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File: 48 KB, 400x312, index-mobiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22450516 No.22450516 [Reply] [Original]

>makes knowledge free and available in your path

>> No.22450534

It’s amazing how much stuff is on there. The Bolivia archive on the English site is great

>> No.22450907

Kudos to the admin for hosting material they disagree with despite being hardcore trotskyists, unlike most leftists who have nothing better to do than attack each other for the pettiest reasons imaginable.
>trad leftists are fascists because they don't support muh non binary rights
Good look with your "revolution" faggots. Leftists destroyed the left.

>> No.22451643

>refuses to upload non-copyrigted texts from Marxists like Sombart and Sorel because they are afraid of fascism

>> No.22451658

Do marxists even read this stuff?

>> No.22451985

No, that's why they're Marxists.

>> No.22452036
File: 652 KB, 508x670, 9027970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend one of the mirrors like this one because there are some copyright holders (ironic) of various texts who are annoying:

If the working class is the revolutionary class, then it's up to the working class to whether to make a revolution or not. I know it has become a thing among basement Marxists in the Anglosphere to fetishize a prim-and-proper rural working class vs. the freaky "lefitists," but in my experience the "trashy" freak look with unnatural hair dye and lots of tattoos is more common in small towns and rural America than in a metropolitan uptown. I'm not trying to start an argument though, I'm just clowning around.

>> No.22452047

The lower classes have never been revolutionary in history, they are almost always the pawn of the middle or upper classes

>> No.22452050

In fact, the closest the working class ever came to being revolutionary was under Hitler

>> No.22452054

There were slave revolts.

>> No.22452059

I do. Sometimes I even skim the publications of meme parties like the PKSh or Peruvian Maoists. Historical and dialectical materialism is a rich idea.

>> No.22452066

correction, it's not knowledge, but only atheist propaganda

>> No.22452088

All free and enough to get you better educated than like 99% of the world's population.

>> No.22452140

Kek massive /pol/tard cope

>> No.22452143

Add Anna's archive in there.

>> No.22452608

Based and correct. More working class men were involved in the Nazi revolution than the bolshevik “communist” one

>> No.22452615

Shut the fuck up, retard. Literally every one knows of this site. You’re not cool and well-read for shoehorning it into every reply

>> No.22453002

Objectively true and irrefutable. Marxists will seethe.

>> No.22453032
File: 146 KB, 1047x1634, 00002 - biu .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of marxoid brainrot

>> No.22453073

information should be free because intellectual property laws are unethical because intellectual property rights aren’t real rights because intellectual property isn’t really property because it isn’t scarce. this is the “capitalist” “libertarian” and “anarchist” position, all of which are anti-marxists.

>> No.22453082

You sound like you have anger issues. Care to talk about it?

>> No.22453097

you are gay.

>> No.22453145

NTA, but I just discovered it the other day, it's pretty new and spreading the word is helpful

>> No.22453150

triggered much, eh faggot

>> No.22453167

I remember how one of the history papers I wrote for school ended up having a strong working-class Marxist bend simply because of how easily available the original sources were on Marxists.org. Who can be bothered to go to the library to look other stuff up anyways?

>> No.22453580

and many marxists agree too. sometimes different ideological groups come to the same conclusions

also in what world is anarchism anti-marxist, marxism and anarchism have been intellectually entangled for as long as marxism existed

>> No.22453591

marx is blue-pulled in regards to the state. he believed than when the workers’ revolution comes it will be in the form of the government seizing the means of production from the capitalists, and then since the government owns the means of production and the government is an instrument of the people, wallah you have the workers owning the means of production. problem is, the government is the enemy of the people and has never been (and can never be) an instrument of the people, so the government owning the means of production is an even worse dystopia. I don’t care than many early socialists and communists also called themselves anarchists. they are distinct.

>> No.22453600

marx's prediction about worker's states was correct -- the russian and chinese revolutions did in fact involve the state taking control over the productive forces alongside worker's councils

he didn't predict the next step, which involved the state separating itself from worker interests

marxists and anarchists since those revolutions observed the process and adopted new theories of revolution as a result

do you really think "marxist" means "somebody who believes everything marx wrote, even if there has been evidence to contradict it?"

>> No.22453675

Why call yourself a “marxist” though if you disagree with a fundamental concept of Marx? Marx wasn’t the only or the first person to argue for worker control of production.

>> No.22453707

the idea of a worker's state isn't fundamental, it's derived from other concepts in marx

you can still believe the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, base-superstructure, etc. while disagreeing with a particular conclusion drawn from those premises

>> No.22453713
File: 354 KB, 2850x3592, Leon-Trotsky_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will here attempt to sketch the substance of the problem in a very concise form. The Aristotelian logic of the simple syllogism starts from the proposition that 'A' is equal to 'A'. This postulate is accepted as an axiom for a multitude of practical human actions and elementary generalisations. But in reality 'A' is not equal to 'A'. This is easy to prove if we observe these two letters under a lens - they are quite different from each other. But, one can object, the question is not of the size or the form of the letters, since they are only symbols for equal quantities, for instance, a pound of sugar. The objection is beside the point; in reality a pound of sugar is never equal to a pound of sugar - a more delicate scale always discloses a difference. Again one can object: but a pound of sugar is equal to itself. Neither is this true - all bodies change uninterruptedly in size, weight, colour, etc. They are never equal to themselves. A sophist will respond that a pound of sugar is equal to itself 'at any given moment.'

>> No.22453776

Somehow, this makes me angry.

>> No.22453839

>baby’s first philosophy 101 class
>but how can we really *know* that anything is really *real*?
shut the fuck up and make my cappuccino, nerd.

>> No.22453842


>> No.22453854

He didn't say that.

>> No.22453857

> The Aristotelian logic of the simple syllogism starts from the proposition that 'A' is equal to 'A'.
False. Aristotle never said this.

>> No.22453883
File: 197 KB, 639x662, trans_marx3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxism is fucking garbage.

>> No.22453892

Ahh yes, one troon is a representative of a 150 year old intellectual tradition

>> No.22453907

Knowledgd has always been free. Just converse with others that can converse well.

>> No.22453913
File: 242 KB, 1004x642, trans_marx1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right. lets talk about you being a subhuman and marxism being an intellectually bankrupt disgusting tradition.

>> No.22453922
File: 230 KB, 1004x648, trans_marx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxists are subhuman.

>> No.22453931

Your retarded seethe doesn't change the fact that what you posted is an aberration and not the norm

>> No.22453941
File: 217 KB, 1004x602, trans_marx4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete lie. troon freak or underage leftypol kid who's come to 4chan to le defend epic communism! which one is it?

>> No.22453950

marxism is its own navel gazing universe, a cult. of course they have zero intellectual value. look at this, complete nonsense pseudo-intellectualism like this is the main tool used in marxism.

>> No.22454010

>Intellectual Tradition
Pick one

>> No.22454031

Nobody mentioned troons before you started shitting up the thread with your drivel. Perhaps the cause of your pathological obsession with trannies, is that you see your subhumanity reflected in them?

>> No.22454032

Seems like a pretty banal judgement about matter. Why is it nonsense to you?

>> No.22454046
File: 69 KB, 607x1000, trans_marxism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is here where trans identity meets Marxist analysis. The only liberation is through the unification of gender oppression with racial oppression, and to unite the revolutionary masses, win over the intermediate, and influence the reactionary. Maoism is the way forwards because it provides a way to eradicate this long-standing gendered system of labor, where people are made into commodities, and all people are for sale. Furthermore, Maoism provides a structure to reduce current suffering for trans people — the mass line. The trans movement cannot succeed alone; we make up a small minority of the population, but if we organize in the masses, we can contribute to the reduction and elimination of gendered oppression through the revolution. This is the only real solution to the problem of gender oppression. Our identities are based upon our sale price in wages, and the most significant considerations in transition are typically financial and social. The revolution solves both of these problems, and organizing towards it may help trans people in accepting themselves, and gaining acceptance from their communities.
>shitting up the thread
shit is exactly what marxism is.
never post again. go back to lefty twitter and leftypol. you're an absolute disgrace and an embarrassement.

