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/lit/ - Literature

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22486580 No.22486580 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22486585

Twitter screenshots with no caption should be a bannable offense

>> No.22486612

modern men are weak. modern academic men are weak and pathetic.

>> No.22486615

I take it you haven't watched Foucault publicly raping Chomsky for free orange juice and hash.

Now Foucault—That's a man.

>> No.22486616

No institutional academic has ever said anything worthwhile.

>> No.22486617

Foucault has plenty of experience with rape, unlike the usual meek academic who if anything is usually being raped

>> No.22486630


Sounds like the student's problem.

>> No.22486631

The man in the bath is right.

>> No.22486633
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What a shitty time to be alive. You can't say jack without a legion of faggy deboonkers going "ACKTUALLY.."

>> No.22486647

Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.22486671

>PhD student in humanities circa 1800
>fluent in Latin and Greek, has read numerous works of Antiquity and the Enlightenment, can recite the most important ones by heart, participates in debates with his peers using formal logic and rhetoric
>PhD student in humanities circa 2023
>well, akschually, the notions of classics is white-centric and male-centric. I only read contemporary poc feminist literature about class struggle? Marx? Have you read his racist correspondence? I don’t read toxic authors, yikes. Yeah, I got that chicano whamen in science scholarship for my studies, it pays for my nights out with Chad too teehee.

>> No.22486704

>Fauxcault v Chumpsky
Sounds like a completely incoherent mess where Chomsky just keeps ceding to focault to avoid losing his lefty cred. Is it worth listening to?

>> No.22486713

If you’re a Marxist you’re part of this problem

>> No.22486716

All these philosopher "dudes" were educating themselves to be polymaths since infancy, unlike miss roastie toastie and her PhD in intersectional gay nigger reparations theory or whatever the fuck (((academia))) does these days

>> No.22486720

>the mere mention of Marx make rightoids completely miss the point

>> No.22486728

Marx is objectively the deadliest human in history if we count the magnitude of death and suffering that stems directly from his efforts. Hitler was a small, inconsequential fry compared to bearded destroyer of worlds.

>> No.22486732

>fluent in Latin and Greek
Also French, Italian, German, English, and Hebrew. I don't even know how they did it.

>> No.22486733

Yes, and? Why does the M-word trigger such an unrelated response, sweaty? Go back to /pol/.

>> No.22486740

I posted that response not him. Your fictional 2023 phd student didn’t read Marx. I took this to mean you are a Marxist. If you are I want you to know you are part of the reason the world is in illiterate decline.

>> No.22486741

academicucks eternally and absolutely buttblasted by big bathed cock

>> No.22486742

No videogames, porn, youtube, and most of them didn't work for a living. Plus if know one romance language learning others is significantly easier.

>> No.22486749

>Your fictional 2023 phd student didn’t read Marx. I took this to mean you are a Marxist.
burger logic 101, bravo

>> No.22486756

I’m not a burger. Tell me right now you’re not a Marxist.

>> No.22486765

For real. Nigga how the fuck do you surmise individual theology when the basis for your argument exists entirely within your own mind and by overgeneralizing other subconsciousness's the same way you prove to be selfish yet your statement argues otherwise? Lmaoing at circa 1770 scholar NYUH-GUHS

>> No.22486767

Plato, c. 400bc
>sits on a rock and eats an olive while stroking a supple boy butt, no technology, barely any literature, books are rarer than diamonds, the world is unknown
>casually invents philosophy, science, dialectics, and defines language, religion and thought for 2000 years

Some cunt, c.2023
>equipped with unimaginable might of western civilization, the collected knowledge of industrial revolution and information age, presented neatly in the omniscience apparatus of the Internet, given freedom and full reign of her intellectual faculties
>Whats that, lil cunty?
>"w-w-white men BAD!"
>troons out

>> No.22486782

it's a joke, everyone. calm down

>> No.22486799

I reject your joke and supplement it with my literal interpretation

>> No.22486800

Plato advocates for banning homosexuality in the Laws. Honestly fags who think all the greeks were gay need to seriously stop whining about being a minority since its clear as day that everyone alive in western society should be, to them, just obviously gay. I mean, just look at this digital art some random faggot furry on deviantart made. This clearly proves that everyone in America is not only tolerant of faggots but a faggot themselves.
Christ, I can't wait until it becomes an irrefutable prejudice to consider these people retarded a priori

>> No.22486822

this dude definitely takes it in the boipucci

>> No.22486862
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>> No.22486867

ya well these few dozen pots which definitely aren't depicting satyrs prove you wrong chud

>> No.22486872

too many cooks in the kitchen, simple as. 100 limited arguments is suddenly a treatise. it might make sense if uni was free and everyone went, but who knows. if Dr. Mallon had 100 less rivals she would probably already be Leibniz

>> No.22487070

Yes, people were fucking stupid before and would accept just any old fallacious argument.

>> No.22487101

>Yes, people were fucking stupid before
and yet still infinitely more intelligent than you

>> No.22487177

Shit I'd be happy to fight that bitch just for shits and giggles, I don't care what the point was, I would love to smash the head against the pavement.

>> No.22487205

That dude's ideas survived time because there is probably some truth in what he said or was provocative enough to merit a response. Test of time kind of thing.

Respect your elders.

>> No.22487300

Women, 1700s
>cooks, cleans, makes babies, acts feminine, good mother, classy etiquette, number of sexual partners: 1
Women, 2023
>can't cook, can't clean, fat, pink hair, nose piercing, womb destroyed with multiple abortions, number of sexual partners: 50+ (a year)
>wrote an Important Phd Thesis nobody ever read
Progress marches on

>> No.22487996

I mean she's not wrong but you should still aim to be the man in the bath.

>> No.22488145

I’m not a Marxist.

>> No.22488150

Breaking news: roastie can’t into abstract reasoning.

>> No.22488193

Sometimes I get the sense that writers in the past were allowed to slide because they were simply the best writers, and other people weren't smart enough to articulate responses to them. Their arguments aren't always sound.