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22443755 No.22443755 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite history books.

>> No.22443819
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>> No.22443835

based. great book

>> No.22443852
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>> No.22444031

Just finished A Savage War of Peace and am starting The Thirty Years War by CV Wedgewood

>> No.22444268

Hiroshima diary by Michihiko Hachiya

I’m not sure why though it’s terribly bleak. The doctor does not seem to have a lot of sympathy for other.

>> No.22444316

How this compared to Tuchman?

>> No.22444333

Does this work understand what a disaster Napoleon's defeat was for humanity? Or is it Anglo propaganda?

>> No.22444511

I am reading The Hundred Years War: A People's History
I'm not really sure what I want to read next
So far the Crusades seem to be quite appealing to me but my passion for naval history has recently been reignited
I'm also learning French so something about France would be good

>> No.22444648
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Is picrel worth reading? I own it just wondering

>> No.22445017
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Shiloh, 1862 was a great read. American Civil War books can be just excellent.

>> No.22445073

Which pre-WWII American war (or any conflict involving the US/colonies) is most interesting to read about, besides the Civil War and War of Independence?

>> No.22445076

>The doctor does not seem to have a lot of sympathy for other.
doctors are always smug

>> No.22445157

I think it was worse then normal because of how Japan was at the time. He kept good record and his skills ended up helping a lot of people after the disaster so you can’t hate him. Or at least I didn’t.

I feel like modern doctors have this attitude and can’t do shit.

>> No.22445193
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>> No.22445199
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>> No.22445205
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Have a pleasant and joyous reading!
Also, nice digits :)

>> No.22445209

Are there good books on pre-revolutionary colonial American conflicts like King Phillip's War or the French & Indian War that I should be aware of?
t. american that is fairly ignorant of US history

>> No.22445229
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>> No.22445241
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>> No.22445252
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>> No.22445592

The true disaster was the fall of the Ancien Regime

>> No.22445638

Anyone know of a good indepth history of both the entire Napoleonic wars and the English civil wars?

Obviously in English, and if at all possible the Napoleonic history would be focused on England's part in combating France. Also nothing overly written too soon or late, circa 1880-1970s, ideally.

>> No.22445653

Of these general ww1 nautical histories, which would you most highly recommend, if one had only enough time to read a few?

>> No.22445666

Well, aren't you a picky one.

>English Civil War
Probably Austryn Woolrych's Britain in Revolution.

>Napoleonic Wars
David G. Chandler's "The Campaigns of Napoleon" and Mikaberidze's "The Napoleonic Wars, A Global History"

>> No.22445671

Thank you, Satan.

>> No.22445677
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This should do you good, I hope.

>> No.22445678

Forgot to correct myself...it's Austin Woolrych, not Austryn.

>> No.22445703

In this case I'd suggest you go with "From The Dreadnought To Scapa Flow".

>> No.22445718

All of human history in two books

>> No.22446124
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>> No.22446153
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>> No.22446217

Good man

>> No.22446249
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>Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754 - 1766


>> No.22446261

Reminder: If your secondary sources weren't written by an Academic publisher like some university press or Routledge or something, or otherwise written by an academic expert on the topic, its more than likely nonsense. Your New York Times bestseller favorite history book is NONSENSE. Put down the Jared Diamond and read something of quality.

>> No.22446289
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Currently on a Salem rabbit hole

>> No.22446317
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Go back to plebbit

>> No.22446320
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Best book on this subject is pic related

>> No.22447269

based taussig

>> No.22447345
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I see the nautical field has been covered so I'll throw out a Crusades book: Iron Men and Saints. Absolutely batshit stuff happens in the book that shows how powerful belief can be in history, and by belief I mean a campaign outnumbered, reduced to cannibalism after they eat their own horses, and also full of a maddened conviction.

One of my favorite episodes is a guy possibly deserts, is caught and interrogated and then explains that a saint appeared to him in a vision to show him where the Lance of Longinus lay. They look at the church where the vision apparently told them to and they find something, possibly an arrowhead, that convinces them they found the Holy Lance itself. This makes them say fuck it, lets ride out and fight the Seljuks who outnumber us, aren't starving to death, and have cavalry!

They ride out and proceed to have visions of Saints riding alongside them as they charge the Mohammedans and they manage to somehow devastate the much better supplied and more numerous enemy. Just one episode of absolute chivalric fantasy that made the history books

>> No.22447699
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>> No.22447774

thoughts on marilynne roach's books?

