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22447111 No.22447111 [Reply] [Original]

>Jesus wept

>> No.22447116

I don't get why people lose their shit over that line

>> No.22447119

God, factorem caeli et terrae, the fundamental metaphysical principle, the alpha & omega, the One, the Absolute, weeps over the sufferings of man.

>> No.22447225

Christcucks have no soul. There are better lines, but if ask you guys what your favorite lines are from the NT I already know it will all have to do with Jesus.

>> No.22447239

Atheistcucks have no soul. There are better lines, but if ask you guys what your favorite lines are from the God Delusion I already know it will all have to do with Satan.

>> No.22447248

Jesus, deus , Mohammed , Allahu , god and Yahweh can suck my dick. Greek polytheism is the patrician choice.

>> No.22447254
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>jesus swept

Swept what?

>> No.22447277

>jesus crept

Crept where?

>> No.22447286
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>I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

>> No.22447289

deez nuts

>> No.22447305
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>I am the Bread of Life; he that eats of me shall not hunger.

>> No.22447315

What a pussy. No wonder christcucks are losing so much, their religion is founded around a feminine fag who cries.

>> No.22447340
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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

>> No.22447553


Because he didn't even cry when he was getting flayed alive and crucified.

>> No.22447566
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swept them bitch ass kids in the playoffs

>> No.22447662

No, Jesus did.

>> No.22447673

Yes, that's what he told you

>> No.22447681

Jesus was a human being who pooped and stuff. Obviously not the fundamental principle of the universe or whatever.

>> No.22447728

You must be talking about some mexican dude you know IRL. The Jesus we are talking about is the Son, His story is recounted in the Gospels if you're curious about Him

>> No.22447729
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>> No.22447731
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>> No.22447736

What's that old jew kvetching about now?

>> No.22447742

sounds like commie propaganda to me

>> No.22447747

>muh feelings
Sounds like a weak bitch.

>> No.22447885

>Jesus wasn't a man
Your religion is schizophrenia.

>> No.22447889

Why? He is the author of those sufferings.

>> No.22447920

wood shavings from his carpentry job

>> No.22448352

it is virtually the entire new testament and the story of Christ condensed into what is ironically the single shortest line in the entire king james bible.

i would argue that it is one of if not the most profoundly dense lines ever put to paper

>> No.22448353

Free will dud

>> No.22448359

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."

>> No.22448366

>God wept

>> No.22448458

He wept blood. Where’s the bloody tears OP

>> No.22448459

This is part of where the omnipresent Theological theory comes from

God I hated growing up in a Christian school I have all this useless knowledge

>> No.22448467

what a fag lol

>> No.22448502

This is one of my favourite poems, it's by a little known woman named Hope Mirrllees. I'm going off memory so a word or two might be wrong.

My mother had a maid called Barbara
and she was born under a tragic star,
but no one ever saw her shed a tear
for she was crowned with love, as was Queen Guinevere.

For love she drowned herself, and was held accursed.
And for her gentle nor simple durst,
through countless years of poetry she slept
unmourned and unannealed, but Jesus wept.

>> No.22448528
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Jesus sounds like a faggot roflmao

>> No.22448556

it's not even that dense in original greek, stop hyperventilating

>> No.22448746

Literal 12 year old boy level understanding of masculinity
>me never cry, me big boy

>> No.22448751

>There are better lines, but if ask you guys what your favorite lines are from the NT I already know it will all have to do with Jesus

The entire New Testament is about Jesus what the fuck do you expect

>> No.22448785

It's more that it doesn't make sense theologically. A metaphysical principle doesn't have emotions, first of all. God is philosophical; hence Jesus is a pagan motif, a half-god like Achilles, but for whom Christians are forced to engage in mental gymnastics to explain why he's a special case.
But more importantly, let's say the ultimate metaphysical principle did feel deeply sad for me. Okay? Cringe? Why should that be something I need or desire? It has no effect on my life and nothing to do with me. It also reveals necessarily a frightening flaw in the nature of life and the universe, that the omnipotent Creator is somehow impotently crying over things it created instead of doing something to change them.

