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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 800x798, Lonely girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22474767 No.22474767 [Reply] [Original]

Female romance novels are absurd on a conceptual level. Almost every protagonist of these books could be (and usually halfway already are) in a relationship if they wanted at almost any time. It's especially absurd in current year when the average dating app instantly puts 80 dudes, who'd rearrange their whole week to spend time with a girl, literally at a woman's fingertips. It would make sense if the women were severely damaged in some physical or mental way, but they're usually just completely basic as fuck, down to their taste in generic tall and broody bad boys.

>> No.22474774

If the protagonists were outstanding, the lonely women who self-insert themselves into the novel couldn't relate.

>> No.22474804
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>Almost every protagonist of these books could be (and usually halfway already are) in a relationship if they wanted at almost any time
yea but not everyone will look like this

>> No.22474812

This pic is retarded unless you are willing to settle for any old one

>> No.22474815

Male written romances > female written romances, but if you’re a dude you’re essentially reading another man’s fantasy so it’s gay.

>> No.22474822


Women are absurd on a conceptual level. Nothing more to understand.

>> No.22474828

>Avon Books
Interesting. Makes sense that they would branch out to pulp romance/softcore erotica

>> No.22474831

Top 10 dumbest takes on this board today.

>> No.22474838

Many romances for women are actually written by men with pen names. Actual women writing those things tends to be uninteresting slop.

>> No.22474840

never gonna happen. this is retarded.

>> No.22474841

it's seriously amazing how incels like you will post this shit when you are some of the most picky people in the world about partners and will always refuse to settle for less even though it would be good for you.

>> No.22474858

>you incels are the problem, everything is all your fault!

>> No.22474862

what if i did this and someone else did it and only one of them worked?

>> No.22474877

Yes, your problems are your fault. Hard truth to accept, I know, but you will be happier in the end if you do.

>> No.22474883

>some of the most picky people in the world about partners
where are you basing this on?

>> No.22474891

>3/10 elbows too pointy

>> No.22474923

It isn't. Take a look at the dating market stats you stupid bitch

>> No.22474929

Man is accountable for everything in his life. Passing the blame is a female activity. Grow up.

>> No.22474931
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>Which is it /lit/?
Do you want Tex...

>> No.22474936
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>Which is it /lit/?
...or Dex?

>> No.22474938

this is fine

>> No.22474939

online rhetorics means nothing

>> No.22474941

First day of school must have been hard, incel seethe these past few days has been rather high.

>> No.22474942

oh it's the bap-shipper faggot. I knew you were a woman

>> No.22474949

Proving my point mate. Just seethe and blame. Pathetic.
You might be on to something there.

>> No.22474963

Yeah, it’s really bad today. I guess seeing all those girls that you can’t get with their asses and tits hanging out really gets the seethe going. There’s like 5 or 6 incel threads on the first 2 pages. Chill out, anons

>> No.22474964

see what I mean? Slop.

>> No.22474970

>t. will ever be a "babymaker"

>> No.22475048

You will never have a woman. You will never have a son. You will never have a career. You will disappoint your father even more than you already do. You will never own a cabin in the woods. You will turn 37 alone and cope with being underground man with all the savings you never “wasted on girls.”

>> No.22475086

>Projection: The Post

>> No.22475089

Happens every year although COVID sort of dampened it for a couple years. Will switch over to doomers in a few weeks.

>> No.22475095

kill yourself so as to save me the trouble of hiding your posts

>> No.22475138
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>male anon makes very basic and obvious observation about women
>Femanons and their simps immediately whining about how incels, doomers, blackpillers, etc. are "flooding" the board
Many such cases.

>> No.22475145

>"she has a 2 inch tattoo on her upper back?"

>> No.22475171

>why isn't the pizza delivery guy actually delivering pizza in this porno movie, why is he taking out his dick, I don't understand, shouldn't he be delivering pizza?

>> No.22475184


And there are multiple threads on the subject up anyway. I guess anons want UPDOOTS and their own thread

>> No.22475194

It book-related though.

>> No.22475203

still mad I called out tats as a low IQ and poor impulse control marker days later, which they are

>> No.22475209

No, slapping any books for onto a post doesn’t make it /lit/, zoomer

>> No.22475219

OP faggily talked about books for women (always objectively bad) as if he reads them.

