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22443454 No.22443454 [Reply] [Original]

Books about self-loathing main characters

>> No.22443464

I’ve never met an indian but I fucking hate their accent. The WORST accent in the world.

>> No.22443467
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>> No.22443471

every indian men I know wants to date someone who's not Indian

>> No.22443476
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>> No.22443524

Every Indian I’ve met that claims to shower every day smells like shit

>> No.22443554
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>Written by Chang Wang Dang
Funny because India is now the most populous country on Earth, more than China. By 2034-38 India will be the largest economy in the world. India just landed on the Moon. India has a longer range BVR fighter weapon than NATO, China, or Russia and is working on a fifth gen fighter. India is rapidly growing while China is already in decline. Indians make up a high percentage of students at Ivy universities and do not cheat with no honor like Chinese. Fortune 500 CEOs? Indian. Top programers and engineers? Indian. Most new billionaires? Indian.

And this is even with a good fourth of India still languishing, enthralled to foreign influence. One day, this century, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, and Sri Lanka will return to India and India will be more powerful than ever. Tibet will be freed from Chinese oppression and secured as an Indian autonomous protectorate. East Turkestan will also be freed from China and be under Indian protection. India will do the same for Afghanistan and secure prosperity for them as well. All these places were once part of India or under Indian umbrella and only are suffering from foreigner domination for a short while due to the accidental of history.

Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam all have bad history with China and will willingly pivot to the new rising super power. The Elephant will bring down the raging Dragon and allow the aging Eagle to retire in peace. This is its promise to the world, for a new age of prosperity.

Reminder that by all projections India will have the largest economy soon and the most military aged men. It can not be contained and will resume its natural borders. This I promise you.

>> No.22443558

This post smells. Take a shower and stop harrassing women, Pajeet.

>> No.22443560

>Take a shower
I agree
>Stop harassing women

>> No.22443562

My diary desu. But I think some self-loathing is not a bad thing, as it means that you don't fit in naturally and you have to work to be comfortable in your own skin. If you are someone who does not fit into the mainstream, you will either bitch and moan about it online like this guy, or treat it as an opportunity for you to build a self-concept which proclaims your own greatness against all odds. Take someone who is a based gay, like Mishima, vs the cringe gays who make an embarrassing and weak spectacle out of their homosexuality. If there was a philosopher or artist who was respectable in his own right and also happened to be proud of his homosexuality ("Heterosexual love is not erotic at all, since it has utility. Homosexual union is love for its own sake and therefore is superior to heterosexual love.")

Also, people who identify this strongly with race, in both directions, likely have other deeply rooted issues.

>> No.22443569

That's almost all literature written after the 19th century

>> No.22443574

>it is 2040 and India is the largest economy in the world, but its inhabitants still shit in the streets
wew lad

>> No.22443583

>Also, people who identify this strongly with race, in both directions, likely have other deeply rooted issues.
100% true desu, I am guessing its why we are seeing unprecedented amount of Indian butthurt on every social media for no reason. I truly believe Indians are the most hated people on the planet right now because they all seem like a collective mass of NPCs. The Chinese are like that too but the thing is, due to the great firewall, we can't see the Chinese being butthurt on the internet, while it's the opposite in India's case. Where every Indian goes full "bloody bastard bitch" mood when something negative is said about Indians.

>> No.22443594

Funny considering there are way more Indians than all Whites. We are less incel than you, Michael.

>> No.22443639

Kek I read this in an indian accent and it was even funnier

>> No.22443677

I am an Indian and I've been thinking about kicking the bucket myself.
I've heard that Vitamin C may induce an heart attack. Is there any truth to that? I don't want my grandma and father to think that it was a suicide.

>> No.22443689

desu pretty much every stereotype about Indians is correct

>> No.22443709

Yeah well you'll sometimes get that in colonized people, especially if they're dark skinned. But I think Indians have plenty to proud of. They have a rich history full of intellectual and cultural achievements, a profound and ancient set of religions, a beautiful script, and are a sleeping giant who were taken over by Europeans but is looking to be revived within the West (look at all those Indians who get to the top of these companies, sometimes while being first gen immigrants). They are intelligent and hardworking and you will see great Americans and Westerners with their skin who don't possess that chip on their shoulder.

>> No.22443718

Would you date a girl if you found out she had an Indian boyfriend in the past? I wouldn't.

