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/lit/ - Literature

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22479926 No.22479926 [Reply] [Original]

Are they an insult to the original book? Are they a necessary evil? Or are they a better way to experience a book that wasn't written in your mother tongue?

>> No.22479932

What kind of dumb ass question is this? Just stop posting. No need for this retarded nattering all the time. It's not my fault you feel like you need to fill the void with inane discussions. It's ok to shut up

>> No.22479949

I don't consider it as having "read" the book but you can't learn every language

>> No.22479953

A discussion about the ethics of translations will never be dumb or obsolete, if you don't have the necessary knowledge to partake in it then you would do well to keep your mouth shut.

>> No.22479956

Translations from English to another language are obviously inferior, because they aren't in English
Translations into English are better than the original, because they are in English

>> No.22479962

Shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.22479964

depends on the book tbdesu
for nonfiction it basically doesn't matter as long as concepts are correctly translated (which is not that hard)

>> No.22479979

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.22479985

Sometimes philosophy is more "poetic" than literature.

>> No.22480004
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 1686852843228883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insight into the mind of your average philosophy fag; arguing over the semantics of a useless question, and seething when called out for it

>> No.22480298

shut up faggot

>> No.22480302

Hello, sir, do the needful today

>> No.22480335

A tradução do Galindo é muito boa, OP. Se for sua primeira leitura, vai fundo. Recomendo reler os capítulos que gostar mais no original também; deixe para ler no original quando for reler (garanto que vai).

>> No.22480357

Cala-te, macaco brasileiro.

>> No.22481343

>Dumb Monolingual Ameri-Mutt!

If you are into Literature & are not able to read serious literature in at least 4 languages, you are ReTardeD.

>t. English/Japanese/Russian/Hindi

>> No.22482585

I'm fluent in over eighty languages including Mandarin, ancient sanskrit and various dialects of andean quipu
English is better than all of them, and any text in English is better by default than a text in any other language. I know this because I've read every canonical work of literature in every language it is available in, and every single time the English version is the best.
I was as shocked as you are. I actually French lol

>> No.22482620

Is the picture in the middle supposed to be "the size of the lad"?
