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22483368 No.22483368 [Reply] [Original]

>solves philosophy in your path

>> No.22483395

I agree but there’s already an Advaita thread on the board

>> No.22483916 [DELETED] 
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>worships death and hates the world
>shitskin jungle gook
No thanks

>> No.22483920

Buddha was an Aryan with issues. But then again, he wasn't the only Aryan in old vedic society.

>> No.22483927

>make samsara better
>nah ill just unplug lol

>> No.22484037


>> No.22484169

That's not buddha lmao.

>> No.22484445

I'm getting sick and tired of you. Slit your throat already. I am 100% serious I would kill you. Are you that Scottish fag?

>> No.22484452


>> No.22484455
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>> No.22484463
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>worships progress and hates the natural world
>snow ***** Faustian demon

>> No.22484466

>Life is industrialism

>> No.22484473

Life is best aimed at self-realization or enlightenment and not your snow ****** power fantasies.

>> No.22484491 [DELETED] 

euthanize yourself shitskin you're holding whites back

>> No.22484519

Good. I hope your hubric race gets wiped out. Arabs and other browns can't slaughter your dysgenic, arrogant kind soon enough. Go seethe about it elsewhere and get hit by another truck of peace, you stupid pathetic bitch, or you can just whine more on the Internet rather than do shit.
Stupid fucking snow ****** slave of Jews with your misplaced aggression towards Eastern religious figures.

>> No.22484542

>you're holding whites back
take some personal responsibility or does that not apply when it comes to you?

>> No.22484550

so i guess you can count the replies or the images or something.

>> No.22484578

seething bug
my people are much too empathic I recognize that much simply observe the above message I replied to the empathy isn't deserved they don't have merit

>> No.22484585

seething Faustian demon

>> No.22484593

>my people are much too empathic
Your people are just Quasi-Jews, hence why you derailed this thread to make your people the center of attention. This is even more dishonorable than most Jews I've encountered, who are much more honorable than a narcissistic faggot like you.
Kys or go do something for your shit people irl, away from here.

>> No.22484594

faustian =compliment

>> No.22484597


>> No.22484600

on the contrary the only one derailing the thread is you with your impotent screeching about my people's superiority

>> No.22484608

Pic related is you. Kys.
I'm not going to make the same mistake of trying to educate you about Eastern mysticism and traditions again. All I have to say for YOU is to suffer and die. Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking ingrate. You don't have a shred of contemplative depth.

>> No.22484620

Your post here, started it: >>22483916
Superior at what? Getting cucked by Jews? Opening borders? Creating a large scale system that destroys life and works to your own detriment?
The only time you'll be superior is when you're in the grave eating shit.

>> No.22484622

>Pic related
>no pic
Confirmed seething lmao

>> No.22484627

If you don't care about Adi Shankara or Advaita, then why even post here. Oh that's right, everything has to be about your shitty overrated race.

The safavids should have allied with the Ottomans and wiped out your nefarious arrogant race. Shut the fuck up unless you want to make even more enemies.

>> No.22484632

>why post here
because their philosophy is wrong and the under8 faggots like (you) must be educated
If you want an echo chamber just go to reddit

>> No.22484634

where's pic related? hmm perhaps I'll make some form of faustian bargain to locate it

>> No.22484640

>Superior at what? Getting cucked by Jews? Opening borders? Creating a large scale system that destroys life and works to your own detriment?
Kek this. These are the fruits of white society.
>inb5 jews
would mean the fruit of white society is getting fucked by jews until you are extinct. Kek

>> No.22484643

why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.22484648

its not him, there is two retarded buddhists who refused to stay in /x/

>> No.22484655

Not replying to myself.

By the way, with each tick of the clock, there is another white baby killed by Abdul. What are you going to do about it? Complain about a relatively obscure nondualistic Advaitan figure here? Fuck off.

>> No.22484657
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>sure, my nigga

>> No.22484661

I dont like buddhism tho? Kys

>> No.22484669

99 dead white babies nailed to the wall, 99 dead white babies.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 dead white babies nailed to the wall.

