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File: 320 KB, 1725x1725, TreismanFictionPodcast-DavidFosterWallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22483176 No.22483176 [Reply] [Original]

why did DFW always wear this ugly thing on his head? it reminds me of cancer patients

>> No.22483180

it's a tennis thing

>> No.22483192

Take this islamophobia back to /pol/

>> No.22483193

He was very insecure. Was probably worried about his hairline

>> No.22483196

He was going for the Axl rose vibe. >>>/Fa/ might be better for that question.

>> No.22483198

Nobody cares more about fashion than middle aged men who've picked a look and refuse to deviate from it

>> No.22483201

so you're saying that he was a weak man?

>> No.22483222

Oh yeah, of course. Have you seen the interviews of him? He is insecure in everything he says, constantly thinking he looks like a "phoney", or is embarrassed by his own words, etc.

>> No.22483226

Have you never met a bandana guy before? They're a dying breed but you can still find them sometimes

>> No.22483229

He killed himself didn't he? What more evidence do you need?

>> No.22483239

Good Old Neon is such a great read

>> No.22483275

being that he was Gen X that checks out

>> No.22483276

reminds me of zolo from one piece lol i just imagine he's going to take out a sword and start slicing ppl

>> No.22483279

what about black men and their fixation with footwear?

>> No.22483283

I bet he could beat the shit out of everyone of you.

>> No.22483290

if he couldnt, would you think less of him?

>> No.22483382

he couldn't really do that because he is no longer on our earthly plain

>> No.22483453

because he thought it looked cool on him, why are we tip toeing around the obvious answer

>> No.22483489
File: 686 KB, 220x219, 1693145560705450_1693123196150767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking closely at OP's pic I think you might be trolling.

>> No.22483538

he must've known that it didn't, he was a decently clever guy

>> No.22483554

His leaked autopsy straight up said he was balding.

>> No.22483593

every man post 40 is balding to some degree

>> No.22483632

i mean he beat the shit out of his girlfriend so thats probably not wrong

>> No.22483636

What’s the latest dated photo of him without the headband? There’s moments when you can see his hairline in that german tv station interview (“pontificate”), and it looks fine.

>> No.22483641

That's why he killed himself

>> No.22483647

If all you moids killed yourself when you started balding the world would be a better place.

>> No.22483674

>leaked autopsy

>> No.22483685

Nevermind, found it
He was balding lol, but he's 6'4 and probably mogs this entire board

>> No.22483692

He was a sweaty man and it kept the sweat from dripping down his face and forehead. This especially agitated him when writing or reading.

>> No.22483704 [DELETED] 

The autopsy report you linked literally says his height is 72 in. Maybe if you spent more time worrying about the works of authors instead of joining in on the celebrity worship infesting our culture you'd have better reading comprehension.

>> No.22483718
File: 145 KB, 1020x777, 5e7a7ee35ff6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't get it

>> No.22483721

He was a methamphetamine addict, wasn't he?, so.... I'm sure he had his "reasons." If not then I'm not sure why. Or that other thing. Or why people like his work either. Pretentious shit in my opinion.

>> No.22483722

In the actual examination at the bottom though it says 76. Did he get stretched by hanging?

>> No.22483729
File: 220 KB, 1024x656, Screen-Shot-2021-12-02-at-12.17.38-AM-1024x656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was just called laziness? Though I guess "picking a look"...by definition....

>> No.22483738


>> No.22483758

u haven't seen my maternal grandfather's hairline

>> No.22483783

Insecurity. Hence his suicide like a little BITCH

>> No.22483802


>> No.22483879

That appears in the movie?

>> No.22483908

What norwood 4 does to a mf

>> No.22483922

"Does that appear in the movie" is how you should phrase that question.
When you say "that appears", you're making an affirmative statement. It sounds smug and presumptuous.

>> No.22483925

this is you coping with the fact that you hate yourself

>> No.22483930

Diaper head.

>> No.22483933

Saying “It sounds smug and presumptuous.” sounds smug and presumptuous

>> No.22483943

This, he had anxiety and a hyperactive sweat response.

>> No.22483951

Bro killed himself on this day fifteen years ago.

>> No.22483972

he was trying to go bald and become more like his fans just like Q did

>> No.22483977

That's you feeling a lot of guilt and insecurity surrounding your own sense of grammar

>> No.22484114
File: 27 KB, 1280x1024, wp4170565-napoleon-bonaparte-wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is you coping with the fact that you hate yourself
WRONG! That was me projecting my own desire for suicide as a weakness therefore distancing myself from it since I love myself and consider myself strong. Garsh learn to read people :^)

>> No.22484143

if you love yourself and consider yourself strong then why do you desire suicide and bully dead people
>because there's two me's
yeah i know and one of you is suffering and the other one's a real asshole

>> No.22484192

>Why do fat people keep eating if they know its wrong for them???
Shiet brah almost like humans aren't rational all the time. My Cold cognition loves myself while my hot cognition can easily become tired of being tired yamean.
Dawid was essentially a fattie eating snacks so I rightfully ridiculed him. You should stop defending weak people since they ruin society

>> No.22484529

>When you say "that appears",
Commas go inside quotation marks at the end of relative clauses that appear at the beginning of sentences.

>affirmative statement
declarative, not affirmative. whether it’s affirmative or negative is irrelevant. also, declarative statements can be used in an interrogative manner. it’s not ungrammatical.

>> No.22484536

>Commas go inside quotation marks at the end of relative clauses that appear at the beginning of sentences.
not across the atlantic

>> No.22485133

Wait, this nigga was basically pulling a Tim Pool?