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/lit/ - Literature

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22491919 No.22491919 [Reply] [Original]

she was into net art and dark souls

>> No.22491925

You don't belong here

>> No.22491927

this is the one where you all have girlfriends right?

>> No.22491929

She was never into any of that crap and she's fucking some guy right now who doesn't read and is way more grounded and likeable than u

>> No.22491935


>> No.22492062

Fuck you OP, you fucking faggot.

>> No.22492064

This book is a blast from the /lit/ past

>> No.22492193

It is? First I have heard of it. Search of warosu has only 17 occurrences of it. I love fractured narratives and doorstopers so am somewhat curious but something about it turns me off. Perhaps I will give Well a try and see if he interests me.

>> No.22492399

>into dark souls

>> No.22492605
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>> No.22493267

>lol we're all such le virgins! you had le sex? not one of us!

>> No.22493270

lolita, but only because she "enjoyed" it in a really pretentious shallow and annoying way

>> No.22493271

worlds tiniest violin?

>> No.22493295

pretension is based

>> No.22493297

no it's a picture of his dick

>> No.22493303
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>> No.22493382

Before getting married my long-term GF was obsessed with Italian literature.
To impress her I read all sorts of people from Petrach to Calasso and D'Annunzio. She was actually wonderful to talk literature with, as she was genuinely excited to have someone who shares her hobby.
One of my fondest memories is the two of us sitting in a restaurant in Karlovy Vary, her smoking and silhouetted against the light, and the two of us discussing the movement of sonnet-forms through Europe, And how the English couldn't really follow through on the close rhyme of the Petrarchan example.
Then we went back to a hotel and started fucking before we even got into our room.

She was wonderful but was certainly expecting more from life than I could offer. I think she married a rich kid 5 years younger.

>> No.22493401

Jesus Christ... If I end up liking myself it will be partially your fault.

>> No.22493416

not when its a woman like that. they read lolita different, like a fetish

>> No.22493421

fake and gay

>> No.22493558

It better be.

>> No.22493684

cute but you two are also gay

>> No.22493792

> she was into net art and dark souls
“she” was a dude then

>> No.22493845

I gave mine Member of a Wedding and that bitch didn’t even read it. It’s like 150 pages only. Good riddance.