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/lit/ - Literature

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22476422 No.22476422 [Reply] [Original]

>have basic-bitch female coworker (30ish yo) whos ALWAYS reading books (NYT best seller stuff)
>Tell her I'm reading "Notes from the underground"
>Girl: "Is that James Patterson's new book?
>No its by Dostoevsky, the guy who wrote "Crime & Punishment"
>Girl: "Oh you like mystery novels. Didn't think you'd like those anon"
>No he's a famous Russian author
>Girl: "I'm sorry, I've never heard of him."
I get this intuitive gut feeling most women are like this... ...how is this possible?

>> No.22476436

Most people, male or female are like that

>> No.22476438

Most people are not massively into literature the way you are, OP. Accept, move on.

>> No.22476440

Let me guess, you're going to think that the protagonist is a flattering portrayal of a brave, misunderstood man?

>> No.22476452

>Anon Thinks He's Supa Speshul for Reading Babby's First Author, or: Epic Culture War Thread #38,194

>> No.22476466

Dosto hasn't put out a new book in a while. People have short memories.

>> No.22476514

Dostoevsky just isn't an important writer these days. He has a place in academia of course, if you were studying late victorian novels, but is irrelevant to the general reader

>> No.22476522

I remember walking past the reception desk of my uni halls of residence, late one night, and overhearing the guy working there talking to some Chinese foreign student and saying 'How do you not know who Marx is?'

>> No.22476535

when the average person says they read they are talking about YA dreck

>> No.22476537

>>Girl: "Is that James Patterson's new book?
If she had asked about the Scruton book, it would have been based beyond belief

>> No.22476703

General reader is a fucking pleb nowadays.

>> No.22476715

If you knew she was a basic bitch then what did you expect?

>> No.22476725

most people who play videogames don't know what the classics or the really influential indie titles are either. there's enough mainstream slop out there to last normies a lifetime, and lots of people never discover that their knowledge barely scratches the surface of what the medium they purport to be interested in of can do.
also >>22476452, please keep your culture war needs contained. there's plenty of other boards that exist for the explicit purpose of talking about politics.

>> No.22476777

>massively into literature
>reading Dostoyesvky

>> No.22476881

This isn't /r9k/

>> No.22476936

Most people read as an advanced form of escapism that unlikes tv and videogames also stimulates imagination
Few people have a genuine interest in literature.

>> No.22477088

>my specific field of interest is not common knowledge
>how is this possible?
this has nothing to do with women OP, most people don't read books

>> No.22477140

Dostoyevsky is a name that is only known by those who make reading their entire personality, even though they dont actually read, ergo, this board. People who say that they love to read usually read schlock or "low-brow" literature for the fun of it, not as to seem enlightened

>> No.22477152

Stop reading Russian literature. It's for your own good.

>> No.22477158

"I am very smart" the thread

>> No.22477160
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...But enough about Dostoevsky.

>> No.22477171

>wait, you know who Dosto-something is?
>ugh, you must be a poser or something...just read hunger games like a normal person
what a lowlife mentality, kek

>> No.22477177

That's pretty much it, except Dostoniggers only read Dosto to pretend that they're smart readers which is arguably more petty than slop readers.

>> No.22477204

That's definitely true for some of the Peterson fanboys, but then most people who read as a lifestyle pick up the new Brandon Sneederson for similarly vapid reasons.
>n-no you don't understand, only disgusting pretentious loser read the classics. stop having standards, creep!
Most people are trying too hard to fit in in one way or another, and you're one of them.

>> No.22477216

Very akin to a Dostonigger to assume the tastes of another just because they got exposed for their basic bitch taste. Quite womanly of you.

>> No.22477271

Women are property. Nothing more.

>> No.22477304
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>> No.22477471

>Dostoyevsky is a name that is only known by those who make reading their entire personality
Imagine thinking Dostoyesvky is some niche author no one has heard of, and that if you know his name, then you pretend to have read him. You are one sad, naive sack of shit.

>> No.22477492

Dear diary today a faggot posted the „everybody here isn‘t actually reading but they also are and don‘t have fun with it“ projection again

>> No.22477542

You're not reading "the classics." You're reading a translation. It is not the same book.

>> No.22478079

Today that dumb retard bitch told another coworker I was "reading books by that guy who works for Putin".
I HATE modern woman.

>> No.22478262

isn't C&P mandatory reading in high school?

>> No.22478407

WOW! This post is totally believable and wasn't made up at all in an attempt to revive a dead thread!
Gee-willikers my fellow incels! Don't you just hate women?

>> No.22478562
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Do a cookie-less visit to the book directory of Amazon in order to find out.

>> No.22478607

You know when you walk into a bookstore and you see the garish ethnic slop lining walls? That's what most people are reading. Those books are there because they sell the most.

>> No.22478618

>how does female not know xyz

>> No.22480146

>Today that dumb retard bitch told another coworker I was "reading books by that guy who works for Putin".
fake, but hilarious, gave me a good chuckle