>> No.22447800

I've managed to consume far too much Meiji era media and still have no clue who the Shinsengumi are, this seems like a remedy

>> No.22447997
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Private Yankee Doodle

>> No.22448054

The Plantagenets and The Wars of the Roses by Dan Jones. Currently reading his book Crusaders and it's also great.

>> No.22448057

Based Anon, this is a great book for any North American History fans. Read it before moving to upstate New York, where a lot of the described events took place. Love this time period.

>> No.22448124
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I read academic historical papers and listen to conferences more then I read books, but "When Montezuma Met Cortes" is probably my favorite so far.

It's not free of issues, but it's a really in depth and pretty expansive overview of the ways different historical accounts disscuss Cortes and Monctezuma II, their meeting, their stay in Tenochtitlan, and the latter's eventual death, detailing the contradictions between different accounts and the way details have shifted over time; plus a lot of political and biographical background on both Cortes/the Spanish and Moctezuma II/the Aztec, and it's one of the better books I've seen to tackle Aztec political dynamics (though as somebody who has that as one of my favorite historical topics, I think there's some key stuff it overlooks)

That said, I think Restall also has a habit of claiming something or an interpretation without fully explaining his reasoning or backing it up from time to time, and the but about the plight of native women and the victimization of other people felt a little preachy.

If you're wanting to learn more abou7t the Cortes expedition and the fall of the Aztec, this and his prior book (7 Myths of the Spanish Conquest) is where I would start, alongside either Bernal Diaz del Castillo's account or Cortes's letters. I guess Tapia, Aguilar, or the Anonymous Conquerer's accounts are options too but they're not as in depth/easy to find (though FAMSI has free translations up of that last one). You definetely need restall's work alongside those primary sources at least. Ideally also sources on Mesoamerican or specifically Aztec history society too but eh.;

Diamond's issue isn't nessacarily him not having the right credentials, it's him making a bunch of outright factual errors, at least when he talks about Prehispanic civilizations.

>> No.22448644
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The Passing of Armies - Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

>A member of the Fifth Corps recounts the dramatic final acts of the Civil War, describing Sheridan's rise, Warren's fall, and the slow, inexorable stalking of Lee's forces across the battle-scarred countryside.

>> No.22448676

In what way? The Napoleonic code (his biggest achievement) still got adapted world wide.

>> No.22448680
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I finally finished this. Took me a year because I had to keep googling the map of Congo and East Africa. Also required me to learn to place the Kivus etc on a map in my memory.

Great book though. Goes to long lenghts on the politics of the conflict and really leans into this being mainly an African conflict and not just the lazy "imperialist playground"-shit that just thinks Africans are children with no agency. Would recommend.

Gonna read something from Prunier after this too. Maybe not on Rwanda because it's so depressing. Fuck Kagame.

>> No.22448730
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Sometimes, it can help to look for niche books. Concerning the Napoleonic Wars, I would suggest:

The implementations of the ironclad, and boilers under the deck.

Biographies/Character reviews of Louis XIV and Louis XVI.

Perhaps a book on 18th and 19th century battle tactics and soldiering as well, dealing with topography and logistics and marching, maybe even diaries of soldiers.

The bigger the subject covered, the less information you can put into a book about it. It's better to read three succinct books than page-to-page read one large encyclopedia, at least in my opinion.

>> No.22448744
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But you really should have a rock solid understanding of geography first.

One of the most hellish things is an author starts writing about an area and I have to stop reading for a moment to go and find the physical location of this new city, or port.

Be able to draw France and England on a piece of paper. Not perfectly mind you, but before you study France, you need to be able to point to Brittany and Genoa on a map. Before you study England, you need to point to Hadrian's wall and Dublin. History is like a jigsaw puzzle. Every book you read is another puzzle piece, so read books that roughly connect to each other rather than reading two isolated books.

>> No.22448800

If you're looking for a fun pop-history introduction on the Templars then sure

>> No.22448858

My local library has a copy.

>> No.22448860

what's it about?

>> No.22449459
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Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America by David Hackett Fischer

>This fascinating book is the first volume in a projected cultural history of the United States, from the earliest English settlements to our own time. It is a history of American folkways as they have changed through time, and it argues a thesis about the importance for the United States of having been British in its cultural origins.

>While most people in the United States today have no British ancestors, they have assimilated regional cultures which were created by British colonists, even while preserving ethnic identities at the same time. In this sense, nearly all Americans are "Albion's Seed," no matter what their ethnicity may be. The concluding section of this remarkable book explores the ways that regional cultures have continued to dominate national politics from 1789 to 1988, and still help to shape attitudes toward education, government, gender, and violence, on which differences between American regions are greater than between European nations.