>> No.22475221

I'd agree with you on impulse control, but not the intelligence thing.

>> No.22475228
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It's specifically about female romance novels, which is the most popular genre of fiction. Colleen Hoover basically has every book store in America in a fucking headlock, and she's the archetypal terrible female romance author.

>> No.22475229

>dating apps
Are for ugly people and predators.

>> No.22475246

No, they're mostly for men to flirt with female chatbots dating app companies used to keep men who don't get matches to continue using the app.

>> No.22475270

You have no interest in these books though.

>> No.22475271

A person will never get a straight answer from these people either. They'll be sarcastic, coy, or dismissive for not immediately agreeing with them. If someone dares bring up valid points or evidence, then they'll just resort to name calling and straw manning. They absolutely can't handle any confrontation and everything lives rent-free in their heads.

>> No.22475285

I gave a non-bait post to OP and got retarded coalpost replies back. You get what you put out.

>> No.22475302


I pressed "Update". There was the post - Anon had really replied! I hadn't even allowed myself to expect it, but there it was. And so I started reading, hungrily devouring every word. But when I got to the end, I realized something.

Anon - the guy I'd known for years, the obese keyboard warrior with the greasy fingers and the overwhelming stench, the one I'd never taken a second look at - he was a faggot.

But not only that - he was an *autistic* faggot.

That was the best part of all, because he would see a shitpost, a simple joke, and he'd get this cute little gleam in his eye, real serious-like, and start feverishly typing out all the unhinged hypotheticals he could come up with.

I knew it was wrong - that he was my intellectual inferior, that he could never understand basic social cues - but when I saw the seethe on that post, when I thought about his face getting all red, the drool spilling all over his keyboard; I just couldn't help myself.

I clicked the post number, and started to reply. As I typed, faster and faster, I felt a rush come over my entire body.

And I knew, in my heart of hearts, that Anon wouldn't be able to resist me either. I knew the kind of power I had over him.

I knew that he would give me - my breathing is getting heavy just thinking about it - a (You).

>> No.22475326

You'd be surprised. I'm an autistic incel, but sometimes I hang out with my cousin and occasionally talk to her female friends and in spite of being a solid 8/10 with higher education they're all lonely. One doesn't even try, other one goes on tinder dates but doesn't like anyone there.
Women work in mysterious ways.

>> No.22475329

I got a hearty chuckle out of this. Here's another (You)

>> No.22475350

In fairness, a lot of dudes on dating apps are only interested in sex. And a lot of women are not interested in sex at all, and only do it to please the husband. And if a women mentions no interest in sex at all, that filters a lot of men. And lots of the ones that stick around are still seeking sex regardless. Nothing wrong with that, but I think a lot of women want an environment where they can be emotionally close with men without any expectation of sex. I have a Christian woman sister who isn't interested in sex at all. She said she only wants sex after marriage. And even then, she only wants sex when having children and then never again. She's super sweet. And she had chemistry with men on dates but the second she mentions she doesn't like the idea of sex they move on. I think it's just incompatible libidos for a lot of people.

>> No.22475357

I've read two of Hoover's books. They were both dogshit. I actually don't mind these types of books. I classify them as pulp fiction for women, and I find oldschool Harlequin novels to be occasional fun reads, but Hoover's books aren't "fun." They're just pure mellow drama occasionally interspliced with bad attempts at humor and even worse attempts at sex scenes. They're just pure mellow drama. The novel equivalent of sugar water: neither as sweet as actual juice or wine, nor as good for you as regular water. And if these types of books aren't "fun," they've literally got nothing going for them, because they sure as fuck aren't spiritually or intellectually stimulating.

>> No.22475365
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I just want to marry and have children. I already get no pussy so it doesn't make a difference to me if she doesn't want to do it every week. And yet, women despise me for my schizoid tendencies. Where did we go wrong as a society?

>> No.22475366

From what I've seen, it comes from bad mental health and being uncompromising. Generally a relationship should be balanced so both people can grow alongside each other. However, if someone has mental health issues which prevent them from growing or healing mentally, or they've gotten so used to playing power dynamics, then that all goes out the window. Pretty much every relationship they go in will fail or turn unhealthy.

