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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 101 KB, 720x1022, 0428_2013_William-S-Burroughs-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22488872 No.22488872 [Reply] [Original]

The Beat Generation is the worst literary movement in American history. Every member had godawful prose.
Also, Burroughs murdered his wife and all his Beat buddies helped cover it up with zero consequences. Then whined about their drug addictions and couldn't hold themselves accountable.
How fitting that artistic "elites" prop them up.

>> No.22488882

>How fitting that artistic "elites" prop them up.
it wouldn't even be so bad if every entry into the domain had to be on the crest of stupidity and entitlement

>> No.22488886

didn't have to be*

>> No.22488982

I give a fuck if he murdered his wife, he could've murdered his whole family and I would still be forcing women to read Naked Lunch

>> No.22489030

Murdering your wife is an alpha move

>> No.22489237

I enjoy the books of the beat movement, but the authors were generally lowlifes who should not be idolized or imitated. Kerouac included. I say this as somebody who read On the Road religiously as a teen. It is not a lifestyle to be desired, it is impossible to mimic in today's world, and trying to will just leave you sad and broken.

>> No.22489275

Burroughs and Bukowski and Fante are acceptable, the rest are industry plants.

>> No.22490098

Burroughs is actually good so I make a mental effort to forget he (was) ever associated with beatniks

>> No.22490104

Subconsciously turning your wife into a man by your inner self taking control of your thanatos penis and ejaculating into her face so she can transmigrate back to the cities of the red night exceeds your purile understanding of the possibilities of the world. There are six cities.

>> No.22490113
File: 30 KB, 389x270, berkson-et-al-schifano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are more of a New York School poets board
>more literate
>more intelligent
>more difficult
>more gay

>> No.22490196


>> No.22490204

If he was a real man he'd be forcing women to read Cities of the Red Night.

>> No.22490251

Also based

>> No.22490266

based based based

>> No.22490648

They were influential and that's honestly all that matters.

>> No.22490657

>. It is not a lifestyle to be desired, it is impossible to mimic in today's world, and trying to will just leave you sad and broken.

Bullshit lol.

I was in threesomes and orgies everyday after I became a crypto millionaire.

>> No.22490664


>> No.22490766

I don't understand what is wrong with murdering a bitch.

>> No.22490896

Lol, keep coping buddy.

>> No.22491860

No one brought up the fact that Kerouac was murdered and it was covered up. Neat. Anyways, yes, the entire beat nonsense was meant to subvert our values and it worked. Which is depressing because Jack was actually just a sad, disillusioned man trying to make sense of his percieved horrid reality and never really found it because he was looking too hard.

>> No.22492099

>Kerouac was murdered and it was covered up.

>> No.22492129


Kerouac and Ginsberg were both proud pedophiles.

I guess it was something new at the time, but none of it aged well.

>> No.22492132

>They were influential and that's honestly all that matters.

I don't think they were. Other than Zippy the Pinhead, their "movement" died with them.

>> No.22492136

Kerouac was not a pedo

>> No.22492183
File: 110 KB, 453x700, 7b34xj4qjis61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was the worst, hiding under his mom's skirts

Anyways Burroughs mogs all

>> No.22492334

>had godawful prose.
not burroughs. he was way ahead of his time with his creativity, structure and worlds. if you could record the reading experience of his post queer stuff and show it to anyone that lived anytime a hundred years ago they'd be traumatized for life and he managed to make it funny. his prose was a lot more sophisticated than anyone beat adjacent
this. he was in it to get his dick beat.
/lit/ is a black mountain poets board kiddo

>> No.22492548

oh look a bunch of christcucks whining again

>> No.22492555

/lit/ is an objectivist board

>> No.22492580
File: 160 KB, 1024x1023, larkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both wrong, lit is a the movement board

>> No.22492626
File: 2 KB, 125x121, IMG_7263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not burroughs. he was way ahead of his time with his creativity, structure and worlds.
Yep, came here to say this. I hardly see Burroughs as a “Beat” writer when compared to the more famous ones like Ginsberg and Kerouac, maybe he’s only seen like this because of Junkie, the general bohemian/drug-addicted/countercultural lifestyle he seems to have lived, but he really blows the rest of these guys out of the water, and his works are much closer to a blend of postmodernism, surrealism, sci-fi and fantasy. And with much higher quality of thought and writing. Burroughs could be the biggest piece of shit in the world but it wouldn’t detract from whatever genius he has. And yes, the counterculture was undoubtedly infiltrated by the CIA and probably other organizations like the KGB, but that doesn’t mean its origins were entirely artificial and there were no organic figures in it. This is the fallacy /pol/-kiddies fall into because they read the Laurel Canyon book by David McGowan (“Programmed to Kill” is great but disturbing reading, though, I’m not against McGowan completely).

I don't want to be offensive. But /pol/-kiddies are just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. They can't think, they can't write. There's no discernible talent. Stephen King is Cervantes compared with /pol/-kiddies. For instance, they will also claim someone like Timothy Leary was “CIA” despite being harassed by the federal government and FBI and imprisoned in a maximum-security federal prison in solitary confinement for years on trumped up charges of having a joint as obvious political persecution for his public advocacy of psychedelic drug use. These hallucinogens became Schedule I controlled substances (the highest federal classification of them in the U.S.) ever since then, on a par with methamphetamine, heroin, and crack cocaine, apparently. They will talk, in the same vein as the OP, about how “they have an agenda of pushing psychedelic drugs because they brainwash you, just like the CIA used them in MK-Ultra!!!” Not realizing use of psychedelic drugs was just ONE part of MK-Ultra, and, of course, obviously afterwards they deemed them unpredictable enough to schedule them at the highest level of illegal/controlled substances in the US afterwards, as well as going after figures like William Leonard Pickard and accomplice Clyde Apperson for production of LSD and throwing them in federal prison for decades over it … what did that top Nixon advisor say about the War on Drugs, anyone remember? Wasn’t it that “we knew some of these drugs weren’t the risk we were portraying them as, it was just a ploy to go after the counterculture, anti-war protestors, and anti-government hippies”?

HMM … hmmm … ugghhh … ehhh???

>drugs are … le bad!

Study Tantra and shamanism and drop acid you stupid fucking cučk. You Goddamned fucking retard, fuck, fuck you. Stupid control-freak uptight caveman.

>> No.22494067

I have the 10-part interview of the Secret Northport Tapes.

>> No.22494088

Does anyone have the Burroughs passage that Ligotti mentions? The one about the smell of rotting metal.

>> No.22495383

Burroughs was based. As was Bukowksi.

I really need to do a reread

>> No.22495463

What rock did this thing crawl out of and why isn't it still on plebbit

>> No.22495474

Kerouac was never a pedo. Burroughs and Ginsberg however were über pedophiles. So Jack just kinda of gets guilt by association.

>> No.22495540


Hve you guys seen Kill Your Darlings? Great movie about the Beats teaming up to kill Dexter.

>> No.22495738

Yawn, more empty souls falling into the abyss of sin and nihilism. Such a tired teopet. How about instead we get a glimpse into the courageous that it takes to face reality and stand tall? But no that wouldn't actually require sacrifice, something these egotistical fools could only use as a punchline.

>> No.22495742




