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22485795 No.22485795 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't he just join the Amish?

>> No.22485804
File: 63 KB, 768x545, dos_passos_john_WD-1-768x545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't your father pull out?

>> No.22485934

The Amish are slowly being corrupted too now. Look into it more.

>> No.22486412

He should have just killed himself.

>> No.22486527
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22486552

Amish live in communities and talk to each other and have lots of sex and lots of children. You do the math

>> No.22486572
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>> No.22486712

>You do the math

>> No.22486734

pre-snapping Ted was more than content living as a hermit
post-snapping Ted knows that even the amish are sitting ducks for the Borg and environmental damage is going to affect them too

>> No.22486855

The Amish were too agricultural

>> No.22486883

why would the Amish accept a schizo?

>> No.22486905

>Kaczynski was naive and wrong because uhh
>he just was okay

>> No.22486952

So now that he's dead, has anyone published a collection of all his works yet? I know technological slavery exists, but that doesn't contain everything

>> No.22486961

He was an atheist

>> No.22486966


>> No.22486967

Anyone so invested in Ted would not use technology to publish it

>> No.22487051

This. Take the Carrier-pigeon pill

>> No.22487125

too autistic

>> No.22487308

this braindead strawman is guaranteed to appear in 100% of Ted threads despite Ted addressing it with a certainty higher than newton's third law

>> No.22487375

What about RETVRN TO MONKE anons who spend 4+ hours a day on the internet?

>> No.22487444


He moved to the wilderness to escape technology, and was enraged when he saw contrails in the sky. For some reason he took it personally.

That's when he went on the attack.

>> No.22487492

'cause they would make him work and he, obviously, didn't like that

>> No.22488944

This. You can't sequester yourself from clown world indefinitely. They'll eventually come for the Amish, too.

>> No.22489012

>They'll eventually come for the Amish, too.
They already are. Watch some YouTube documentaries on their communal culture. In the last one or two decades, they've changed a lot.

>> No.22489113

Because the Amish are a religious community in which he didn't believe...?

>> No.22489306


The very act of using one's arm to reach up to a tree to pick an apple is a technological act. Techne refers simply to ways of doing things. It is difficult to describe any sort of action or even inaction which is not in some sense technological.

>> No.22489311

>surely technology will get us out of this problem technology got us into
Bugman dialectic

>> No.22489378


>witnesses the total degradation of the natural environment and human society caused by technology

>For some reason he took it personally.

Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.22489381

why didn't he just transition

>> No.22490818
File: 306 KB, 540x966, no-work-no-eat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he was a loser, who couldn't cope with life... Just wanted a big tit to feed him so that he wouldn't have to work for a living.

>> No.22490827
File: 153 KB, 2256x332, Ted Kaczynsky his love life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22490833

Etymological fallacy. Just because the original meaning of technology was any way of accomplishing something doesn’t mean that that’s how people use the word now. It’s hard to define, but we all know what we mean when we bemoan the effects of “technology.” No one thinks the wheel has brought the world to a piteous state of affairs. It can be hard to draw the line of what kind of technology is benign or beneficial and what kind is destructive, but that doesn’t mean the distinction doesn’t exist.

>> No.22491473

The point was having a life worth living, instead of going through the motions

>> No.22492413

>obviously fixable with neurotech


>> No.22492439

That's not a fallacy. He is using it etymologically, which makes its context valid. He even elucidated what he means. It's up to the other person to agree with the usage or argue their context.

>> No.22492479

I imagine the more traditional ones will split off and go form their own group while the more worldly ones modernize, that's how it normally goes.

>> No.22492934

>Dependence on imaginary technology to solve the very real dependence on technology problem.

Why do you keep posting this dimwit take?

>> No.22493104

what does this mean

>> No.22493184

this fucking autist wastes his 160IQ 24/7 by chasing the most dystopian Klaus-Schwabian topics in science and philosophy it makes me furious

>> No.22493286

cope more

>> No.22493389
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True, his followers are just deluded nerds who yearn to be edgy.

