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/lit/ - Literature

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22469587 No.22469587 [Reply] [Original]

¿Onions basada o noble?

Also, what am I missing?

>> No.22469589
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>> No.22469593
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>> No.22469598
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>> No.22469607
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>> No.22469613
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>> No.22469620
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Books I read last year

2022 Anno Domini
'The Odyssey of Homer' Palmer's Edition
'The Plot Against the President' - Written by Sam Bourne
'I Have No Secrets' - Written by Penny Joelson
'Hermetica : The Greek Corpus Hermeticum'
'Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus'
'Common Sense' by Thomas Paine
'Of Mice and Men' by John Steinbeck
'Curley Sue as Kindnezz Girl' by Teresa Allen
'The Holy Qu'Ran'
'The Book of the Dead' The Scribe of Ani
'The Epic of Gilgamesh'
'Aesop's Fables'
'The Bible' of King James
'Arabian Nights'
'Quadrivium' Wooden Books
'The Great Divorce' C.S. Lewis
'Rendezvous with Rama' by Arthur C. Clarke
'The Apocrypha'
'The Republic' by Plato
'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne
'A Holiday to Remember' By Jillian Hart
'Rights of Man' By Thomas Paine
'Collection of The Chaldean Oracles' Arranged and Translated by Thomas Taylor
'Analects of Confuscious'
'The Illiad' of Homer
'Aeniad' Of Virgil
'Sonic Art : An introduction to Electroacoustic Music Composition' by Adrian Moore
'The Divine Comedy' By Dante Alighieri
'Music Business: Real World Insights' Second Edition By Dick Weissman
'Trivium' Wooden Books
'The Vedas'
'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' by Mark Twain
'The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories' by Leo Tolstoy (Family Happiness , The Kreutzer Sonata, Hadji Murád)
'The Digital Musician' Andrew Hugill
'1984' George Orwell
'Statistics 101' David Borman
'Kidnapped' Robert Louis Stevenson
'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' Robert Louis Stevens
'Ethics 101' Brian Boone
'The Everything Guide to Comedy' Mike Bent
'The Megillos and Haftoros'
'The Confessions of Saint Augustine'
'Stuart Little' E. B. White
'The Federalist Papers' Hamilton, Madison, Jay
'The Last Days of Socrates' Plato
'The Forest People' Colin M. Turnbull
'The Outline of History' H.G. Wells
'The Sibylline Oracles Translated From the Best Greek Copies' John Floyer
'Physics Part I & II' Halliday & Resnick
'The Anti-Federalist Papers and Constitutional Convention Debates' Ralph Ketcham
'The Jungle' Upton Sinclair
'Year One' Jacob Xavier Harding
'Origin of Species' Charles Darwin
'The Stand' Stephen King
'A Treasury of American Folklore' Edited by B.A. Botkin
'The Complete Works' William Shakespeare
'Modern Man in Search of a Soul' C.G. Jung
'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' Dr. Joseph Murphy
'China' Life World Library
'Russia' Life World Library
'Greece' Life World Library
'Black Forest Dreams, A Journey Through Germany' Joseph Kuhn Carey

>> No.22469625

2023 Anno Domini
'The Eagle Has Landed' Jack Higgins
'Edgar A. Poe : A Study' John W. Robertson, M.D.
'The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud' Translated and Edited by Dr. A. A. Brill
'For Whom the Bell Tolls 'Ernest Hemingway
'Beyond Good & Evil' Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
'Our Town' Thorton Wilder
'Understanding Electricity and Electronics' Buban and Schmitt
'Dune' Frank Herbert
'Zealot' Reza Aslan
'A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents : 1789-1906 : Volume IV' James D. Richardson
'Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research' Laura L. Ellingson
'The Secret Life of Bees' Sue Monk Kidd
'Alcoholics Anonymous'
'Discovering the Universe' Neil F. Coming, William J. Kaufmann III
'Introduction to Organizational Communications' Kent Bradshaw
'Pearl Jam: The Illustrated Biography' Brad Morrel
'Duty' Bob Greene
'Digital Culture' Charlie Gere
'Platform Revolution' Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul Choudary
'Understanding Digital Culture' Vincent Miller
'Balkans' Life World Library
'The Autobiography of Malcolm X' As Told to Alex Haley
'Fourteen Byzantine Rulers' Michael Psellus
'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' Mark Twain
'Learning to Look: A Handbook for the Visual Arts' Joshua C. Taylor
'Indigo Reflections' Lori Frank
'How to Be a Record Producer in the Digital Era' Megan Perry
'Doctor Dolittle' Hugh Lofting
'The Unstoppable Organization' Shawn Casemore
'Innovation by Design' Thomas Lockwood and Edgar Papke
'Designing the Mind : The Principles of Psychitecture
'India' Life World Library
'Your Self Sabotage Survival Guide' Karen Berg
'Decisive Intuition' Rick Snyder
'The Travels of Marco Polo'
'Make the Most of Your Workday' Mary A. Camuto
'Emote' Vikas Gopal Jhingran
'The New Glucose Revolution' Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD, Thomas M.S. Wolever, MD, PhD, Stephen Colagiuri, MD, Kaye Foster-Powell, M Nutr & Diet
'Yes to Life' Viktor E. Frankl
'Cuban Color in Tourism and La Lucha' L. Kaifa Roland
'The Luftwaffe' Time-Life Books
'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' William L. Shirer
'Dune Messiah' Frank Herbert
'Otherworldly Politics' Stephen Benedict Dyson
'Writing with Style: APA Style Made Easy' Lenore T. Szuchman
'Candide' Voltaire
'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' Ken Kesey
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Harriet Beecher Stowe
'When Work Disappears' William Julius Wilson
'The Rest of the Robots' Isaac Asimov
'The Naked Sun' Isaac Asimov
'The Life and Times of Dante' Curtis Books
'Slavery by Another Name' Douglas A. Blackmon
'Paradise Lost' John Milton
'The Human Face of Big Data' Rick Smolan and Jennifer Erwitt
'As I Lay Dying' William Faulkner
'Our World and the Universe Around It : Matter and Energy' Aberdale Press
'Our World and the Universe Around It : The Universe' Aberdale Press
'The Martian Chronicles' Ray Bradbury
'The Book of the Law' Aleister Crowley
'Tao Te Ching' Lap Tzu
'Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art' Scott McCloud
'Our World and the Universe Around It : Life' Aberdale Press

