quran as a christian. You'll find comfort in it as it clarifies your beliefs about Jesus and who God really is.

Keep in mind what it js; a.revelation that comes in the form of a recitation, from God, through Gabriel, to Muhammad.It will make more sense to you since a lot of verses start with "Say" meaning the prophet was instructed to reveal those around him.

>> No.22503812

Yusuf Ali is a classic. You can also experience the way it is expressed through online Quran's using recitators. Quran.com

>> No.22503829

If you’re a Protestant Christian you’re already 2/3 of the way to being a Muslim.

>> No.22503833
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On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.

>> No.22503839

There is a chapter on Islam in Manly Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages

>> No.22503972

I read the Clear Quran. I found it helpful because it gives each paragraph a subtitle, usually the Quran just throws passages at you out of context, and you are left trying to get the context. Clear Quran also gives a short explanation of each surah.

>> No.22503977

Great book. I read this one. It was very informative about all the sects

>> No.22504277

you won't see the quality and the range of discussion that kant, descartes, kierkegard had, and i am a former muslim

>> No.22504327

Read Hasan Spiker. Basically, the abandonment of Aristotelianism and Platonism is an arbitrary decision to move away from their epistemology. Kant is a brittle philosopher.

>> No.22504912


>> No.22504933

St. John of Damascus, St. Niketas of Byzantium, and St. Gregory Palamas all wrote about Islam. Catholics seem to think Islam is just an unorthodox variant of Christianity per the Second Council and Nostra Aetate, which is quite obviously completely delusional since they do not believe in a triune God.

>> No.22504940

The Quran is full of contradictions and leaves so many questions unanswered that actually reading the Quran convinced more than any debate, polemic, etc. that Islam is false.

>> No.22504949

Muhammad spread a lie for his own gain, or else was deluded by demons. Only one of these allegations is a lie. Other allegations are irrelevant.

>> No.22504966
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>> No.22504969

Watch the David wood videos about islam. That would kill any interest in that religion besides morbid curiosity.

>> No.22505013

I am a Christian

>> No.22505032

Just watch Sam Shamoun. All he does is convert Muslims to Christianity.

>> No.22505133

This looks good

>> No.22505240

Bad rec. Corbin didn’t understand Christian orthodoxy, let alone Islam. If you want a perspective from Christianity, this isn’t it.

>> No.22505323

If your looking for a Muslim equivalent of Kant or Descartes your not going to find it. Lightning doesn't strike twice. Now where's the Japanese Kant or the Chinese Descartes? You'll find there's a massive amount of philosophy and theology in the Islamic world. Just because it ain't Kantian doesn't make it bad or non-existent. Go back to your subreddit your retard.

>> No.22505538

>That's pretty much what Jesus was
1 Samuel 16:12, "He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features” (referring to David)
Lamentations 4:7 "Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire."

>> No.22506230

Watch the Muslim metaphysician; he addresses the problem of the Trinity in a more robust and philosophical way and shows you how strict monotheism (Tawhid) is superior. By the way, he's a Christian convert

>> No.22506243

Thank you all very much for such helpful, clear answers. It’s very much appreciated.

>> No.22506246

Absolutely and patently false.

>> No.22506714

>Doesn't understand the trinity
>Decides that pedophilia and slavery aren't actually that big of a deal
Why don't these guys just become unitarians?

>> No.22506746

>Doesn't understand the trinity
Neither did Augustine or Thomas Aquinas, you got some nerve.

>> No.22506750

Nobody understands the Trinity, not even Christians in the past 2000 years.

>> No.22506757

You could just post his arguments here. I'm not giving extra views to the worst set of youtubers on the internet (which is tall of the religious apologetics people, not just the Muslim ones).

>> No.22506796

Doesn't disprove my point.

>> No.22506814

Still doesn't justify pedophilia

>> No.22507193

Single point fallacy. Also the Hadith's regarding her age are a fabrication. See Joshua Little's phd thesis.


>> No.22507217

and now actual Muslim scholars are also being imprisoned left and right in Saudi Arabia.
Wow. History doesn't stop repeating itself.

>> No.22507229

Everyone on /lit/ would probably become Muslim in a week if they started listening to Hamza Yusuf. He puts Islam in a nice way for lovers of philosophy to resonate with it. There's an almost 20 hour lecture series called Purification of The Heart which you can find on YouTube which practically changed my life and left me feeling that there is so much to do in this life before our time is up.

