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22442554 No.22442554 [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls love reading so much? Are they better at it? They sure read a lot of books.

>> No.22442802

I had forgotten all about this slut.
Just checked her tiktok page and dear lord, those few pounds that she lost made all the difference. she's steaming hot now

>> No.22442828

It’s easy to delude yourself into a false sense of intellectual superiority by perpetually consuming others’ written thoughts and ideas. Quantity is a surface level metric in all endeavors. I’m tempted to engage in a long winded effort-post but your use of “girl” vs woman implies I’m replying to a child, thus wasting energy.

>> No.22443148

I might attempt to write a novel aimed at women

>> No.22443155

What porn actress looks like her?

>> No.22443188
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>> No.22443260

Thousand cock stare

>> No.22443279

it's called makeup

>> No.22443706

>she's smoking hot now
Are you Indian? She got some really bad lip fillers and looks Bogged to Hell. Her dye job is also awful.

>> No.22443764

children have good imaginations

>> No.22443848

Leave my future wife alone, incel. Kys, because you are not deserving to lay eyes upon such a beautiful creature.

>> No.22443850

who is she? what is her channel?

>> No.22443851

who is this semen Demon and why should I care?

>> No.22443859

i don't think makeup exists that you apply to your eyeballs

>> No.22443860

Carolina sweets kinda sorta. Doesn’t do the make up the same though so the eyes pop differently.
DSLs are similar though.

>> No.22443869

she is a gorgeous, talented. sorry, incel, why don't you hang yourself like the rest of your incel friends, already? you'd never have a chance with a woman half as beautiful as dakota, because you're a pathetic social reject.

>> No.22443871

talented writer*

>> No.22443874

You're clearly a paki. Only pakis have views like you. Maybe you would find her sexy if she was 13 years old and wrapped head to toe in a carpet. Paki.

>> No.22443882

Unhinged thread, you fags are terrifying and should stay away from women

>> No.22443884

Whiter than you, Juan

>> No.22443897

Okay, Saad, whatever you say

>> No.22443955

It's spelled Saïd by the way.

>> No.22443960

Sorry for not knowing how to spell your paki name. You seething paki.

>> No.22443983
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>these lip fillers totally aren't bogged to hell
>this is a perfect woman

>> No.22443991

>women are...le objects
So original goys!!!!

>> No.22443992

Doesn’t look bogged tbqhwy. Maybe with a different lighting
t. Bystander

>> No.22443994

>kidnap her
>stomp all the excess chemical goo out of her lips
>shoot her in the face with homer's cold cream gun
>lock her in my n64 dungeon until her normal hair color returns and her lips are healed, and she unlocks T.T.
>retrieve her
>marry her

>> No.22444004
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>doesn't looked bogged

>> No.22444011

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Dakota bros.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

>> No.22444014

You're obviously a faggot and are suffering from syphilis induced brainrot. There are plenty of beautiful pictures of her around online; the fact you have to take a random screenshot during a random tiktok video as evidence to make a point about how she's not a conventionally attractive woman tells me how you are retarded you actually are.

>> No.22444018

Wait, that's Dakota? Why is she so ug now

>> No.22444024
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she took the call

imagine letting your daughter do this to herself lmao

>> No.22444026

Yea, she looks BOGGED now. Still would accept a bj from her

>> No.22444028
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But she isn't, though, anon.

>> No.22444037

>random screenshot of a video
Anon...it's not a video. That tiktok is literally a slideshow of two pictures....she THOUGHT she looked good in that picture...

Face it man. She took the bog pill and walled hard.

>> No.22444044

>photo from 3 years ago

>> No.22444049

Why the fuck is an Australian named Dakota? Lol

>> No.22444053

Makes her look like an Abbo on paper.

>> No.22444058

I will never accept this. I love her too much.

>> No.22444059
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>> No.22444063
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>> No.22444076
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>> No.22444095

Are you her? I knew a girl that looked like the OP picture. Could have, but didn't sleep with her. It kinda sucked when we stopped being friends because I got too drunk and said things I didn't even really mean.

>> No.22444108

>Jack Edwards isn't gay
I will never believe this.

