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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 662x470, john_jeremiah_sullivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2247481 No.2247481 [Reply] [Original]

To be a writer is to obsess about other writers. Mostly it is to obsess about other, better writers. “Infinite Jest” is an exceptionally good novel. But David Foster Wallace so haunts the modern literary imagination, not because of “Infinite Jest,” or the unfinished and uneven “The Pale King,” or any of his other books. Wallace is the object of a generation’s adoration on account of his unavoidably evident talent, which so patently surpassed that of his peers that, in a sense, it was immaterial what he did with it. Other writers knew they were not as talented as he — even the ones who wrote better books — and they stayed up nights because of it. Jonathan Franzen wrote “The Corrections” just to feel better about himself after reading “Infinite Jest” in manuscript. Smart writers always know who is smarter, even — especially — when they’d prefer not to.


>> No.2247489

i cant tell if /lit/ likes DFW or not

>> No.2247488

someone browses metafilter

>> No.2247491

it's a divisive thing, like genrefags and nonretards. half of /lit/ likes dfwalrus and the other half hates him.

>> No.2247500

>they were not as talented as he
Is this even grammatically correct?

>> No.2247508

It should be "talented as him."

>> No.2247509

>They were not as talented as he [was].

>> No.2247513

Yeah and all the good it did him.

>> No.2247516

>Half of /lit/ bothered to read his books and the other half resent their length

>> No.2247529

Guide to deciding whether to read a book:
1) Touch penis until erect
2) Hold spine of book next to erect penis
3) If book is thicker than penis, do not read it

>> No.2247526

No one says "talented as he", though.

>> No.2247525


"as talented as he was, they were not, as much as him"

>> No.2247533



>> No.2247538

i've heard the same structure used before.
either way, i don't think that's really the point of the article.

>> No.2247541

Saying "talented as he" is like saying "It is I". Technically correct, but only pedantic old men say it.

>> No.2247547

>Jonathan Franzen wrote “The Corrections” just to feel better about himself after reading “Infinite Jest” in manuscript

aw hell nah

>> No.2247553
File: 40 KB, 560x375, davidfosterwallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares whether Wallace is a good writer or not.

The man has swag, and that's 90% of being remembered.

Pic related: Swag.

>> No.2247560
File: 45 KB, 560x375, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2247599

DFW's non-fiction was his worst writing. Remember that 20-page-long tennis article?

If Sullivan is trying to model his journalism on Wallace, he will produce nothing but tripe.

>> No.2247630

Wallace wrote too much to write so clunky.

The man has no sense of rhythm at all. Well, I guess he is a white guy who wears bandanas with eyeglasses. That's what his prose is like. Wearing bandanas with glasses.

>> No.2247657
File: 16 KB, 395x228, larry_jeff_aback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In his book’s penultimate essay, "Violence of the Lambs," Sullivan profiles a scientist named Marcus Livengood, who looks like a young George Lucas and who argues, convincingly, that animals are in the midst of rising up and beginning a war with mankind. "I believe that dolphins are capable of hatred," Livengood tells Sullivan, "and that their hatred of us is essentially bottomless."