>> No.22475368

women refuse to date down socioeconomically. All that education completely ruins their chances at marriage

>> No.22475377

I understand the Christian belief against pre-marital sex and to be honest, sex can muddy emotions considerably when choosing a mate. Does she expect to have sex for procreation and that's it? Doesn't Paul speak about men and women fulfilling their marital duties (read: sex) lest the other step out and cheat? I think she's setting herself up for failure with that mindset.

>> No.22475386

I would avoid online dating sites. Participate in social events. My Christian sister self isolates. And while she could have many marriage candidates if she tried to, she self-isolates because of social anxiety. I've been pushing her to go to churches and conventions (like dragoncon, because she loves lord of the rings). But she's so socially anxious is hard for her. But she really loves kids and wants to have kids before she can't have kids, so she's starting to socialize more outside. I suggest you do similar. Whether it's libraries, meet ups, or any social activity. You need to touch grass. And don't go with the expectation of finding a romantic partner. Just try to vibe with people and form friendly chemistry. My friends found success this way. I think you guys can too. It's difficult, but focus on events and engagements you personally find fun so you get something out of it regardless. Don't spend your entire 20s and early 30s entirely on youtube indoors like she did.

>> No.22475393

Yeah, I'm a femoid so I can give her realistic perspective without offending her. Sexual partners have needs. And she admitted that realistically she may need to do some sex therapy. She also says she might be ace, even tho she hates lgbt lingo and is against lgbt, which makes sense since she's a fundamentalist Christian. Ive seen a lot of couples, both married and unmarried, fall apart because of incompatible sex drives. I don't really know the solution to that sorta stuff. But I think in general, if you have a strong emotional connection with your spouse, it gets easier. And can sometimes lead to more intimacy. So I'd just focus on getting emotional fulfillment on those around you. You may be surprised what routes open for you when you live life this way.

>> No.22475444
File: 93 KB, 712x600, 712px-Giacomo_Casanova_by_Anton_Raphael_Mengs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's necessary in this case is the instruction of a seasoned lothario such as myself. You and your sister should grace me with a visit "ce soir" (you need to be present to provide moral support and a woman's perspective), and I will proceed to teach her all about "les manières du boudoir". Don't worry about all that Christianity stuff, let's just say that pretty soon she'll be kneeling to perform a very different sort of worship.

>> No.22475455

over 40% of partners met online whereas everything else is around 10%. In real life thing is definitely over

>> No.22475462

>mellow drama
God save the Queen, for we have no other hope if this is the state of our Youth's vocabulary.

>> No.22475479

That sucks. I've been trying to get her to use discord or something to interact with people online. But she finds it too stressful to type to strangers online. Probably better for mental health but if someone can't help themselves what can you do? It's willing yourself out of the gene pool

>> No.22475526

Bon jaw, mess year. That anon just made a spelling mistake. Also, your Queen is dead.

>> No.22475550

>female romance novels, which is the most popular genre of fiction
Because women read their porn. Imagine acting like a video you watched on Pornhub is an intellectual pursuit.

>> No.22475595


I wouldn't worry about it. Your theoretical sister worships a false christ and a false god, and even the secular/materialist cope about "muh genes, muh reproduction" is an unsatisfying attempt to locate meaning in family/reproduction, and the sex act itself (which is both lazy and agreeable because it goes with the extra-high importance that modern society places on the sex act itself, more even than past societies). The truth of the matter is that having a family does not confer genuine meaning on life, just as believing in god fails to do the same. Rather, there are only chimeras of meaning, things that "feel good" and which are therefore valued. The whole sex-having, family business can bring about psychologically positive feelings and happy stupid brain chemical dumps, but these aren't meanings, they're only mechanisms. Also, existence itself ceases to have even the possibility of a meaning at the moment of your death, because you yourself, the most important person in the entire universe from your own perspective (if you are a right-thinking being), have ceased to exist.

Whatever value exists in having sex and having a family only exists for a given person during that person's lifespan. Obviously for most, this is enough, but it's also beside the point. From the point of view of the individual, the only one that counts, evolutionary fitness/continuation of the family line is just a pleasant idea to entertain.