>> No.22507237

>But it doesn't have any of the mysticism, symbolic/artistic profundity, or philosophical depth that Christianity possesses.

>> No.22507355

You're just a neoplatonist by another name

>> No.22507357

>FFS massive Christian scholars like Thomas Aquinas literally read Islamic theological works and ripped their idea nearly 1 for 1
You realise there's a whole Eastern tradition to Christianity that rejects the theology of Aquinas right?

>> No.22507371

Get behind me Satan

>> No.22507415

There's a verse that says God will put a veil over the hearts of those who don't believe.

God gives you what you seek. That is the ultimate pill. You don't want to know Him? He.abandons you. If you wish to seek Him, He will bring you to Himself.

But in order for you to get closer to Him you need to purify your heart with good actions and intentions. The fact that you say it is filled with contradictions is really an indication that you need to work on yourself.

Yes, same logic can be used on any religion out there, but it is truely up to you to take a leap into what you believe is the truth and disregard what is falsehood. Freedom of religion is your quranic right, and this is only natural since no belief system can be forced unto one's heart.

You can also notice that God's chosen men and women were all tested with hardship, but because they trusted God and His plan, they were elevated. Sheep cannot see that and can only disentegrate in useless debates on the problem of evil instead of accepting that this world is.like.this by design as it serves only to test our fortitude and faith.

The rest is up to you.

>> No.22507418

Does God create evil?

>> No.22507428

More on this. If God wants to punish a rich man, He sometimes fill that man's pockets with even more money. The corruption that he spreads with it and the mismanagement of the wealth will come as a witness against him on D day. Through wealth a disbelieving man will find hellfire. And the opposite can also be true; God can restrijct your wealth as that might keep you more humble, and hence lead you towards a better afterlife. Things in life are never as they look. There is a quote somewhere stating that God surrounds Heaven with things that you dislike. Some people of faith eould pray to God to receive mkinimal sustenance so that they are not judged for what they do with an excess. God-fearing individuals would hesitate partaking in high authority earhly positions for the fear of commiting a grave mistake. Think of a judge trying to determine what is the right move in front a complex situation as to not cause.injustice to any party involved.

Common folk have rendered Islam as the sujm of its everyday traditions and have somewhat abandoned its spiritual side. Both are important but without the spirit the body is lifeless.

>> No.22507438

God created everything and everything that we do. He is the source of all that exists, and nothing exists.without Him.

Yes He wishes to have people not follow what He asks, for that is His will and how He decided things shall be. We have no problem with that. God does not ask people to commit anything but what's right and just. We will be judged according to what we had power over, so how we respond to what life throws at us. We have no problems with evil and Epicurus is basically a spider who entangled itself with its own web as he is misusing his rational functiolns.

>> No.22507444

How can God create evil when He is Good?
>Yes He wishes to have people not follow what He asks
Then how are they morally culpable if God willed for them to disobey Him?

>> No.22507446

Goodness itself that is

>> No.22507551

God willed that human have the capacity to chose their path. That doesn't negate God's knowledge or God's necessity, nor does it interfer with what God wishes them to do. We have no say in creation; people fail to understand that we only get to report what we see and understand, not What we wish things are nor how things are supposed to be according to our own whims. This isn't our domain, nor do we have dominion on creation in terms of the overall plan.Look at basedcringeence, people report the laws of physics, they don't pass judgement on what they are supposed to be. They report what they see. Contrarily to physics, we were given some knowledge as to what we are here for, that is if you wish to believe this. But again, you are free to believe anything out there, but it would be kind of weird to trust your rational capacity if all of this was just an accident. Accidents don't care for truth, nor does evolution; if survival is the criteria than truth is not what the brain was constructed for, and so checkmate atheists for trusting blindly. Faith? Indeed it is, just a different leap in a different direction.

>> No.22507568

And I'd argue my faith is not blind as I use my eyes and other senses to see things around me. The heart, or metaphorically the intuitive/depp reflective capacity of Man is a faculty that is unused by those who claim disbelief. God says they are blind in their hearts, not their eyes, meaning it has a capacity to see things the other senses cannot. I like the quote that illustrates this idea; by looking at a painting of a hill, your eyes do not see that there is another side, buht youj know for certain deep within you that their an other side. If you only trusted your eyes, you would say it isn't there or I am not sure it is there; but the one who sees with their heart have certainty of the other side. Experience solidifies.the faith, but experience alone will give you no certainty. There is a leap of faith; rationality can only take you so far. Doesn't it collapse when you get close to the infinite?