>> No.22484683

ponder the rage

>> No.22484685

leftists unironically say things like this then call themselves compassionate lmao

>> No.22484686

98 dead white babies nailed to the wall, 98 dead white babies.
Take one down and pass it around, 97 dead white babies nailed to the wall.

>> No.22484694

please do them all the way to one lmao
buddha nature my ass

>> No.22484697

97 dead white babies nailed to the wall, 97 dead white babies.
Take one down and pass it around, 96 dead white babies nailed to the wall.

Fuck off already. Go to /pol/. I'm not even a leftist, but I have lost my patience with you teenage Neo-Nazis shitting up every thread that's not even about politics. I'll keep posting this until you fuck off.

>> No.22484705

please keep it up
prove how strong your rage is

>> No.22484707

>please do them all the way to one lmao
Yeah, that's what you ultimately want because you prefer to make enemies on a thread that has nothing to do with your race. It has to always be about "me, me, me". Go make a thread about Rosenberg or something.

>> No.22484710

Retard, /pol/ is just mexicans

>> No.22484712

And prove how incompetent you are complaining about obscure Eastern figures as your race dies out. It's just retarded low IQ scapegoating. Go do something irl and let the FEDs shoot you up.

>> No.22484714

Its because the dissonance is insane, id love to screencap it to post on every subsequent buddhism thread
>The anti-white mantra

>> No.22484719

Nah, there are retarded snow *** teenage neo Nazis like you too. My friend works in a high facility prison and says it's just blacks and tatted up Neo-Nazi skinhead whites. In the USA at least. I would suspect you're like the latter too.

You don't even have the class of past National Socialist thinkers like Rosenberg. At least that moron had class and didn't go around shitting up threads about Eastern traditional figures.

>> No.22484726

No one gives a shit about your holier-thou-art bullshit. It seems you prefer Internet drama rather than getting out there and saving your race. I'm pretty sure you are helping your race by slandering figures like Buddha and Adi Shankara!

>> No.22484727

I'm >>22484640 tho. And I do like /pol/ exactly because it's a spic board

>> No.22484732

What's wrong about being anti-white?

>> No.22484734

the only /lit/ threads worse than the Buddhism threads are the Hindu threads, also filled with poorly-read people who hate the discussion topic

>> No.22484735

lol im not white retard, i dont need to save my race, we are up
i love it when postmodernist fucks like (you) just give into hatred and shitflinging, showing their true colors.
I dont mind hateful retards but id wish youd be more open about how racist and hateful you truly are anon

>> No.22484736

Btw people like you turner me anti-white. If your goal was to make more people sympathetic to your cause, then you've spectacularly failed.

>> No.22484738

>I'm not white but I spread white supremacy crap on random threads about Buddhism and Advaita
Then what are you, cucked retarded fag?

>> No.22484749

Are you a Jew pretending to be a white supremacist, derailing threads on Dharmic traditions, in order to paradoxically increase resentment of whites? Because if that's the case then you truly are evil.

>> No.22484755

Im smarter than you, thats what i am
calmer too. same as whites lol

>> No.22484759

You're a duplicitous Jew pretending to be a white supremacist in order to increase resentment towards them. I have to admit, that was a crazy turn of events. Verily, your race should have been wiped out during ancient times.

>> No.22484760

the only thing derailing anything here is your lack of buddha nature

>> No.22484766

wrong again, i dont like kikes
try again for a penny?

>> No.22484770

Your two faced behavior is characteristic of pilpul. Go shit up other threads, Zoomer shithead.

>> No.22484776

if you cannot even act according to your own principles, who is the duplicious one here?

>> No.22484777

>try again for a penny?
No, I'm done with this crap. Whatever you are, you are trash and have been a lying bastard. You're a metaphysical abomination, whatever you are.

>> No.22484779

>Mindbroken so bad im called a metaphysical abomination
lmao. surrender accepted

>> No.22484780

YOU, whatever you are, are better off dead. You're not even white and are derailing topics with white supremacy crap, where it doesn't belong. You even lack the integrity to say what you are.

>> No.22484784

You're the mind broken one. You've lied about being white and spreading white supremacy stuff on threads where they don't belong.

