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22443135 No.22443135 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people read/laud Blood Meridian so much when this exists?

>> No.22443142

>suttree fiddy

>> No.22443145

Because BM is le edgy badass novel and this one is more subtle and adult. The more vidya like book is the most popular

>> No.22443158
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LARPing morons thinking there's some mystery or profundity to it... some of them dont know about Chamberlain and think BM is some great work of fiction. The reality is it's a literary hoax, and a pretty funny one at that. Like American Psycho, if you're not laughing through it, it went over your head.

Suttree is obviously superior.

>> No.22443201

If you had actually read either of them then you would know they are entirely different novels about entirely different things. Their overlap is actually quite small other than being the same prose style and le dark and edgy. Suttree has always been the McCarthy pick for those who want to posture like a patrician

>> No.22443216

I'm not posturing my mind simply travels through dimensions you cannot fathom

>> No.22443240

>Faulknerian tradition
>a quality very much their own

>> No.22443258

i didn't like either. i even prefer child of god to those two.

>> No.22443367

Trees full of dead babies are cooler than semen filled watermelons

>> No.22443405

>fucking melons
>anything with jean
>sut clobbered over the head
>mussel cunny
Only memorable parts desu

>> No.22444083

because it's an easier read. Simple.

>> No.22444306

What? No.
You got filtered hard, idiot. Chamberlain's account isn't fiction, it isn't even well written history. McCarthy's usurpation of history with Blood meridian adds more layers to it. Without BM, nobody would give a shit about Chamberlain because his work has no great power of persuasion within it.

>> No.22444321

BM is definitely an easier read than Suttree

>> No.22444353

I actually read your post wrong. I thought you were saying Suttree is easier than Blood meridian.

>> No.22444400

Claming family plot was as silly as the pig herders in Outer Dark. Orchard Keeper got this right the first time. It's brilliant in flashes and merely amusing the rest of the time (like its predecessors) -- it sets the scene of the Old South caving in to the post-WW2 times well enough and is a massive turnaround from Child of God, but it's nothing to plant one's literary flag on.

>> No.22444504

The pig herders chapter in Outer Dark was brilliant though. Perhaps a bit on the nose with the idea but that's a relief given how obscure some of the earlier episodes were, like the snake dude or the hoe lady.

>> No.22444591

Because I haven't read it yet. But Blood Meridian drew me in and I barely even read that often.
You're thinking of Turner Diaries which was good until the day of the rope and that faggot ass religion they made. Fuck that book was hilarious especially the Dr. Strangelove ending and how they cram world domination before the year 2000.

>> No.22444643

off the top of my head
>the solitary trip to the mountains
>sinking Leonard's dad
>becoming the sugar baby of a prostie
>tripping balls with the midget witch
Suttree is absolute kino

>> No.22444737

Don't forget the typhoid fever and everything involving Harrogate.

>> No.22445531

This book sucks aside from the wandering in nature chapter. BM mogs it in every way.

>> No.22445676


>> No.22446512

I liked the part where the black guy keeps getting into fights with the cops (particularly the one called Tarzan Quinn) and Sut drives a cop car into the river

>> No.22446519

They are both worth reading.

>> No.22446525

Love this hilarious buffoon like you would not believe.

>> No.22447367

I like Suttree for its incredible and beautifully worded descriptions of filth and despair.

The first time Suttree gets properly pissed in the novel, the descriptions of his drunken sickness and subsequent hangover are incredible.

>> No.22447411

Everyone talks about the watermelons but every scene with Harrogate was sidesplitting.
Him dragging a sack of dead bats down the road, the cops questioning him, then just shaking their heads and driving away without a word might be the hardest I've laughed at a book.

>> No.22447436

>The first time Suttree gets properly pissed
The scene before where he drinks the disgusting whiskey was Lynchian
>Early Times!
>Early tombs is more like it

>> No.22447490

Shit Sutt

>> No.22447499


>> No.22448160

That bit had some of the best dialogue in the novel

>Early Times! Best little old drink they is. Drink that and you won't feel a thing the next mornin.
>Or any morning.

>Lord honey I know they make that old splo in the bathtub, but this here is made in the toilet. He was looking at the bottle, shaking it. Bubbles the size of gooseshot veered greasily up through the smoky fuel it held.

>When he could speak he said: Boys, I've fought some bad whiskey but I'm a dirty nigger if that there ain't almost too sorry to drink.

>Early Times, he called. Make your liver quiver.

For me it's the scene where he gets into Callahan's julep

>> No.22449828

in one word; less impactful.