As I've said in a previous thread, I know that most of the right wing Ted K posters on here and places like twitter are all just middle class posers. They supposedly hate complex societies, yet seethe with resentment at black men as a whole who embody the primitive instinct of pre Neolithic man in it's purest form. According to their logic they should be happen to see them gain more of a foothold in society because they will help dissolve the industrial world they hate.

Think of any reasoning supposed primitivist poster around her or other places will come up with for still hating blacks. "Niggers are lazy". Oh, so you mean you hate them for not being made for surplus labor that an industrial society needs to function? The same kind you want to take down? "Niggers are violent" You know that violence was bred out out other groups by the mass societies you hate employing execution to create the kind of people that can cooperate in large groups that their system needed. "Niggers are dumb" What would you care about extra intelligence for if it just leads to oppressive artificial civilizations. They are as smart as they need to be to function at the level you supposedly want.

They also seethe at coalburners, when really, white women having sex with black men is a form of erotic rebellion against the artificially constructed roles for men and women created by advanced societies.
This scene is a good example of a white women finding momentary liberation from the industrial society by succumbing to her more primitive desire for undomesticated African masculinity.

>> No.22493451

take a deep breath. Look at the post you just wrote. Then GTFO of 4chan.

>> No.22493500

Where can I find this mythical neurotech? VR porn just ain't cutting it

>> No.22493602

hahaha...that so funny anon....

>> No.22493622

If we were primitive we wouldn't allow blacks to fuck our women because it is genetically against our genetic interests. Multiracial society is not primitive. Killing intruders into your territory is primitive. Fuck immigrants.

>> No.22494558

Seriously? He definitely had to work harder to live once he went off the grid than before. He took on more responsibility for his life, not less.

>> No.22494812

The problems of existence and slavery to biological drives and necessities far predate technology. Technology actually has almost entirely freed us from those shackles (allowing a tiny number of work hours to accumulate enough calories to feed a village), but the side effects are indeed dire. If you wish to dispose of technology, food supplies would become insufficient which means you really just desire most people to die so there can be a better life for you (this is the end point of Ted's philosophy and why he was fine with murdering innocent people like he tried to do with Flight 444). It's the ultimate capitulation of any kind of moral framework and, as such, can be dismissed rather easily.

>> No.22494868

it's hypothetical but it will be invented eventually trust me on this

>> No.22495065

In the future

>> No.22495071

Why is it dystopian?


>> No.22495081
File: 1.11 MB, 3237x1350, ted on ethno nationalism combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They supposedly hate complex societies, yet seethe with resentment at black men as a whole who embody the primitive instinct of pre Neolithic man in it's purest form.
Ted explicitly rejected racism and ethno-nationalism, so he at least was internally consistent.

>> No.22495097

>mathematical prodigy
>later become self-sufficient recluse
>loser who wanted to be tit-fed
oh fuck off, schlomo

>> No.22495099

you realize that you can use exactly what you've written to negate exactly what you've written, right?

>> No.22495106

holy meds this website is wild

>> No.22495353

Yeah, but his twitter stans don't seem to get that.

>> No.22495373

this just in: you can agree with Ted on X and have your on opinion on Y even if Ted says not Y
even as brown and dysgenic as you are you should be able to chew through this

>> No.22495413

Yeah but their disagreement on race doesn't make sense if you believe his other ideas.

>> No.22495458

Damn, I didn't think NPCs actually existed.

>> No.22495597

Lmao this post just proves Ted right.
>we just have to change man to fit society

>> No.22496100

>Wanting people to be genetically engineered to be constantly happy makes you an NPC because, uh, it just does okay

>> No.22496103
File: 1.77 MB, 5100x2000, after the singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be an obsolete meatbag forever bro

>> No.22496226

Consume lithium friendo.

