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22487734 No.22487734 [Reply] [Original]

Literature that explains why capitalists have never produced any good art or culture?

>> No.22487791
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Because a complete lack of desire for even abstract-collectivism… is sometimes soulless

>> No.22487794

This is so heckin racist.... Don't you care about hiphop? Bitches and money gonna kill da bitch and fuck da hows

>> No.22487797
File: 117 KB, 647x656, 1E05629E-8F35-4341-AF56-C312CC1A8978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quantity over quality reigns supreme in the materialistic Kali Yuga, simple ‘as.

>> No.22487808

>"Never produced any good art or culture."
>Levi's Jeans
>Pop-Art like the works of Andy Warhol

Industrial-capitalism brings higher production. Higher production makes commodities affordable. Cope and seethe you commie nigger!

>> No.22487828

5/10 almost baited me

>> No.22487842

If capitalism is so bad, then what's the better alternative then?

>> No.22487845

Corporatist neofeudal hyperracism

>> No.22487849


>> No.22487850

literature that explains why there should be stuff to fight about?

>> No.22487855

Because the best art is produced under dictatorships or monarchies.

>> No.22487856

I can't imagine how could society support racism today. They're so many mutts. What should we do? Send them to concentration camp to work until they die?

>> No.22487859


>> No.22487861

Technocratic National Socialism with Ecofascist leanings

>> No.22487870

Current American shitciety cannot support racism. The coming spic supremacist cartel-run state can, however.

>> No.22487873

Tolstoyan Christian anarchism

>> No.22487946


>> No.22488036

all art before 1900 was funded by patrons or the artists that became rich themselves?

>> No.22488051

2010s are gonna be looked back at as the end of nigger culture being the dominant pop culture in the US. We're all getting fully spic-pilled by the end of this decade; every pop musician will just be playing reggaeton with trumpets in the background

>> No.22488265

You don't know what a capitalist is, do you? And yet you use the word at least 300 times a day.
Protip: buy a dictionary. You might look like less of a twat.

>> No.22489586

GUYS HELP I'm on board with communism but if people collectively own the means of production couldn't they just trade their ownership rights for a stable annuity and we'd end up back where we started?

>> No.22489598


>> No.22489604

Isn't all art produced by capitalists?
>I'm a professional artist
>I'm a person with surplus capital who wants some art. I will pay you to make me some.

>> No.22489611

probably side stepping the question, but without a market of any kind the state by and large handles art and codifies it into ready-made propaganda. creativity generally speaking, is shunned as well unless it conforms to that propaganda and then is given the green light.

>> No.22489618

don't remind me

>> No.22489626

Positive eugenics

>> No.22489651

I do just fine

>> No.22489666
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Sometimes I'm absolutely perplexed by these musings. Did you just memory whole the entirety of history before the 20th century?

>> No.22489695

what do you do most days in general and what do you do for society?

>> No.22489765

>What do you do most days in general
I create doujin art and get paid for it
>What do you do for society
I do enjoying commodities and services. That alone makes society better because the goal of production is consumption (Adam Smith).

>> No.22489827


>> No.22489858

You don't know the definition of parasite.


(n). an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host (Merriam-Webster dictionary).

>> No.22489868

Nazism already had ecofascist leanings

>> No.22489925
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>> No.22489928
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>> No.22489929
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>> No.22489985

Boomer detected. Just wait until your Marxist social security benefits kick in and then you may get the hang of this.

>> No.22489987

Adam Smith retroactively refuted by George Fitzhugh, now back to the plantation slave!

>> No.22490006

art doesn't need to be driven from collectivism to be good

>> No.22490009

It's more like
>I'm an "artist"
>I'm a person who needs to buy something as a tax deduction
>Banana in toilet? Splendid

>> No.22490014

>but if people collectively own the means of production
How do they all own it exactly? How.does it even work irl with maintenance, investment etc.

>> No.22490015


>> No.22490018

Probably something akin to a dairy cooperative.

>> No.22490019
File: 613 KB, 1980x1320, 16876961521852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stars ain't as numerous, most of the stars Hubble captures are repeats. The space view of stars is chaotic - accounts for motion as well. It's not a stable view like on Earth. Easy mistake. You fail astronomy if you think different.

>> No.22490028

try writing coherently schizo

>> No.22490047

You're the schizoid, schizoy. Why? You think all those stars are different rather than fabricated clusters made through technical error of astronomy?

>> No.22490060


>> No.22490519

leftypol/reddit raid

>> No.22490668

> we are the pleb cattle, but we also want to be pleb cattle, but there being people who are not pleb cattle is asking too much. Being pleb cattle without non-plebs, ahh, that would be ideal, a true communist dystopia

>> No.22490673

Survival of the Fittest.

>> No.22490703

Marxist-Leninists didn't understand Marx. Few people did.