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22486874 No.22486874 [Reply] [Original]

What books should be included in a contemporary American high school curriculum?

>Poignant and topical, The Hate U Give is being lauded as one of this generation's most important books. When a police officer kills sixteen-year-old Starr Carter’s childhood best friend, her world is irrevocably upended. This New York Times bestseller deftly tackles weighty themes of racism, police brutality, and societal injustice and will undoubtedly lead to plenty of interesting conversations, both in and out of the classroom.

>> No.22486879

Did my thread about whites being discriminated against in publishing really bother you this much that you made this thread? Jesus

>> No.22486880

I actually think Oryx and Crake should largely replace BNW and 1984 as the leading political text for NA high schoolers. it is less "this is far away from you" and more "uh, get ready for this"

>> No.22486900

Mein Kampf

>> No.22486955

Turner Diaries

>> No.22486956

What thread?

>> No.22486965

Why do you leftists always lie and feign ignorance when we call you out on exactly what you do

>> No.22486971

You're making the bait too obvious desu, I almost think you're ESL for this

>> No.22486994

Introduction to Calculus.

>> No.22487060

Is it actually interesting, or more rape fantasy schlock?

>> No.22487117

God, this book is so good.

>> No.22487223

people are gonna stone me for saying this but by grade 12 they should assign one free coffee date book to everyone

>> No.22487233

It's the book her fans like to bring up when they find out someone criticizing her has actually read her work. It's decent but BNW/1984 are better. The zoomer who posted that is a retard (i.e. the themes of both are just as pertinent today as when the books were written).

>> No.22487237

there is some Muh Women in it sure, but it's not really the point.

It's not interesting if that was already your life

>> No.22487256

We read this in AP highschool(yes, '02's and 03's are posting among yourselves).

>> No.22487266

>We read this in AP
Is this what advanced reading goes for in America?

>> No.22487286

Look I think the Handmaid's Tale has a stupidly large cultural following for what it is, but Atwood is really, really prolific. She has written around 80 books, and they don't all have identical themes.

>> No.22487296

lmao america is so fucked. lmao i bet zoomers cant even read shakespeare. you guys are all fucking retards holy shit. I didn't even take ap classes and we atleast read shakespeare, joyce and steinbeck while you retards literally were made to read this. even back when i graduated in '13 the ap english classes atleast read wuthering heights

>> No.22488295

Fr fr no cap

>> No.22488329

Art of War
The Prince
Rules for Radicals
Discourses on Livy
Plato's Republic
Nicomachian Ethics
Road to Wiggan Pier
Animal Farm
Empire of the Summer Moon
The Machiavellians
Rape of Nanking

>> No.22488831

What does that mean

>> No.22488839

you know when you go to a cafe and people are, like, having fun? something like that i guess

>> No.22488859
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It's super fun. The comfiest part is the retrofuturism. It was written in the early 2000's when nobody knew what the internet was going to be like, so her descriptions of the online world are very inaccurate by today's standards.

The sequels aren't as good, but one of the recurring characters is a hacker on steroids who does it for the lulz so there's that.

>> No.22488904

Eh, I didn't see much muh womening in there. The abuse of women fits perfectly in the universe she describes so it doesn't feel like weird ideological drum banging, it's more like she's casually describing what living in a dystopian slum is like. There's no clear MAN BAD or WOMAN GOOD message.

>> No.22488972

>"Stunning" - John Green

>> No.22488978

Ehy go to Atwood for that when Snowcrash would do the same work but be more fun?

>> No.22489059

>Won't someone think about the blacks!

>> No.22489206

>The old second-wave feminist Handmaid's Tale woman has typed the word "lulz"
What a weird thought

>> No.22489215
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