>> No.22497235

Many (especially folk who got to Harvard) have instilled in them the desire to do grand, powerful and epic things. Joining the Amish was probably too quiet of an option.

>> No.22497267

>successful mathematician
>striving survivalist
>world renowned terrorist
name someone more accomplished

>> No.22497275

>Just wanted a big tit to feed him so that he wouldn't have to work for a living.
Sounds EXTREMELY based

>> No.22497375

>>successful mathematician
he wrote an obscure thesis, was a notoriously shit instructor, and did not partake in the academia long enough to have a notable impact

>> No.22498159

>we are progressing

>> No.22498169

Because he was an autistic anti-social shut in, who lived an extremely spoiled and coddled life with a loving family that tolerated his condition. He had social support for his autism at a young age, he was groomed through school, he lived in a prosperous time where you could just live off the grid for a while.

He had no desire to join the Amish because he didn't want to do anything but his little routine of reading books at the library and going on pushbike rides.

>> No.22498180

Like, I'll further this and say he was no different to the average 40 year old autist you find in the public library. You see Kaczynski types in every town and city, pushbiking in, reading books and watching videos about bees on youtube, then pushbiking home. Maybe working 16 hours a week as a janitor at night, maybe living on welfare. Never speaking to anyone.

The whole terrorism thing was a pathetic manbaby tantrum, a manifestation of a mid-life crisis when he realized existentially how pointless his life actually was. He externalized this and just started looking for an excuse to do harm.

>> No.22498196

Bro and the fact you just wrote all this shit out, which took me 5 minutes to decipher, just to make a shitty bee bee see joke is top kek, assuming you're a non tranny, otherwise kys

>> No.22498205
File: 199 KB, 593x584, 1641407017963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he was so smart why didn't he build a bomb powerful enough to blow up industrial society?

>> No.22498208

qualia computing has fucked up his brain from doing too much pcp. he was already high iq. i think he took the suicide of mario to his heart and he regrets that he wasn't able to save that kid. mario was just like him

>> No.22499201

>pushbiking in, reading books and watching videos about bees on youtube, then pushbiking home. Maybe working 16 hours a week as a janitor at night, maybe living on welfare. Never speaking to anyone
sounds comfy ngl

>> No.22499211

actually he believed in animism

>> No.22499223

You don’t “believe” in animism. Animism was never a proposition, unless you force it to be one, anachronistically. Whether grandfather rabbit “exists” was irrelevant.

>> No.22499577

It wasn't enough or maybe it wasn't possible to save himself so he deliberately martyr'd to spread his message just a little bit further. I bet there are hundreds of professor types who published similar ideas to Ted but their work is forgotten and irrelevant while the unabomber's legacy and opinions will live on for decades and reach literally billions.

>> No.22499623

>The whole terrorism thing was a pathetic manbaby tantrum
violence comes naturally to human beings. The State can come in, open fire on civilians, burn them and their families alive, laugh about it, cover it up, and nobody cares but when an individual comes along and commits "terrorism" (which is a nonsense buzzword made up by the national security state,btw) in self-defernse AWWW HECK HE'S A MANBABY. And he smells, too!

Just admit you've been domesticated by the State, mentally buck-broken if you will, and only exist to condone their monopoly on violence.

Anyone with even the slightest reading of human history at all isn't even phased by the negligible and wholly unremarkable violence committed by Uncle Ted in self-defense against his aggressors.

>> No.22499630

What exactly do you think would happen if "the State" did not have a monopoly on violence?

>> No.22499692

it doesn't matter

>> No.22499718
File: 1.10 MB, 3840x1617, ted on ecofascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22499723
File: 14 KB, 480x360, inmendham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think he took the suicide of mario to his heart and he regrets that he wasn't able to save that kid. mario was just like him
Inmendham also made some videos on how Mario bought into woo, and that Gary might have been able to save him.


>> No.22499725

Meant to post this video instead: