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22456975 No.22456975 [Reply] [Original]

i'm writing an assassin in a modern setting. i want them to be famed, but largely unknown -- how does that work? i try researching how contract killers, hit man, assassins whatever are hired and i keep coming up short.

if someone daylights as a banker (random shit) but is actually a super elite hitman...how does he get his marks? through a second party?

>> No.22456985

Sounds like it's time to give up the writing and go back to whatever it was you did before. You had a good run.

>> No.22456994

it is just a hobby for me anon

>> No.22457037
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Have your assassin kill their victims in a unique way that is easily recognizable. The newspaper, people, media, etc. will ascribe a nickname to the unknown assassin and their work will be easily recognizable. Then you construct the world around the assassin and make them a member of an underground organization, of which they are a notable member, but other members know scarcely anything about aside from their nickname. After a well known trustee of the organization is murdered in the same fashion as your character's previous victims, the assassin organization starts hunting your character, and now you have a lone wolf trope which will make your story easily digestible and relatable.

>> No.22457053

He goes to public libraries.

>> No.22457099
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Watch the excellent movie Day Of The Jackal for a very realistic depiction of how a modern assassin would operate.

>> No.22457332

Based picrel. Most on this board are too young to appreciate. Fr and unironically the Finnegans Wake of TV