>> No.22484785

>You must fight with your identity, not your words!
i knew you were a leftie postmodernist
from now on i guess ill keep the metaphysical abomination name. its good

>> No.22484788

oh no lol, ive never claimed to be white, that was a different guy

>> No.22484790

If anyone is the postmodernist, it's you. You were literally pretending to be both white and a white supremacist in the Buddhist thread. Now I learn you're not even white. Then what are you? Because, as it stands, you are the worst poster on this entire cesspool of a site.

>> No.22484793

have you gone schizo anon? its an anonimous website, im clearly not the only person you argue with

>> No.22484794

Your identity is pretty important in this context, retarded faggot. You're most likely a mongrelized abomination. You'd be helping both of your races by offing yourself.

>> No.22484798

Stop butting in. I want to choke that faggot. He has ruined two threads already. My issue is squarely with that faggot, and I'd say anything at this point if it made him suicidal.

>> No.22484805

>important in this context
how? because your assumptions demand it? Because you cannot build an argument if you dont know my race? anon id appreciate it if you grew up from adhominems. not very buddha nature of you
lmao, you are so mindbroken its hilarious
i broke the hindussy and buddhussy

>> No.22484813

In both this thread and the last, you are the first one to bring up race, and since you are the first to bring up race, then you should have the honor answer the question of what is your race.

>> No.22484819

Not as mind broken as a mongrel like you, literally bring up white supremacy in a thread about Buddhism and Advaita, when you are not even fully white yourself. Mongrel trash.

>> No.22484823

The problem with your assumption is that i did not bring up race, that was a different anon, and i built upon it because it was the fastest (and most effective) way to get you to reveal that your nature does not follow yoir principles. When it comes to the transformative power of an idea, proving the hypocrisy of its proponents is enough to dismiss it

>> No.22484827

forgot to tag this retard too. here you go my man:

>> No.22484843

Now you're pretending to be someone else. What lows will you stoop to. You are wasting my time. Go ahead and taint another Dharmic thread in the future.
That faggot who derailed both this thread and the last is better off gone.

>> No.22484850
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>> No.22484851

Stay mad faggot

>> No.22484856
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he is right here anon:
I sure hope you realize how retarded and unbuddha your nature is

>> No.22484859

You're the one who is mad, invading threads that have nothing to do with your interests or focuses in life.

>> No.22484867

it is my utmost interest and focus to make retards like (you) show their true colors

>> No.22484872

Go back to your Discords and plan another raid. Whatever he is, he is not arguing in good will and has already shitted up two threads. He (and maybe you) should be perma-banned. No matter one's political affiliations, it doesn't make sense to detail threads with them when it has nothing to do with the topic.
I'm not going to a thread about St. John of the Cross and screaming snow *** the way you faggots did for Buddha and Adi Shankara, screaming shit skin.

>> No.22484874

>worship death
but enough about christianity

>> No.22484880

I mean, I've already explained in the past thread that icchantikas are undeserving of moral consideration, so nothing I am saying goes against my values since I am saying it to him. It's perfectly permissible in my tradition to call for the death of someone like him.

>> No.22484886
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>> No.22484895

lol discords? raid? you cant even tell how many people you are arguing against, its obvious you are losing it anon. Worse of all you fling shit at catholics thinking its going to hurt me lmao.
You are not living according to your own principles, you are a hateful hypocrite who presents buddhism in bad faith in hope to indoctrinate more people. Your beliefs and the ones held by postmodernists are one and the same.
death is, insults and crying at them is not. please try and find my house and kill me, thats all the retaliation your principle allows you lol.
furthermore is so obvious that the concept is built that way to justify violent action towards dissidents. Your belief system will actively harm those who do not believe in it, and as such, it is evil and tribal.

>> No.22484896

some of the Hindu philosophy threads are some of the most interesting ones on /lit/ but this one got sidetracked by two anons insulting each other back and forth

>> No.22484900

i dont touch the ones that have actual philosohical discussion in them. someone who is arguing from logos does not lose to pathos and much less does he show that his ethos is lacking

>> No.22484914

>Worse of all you fling shit at catholics thinking its going to hurt me lmao.
Yeah, but I never bring up race unless someone mentions it first. It has no place in a religious and/or metaphysical discussion.
Also, Jesus, Muhammad, and Moses were all icchantika.
And the holy Spirit is a maleficent force of pure destruction where no good has ever come from.
I aim to tacitly apprehend my true origin nature, which is fundamentally nondual. I am not interested in your Abrahamic lunacy. I'll be sure to shit up more Abrahamic threads in the future. Oh yeah, and I'll burn a Bible, Torah, and Koran in your name. There is not a single beautiful verse in the entirety of your trash Abrahamic traditions. A single line from the Lotus Sutra, Zhuangzi, or even the Upanishads are worth more than the entirety of your Christcuck cultural legacy. This world would be infinitely better with every single Christcuck, Mudslime, and religious Jew dead, with no mercy shown.
You people have destroyed this world with Geist and now you are pathetically shitting up threads about Eastern traditions. Begone, vile demon. I come to these threads to discuss the nature of the absolute and equanimity needed to tacitly apprehend them. I'd sit in Zazen over your pilpuling corpse.

>> No.22484922

Doesn't exist. Human rationality and quantification are limited and cannot grasp the absolute, which is beyond all ratiocination.

>> No.22484927
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what's his story

>> No.22484930

>evil and tribal
Says the man who said, "Shitskin jungle gook," in a thread that's not even about politics.

>> No.22484933

I personally believe it would be better if it were the skin of this faggot instead: >>22483916

>> No.22484949

anon, i am not the guy who called you a jungle gook, nor am i fond of the abrahamic traditions. your belief and their beliefs are both cuth of the same worship of death. Yours is just slightly worse, as your hypocritical hatred demonstrates. Ive said so from the beggining.
>cannot grasp
god of the gaps fallacy, we have been over this, (you) are not capable of determining what rationality can and cannot fathom.
again anon i did not lmao, do you really think all the men who disagree with you are one and the same? im that metaphysical abomination, not the white anon

>> No.22484952

it'd be pretty funny

>> No.22484957

impotent hatred, not unlike your limp wristed beliefs, postmodern scum

>> No.22484974
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Based Buddha and Shankara making Christians, atheists, philosophers, Nazis and fascists, seething.

>> No.22484976

thats the picture of a postmodernist lol
i love being trans and buddhist

>> No.22484991

I'm Catholic lol

>> No.22484998
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>> No.22485004

transitioning is just holy stigmata for neo-christians, has nothing to do with Buddhism or Hinduism

>> No.22485005

Not the same guy, retard.
In the previous thread, you literally said GDP and productivity are higher values than enlightenment and equanimity. You basically reject the structure of pre-industrial traditional civilizations. You also embraced the destruction and pollution of the natural world in the name of "progress".
It's "fine" to believe this, but stop shitting up Eastern religious threads and slandering figures like the Buddha and Adi Shankara. This accrues negative karma. You can at least do so respectfully.
I repeatedly asked your edgelord self how old you are at this point. It's because you seem convicted in your hated of the Dharma. If you're young, then it's best to reserve judgment until you get more life experience and read more of the primary texts.
I am done debating you, whoever you are. Maybe you're just an edgelord faggot that likes to butt in pretending to be the same or different poster. Regardless, I don't have time to debate depraved, illiterate, anti-Traditional lunatics like you. If you disagree, fine, but why pretend to be this or that person? It is disingenuous.

>> No.22485008

I look like this and I say this (the this in question being ">>22484991 (You)")

>> No.22485167

>you literally said GDP and productivity are higher values than enlightenment and equanimity
reading comprehension retard, im saying those are "higher values" that formed our current society. they are functionally the same as buddhist "higher values" in the sense that they are irrational concepts that build community and alienate the individual from himself
But what else could i expect from a hateful buddhist lol. no integrity or reading comprehension whatsoever.

>> No.22485173

Its the eternal nazi paradox. The superior, faustian white man eho still manages to get constantly dominated by jews. Its delusional and insulting to whites

>> No.22485175

Valuing GDP and productivity are not higher values. I already explained how they are not functionally equivalent to Buddhist 4 virtues, you dumb cunt.