Meaning can only come about through some transcendant external thing, not for internal arbitrary reasons, as certain strains of existentialism desperately postulate. And since there is no transcendent external thing that actually exists or which actually matters (whether it's a god or one's human community, the two major things which are usually mistaken for conferring "meaning" on life), there is no such thing as genuine meaning. One's own self in one's own life is all that counts for anything. The other never matters.

>> No.22475626
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"Romance books" is a very broad category and although it is mostly porn for girls, it's not always. From pretty ok-ish stuff to the most degenerate shit like you can imagine, there's novelty for every woman out there. Many novels are wish fulfillment yes, but what's wrong with that? Women are people and they can dream of Mr. Chad Perfection breeding her 24/7. Though I wished I could filter them out from Kindle's ebook store.

>> No.22475715

Yes, women are ridiculous beings who are incredibly privileged due to their inherent value in mating and reproducing and thus live in a mental construct of a world of pure ego which has now taken psychical shape with clown world. Next question.

>> No.22475779

Look at this rancid vagoobler smearing her snail trail on the internet as if we can't smell her blobfish vapors from here

>> No.22475829

the thing women don't understand is that "bad boys" don't settle down, they carry that shit into the creepy old uncle phase

>> No.22475840

i'm pretty sure her bf is in another room

>> No.22475849
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>It's especially absurd in current year when the average dating app instantly puts 80 dudes, who'd rearrange their whole week to spend time with a girl, literally at a woman's fingertips

The problem is that those 80 dudes either look and act like Chris Chan or only want a one night stand.

>> No.22475858

I posted the exact same blurb on a profile and then reversed my gender one time. Women get hundreds more replies and not all of them are gross

>> No.22475965

>Almost every protagonist of these books could be (and usually halfway already are) in a relationship if they wanted at almost any time.
Being 'in a relationship' doesn't benefit you much if the guy sucks.

>> No.22475969

>And a lot of women are not interested in sex at all, and only do it to please the husband.
Asexual women exist just like asexual men but I think 'a lot' is an exaggeration.

>> No.22475977

They don't write for their books to be "good" in your standards. Their goal is to sell as many copies of the book and there isn't an abundance of faggots like you to sustain a career in writing well in your standards anywayd

>> No.22476050

Everyone settles, or else they get nothing. Refusing to settle means being single forever if you have unrealistic standards.

>> No.22476108

>just stop having any self respect, and you won't have any problems
How's that working out for you?

>> No.22476128

Settling is one thing, settling for anything is another.

>> No.22476296

>Female romance novels are absurd on a conceptual level. Almost every protagonist of these books could be (and usually halfway already are) in a relationship if they wanted at almost any time.
Read Pride and Prejudice. The question is whether she is *worthy* of a relationship, not whether she will be in one.

>> No.22476555

There is only factor of intelligence that comes out of any data. That's what 200 years of psychometrics have shown. g is the only factor of intelligence, and thus impulse control is just g. If impulse control is bad, the person is stupid.

>> No.22476563

> a lot of dudes on dating apps are only interested in sex.
That's because all the women on dating apps, every single one, have been scatalingual whores for tall handsome abusechads on there. Any man who asks for anything less than immediate sexual access is objectively choosing to be a cuckold and hates himself. If women didn't want it that way, they wouldn't have put out for tall handsome men. Simple as.

>> No.22476580

no its not. that book is just a contrived version of modern smut, and its about what the price of the prostitutes that were the average women of that time was going to be.

>> No.22476585

No, their price level is set by their father's holdings. Jesus cunt read.

>> No.22476623

>The point of female mate selection is choosing among suitors
Wow OP uncovered the secret, women btfo

>> No.22476659

The average young woman is awful at mate selecting though. Like hilariously bad. We joke a lot about how men think with their dick too much, but a lot of women seem completely cavewoman-tier when it comes to dating and courtship. Like, their brains are actually less evolved than men's in this specific area. It's really bizarre to watch.

>> No.22476666
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>> No.22476675

I wish I could believe and agree with the posts defending female behavior but it is so hard to get a date as a semi attractive man at 30 with a decent job. They just ghost you if you send 2 or 3 texts without jokes in a row, but be careful bc you can't be top wordy either so you have to integrate the joke into your message carefully while also asking a question since most of them chat like brick walls and never ask you questions themselves or leave little conversational branches for you to go off.