>> No.22448830

God does have emotions and a personality because He is Emotion and Personhood itself, just as He is Justice, He is Love, He is Being, He is Goodness, He is Beauty, etc.. All of these qualities which appear distinct in the human mind are shown to possess a grand symphonic unity in the essence of God. This mysterious unity is only graspable by abstract philosophic deduction or in certain rare moments of enlightenment when the true nature of the world appears momentarily to reveal itself before fading to give way to the necessities of day-to-day existence. The story of Jesus the God-Man is the reconciliation of the Finite and the Infinite, a reconciliation which was necessary for God to effect in order to fully realise his infinite goodness, which because of its ever-expanding, all-enveloping nature must incorporate within itself even those goods which could only belong to a finite creature -- courage, self-denial, perseverance, sorrow, overcoming, and so on.

Of course if you approach this subject with a hypercritical lens, or with a puerile masculinity that apparently prohibits weeping (as though Achilleus never wept over Patroklos? As though weeping over grave matters is inherently vicious & unmanly?), you will not understand the deep symbolical undercurrents in the Gospels.

>> No.22448873

Kek, the most time honored pagan tradition is converting to Christianity

>> No.22448947

>Boo hoo my fwiend is dead! Lemme call my dad and ask him to come back to life!
>The rest of dead humanity? Nooo you're not my fwiends! I won't revive you!

>> No.22448972

Has it ever been clarified as to why the Old Testament God is a raging child-slaughtering schizo and the New Testament God is a simpering weakling?

>> No.22449012
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>jesus shat

>> No.22449033

Yes, but not in a way that can survive the interrogation of a curious 7 year old.

>> No.22449063

The alpha and omega, divinity impersonated and redeemer of humanity looked upon our being and got a fifth plate at the Golden Corral $12.99 lunch buffet, all to exude sloppy magma caking itself around that weird upper part of the back of the bowl, dehydrating with the perpetual drainage of toxic water for the rest of his Saturday, accepting the mantle of our world‘s suffering

>> No.22449066

You made a rhizome but think it was already there and willingly blind yourself to the fact that you invented it

>> No.22449071
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>Jesus slept

>> No.22449080

He weeped because his “friend” (cult leader who he usurped) john the baptist died. Not over the “suffering of humanity.”

>> No.22449118

>why the Old Testament God is a raging child-slaughtering schizo
It's hypothesized the Old Testament God used to be a war god from Israelites' old polytheistic pantheon. That would explain the bloodlust and warmongering.
Do you remember all those parts where God is bitching about Israelites worshipping other gods? It could very well be a chronicle of Israelites struggling with monotheism and reverting back to their old polytheistic ways.

>> No.22449120
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>> No.22449121
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>Wojak wept

>> No.22449126

away your sins

>> No.22449140

yes, what are you gonna do about death?

>> No.22449164

How is Jesus a simpering weakling? Do atheists even understand the concept of self-sacrifice? The whole point of Jesus is that he is a reconciliation of all these opposites, of mercy and justice, of finite and infinite, of sacrifice and priest, of king and servant, etc… And the “God of the Old Testament” (no different than the God of the NT) gave the commands of slaughter in a context of bloody war. Are the Americans “child murdering raging psychos” for dropping a nuke on Japan? Or are the realities of war just grim and lead you to do things that ordinarily would be immoral? You people don’t even try to understand the religion you hate. I’m not saying you must become a Christian but at least be interested in it as a cultural-historical phenomenon. Give it the respect it deserves, just as you would with Islam or Buddhism or any other antique tradition.

>> No.22449172

>Sneed feed

>> No.22449176
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>I’m not saying you must become a Christian but at least be interested in it as a cultural-historical phenomenon. Give it the respect it deserves, just as you would with Islam or Buddhism or any other antique tradition.

>> No.22449184

Americans are absolutely child-murdering psychos and you should pick a better example.

