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22490448 No.22490448 [Reply] [Original]

Since I was a little kid I was appalled at the idea of working for living. It was the genesis of my depression. The idea that nearly your whole life would be spent working seemed so cruel. We have such little time on the earth and we have to work.

I actually have a job that I enjoy a lot, get a lot of meaning out of. But still, if the option was available I’d never do it again if I didn’t have to.

I get it’s necessary blah blah blah. Any books to make work not suck ass?

>> No.22490459

Mentally well people either love their work, or at least can tolerate it without wanting to kill themselves. If you cannot do this, you have severe mental health issues, and should seek a doctor or psychoanalyst

>> No.22490464

Jewish hands typed this post.

>> No.22490468

Nope, try again. Not black either. Try again. Not brown either. TRY AGAIN RETARD CUNT.

>> No.22490469

This post was written by a golem

>> No.22490470

Not interested in sacrificing over 2,000 hours every year to feed your consumerism machine, rabbi. Not interested in taking your soul killing pills so I‘ll accept that trade.

>> No.22490472

Kill yourself then. It's the only other option

>> No.22490477

Kys now

>> No.22490486

I‘m actively living my other option and you‘re seething at it. Talk about unhealthy behavior.

>> No.22490487

> He hasn't gotten an acadummia sinecure by his mid 20s
Perils of low iq, the cattle have to work

>> No.22490489

>Accurately measured through linear and not open tests

>> No.22490493

You're literally calling your life a hell realm lol, sounds really great /s

>> No.22490494
File: 11 KB, 242x251, bb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ occurs naturally. You probably haven't scored IQ. Only true intellectuals even have an IQ point.

>> No.22490496

Never reply to me again

>> No.22490501


>> No.22490504

Fo. M8

>> No.22490507

Don't steal my name.

>> No.22490509

I'm just a member of the cult of Barkun. Hello.

>> No.22490522

More than one poster here is recognizing the inherent repugnance of work, and a reading comprehension of even middling adequacy would have tipped you off to this from my posts where I say I am off the machine.

>> No.22490526

OP, I’m not the antisemitic anon

>> No.22490527

Getting mad about my jokes

>> No.22490528

Based. Thank you antiwork chad

>> No.22490549

Absolutely judeapilled

>> No.22490705

Don't wageslave/wagecuck if you're circumcised. Literally the first thing you experienced after you were born is having parts of your penis cut off. You're getting screwed over BIG TIME if you have to work or contribute in the society that had you mutilated. Let the intact enjoy wageslavery and focus on getting reparations and welfare (you are absolutely owed and entitled to both don't let anyone tell you anything else) to leech from society.