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22439591 No.22439591 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Pynchon make christcucks seethe?

>> No.22439594

Everyone does

>> No.22439596

I’m Catholic and I don’t even know what he said, much less seethe.

>> No.22439878

I'm not seething im simply killing time at work but I must say, fucking kill yourself goofy faggot

>> No.22439886

I think his use of Gnosticism and Kabbalah would piss off most theists. Add that with the lewd humour, pulpy and risqué sex scenes, as well as his embrace of anti-establishment views.

>> No.22439907


>> No.22440024

He doesn't make me seethe, I'm reading Mason and Dixon right now. It's okay.

>> No.22440651

Pynchon understands the monism of duality. For example in the case of Blicero. Blicero finds illumination through mystery. Blicero wishes to destroy not out of spite, but because he wants to teach people to learn to let go. He is part of the ritual. The night is darkest before star rise.
"The edge of evening . . . the long curve of people all wishing on the first star. . . . Always remember those men and women along the thousands of miles of land and sea. The true moment of shadow is the moment in which you see the point of light in the sky. The single point, and the Shadow that has just gathered you in its sweep ..."
Blicero tries to portray death, but falls at that. He portrays a fickle image of Europe, a mockery of the cradle of the current cycle of civilization. A death/abuse-wish that coming from the futile "award-deserving" American void of imagination. His connection to the real person betrays the workings behind Blicero. A simple inversion if you read even just a little bit of the writings of the person in question. Some can write, some can invent, but you cannot do both at the same time, try and your intentions will be visible as daylight.

>> No.22440658

The worst take I've ever read. AND you posted a discord link in the pastebin hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22440670


>> No.22440791

he doesn't, but apparently he makes op seethe for some reason.

>> No.22440813

Because he forces them to have to face the reality that maybe there are unexplainable forces, unfurling machinations, embedded systems of power to which there are no easily explainable, or even logical, answers.

and when they come face to face with this conundrum they can either reject their world foundations or act out like the smooth-brained incels they are. example a: >>22440791

>> No.22440815

we know

>> No.22440820


>> No.22440824

another pynched christcuck

>> No.22441331

...every time. It's hilarious.

>> No.22441371

> beatnik negrolatrist
> anti-establishment views
Do you think he took an arthritic knee for Floyd the groid?

>> No.22441380

Wasn't this dude attending Mass all the time back in Cornell?

>> No.22441384


>> No.22441436

lmao why are catholics such PUSSIES?

>> No.22441627

Yeah, and then he spent everyday hanging out with teenage girls and smoking pot while he was writing GR.

>> No.22441689


>> No.22441787

Yeah this.
His works are aesthetic abominations and are just high IQ bragging pieces which do not expose the soul to better or more beautiful modes of being human.
>I think his use of Gnosticism and Kabbalah would piss off most theists. Add that with the lewd humour, pulpy and risqué sex scenes, as well as his embrace of anti-establishment views.
I wouldn't post this unless anonymously but any Catholic who is meaningfully dedicated to their faith is being attacked by Satan constantly and the very fact that these scenes are avoided mean they want to keep themselves hyper pure but the fact of the matter is none of these are significant to Satan giving you temptation or ugly thoughts. Gnosticism isn't scary just wrong and Christians have their own Kabbalah.

>> No.22441790

>embedded systems of power
This is just Jewish post-structualism and power is a good thing because immoral power is not powerful power as it goes against God's justice.

>> No.22441813

It's important to note that not all Christians react negatively to Thomas Pynchon's work, and opinions can vary widely among individuals. However, some Christians might find aspects of Pynchon's writing that challenge or contradict their beliefs, leading to strong reactions. There are a few reasons why some Christians might be uncomfortable with Pynchon's work:

>Religious Themes and Critique:
Pynchon's novels often contain complex explorations of religion, spirituality, and metaphysical questions. His critical approach to these topics, including organized religion, can be seen as challenging traditional Christian perspectives.

>Irreverent or Satirical Tone:
Pynchon is known for his irreverent and satirical style, which can sometimes involve poking fun at or critiquing religious institutions and figures. This can be perceived as disrespectful by some Christians.

>Explicit Content and Themes:
Pynchon's novels frequently deal with explicit or controversial themes, including sexuality, drugs, and countercultural movements. These themes can clash with more conservative Christian values.

>Complexity and Ambiguity:
Pynchon's writing is known for its intricate plots, convoluted narratives, and layers of symbolism. This complexity can make it difficult for some readers to fully grasp his intended messages, leading to misinterpretations that might offend Christians who value clarity in religious matters.

>Lack of Traditional Moral Framework: Pynchon's works often challenge conventional moral frameworks and explore themes of moral ambiguity. This can be unsettling for individuals who seek a more straightforward ethical guidance based on their religious beliefs.

>Challenging Authority:
Pynchon's novels frequently focus on characters who resist or challenge established authorities and systems. Some Christians might interpret this as a rejection of religious authority as well.

It's important to remember that literature is often meant to provoke thought, challenge assumptions, and encourage discussions. Different readers, including Christians, will have varied reactions to Pynchon's work based on their personal beliefs, experiences, and perspectives. While some might indeed react strongly or negatively, others might appreciate the intellectual engagement and the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs through encountering differing viewpoints in literature.

>> No.22441832

>His works are aesthetic abominations
Everyone has their opinion, but I've read Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, et. al, and nothing any of them or anyone else has written is as achingly beautiful as the Roger and Jessica Christmas scene at the end of part 1 of GR.

>> No.22441863

I like the kitty :'3