>> No.22476677

They choose very well in my experience. Why do you think they choose badly? Never met a single man that didn't have something really wrong with him to explain why he was single

>> No.22476681

Go online and women will say every woman has a tragedic story about choosing a wrong partner who almost raped her.

>> No.22476705

Have you ever met a giant piece of *#&# who was banging an endless line of girls? It's so common it's the norm.

>> No.22476718

Those dates are part of the selection process though. Are you expecting women to choose without actually meeting anyone in person?
No. Anyone banging an endless line of girls is at least making an effort to talk to and appeal to women. The real assholes never get laid because they don't even respect women enough to make the effort

>> No.22476727

What is the weather like on your planet?

>> No.22476750

What dialect of English is that?

>> No.22476761

Not even him but it's a real word, you've outed yourself as a cretin. Comic and comedic are both words as well. I'd delete your post if I was you (thankfully I am not you and would never make such a stupid post).

>> No.22476766

Wiktionary says
>Relating to tragedy, the genre.
So it's a word, but it's not the right word.

>> No.22476768


>> No.22476772

Thanks for your snap judgment on the subtleties of a word you didn't know existed until just now.

>> No.22476775

That's why I'm going by a reliable dictionary instead of just guessing.

>> No.22476789


>> No.22476836
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>Those dates are part of the selection process though. Are you expecting women to choose without actually meeting anyone in person?

You're kinda using the "I didn't know he was a toxic piece of shit excuse" that girls always use after a bad breakup, but that usually falls apart under any degree of scrutiny. Women are masters of sniffing out bad eggs when the guy is 'suspicious,' gives them the 'ick,' or is 'creepy,' etc. All of which are just womanese for "I don't find him attractive." However, women's magical intuition for male bullshit oddly ceases to function when the guy is hot and turns them on. Suddenly, a lot of those otherwise toxic red flags just contribute to the guy's charm.

His anger issues become "Oh, he's so passionate."
His duplicity become "Oh, he's mysterious and interesting."
His history of violence becomes "Oh, I bet he can protect me from (less attractive) violent men."
His possessiveness and lack of boundaries become "Oh, he's such a passionate lover."

And in order for it to finally click that these really are vices and not virtues, a woman has to go out of her way subject herself to this in bad relationship after bad relationship until the halo effect finally wears off (though, sometimes it never does). To say this is part of the mate-selection process for women is nonsense, because if you blindfolded a woman and described these red flaggers in detail but threw in a random tidbit about them being very short, fat, or ugly, 100% of women would say no to a date with them, because he sounds like a loser with serious issues. Swap those traits with tall, ripped, and hot, most would still say no because women are never honest about these types of things, but a hefty chunk would be hitting up his DMs afterwards.

>> No.22476872

>reliable dictionary
Fitting for one who spouts pretentious babble so readily.

>> No.22476899

Lately there's been an influx of ESL incels using shitty dictionary apps to sprinkle their posts with fancy synonyms, I'd wager they're indians given how they try to bluff.

>> No.22476913

>Shitty punctuation
ESL dedected sir. Go back to the reddits

>> No.22476922

Taking your dating frustrations out on a pulp fiction genre on the /lit/ board is hilariously sad behavior

>> No.22476935


>> No.22476939
File: 116 KB, 568x505, Guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no commentary on anything female-related allowed without accusations of people being dateless losers and incels?

>> No.22476943

You don't care about romance fiction. You don't read it and shouodnt read it because it's garbage. This whole thread is off topic retardation about your frustrations. I don't see why I should pretend otherwise.

>> No.22476961

It's akin to criticizing the paper-thin plots of pornos.

>> No.22476978

Wikipedia has been checked for quality and found to be at least as accurate as the Britannica, why should Wiktionary be different?

>> No.22476985
File: 110 KB, 749x530, download (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't care about romance fiction.
I literally just finished reading both of these last week. They're both bad btw, though left is definitely worse than right which is kinda enjoyable if you turn your brain off.