>> No.22449185


>> No.22449205

The point is the absurdity of trying to moralistically evaluate the wars of the Old Testament when they were fought during a brutal time in which it was customary for whole cities to be sacked and slaughtered, the men to be castrated, the women and children to be taken into slavery. And it’s not like wars have changed that much. During Christian history you had a tradition of chivalry and gentlemanly warfare but modern wars are back to being total wars where oftentimes civilians are knowingly targeted (eg Hiroshima)

>> No.22449210
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>> No.22449214

>During Christian history you had a tradition of chivalry and gentlemanly warfare
Do you actually believe this bullshit?

>> No.22449253

How is it bullshit? During the Middle Ages they would cease fighting on Sundays, their battles were generally on some field far away from urban centres, there was little conscription, and peace terms would be more easily agreed. Naturally I’m talking about war between Christian states, not against heretics/infidels.

>> No.22449265

Do you have autism?

>> No.22449291

>-tears of cum

>> No.22449294
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Some people think that strength = being so powerful that suffering means nothing. But actual strength is being powerless and enduring suffering. God enduring suffering in a human form is a true display of strength. Jesus was a real person, that’s not even debatable. There is so much humanity to his story yet that’s exactly what makes him so much more divine than any other depiction of God.

>> No.22449380

Jesus is like one of those scammers who try to "sell" you friendship bracelets.
>you are enslaved to me now because I died for your sins
Uh no I don't want your gay ass bracelet, go sell that shit somewhere else.

>> No.22449402

Why doesn't he just end suffering then

>> No.22449539
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>> No.22449559
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Are you the man for whom Christ died?

>> No.22449579

It was over Lazarus' death you fucking retard.
>Inb4 sorry I don't know the Bible by heart
Me neither I just immediately checked on Wikipedia because I'm not such a self-assured moron.

>> No.22449588

the guy probably thinks Ecclesiastes is part of the New Testament because he's embarrassingly stupid

>> No.22449603

> “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.[d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

>34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

What did Jesus mean by this?

>> No.22449609

Whoops, quoted you by accident

>> No.22449614

European pagans believed in reincarnation

>> No.22449620

>actual strength is being powerless
nihilism, slave morality

>> No.22449624

>muh ancestor worship

Even just the word of my God is like a hammer and a sharp sword. Your god needs to carry a hammer.
>Jeremiah 23:29 [Is] not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer [that] breaketh the rock in pieces?
>Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Just look at how angry and deranged the heathens get when some open air preacher shows up at their pride parades or mardi gras or campuses, plenty of videos you can find online.
Hell, just tell college kids that men have a penis and women have a vagina and they'll lose their minds these days, tell them that God made them male and female, and they lose their mind.

>> No.22449636

>look how easily libs get triggered!!!
lol you used to be put to death if you said Jesus was a fag or something blasphemous. you're not better than these people at all

>> No.22449645

Who are you quoting? You used to be tortured and put to death if you simply owned manuscripts of Scripture, even by a professing "Christian" church. You're deranged and delusional, your projection is very weak, but your ignorance is very strong.

>> No.22449654

Is that before or after I cannibalized him?

>> No.22449658

I am quoting you, retard.
>Hell, just tell college kids that men have a penis and women have a vagina and they'll lose their minds these days, tell them that God made them male and female, and they lose their mind.
Tell me how this sentence is functionally different from "lol libs get triggered so easily"
I have a masters in theology from one of the oldest Catholic universities in the country, I even have a Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus degree sanctioned by the Vatican. I know what I'm talking about lel

>> No.22449660

He did.

>> No.22449666
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>I am quoting you, retard.
No you weren't, you were making a strawman because you're a dishonest loser throwing a little baby tantrum.

>I have a masters in theology from one of the oldest Catholic universities in the country
Explains why you don't see anything wrong with bearing false witness. Your cult denies that all sin is mortal.

>> No.22449680

>post ending in 666
I was literally not making a strawman, you have no idea what the word means, and you dodged my question. So good luck to you, just keep in mind you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.22449684

Yes, you were, you created a false quite, bore false witness, and you don't even care that you sinned against God.

>> No.22449692

It's seriously funny, in a tragic sense, that you think you're Christian yet you post and act no different than the sin-loving, God-hating world. Someone mentions God made them male and female, and quotes some Scripture about the power of God's word, and you get offended.

