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/lit/ - Literature

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22442629 No.22442629 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah…I fucking love science. What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.22442633

This is an Agambian board. Get out.

>> No.22442646

>posts this on the board for frogs and political takes

>> No.22442673

science good, technique bad, and what is generally referred to as science these days is technique. just dozens, hundreds of technicians packed into govt/corpo research facilities where they function like men on assembly lines, only doing their highly specified little task to make the whole operation as fast and efficient at achieving whatever pre-specified ends they're aiming at as possible. no room for human creativity or spontaneity. and they can't leave because they can't access the resources to do any meaningful work unless they're employed at one of these facilities. the days of the lone tinkerer in his lab, or cottage industry science are dead, and that's why "science" has produced nothing good in over a century. all we can do now is accelerate atoms 1 billionth of a percent faster than the last experiment, or create a pesticide that's 1% more effective than the last one

>> No.22442690
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>heh, I fucking love science, what are you gon-ACK!

>> No.22442724

Extremely surface level, but you are on the right track. Keep on readin'! :)

>> No.22442759

In Ancient Greece all of the craftsmen were slaves from carpenters and farmers to jewelers and blacksmiths. You are very much the same to the modern regime.

>> No.22442790

thank you, i will!

>> No.22442814

>sent from a phone onto the internet

>> No.22442988
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>Yeah…I fucking love science
Thats good for you kid, but be warned that the foundations of science are rotten to the core and everything built on them are rocky at best :^)

>> No.22443033


And living in your mom's basement, reading books and play pretending to be some poetry writing fart sniffing 18th century Aristocrat is better?

>> No.22443212

I love race science

>> No.22443238

i operate within the technoindustrial system now, but one day i will be free of it.

>> No.22443894
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Nothing. I love science too.

>> No.22443912

>lone tinkerer in his lab, or cottage industry science
Never existed.
You are however right about stagnation in science. I believe we've done almost everything possible at our level of civilization.

>> No.22443921

>Never existed.
now that's just ridiculous

>> No.22445222

Science is not one 'thing' you can love. It just is a method to test hypotheses, it isn't a religion and shouldn't be treated that way. The reason why saying 'I love science' is cringe is because it is a very surface level grasp of what science actually is and it somewhat implies that there is some sort of dogma in science, which couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.22445224

Encourage you OP, you go out there and Chad the sciences up.

>> No.22445237

I actually wanna do a /lit/ group reading of Hippocrates. Each of his essays is like ten pages. He has one on hemorrhoids.

>> No.22445305
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My man!

Dude, just read one book on the history of science and see how much your understanding is wrong

Rincoglionito inutile, assolutamente zero rilevanza
Sure buddy, anyday now

>> No.22445330

Anche a me piace la scienza, bisogna però che gli scienziati si ricordino del loro posto, cioè diversi gradini sotto il guerriero-filosofo

>> No.22445349

Aunque me place la ciencia, deseo sin embargo que los cientificos se recuerdan de su puesto, diversos grados por por debajo del guerrero-filosofo.

>> No.22445367


Certo, come no...

>> No.22445378

Nn conosci le società tradizionaliste e il principio di autorità evidentemente. Ma gli scienziati lavorano meglio con le SS che li badano da fuori. Se poi li lasciamo fare filosofia apriti cielo

>> No.22445410

please don't speak mexican