>> No.22449541
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Using the methods of Braudel on the indian ocean. Goated fr and highly recommended

>> No.22449542

Damn I attached the wrong cover lmao. too many chaudhuri images on my computer. I meant to recommend Asia Before Europe

>> No.22449875
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The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Burckhardt


>> No.22450104

That name echoes.

>> No.22450117

These threads are some of the only worthwhile threads on /lit/

>> No.22450241

Do you guys know anything good about switzerland or the netherlands?

>> No.22450502

The Age of Napoleon by Will Durant is a good pick.
The only problem with Will is that he talks too much about the culture ie a certain culture's literature, art, etc.

>> No.22450522

it's more of an overview of the crusades than anything else. read it if you're planning to read further along those lines, but don't trust the author too much, he's pretty weak on subjects outside of late medieval England.

>> No.22450536

try God's Fury; England's Fire: A New History of the English Civil Wars. The author takes a post-revisionist view of the events which i think is pretty interesting.

>> No.22450681
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Anyone read this before? Thinking about reading more about the crusades

>> No.22450696

truer words have never been spoken

>> No.22450883

thanks, I'll check it out. Got any recs for witch hunts in Europe? I'm eyeing a book that's literally called The European Witch-Hunt by Julian Goodare but I'm open to more recs

>> No.22451341
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Captain James Cook

>James Cook, born in 1728, was one of the most celebrated men of his time, the last and the greatest of the romantic navigator/explorers. His voyages in the Royal Navy to the eastern and western seaboards of North America, the North and South Pacific, the Arctic, and the Antarctic brought a new understanding of the worlds geography and of the peoples, flora, and fauna of the lands he discovered.

>Richard Hough's vivid narrative captures all the excitement of this age of discovery and establishes Cook as a link between the vague scientific speculations of the early eighteenth century and the industrial revolution to come. A pioneer in many fields, Cook produced maps of unprecedented accuracy; revolutionized the seaman's diet, all but eliminating scurvy; and exploded the myth of the Great Southern Continent imagined by earlier geographers and scientists.

>Hough consulted numerous archives and traveled in Cook's wake from Alaska to Tasmania, visiting many of the Pacific islands--including the spot where Cook was stoned to death by cannibals in the Hawaiian archipelago--to produce a comprehensive and immensely readable biography, full of new insights into the life of one of the worlds greatest mariners.


>> No.22451722
File: 229 KB, 893x1360, 71E4S4F0X6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Civilization of the Middle Ages - Norman F. Cantor

>A comprehensive general history of the Middle Ages, centring on medieval culture and religion, rather than political history.

>> No.22451747

I guess a Distant Mirror
or Civilization and Capitalism by Braudel that shit fucks

>> No.22451827

>centring on medieval culture and religion, rather than political history
Dropped. Pretentious fuckers like this guy are cancer. Shame on you for posting this trash

>> No.22451968

I read about 200 pages of this until I realised I didn't care about Captain Cook
Pretty good book, got it for $1

>> No.22451976
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How about these?

>> No.22451979


>> No.22452118

These all look quite interesting but I think I've just been unlucky that all the naval histories I've picked up have been incredibly dull in terms of writing.
Either by trying to weave the whole thing into a lackluster story , or by focusing so much on the minutiae of naval life / exhausted depictions of battles and strategy.

Reading the Patrick O'Brian books made me quite interested in the subject but that man could actually write. It's unfortunate that this subject attracts the nerdiest of the nerds.

>> No.22452154

> "The standard Venetian history in English"
What's the standard Venetian history without restricting it to English?

>> No.22452313

Please suggest some really good books on Otto Von Bismarck.

>> No.22452327
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Has a lot about the burgundian netherlands

>> No.22452328

A.J.P. Taylor's biography is quite good, although in the hole he probably doesn't approve of the man, he depicts him as remarkably interesting and human.

Bismarck is one of those people, like Churchill who has too many fawning admirers. Before the Taylor one I had read some mainstream biography that seemed hopelessly in love with the man.

>> No.22452342

Castles of Steel is best pop history
Kaigun is best naval college tier history
Japanese Destroyer Captain by Tameichi Hara is great

>> No.22452345

Didn't realise this guy was Australian, I honestly assumed these books were print on demand based on the covers
I'll go buy them thanks

>> No.22452377

Thanks for the tip, anon.

>> No.22452449

I read the latter and it was a very good book, very dispelling of contemporary understanding of witch hysteria, very enlightening of the numbers.