>> No.22477027

>I'll marry you for real :^)

>> No.22477039

I'm pretty sure men aren't exempt for this. There's alot simps and paypigs afterall.

>> No.22477138
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Of course men aren't exempt, but a lot of people still think that women are when they're just as vulnerable to the Halo Effect. It's just that for women who go after the hottest guys, unlike their male equivalents, they can get quick access to these dudes and fuck them. This gives a lot of girls the delusion that these dudes are "attainable" when they really aren't for most women. It's the equivalent to getting on a rollercoaster ride thinking it's a passenger train. It's not actually going to take you anywhere. You're just gonna get a short thrill and end up rght back up where you started. Now, if she's aware that she's just going for a short ride and is looking for a short summer thrill, that's whatever. But a lot of girls honestly don't know this, and can't tell a rollercoaster from an passenger train to save their fucking life.

Because most guys are not tall enough (figuratively and/or literally) to get on the ride in the first place, they never encounter this dilemma and just become simps and admirers for girls they'll never get to date or fuck.

>> No.22477145

A capacity for violence and moderate possessiveness are both clearly virtues, and the other two are necessary traits in small amounts. You're just a low value herbivore.

>> No.22477155
File: 3.99 MB, 1280x720, 1682918297208603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your complaints about female romance novels are just as ridiculous as the complaints women make about romance novels geared towards men. They're romance novels. Move on with your life.

>> No.22477243

yeah it's really funny how you can tell when a female is writing erotica too. Male written erotica tends to be in short story format because there's only so long you can maintain an erection and the second you cum you stop caring about this shit.

>> No.22477268

>Love Hypothesis
My female friend absolutely loves this book and all the other ones from the author. She knows they're absolute trash, she just likes how the author perfected the simple formula of enemies-to-lovers with nerdy, non-threatening men.
This is what late Millennial/Zoomer women like, shit like >>22474931 and >>22474936 is just fap material for single moms in their 40s.

>> No.22477276

yeah did you go on gay dates with those guys though? just because they're not obviously ogrish or disgusting doesn't mean they're a quality partner. I'm not even talking about le 6 figure 6 foot tall chads. Most abusive men don't wear it on their sleeve and you need to waste valuable time discovering that they're a piece of shit. And you have dozens or even hundreds of these people sending you DMs every time you open the app.

It's like going to the grocery store to buy a product you know nothing about and the aisle has 500 different options, some of the boxes have no labels, some of them are covered in obviously false advertising, some are covered in subtly false advertising, others a mix of true and false statements, and a couple of them will probably kill you if you open them.

>> No.22477295

Visual novels tho

>> No.22477297

Dating apps are the most fucked thing ever invented, every time I think I have internalized how evil and demented they are and I think I know that the women on there are fucked in the head, I use them for a month or two and forget all of it and go right back to feeling like something is wrong with me for having such a bad time. And I actually GET dates. I'm already doing better than most on the apps and it's still awful.

Then I start seeing an actual woman, almost always a woman I met in real life, and I come back to my senses. I'll check on the apps after dating a normal woman for a while and finally be able to see, what the fuck was I thinking using this thing?

Men are absolutely starved for "validation" and they don't even know it. These satanic apps have them thinking they don't even exist. It's beyond feeling bad or hating yourself, it makes you feel like you aren't even real, because real people can "manifest" themselves and get noticed, get responses, get dates. Apps make millions of perfectly good men think they are slipping out of reality and into some kind of cosmic garbage bin on a daily basis, it's traumatizing and horrifically evil. Ban this shit.

>> No.22477311

Yeah I’m sure I’m accountable for my autism. Or the color of my skin. Or my sexuality….

>> No.22477321

No, the real problem for women is that when you're allowed to pick whatever you want, whenever you want, you're going to naturally and unconsciously change your hierarchy of value. It wrecks the grading curve. What would have been an A or an A+ for you is downgraded to a B- or a C, because you have access to genetic accident tier A++++++'s. These now become your new A's and A+'s. And there's even subtle differences between them, so naturally you create little hierarchies of preference about which demigods are your favorites and which demigods are "mid," and you start to set your eyes on true elder gods as the only real A+'s.