>> No.22444113
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>> No.22444117

>could have
lol okay incel, in your dreams

>> No.22444122

>so psyopped by slut culture that he sees someone saying "i could have banged a girl once" and feels the need to rally the defenses

>> No.22444128
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>> No.22444131


>> No.22444132

Because we’re better then you :) that’s why

>> No.22444136

beautiful legs

>> No.22444138

Show boobs

>> No.22444148


>> No.22444170

Moids read to seem more interesting to their mancrushes and can't concieve that women can simply have hobbies without needing to gain peoples' approval

>> No.22444182
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Imagine how a woman feels. Imagine how soft and warm her skin feels. Imagine the sweet smell of her perfume. Imagine her tenderly pressing her soft lips against yours. Imagine her letting you get on top of her and insert your cock inside her, softly moaning as it slides in. Imagine the walls of her tight, warm cunt wrapped around every inch of your dick. Imagine her breathing getting heavier with every thrust. Imagine her wrapping her arms and legs around you, holding you as close as she possibly can and begging you to come inside her as you release every ounce of your thick sperm into her. Then imagine the feeling of pure satisfaction and peace that comes afterwards, and looking beside you to see a person that cares about you and has accepted you in the most intimate way possible. You will never get to experience this because your skeleton is too small or the bones in your face are not the proper shape. Have a nice day.

>> No.22444185

How are these incels calling her ugly? This is how a woman is supposed to look. Beautiful, angelic, soft.

>> No.22444191

> How are these incels calling her ugly?
Sour grapes or envy (many incels are closeted trannies).

>> No.22444195

desu you are kinda dumb for trusting pictures since obviously she would take them with the best angle ect to make herself look good,pictures deceive more than a video.

>> No.22444196

some* incels

>> No.22444199

>had this yesterday
OK, done. It's about on par with eating a some takeout with a beer and chatting with a good friend. Not the solution to all your problems nor the goal of life, and most people aren't getting it anyway, even people with lots of money, even people who get takeout every day, even people with lots of friends. Most people are squandering all of these things and not really enjoying them to the max. That's why it's that rare evening that makes you remember how appreciative you should be for what you have, when everything comes together magically. Sex is the same. It's routine most of the time, and there are many joys that transcend it.

>> No.22444205

> there are many joys that transcend it.

>> No.22444217

I mean, yeah I had declined. Our friendship fell to shit a few days after and she stopped talking to me after I got a little more drunk than usual one night. To be fair, I was a pretty bad-off alcoholic. Why would I be interested in a girl who would make such a stupid decision as to be with me, at that point in my life? Then what? Watch life spiral further out of control and also having to juggle some type of responsibility towards someone who doesn't like me, just the idea of me? The relationship would have basically went the way of some Bright Eyes songs until Winter Ends or something. I probably would have never gotten better.
Absolutely dire.

>> No.22444218

You will never be a woman, Richard.

>> No.22444235

I also fucked up a potential chance at a gf. We had already slept on the same bed (this was after a party at her place, it was late so she allowed me to stay for the night). But at a later party I got drunk af and they told me I told her to suck my dick (as a pervy sexual proposition, not as a “fuck off”). I was so drunk I don’t remember actually saying that. Mixing vodka, beer and tequila isn’t good for me apparently.

>> No.22444273

God is in the details. That video is shot from far enough away (and with beauty enhancing filters — sorry chap, but TikTok has those) that you can't see the cracks in the façade.

>> No.22444278

>Bright Eyes
>Connor Oberst
I feel bad for you.

>> No.22444280

Kek that is the definition of bogged. Not even being mean. Why would she think fillers are a good idea?

>> No.22444287

>puffed nigger lips
>hideous tattoo
and into the trash it goes

>> No.22444295

She looks fat lmao

>> No.22444304

One of my friends was working security at a hospital when a broad was admitted that accidentally got waterproof mascara directly on the eyeball. That stuff is about as permanent as it gets. She was boned.

>> No.22444307

Grrrr. I like tuffies.

>> No.22444310

Yeah, I was pretty bad off. But I'm doing great now.

>> No.22444311

Shut it down.

>> No.22444317

women are on average less alienated from their selves due to not being mind rapped into being permanently stunted for the rest of their lives
thus this lets them expend more mental energy the way they see fit without being mentality beaten to submission by their social circle

>> No.22444318

Sometimes I’m in the mood for bimbos. What’s her @?

>> No.22444326

so what did she look like before the bogging?

>> No.22444338

Go up the thread. There is an earlier picture. She was pretty decent.

>> No.22444381

Just Google "Dakota Warren tiktok" to be safe.

>> No.22444656

You could experience this if you stopped being such a doomer about it. Love wont get you out of your depression. But once you're out if it you'll find it much easier to find someone who'll love you. Become a better person anon. Read notes from the underground to see what you should avoid being like

>> No.22444661

>merely psychologistic/"social" reading of Notes from Underground

>> No.22444663

She tries way to hard to be Savannah brown I think. I don't really care about Sav either, but get your own aesthetic goddamn.