You remind me of all the Catholics I see in street preacher videos, all they ever do is beg the preacher to stop preaching, and some of them will say "God said love one another, what's wrong with fag marriage" or they'll say "God said love one another" or "God is love" therefore "stop naming sin, that's hateful and throwing stones". They'll heckle the preacher and get a huge round of applause from the heathen crowd that's been cheering for sin and blaspheming God and they don't even see what's wrong with that picture.

Roman Catholicism is of the world, a false religion for NPCs who blindly trust "the experts", the bishops and priests, it's for unthinking minds who need to be told what and how to think; and it explains why you have no real arguments and are an impenitent sinner.

>> No.22449704

yeah I blindly trust the experts which is why I devoted 5 years of my life pursuing a masters in theology and the extra two years of secular philosophy required to get the ecclesiastical degree. Meanwhile you get your information from infographics on the internet. I didn't get triggered, in fact I pointed out that Christians of past times got triggered so hard they literally killed you if you spoke ill of God, yet that Anon was pretending like libs getting triggered is a uniquely modern phenomenon only happening to lefty atheists. Have some perspective

>> No.22449714

Cuckstianity is platonism for the masses.

>> No.22449716

Yes, you dedicated 5 years of your life to being told how and what to think, exactly my point.
>Meanwhile you get your information from infographics on the internet.
You're still bearing false witness, sinner.

>> No.22449718
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>5 years of my life pursuing a masters in theology and the extra two years of secular philosophy required to get the ecclesiastical degree
Very nice, now, about my order, I asked for more onions

>> No.22449722

>for there were no more worlds to conquer.

>> No.22449726

>Yes, you dedicated 5 years of your life to being told how and what to think, exactly my point.
Did my thesis about the atheistic Schopenhauer also involve "being told what to think"? Or are you really that stupid? You should check your arrogance, especially in the way you're calling other people sinner as if you have a right to judge. Didn't Jesus say something about a balk in one's eye or whatever?
I make around $5k per month which is double the average salary in my country.

>> No.22449731

Makes him seem like a pussy desu.

>> No.22449739

>strength is being powerless
Cuckstianity, defining Newspeak since 4AD

>> No.22449755
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>jesus wept

>> No.22449764

I'm qualified to judge, I got the log out of my eye and I can plainly see you have not accurately or honestly talked about others, that's literally bearing false witness against your neighbor and literally what the commandment of God forbids. You've got a log in your eye and want to find a spec in mine (but you're part of a cult that disregards the 2nd commandment entirely to justify idolatry, so what can one really expect of you). Jesus said judge righteous judgment, those verses in Matthew 7:1-5 are about hypocrites like you. And it's funny you mention that because Catholics often take those verses out of context to try getting open air preachers to stop preaching as well. Your posts are also clearly full of hate and Jesus equated that to murder in your heart. It's sad all those years of your classes and coursework and you didn't even learn Scripture well enough to discuss these matters accurately and within the right context.

>> No.22449766

You're acting like you wouldn't cry at the death of a friend. And one of the things that cause the most suffering to humanity is death

>> No.22449772

A Protestant complaining about taking Scripture out of context, now that's rich. Your obsession with street preachers is pretty funny too, wonder where that comes from.

>> No.22449782
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Why shouldn’t someone who insults Jesus be put to death? Even assuming you’re not a Christian — fine, but think about what Christ represents. Someone who insults Christ has no sense of the sacred, no respect for the transcendent, no soul and no love for what is Good. Such a person is an outright scoundrel who deserves to die. Most of the people mocking Christ in this thread should be tracked down by the Inquisition and forced to stop, and if they don’t they should be put to death. These people are the poison who destroy society, corrupt morals, transgress Natural Law, commit sacrileges, and create a sort of sardonic, nihilistic culture that respects nothing and believes nothing.

>> No.22449793

I actually agree, but the reason I replied to that initial post was just because the implicit argument there was that people get so triggered easily nowadays with the gender stuff etc. Of course people get upset if you insult their core identity, just as Christians rightfully get upset at blasphemy.
You don't get to pretend to be above it all and poke fun at college students who get triggered when you say there's only two genders if you're also a hardcore Christian who wants to bring blasphemy laws back. That was my point.