The difference is, the A range will FUCK you as long as you're young, thin, and pretty, but it doesn't want anything beyond that. So when a woman starts looking to settle down around 27, she has been spoiled by years of skewed standards. All the potential love of her life type guys are invisible to her, the way that today we throw out perfectly good food our ancestors would have made something great out of, because we're lazy and entitled and used to everything being 100% pristine in the store. Average and below average women are now living out the female equivalent of male porn fantasies for 10 years before settling down. Tinder only reinforces this because you're literally swiping through men the way men skim for porn on pornhub.

>> No.22477322

Even if someone forces one on you with threat of violence? I say this because this happened to my best friend who lived around people who would beat the shit out of him for not stealing from department stores and junkyards. Often forcing him to do coke to get Dutch courage.

>> No.22477323
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Zizek proposed the hypothesis that men enjoy sex per se and they're mostly thinking "I can't believe this is happening" during sex because the realization of the moment is the goal, while women enjoy sex through narratives and via narration, so, their number one thought is "I can't wait to tell that to my girlfriend". That is to say, women read and write for other purposes than men. OP can't wrap his mind around the fact that women don't care about the male struggle or getting a fitting partner in the same way men care about it. Women readers care about female power fantasies, gaining status, having lots of drama along the way, and finally being chosen by the coolest, richest, most handsome cowboy/highlander/vampire/surgeon/pirate/millionaire around. Most of women's literature is pornography for women.

>> No.22477331

I guess I’m one or the other. Ah hell I was falsely accused of rape of course I’m the latter.

>> No.22477334

That’s one of the only good uses of strong state would be

>> No.22477348

I was always curious about this. Are women somehow both the best at knowing character and the worst? They can smell out the weird, dangerous incel from the second she looks at him. But women around me have been absolutely incapable of discerning whether a quality man has any real connection to her or not.
I have "Chad" friends, mostly mentally ill, but good looking, charming dudes that somehow, in our rural area always find fresh pussy. Somehow these grown ass women think this guy, that has basically pumped and dumped, or cheated on a bunch of girls will change for her.
It's like women are an algorithm, you really only need to say the right things at the right time and 90% of them just get completely disarmed.

>> No.22477359

Women detect confidence but confidence can come equally from retard bluster and from actual achievements and merit

Women will often fall genuinely in love with whoever the "local" powerful guy is, even if this just means a psychopath criminal retard in their Ohioan fentanyl friend group, or the guy with issues who yells at the other nerds in the D&D group and made one guy cry.

>> No.22477452

Okay, so it's a feature, not a bug.

>> No.22477455

in short women are not only evil but also are the main proponents in encouraging and perpetuating it, their only saving grace is that their evilness and perpetuation of it comes from mere stupidity
What is especially sinister is that it is not enough for them to be evil themselves, but that even if they were to be rendered impotent, as they were much throughout history, thus rendering the evil wrought from them impotent as well, they still find ways to indirectly spread evil by selecting for it in men and encouraging evil to bloom among the more potent male half of humanity.

Truly the story of Adam and Eve is the most important, profound, and concise depiction of the main issue of humanity and I guess theres a reason why, in the collective wisdom of the ancients, it worked its way to becoming the first and most important story.

>> No.22477485

>you are some of the most picky people in the world about partners and will always refuse to settle for less even though it would be good for you.
I would literally fuck an effeminate man at this point in my life sweetie. You are so dead wrong it’s delusional. If anything, the dating app data shows that women are highly more picky than any man. You can’t use examples of a chad being picky like >>22474891, >>22475145 and be serious can you?

>> No.22477510
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>It's like women are an algorithm, you really only need to say the right things at the right time and 90% of them just get completely disarmed.

This is 100% the case. It's why women hate PUAs so much, because a PUA is just a loser who has figured out the female algorithm to such a degree that he can, like a master snake oil salesman, lock in, bedazzle, and close the deal before the woman comes to her senses the next morning and realize she's been swindled into giving up her pussy to a low value man.

>> No.22477531

Based and truthpilled, especially
>Men are absolutely starved for "validation" and they don't even know it
I showed a gf how to play League once and she got flamed and literally cried for like 2 hours. I was beyond shocked and just kept repeating “it’s literally just one guy on the internet somewhere, who cares what he thinks.” Then it dawned on me that throughout her some 20 years of life she has never had anyone EVER speak to her like that. Literally not even once. Then it made me realize how callous and venomous 90% of what guys say to each other is. It’s like a sport: who can take the most emotional abuse without breaking.