>> No.22444669

>You can only get one thing from a book and nothing else from it

>> No.22444734
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The so-called reading that females do is 99% "fight fight kiss" relationship drama in a YA fantasy genre fiction setting. And the remaining 1% comprises of various self-help books written by wine-aunts spouting platitudes about how "you deserve more in life", and the occasional feminist commentary that they use to decorate their bookshelf

Although I confess male normalfags are pretty much NPCs. I don't think I haven't met a single normie guy who wouldn't be daunted by novel more than 300 pages thick. Anime, hollywood movies and capeshit comics have softened their brains since childhood. Adulthood for them simply means that they have the freedom to consume all the bread and circuses society doles out for them, video games, booze, sex and goyslop.

>> No.22444907

this nigga lmao

>> No.22445988

he has a good frame. why did he troon out?

>> No.22446500

why do women think these big nig sausage lips are attractive? who made them think that?

>> No.22446510

the more i learn about women's relationship with their own beauty and sexuality, the more i realize they are just as "external" to it as we are

we as men think they "are" it or inhabit it somehow, but it's more like they're chained to it and can't make sense of whether they own it or it owns them. so sometimes they paint a big nig lips on it and look over at you and go "This is what you like right?"

>> No.22446531
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Good luck

>> No.22446538
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>> No.22446553


>> No.22446568

Femininity is not inherent to women. If you let a woman in the wild she'll get a hairy body and messy hair and dirty everything, making her not feminine. the ideal of what feminine is changes with time so they have to keep adapting to shit. If the big lips are in then they have to get the big lips, if the thin eyebrows are in they have to shave their eyebrows, and then if the big eyebrows come back they have to grow them back. This is how you get surgery trends like the cheek surgery thing. The ideal man stays a lot more stable because men are only the opposite of women so whatever women do they can't allow themselves to do and that's sll you need to remain masculine

>> No.22446578

bro... do you even lift?

>> No.22446686

>If the big lips are in then they have to get the big lips,
but how the fuck does it become 'in' when nearly every man i speak to finds it repulsive?

>> No.22446699

BRO WTF was she thinking?

>> No.22447388

>How does it become in?
Celebrities get the surgeries. Celeb gossip mags and fashion makes hail these women as fashion icons and the world's hottest women. Women see this and think, OMG I WILL NEVER BE HOT UNLESS I LOOK LIKE [CELEBRITY]. Then they get the surgery or hop on the trend.

>> No.22447466

>You will never get to experience this because your skeleton is too small or the bones in your face are not the proper shape
Never makes sense to me, because your father met a woman and was able to successfully reproduce, so what's your excuse? You probably look just like him. So what did he do that you're not doing? When I hear an excuse like this, it is always from a man who takes no initiative and waits to be approached as if he were the woman instead. Embarrassing.

>> No.22447551

Regarding woman each book read is like a cock in their mind.

>> No.22447560

Island/tribal/hunter gatherer women will always look more feminine than you tranny. It's you who is blinded by social fads.

>> No.22447564

>every man i speak to finds it repulsive
Very presumptuous to think that a woman would care what a man thinks is attractive. Women don't need to worry about this, just don't be a landwhale and you will get 99% of men.

>> No.22447765

That's tough anon. Definitely keep your drinking in check if that's what you do when you're too inebriated. Try and take it as a good learning experience, and if you're still able to, talk to the girl.
Luckily for me when I go into drunk autopilot, I just chainsmoke, shower, then fall asleep.

>> No.22447777

I feel like women like reading drivel the most, I find it quite hard to give books as gifts to my female friends since they like things i've never even seen in my life. Like one wanted a book about some girl that is in love with a canadian hockey player? what the fuck. It's not that I like complex lit either, I like things like treasure island, carmilla, HG wells, Verne but them....

>> No.22447807

why do you want women to read what you like ?
they are cattle evolved to breed kids, just realise that and find some bros to discuss your hobbies instead

>> No.22447855

Do you see the thread in the 'log about which countries read the least? Mine is at the bottom 3

>> No.22448777

>Like one wanted a book about some girl that is in love with a canadian hockey player?
I was just browsing through books online and I think that book you're talking about, of all things, just showed up on the front page.

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

A TikTok sensation! Sparks fly when a competitive figure skater and hockey team captain are forced to share a rink.

Anastasia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA. It looks like everything is going according to plan when she gets a full scholarship to the University of California, Maple Hills and lands a place on their competitive figure skating team.
Nothing will stand in her way, not even the captain of the hockey team, Nate Hawkins.
Nate's focus as team captain is on keeping his team on the ice. Which is tricky when a facilities mishap means they are forced to share a rink with the figure skating team-including Anastasia, who clearly can't stand him.
But when Anastasia's skating partner faces an uncertain future, she may have to look to Nate to take her shot.
Sparks fly, but Anastasia isn't worried... because she could never like a hockey player, right?

Women read the weirdest shit man.