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2245521 No.2245521 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this discussion going on and thought it could use it's own thread. The topic is broad enough, and I'm really interested.

So, How does one write comedy, /lit/? I try, but I often come across as rude and condescending to my audience when I try to write humor.

Bare text is one of the hardest things to convey humor through. Visual and musical aid do wonders to stimulate a funnybone. How is it done? Is humor just the knowledge of a pre-existing comedic formula? Is it a subtle combination of self-consciousness and desperation? I actually prefer jokes with punchlines and concrete setups to convoluted or more subversive, situation humor.

How do you, personally, write comedy? Are you successful?

In addition, post the funniest thing you have read (no visual or audio accompaniment) and why.

One of the things that made me laugh and grin the most was probably The Importance of Being Earnest. Don't know why, maybe I'm just an unfunny person who likes witty assholes being smarmy all the time, but it amused me. That, and some of this shit by David Sedaris. Yeah, I'm that guy.

>> No.2245696

Looks like it's time to get my bump on

>> No.2245704


Please. All /lit/ can do is provide overly critical analysis or provide inflammatory responses to well known posters.

Doesn't mean it isn't interesting, just means you probably won't get your question answered in a meaningful way.

>> No.2245707

i actually think it's not overly critical, but critical enough

>> No.2245709

>I'm just an unfunny person who likes witty assholes being smarmy all the time


>> No.2245711


Thanks. Wasn't sure what to expect, one my first times really posting on /lit/. If you don't mind my being pushy and asking, what was one of the funniest things YOU have personally read, if not specifically, as an holistic work.

>> No.2245734

what tends to make me laugh is the unexpected, if I'm not surprised or it doesn't catch me off-guard in some way I am usually don't laugh as hard

i guess this goes into the whole statement about how all humor is based on surprise, or something

but i think something about humor has to do with the same degree of precision and pacing with which one executes any form of joke. i mean you don't have visual aid or whatever the fuck so you gotta rely totally on delivery i guess

is this really /lit/? i mean i like the topic but does it fit here

>> No.2245738


also one if the first books that made me laugh out loud was Catcher In the Rye

>> No.2245756


whenever i attempt to write comedy i use hyperbole and try to make it aware that the hyperbole is for that purpose

i don't know if it works or not