>> No.22470392

now that's what I call mucho texto
you've probably most of these OP but in case you haven't
>Twain: The Mysterious Stranger Manuscripts
>Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary
>Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Frazer: The Golden Bough
>James: Varieties of Religious Experience
>Paine: The Age of Reason
>Keenan: England's Hidden Reverse

>> No.22470487

I haven't read any of these, thanks Anon.

Read 'Beyond Good and Evil' by Nietzsche, building up my vocabulary and dexterity before reading more from him.

>> No.22470524

Where do you buy old books like that?

>> No.22471061

>Also, what am I missing?
Obviously a purpose with your reading. Giga cringe fr

>> No.22471107

Random used book stores ran by old farts across the country

>> No.22471295

This is 100% where I bought these books at.

>> No.22471300
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I'll be praying for you along your path anon

>> No.22471341
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Also, if you genuinely don't understand the purpose of reading these books, I'm exploring the roots of human civilization, spiritual and cultural, so that I have a better understanding of the world around us.
>Remember, I'm only offering you the Truth

>> No.22471360

if you want an archaeological perspective, I would recommend David Rohl's "The Lost Testament". I like his ideas. A little more mainstream, and digging up some of the earliest times, you can read "The Horse, The Wheel, and Language"

>> No.22471363

Dostoevsky is for knuckle-draggers.

>> No.22471399

Thanks anon, I'll be on the look out for both of these books

>> No.22471402
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Oh Ivan

>> No.22471701

>Stuart Little
Why do people hate this book?

>> No.22471739

Library sales also, I found a Classics Club copy of More's Utopia at one

>> No.22471754
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>religion and philosophy
>what am I missing
you are missing Shankara (pbuh)

>> No.22472772

I couldn't tell you, maybe because the movie is only loosely based on the book with a few scenes directly incorporated into the movie?
I haven't heard anything negative about the book.

I thought it was a nice little afternoon read, only an hour or so to finish.

>> No.22472779

Thanks Anon, I'll keep Shankara's writings on my radar.

I'm also missing Mormon writings as well, but I'll steep my toes into Mormon books slowly.

>> No.22472835

>I'm exploring the roots of human civilization, spiritual and cultural, so that I have a better understanding of the world around us.
Bugman mentality. I respect your life choice and your wide interest in human culture, but if you just remain an observer you will never get it.
When you manage to grasp the essential then the details become superfluous

>> No.22473807

>studying the greatest, most significant sacred texts of religions and mythologies worldwide to expand one’s worldview and taste is “bugman”

/lit/ memes and buzzwords are overused by edgy teens so much now they no longer have meaning. “Bugman” would be reading Sam Harris and Yuval Noah Harari and shit, and even then I’d be embarrassed to use that terminally-online-zoomer’s word to describe it.

>> No.22473878

>studying the greatest, most significant sacred texts of religions and mythologies worldwide to expand one’s worldview and taste is “bugman”
Yes. Read Plato.

>> No.22473984

I have. Plato was an initiate of the Greek mysteries, affiliated with at least the Orphic and the Eleusinian mysteries. Anamnesis, the transmigration and immortality of the soul, the doctrine of forms, the soul’s relation to the divine, the urging of the living of the philosophical life in general … these “mysteries” and their equivalents or analogues in other cultures are essentially what help make people less of “bugmen”.

>> No.22474319

beaners pwned

>> No.22474328

Nice summarization of his ideas like you would expect from a pedantic intellectual i.e a bugman. Now read him again and keep reading him, until understand why your task is clearly misguided (judging solely by your behavior in this thread obvs)

>> No.22474682

>you will never get it
That's where you are mistaken anon, I already have it. Allah blesses you and those who you walk beside

>> No.22474691

It translated as
>onions basado..
Before posting, not sure what happened
>Also, beans taste good my brother

>> No.22474695
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>somethings filtering my word from Ŝōý to onions

>> No.22474709

There seems to be some neurosis in your argument as you are both arguing against shadows of ideas that have long lost meaning from their original authors to now. Let go and find the humanity of who you are talking to at the moment, that person is here on this planet alongside you, living and breathing

>> No.22474751

This is highly impressive. How do you make time to read these? And do you have a daily target?

>> No.22474787

>The banality of this post

>> No.22474789

how can there be a hell if buddha needs to eat but he is smart because he meditates, and why did

>> No.22475417

A bell can ring a thousand times and stay in tune anon.

>> No.22475433

I've have a few things going for me
>not working as an employee somewhere
>full time college
>food stamps and Medicade
>home is provided

I've had a few different reading schedules/goals I alternate between
>reading a small(er) book in an entire day
>reading 10 pages from a single book each day, between 3-5 books at a time
>reading 1 page of main Abrahamic books, 4 pages of each other book, of all the books (What I am currently doing, I'm actively reading all the books pictured)

I also read while walking ( I walk around 12-14 miles a day)

Eat healthy, take care of body, spirit, and mind.

Life is good

>> No.22475492

Yes, hello?

>> No.22475497

i go here

>> No.22476582

Oh, okay. So do I.