>> No.22454062

Kys niggercunt

>> No.22454084

>never post again. go back to lefty twitter and leftypol. you're an absolute disgrace and an embarrassement.
You're a genuine retard who doesn't have the intellectual capacity to know what he's opposing

>> No.22454089

marxism isn’t difficult to understand, it’s just wrong. marxists, in a weak attempt at self defense, pretend that people who opposite it are either evil or stupid.

>> No.22454099

Sorry, your beloved "peoples revolution of the world" was almost exclusively led by malcontent bourgeois and jews (perpetual malcontents) the NSDAP was entirely grassroots in its conception, Hitler was a working class war veteran. You can attempt to refute this, but that would require you to read a history book, which I fear, a Marxist has never done

>> No.22454111

Honestly, Marxism *is* intellectual, this does not mean that is true or desirable

>> No.22454127

>a failed artist and junkie is working class
Toppest of keks

>> No.22454168

oh my god look at this fucking cringe kid. he came to /lit/ from leftypol to defend communism and now he's trying to pull out the
>actually marxism is totally based and trad against degeneracy!
this faggot leftypol kid doesn't fucking read at all.

>> No.22454171
File: 169 KB, 824x863, leftist_tranny_stalin_mao_gonzalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself tranny freak.

>> No.22454203

do you have a job?

>> No.22454211

Yes im nomenklatura. Gey back to work serf

>> No.22454223

thanks for the answer

>> No.22454390

Marxism is mainly white kids from California larping as revolutionaries because they have autism and main character syndrome

>> No.22454464

Imagine if they did; Marxist rhetoric is quite compelling and after reading it all a good orator could really start a movement. Unfortunately, all Marxists have terribly ugly physiognomies and are mentally unwell. In the west it only attracts the dregs of society, who want to destroy everything beautiful because they don’t have it.

>> No.22454508

White kids from California like Karl Kautsky and Georgi Plekhanov?

>> No.22454517

Marxism is a useless attachment. Read the sutras instead.

>> No.22454520

He worked various working class jobs and served in the military in the front line until suffering a gas attack. Drugs were poorly understood in that era. I'm sorry, what was Lenin? A lawyer you say? Interesting.
>toppest of keks
Do you suffer from brain damage?

>> No.22454523

Granted, these individuals pick and choose parts of Marxism they like the sound of. It's hard to actually call them genuine Marxists. Spiteful mutant is a good term for them though

>> No.22454528

It's ironic that not all Marxists are of equal stuff

>> No.22455066

Good morning sirs !

>> No.22455069



>> No.22455078

>despite being hardcore trotskyists
Really? Neat. I've always enjoyed having an easy place to read Stalin's work, nice to know they're hosting their mortal enemy, kek.

>> No.22455082

Lenin realised that would never work which is why he did the whole vanguardism thing. Otherwise the plebs will install their own tin pot dictator and the cycle repeats all over again. Not that it was any different under Lenin, but still.

>> No.22455089

>>he didn't predict the next step, which involved the state separating itself from worker interests
in democracy the state is always separated from the interest of the population

>> No.22455104

Marxism is based but they have the worst graphic designers ever. Every Marxist site looks like shit.

>> No.22455332

cringe underage twitter kid

>> No.22455337

another underaged kid. this thread is full of them. mods really need to start banning posters that are blatantly underaged. nothing will destroy the quality of an imageboard like a bunch of meme loving 17 year olds.

>> No.22455354

>muh imageboard
cry harder faggot

>> No.22455365

At least Trotskyists can explain their ideology unlike those that hate them who literally just hate them as a meme because everyone else does