>> No.22485191

and i already explained how it isnt, and the communities based on buddhist thought are enough proof
Furthermore your own dissonance and anger further proves you wrong on the virtues and values you hold for truth. for starters, you misread and misrepresent claims, attest to my nature without knowing me and condemn me to your particular equivalent of hell. you are almost a christian

>> No.22485241

>and i already explained how it isnt, and the communities based on buddhist thought are enough proof
You lack nuance and rely on sweeping generalizations of complex history. All traditions have degenerated in post-industrial times. This says nothing about the actual metaphysics of the tradition.
Stfu, you pseud.
Actually getting into nitty gritty ontological details would be a waste of time with you.
Stop derailing threads.

>> No.22485246

what generalization? i have study cases, you have a guy who claimed the vaguest things possible
you have finally calmed down tho, and thats praiseworthy. finally you sound more like someone with buddha nature. seeing you chimp out was really enbarrasing and i hope you learn to stop doing that, little neo cristian boy

>> No.22485250

You, Mike Pemulis, would deny me knowledge of the rest of this line?

>> No.22485256

>infinite cringe
ugh even ur references are reddit

>> No.22485258
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No, Nagarjuna solved philosophy

>> No.22485259

name one thing you like, or, make a thread?

>> No.22485286

i enjoy your seething, i already have a thread, if you find it ill say hi

>> No.22485290

your seething on the other hand is of no value

>> No.22485313

hence why it doesnt exist, only yours is showing

>> No.22486698

aryan this aryan that shut the fuck up and go back to pol you subhuman retard

>> No.22486709

>calmer too. same as whites lol
you're 100% white. you're also really fucking stupid.

>> No.22486714

correct and snakepilled

>> No.22488147



>> No.22488220

So, this is the product of the philosophy pajeets want us to follow? You shall know them by their works.

>> No.22488234

>Practice detachment except when it comes to hating on the white people whose devices you use to read your pajeet philosophy that you use to hate on white people.

>> No.22488254

Because your fellow Buddhists are totally not looking to escape to white countries. They're totally obsessed with their "higher values". You're just an obsessed, seething thirdie that can't admit his own inferiority.

>> No.22488260

Why don't your prove muh Adi Shankara? Not everyone believes in your bullshit. Maybe you're used to braindead hippies sucking you off. But don't take people with a brain for granted.

>> No.22488294

I'm tired of repeating myself. That argument went on for two threads.
I think the inferior one is the one that opens their borders in the first place and then complains about it like a bitch. Or the one that helps jumpstart an invasive system that keeps accumulating problems of an entirely novel order.

>> No.22488300

>thread supposedly about indian /wisdom/ devolves into racial shitposting

many such cases

>> No.22488661

Why do white people love to attack others, but when they are attacked they cry like babies?

>> No.22489089

Another "debate me" bait thread? Kill yourself NEET

>> No.22489592

We opened borders as a way of sharing our knowledge with the word so that people might learn something and go back and apply it in their societies. Turns out pajeets don't want to learn anything, but instead flood white countries, make a permanent home in white countries, completely forget all about their old country, and then spout nonsense about how their ooga booga tier philosophy is somehow worthwhile despite its fruits being some of the nastiest in the world.

>> No.22490213

He didn't solve anything.

>> No.22490217

Still mouthing of. You are complete shit. I'm sorry to say but the future is grim.

>> No.22490279

What did he solve?

>> No.22490285

I am Consciousness, I am Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Without hate, without infatuation, without craving, without greed;
Neither arrogance, nor conceit, never jealous I am;
Neither dharma, nor artha, neither kama, nor moksha am I;
I am Consciousness, I am Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Without sins, without merits, without elation, without sorrow;
Neither mantra, nor rituals, neither pilgrimage, nor Vedas;
Neither the experiencer, nor experienced, nor the experience am I,
I am Consciousness, I am Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Without fear, without death, without discrimination, without caste;
Neither father, nor mother, never born I am;
Neither kith, nor kin, neither teacher, nor student am I;
I am Consciousness, I am Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Without form, without figure, without resemblance am I;
Vitality of all senses, in everything I am;
Neither attached, nor released am I;
I am Consciousness, I am Bliss, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

>> No.22490288

What does this solve?