>> No.22443722

And black?

>> No.22443728

Absolutely not.

>> No.22443738

Sure, why not. My dick's bound to be bigger by comparison.

>> No.22443797

Racist memes aside I don't know why Anglophone Indians are so whiny. The poor ones in the slums are less bitchy. It's my understanding Indian-Americans are on average pretty fucking well-off compared to other minority demographics, really I don't see the complaints. If you're ugly date people as ugly as you, simple as

>> No.22443805

you've never met an Indian? where the fuck do you live to be blessed in such a way

>> No.22443806

I don't want to touch something that has been defiled by an Indian, sorry.

>> No.22443823

yes you landed on the moon. When will you have functioning plumbing systems so you can stop pooing in the streets and start using the loo? I've heard you dumb coons actually vandalise toilets given to you by the government because you yearn to shit outside.

>> No.22443824

Jio was a mistake. Gave kids who shit themselves the first time some guy calls them a currynigger on the interwebs access to internet. Not everyone is going to love you and just drop and suck your dick for being born. Get over it

>> No.22443826

They're literally the most affluent group in America

>> No.22443843

>Where every Indian goes full "bloody bastard bitch" mood when something negative is said about Indians.

>> No.22443880

I won’t lie it seems like India is on the up and up. Superpower even better then the decrepit USA? No way Jose.
I guess Tibet will be pooping in the streets by 2050 also though. That’s one thing that’ll never leave India no matter how advanced they get. They’ll even poop on the streets of mars by 2200.

>> No.22443889

I just read this. Brutal read

>> No.22443940
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>you will not live to see the creation of designated pooping planets

>> No.22443945

How many tissue boxes did you go through, mr. reddit?

>> No.22443962

My kid asked me if I though Vivek Ramaswamy was hot. I said no.

>> No.22444041

Kill yourself tourist.

>> No.22444222

Indians are in a really weird state because on one hand they act like 19th century nationalists proclaiming the coming victory and enlargement of India, talk about how Indians are better than white people because of how many Indian doctors, CEOs, tech people there are etc. But then they also perceive that being socially liberal and anti-racist enhances your social status and perceived intelligence and cultural capital in the West so they can fly into that frame of mind as well and start raging about Britain and colorism and such. Also some of them I’ve seen are simultanesously very proud of being Indian, but they simultaneously hate their older family members and such for being backwards and not fitting in in the West. They have a weird mix of a superiority and inferiority complex basically

>> No.22444343


>> No.22444349
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They're insecure by default because of the pressure from their entire village (aka family) to succeed, whatever that means. You see a similar thing with East Asian Americans, but their stereotypes are generally positive at least, so people don't mind them as much. Indians and Pakistanis are just seen as a plague by everyone, and even Indian women don't like Indian men. Pic rel.

>> No.22444358

This is why subjugation is important and necessary

>> No.22444377
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>By 2034-38 India will be the largest economy in the world.
And I'll be emperor of France.

>> No.22444425

pretty much everyone is like this though, not just indians. you can be proud of who you are while hating certain aspects of your country/heritage.

>> No.22444428

I'm a big fan of filthy indian niggers. I think they're gonna do some cool shit this century.

>> No.22444439
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>I’ve never met an indian

lucky boy

>> No.22444459

So indians are crypto-chinks?

>> No.22444476

>India just landed on the Moon
Did they really though?

>> No.22444497

Give it a read, it is short and only takes an hour or two, should provide you excellent insight into your future.

>> No.22444572

Should just avoid white people (especially white women who are free to be racist as possible while men cannot for some reason) and live in diverse places like Seattle or London. I grew up with Indian friends, and never saw any issue with them. Ive only ever seen anons on the internet and white women constantly seeth over Indians.

>> No.22444596

He didnt just say "wipe this stigma"

>> No.22444923


>> No.22444939

>Would you date a girl if you found out she had a[..] boyfriend in the past?
It must be hell, having self awareness as a dirty poojeet. Their accent sounds like shit plopping down into the toilet. Their skin is colored like shit, they're all greasy and reminiscent of slimy, slippery shit.

The whole race is like a cruel joke.

>> No.22444952

Imagine the response if someone said this about blacks.

>> No.22444979

The person who made the post is Indian herself. Indian man and Indian women hate each other but they stick together because most of the time, nobody wants them

>> No.22444998