>> No.22477569

women can be pretty mean to one another though

>> No.22477579

Never in a direct “kill yourself you stupid faggot” kind of way though.

>> No.22477596

>If the protagonists were outstanding, the lonely women who self-insert themselves into the novel couldn't relate.
FPBP. Because the vast majority of women throughout history have never had to be much more than a childbearer, generic self inserts are far more common for female oriented media/literature.
>This pic is retarded unless you are willing to settle for any old one
That pic is a perfect description for the western dating world and what you call settling is what was once called prioritizing your standards/being realistic. Today people, especially women, prioritize all of the wrong things and have insanely high standards due to (((hollywood/media/fashion/etc.)))
>it's seriously amazing how incels
>Man is accountable for everything in his life
You're right, but the first 18 years of that life, he is a child, and the parents are accountable to a huge degree. Not dealing with the hand he is dealt, and his shortcomings/emotional damage afterward is fair game to criticize, to some extent.
>women refuse to date down socioeconomically. All that education completely ruins their chances at marriage
It's not even education at this point, it's just thinly veiled marxist socialism.
5/5 post right fucking here. Social media and dating apps have destroyed the dating market and ruined women to an unsalvageable degree.
>they still find ways to indirectly spread evil by selecting for it in men and encouraging evil to bloom among the more potent male half of humanity.
It's instinct. The industrial revolution changed absolutely everything. We can only have progress in a modern monogomist Christian meritocracy. However, women are programmed to live in more barbaric times.
>Men are absolutely starved for "validation" and they don't even know it
It's all by design, every aspect of society has been curated to be this way. It's almost like there is an unknown force influencing the way all aspects of society develop for their own benefit.

>> No.22477611

This guy gets it. You gotta give respect to get respect.

>> No.22477614

>respect women enough to make the effort
The "effort" you say is totally unbalanced and heavily fucks men that aren't gigachads

>> No.22477657

It's funny because it's true. There would be no controversy if this wasn't what was going on

>> No.22477685

>liking women
op discovered literally the most feminine things in existence and decided to love them
what a faggotry

>> No.22477830

to add onto this look at how many of the seven deadly sins are directly and inarguably rewarded and encouraged, if not required, by women in men

only two that aren't probably are sloth and envy, at least not directly anyway

>> No.22477855

Evolution debunked

>> No.22477863


>> No.22477882

It means just what he said.

>> No.22477900

How does that debunk evolution?

>> No.22477901

>refuse to settle for less
When we try to settle for less you people call it desperation and say that's why we're alone.

>> No.22477930

NTA but it seems like he’s trying to say that trivializing something as if it existed independent of the web of determinations which give it its existence is absurd. If the pornographic fantasies of men are subjected to such intense Freudian and evolutionary analysis then why is it okay to justify the reproach of analysis when it comes to women’s sexual fantasies. I’m sure he has some biological essentialism to spout, but it’s not intellectually honest to avoid analysis of women’s fantasies on the grounds of “it’s just a romance novel dude! Lmao”

>> No.22478547

>You can’t use examples of a chad being picky like >>22474891, >>22475145 and be serious can you?
She can because women rate the 80th percentile as "about average". The behavior of that top 20% is exactly what femoids base their evaluations of the dating landscape on.

>> No.22479986

t. hundred bodycount femoid

>> No.22481246

i have been thinking about this all day my mind is blown

>> No.22481365

ok, how about maybe she said that once and now regrets it

>> No.22481734
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>> No.22481929

This. It's like criticizing an angry incel when he could easily be fucking horny grannies in his area if he wanted to.

>> No.22481931

>watches one jordan peterson clip on jewtube

>> No.22481951

Just read Weininger

>> No.22481960

You should follow the recent case of Nancy Brophy. The failed female romance writer who killed her husband, and was equally absurd in how she thought she'd get away with it. She wrote largely unread novels about shirtless Navy SEALs or something.

>> No.22481961


as if watching more than one would be of any benefit...