>> No.22449812

Yeah of course, that guy wasn’t me and I actually despise low Iq street preachers

>> No.22449868
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>A Protestant complaining about taking Scripture out of context, now that's rich.
Meanwhile, the Roman catholic cult has a 900-page Roman Talmud (Catechism) to twist scripture and take it out of context to justify man's traditions and pagan idolatry, and the false claim of the Roman church to have authority over God's law.

>wonder where that comes from

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Maybe you should considering obeying God instead of man, but I guess it's hard for a hate-filled Roman catholic to fulfill the great commission since they don't even know the gospel, they have a false gospel. Also it's largely how Jesus and the apostles and the prophets preached, they went into synagogues but much of the time they were in the open air, and they were often cast out of the synagogues and unwelcome for their preaching too.

>Why shouldn’t someone who insults Jesus be put to death?
>Such a person is an outright scoundrel who deserves to die.
>I actually agree
Well, that didn't take long to prove that Roman Catholics are murderers at heart.

They can't debate nor can they persuade, so they want to kill, and so was the case for their cult for most of history. Explains why their cult fulfilled the prophecy of being drunk with the blood of God's saints who obeyed God rather than the popes.

>I actually despise low Iq street preachers
Of course you do, your just a hate-filled murderer-at-heart who hates Jesus himself and the apostles, they were open air preachers too.

Your cult leader "pope" tells Christians not to fulfill the great commission given by Jesus Christ himself. You value the words of mere mortal men over the words and commandments of God.

>> No.22449888

Have a (You) for generating atheist seethe.

>> No.22450018

He was 100% a man but he was also 100% God.

>> No.22450927

>God does have emotions and a personality because He is Emotion and Personhood itself
That's certainly an opinion. I don't see that it follows any logical or metaphysical basis. So let's get it straight, the omnipotent principle is a person with emotions, who can impregnate women or strike people dead - but Zeus or other gods are false, and you aren't polytheistic? Looks like confusion from where I sit.
>The story of Jesus the God-Man is the reconciliation of the Finite and the Infinite
That's what it is, a story intended to ground a philosophical/theological argument. The omniscient principle doesn't need to realize anything, logically speaking this is a self-refuting worldview. There have been billions of human beings who have exemplified all those things, you're saying somehow God the metaphysical principle, who is the author of all of this, didn't know and couldn't do anything else about it, and so had to undergo a bizarre, irrational, and pagan sort of metamorphosis coincidentally centralized in Judaea, that actually didn't materially improve circumstances on Earth for the better even though such a thing should be possible via miracle.
>Of course if you approach this subject with a hypercritical lens, or with a puerile masculinity that apparently prohibits weeping (as though Achilleus never wept over Patroklos? As though weeping over grave matters is inherently vicious & unmanly?), you will not understand the deep symbolical undercurrents
I'm not one of the people who made a joke about crying. Anyways I'm less concerned with the symbolic undercurrents than I am with it being evidently false.

>> No.22450935

Then why was my statement that he had bodily functions being disputed?

>> No.22450965

Trinitarians are normie plebs senpai

>> No.22451328

soulless bots
Jesus still loves you though

>> No.22451360


>> No.22451399

Christians are NPCs par excellence. All you do is recite slogans.

>> No.22451480

Atheists name-calling Christians
Christians name-calling Atheists
Atheists mocking Christian beliefs
Catholic v Protestant shitflinging

God, talking about religion in here is absolutely pointless with all these retards on both sides. Atheists too hard headed as to listen, and nominal Christians spilling their spaghetti because they never read the Bible

>> No.22451800

Then there's whining retard hypocrites like you who never add anything of value.

>> No.22451804

Jesus never walked up to anyone and told them how much he loved them. The apostles never preached how much Jesus loves them. There's nothing more unbiblical than just saying "Jesus loves you" to people, especially hard-hearted and impenitent sinners and scoffers/mockers. Give the law to the proud to bring a knowledge of sin and grace to the humble.

>> No.22451817
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>>Jesus wept