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22435958 No.22435958 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books from the 21st century that are actually good

>> No.22436014
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Read this to shut my zoomer gf up after I convinced her to read Libra
Wanted to hate it but I actually really enjoyed it. The marxist stuff was gay but other than that, good book

>> No.22436031
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>> No.22436036

>max lawton
Already ruined the thread.

>> No.22436046

Guarantee you didnt read either lol kwab

>> No.22436051
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Okay, Maxy boi, whatever you say. Forgot you’re the arbiter of being well-read

>> No.22436052

........and the fag is here shilling himself and his fuck buddies once again.

>> No.22436061

Hi Max, I've reported your racist, fascist, Nazi, transphobic 4chan credentials to your publisher NYRB. They plan on dropping your forthcoming translations. Hope it was worth it!

>> No.22436124

you guys are massive homosexuals with no taste

>> No.22436141
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>> No.22436147
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>> No.22436154

>says someone doesn’t have taste
>literally recommends Sally Rooney and Sorokin

>> No.22436163

Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The shadow of the wind.

>> No.22436171

what is this schizo nonsense
i just want people to post neat books from the past two decades that aren't 2666 or austerlitz

>> No.22436237

what do you read faggot

>> No.22436285
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/lit/ is just not ready for this conversation

>> No.22436322

anon that's a horrible trade. I stopped after about 50 pages. Rooney is probably better than most other popular authors today bc I don't get the feeling she's actively trying to scam the pseuds but she can't write. Without the constraints of genre fiction (ie an actual plot) reading more than a couple pages of her writing is incredibly tiresome.

But if ur already this gay and want to score points with your gf you might as well check out normal people.

>> No.22436327

Try Ben Lerner or Edouard Leve.

>> No.22436333
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>> No.22436336
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>> No.22436340
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I can keep going but I don’t want to spam

>> No.22436344

post another one pls

>> No.22436349

I found a book in a small book store once. It was published about 10 years ago. It was called 'My Dad's Penis'

>> No.22436350

Go for it. Based on my secondhand knowledge of 21st c. lit, your picks seem very good.

>> No.22436353
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Picrel, or 2666 if you count it as a 21st century book.
I want to read alan moore some day, i love esoteric stuff and schizo magic systems

>> No.22436361

>2666 if you count it as a 21st century book.
why wouldn't you count it? it was released in 2004

>> No.22436362
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>> No.22436369
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I’m post mostly translated stuff because that’s my bias but some of these might have technically been written earlier. If the English translation is this century then I think of it as 21st c I guess

>> No.22436386

All good, it's interesting regardless. Ogawa is a new name to me, looks very good. Ge Fei is one I'd heard of but long forgotten, I'm always curious about contemporary Chinese stuff.

>> No.22436408

Speaking of which, have you read Yan Lianke? I liked Serve The People a good bit more than I expected to, very real and nuanced stuff.

>> No.22436469
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I liked Memory Police as much as the popular classics of the dystopian genre, namely Brave New World and 1984. I highly recommend it to any fan of the genre. It lacks the more detailed world building of those novels (the particulars of the society are a little unclear beyond the “forced forgetting” plot device and how it affects the characters), but I feel it has a strong focus on psychology and emotions which help it to shine.

As for Invisibility Cloak, I’ll mention that it’s not a long or very deep book but it’s fun and, forgive the buzzword, it’s comfy. I’ve read that it’s a social portrait of a kind of rising middle class in China but I don’t know a lot of their culture so I can’t attest to that. I have another of his books called Peach Blossom Paradise which is a historical story that seems like it’ll be meatier.

I haven’t yet. I’ve been sleeping on a copy of The Four Books for years which I’ll get around to eventually.

>> No.22436562

M8, cmon. Youve not actually read it, like most people on this board you see womeme and wont touch it. The books what, 150 pages of easy prose? You banged out 50 and gave up? Please mate. To say Rooney cant write is just plain seethe. Im not saying shes Tolstoy or even DFW but shes got talent, she can build characters very very well. Bobbi was one of the best characters Ive read in any book this century. I cant think of another author under 40 Ive enjoyed more. Hoping as she gets older she keeps getting better. I could see a truly great novel under her name in another 10-15 years

>> No.22436585

Dont speak beaner
Unironically good
Jerusalem in some parts was good. Moore is much better at the graphic novel though. Antkind fucking blew, unfinishable. Never read the other one.
Trash. This weird greek possible jew could not have been trying harder to be le next postmod genius, except he hasnt half the talent of Pynch or even Gaddis. Legitimatey Joshua Cohen tier
Actually pretty good. Borrowed from a friend and didnt finish but likely will get my own copy. Liked what Id read

>> No.22436992

I meant "tiresome" as in boring, not difficult. I read Normal People in a day bc I didn't find it insufferably boring, but I'm still not pretending it's a "great novel", it's just good for what it is.

She's smart and her talent is articulating things her audience already feels in their daily lives. The fact that her prose is so sparse likely helps because if you don't read that much it probably seems sophisticated compared to the melodrama of like a YA novel.

There's parts of Normal People that I found really insightful but clearly we're not her audience and acting like she's some profound universal writer is ridiculous. It's not like I hate her writing I just got tired of this one.

>> No.22437008

I read his latest book the Infatuations and was pretty indifferent towards it

this one has been on my to read list for like a year now, I should finally read it

Solenoid is good

Pretty good, though I'm pretty sure this actually came out in the 90s and was translated only recently

>> No.22437664
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Anyone read picrel?

>> No.22437764
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Still waiting for you fuckers to read this

>> No.22437835
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the old cover is better, the current one is shit but its one of the funniest books ever written.

>> No.22438350

Mall tier best seller

>> No.22438365

It's actually decent though

>> No.22438384

e-celeb drama website

>> No.22438392

it used to be somewhat popular here

>> No.22438409
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>> No.22438494

Alan moro can't write.

>> No.22438509
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Can't ignore the Elephant in the room with us. The Road is also a good book but overrated in the mainstream a little bit.

>> No.22438511

Tranny I heckin love science books. The Road is good.

>> No.22438578

It's time to actually pick up and read, if you can do either. Chud.

>> No.22438586

Nice bait, redditor.

>> No.22438630
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absolute kino if you like characters who are retarded perverts

>> No.22439987

This was one of the most promising-looking authors I found when I was searching for contemporary stuff a while ago, I hope she continues to publish and serve as a good example.

>> No.22439997


>> No.22441341

Gonna save everyone's and say: nothing

>> No.22441344

That’s what you’ve read, yes.

>> No.22441350

Sell me on it.

>> No.22441351


>> No.22441432

I just said it seems promising, primarily because it doesn't seem like moralizing schlock, just good, cold, incisive psychodrama/comedy of manners. That's about all it takes to stand out these days.

>> No.22441446

She has good polished prose, and a clear eye. First Love is about a nasty relationship, but avoids the expected pitfalls of telling you what to think, making it clear who the 'baddie' is.
It's the sort of novel Sally Rooney thinks she's writing, or Ian McEwan would write if he understood what people are actually like

>> No.22441576

My Struggle and A Time For Everything by Knausgård
Various works by Roth
Various works by Houellebecq
Feast of the Goat by Vargas Llosa (although inferior to his 1970s work, still pretty good)

>> No.22441786
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Technically this was published posthumously but all the stories were written in the 21st century.

>> No.22441794

Antkind could have been good if it was at all edited.

>> No.22441957

really strange (bad) take on sorokin

he doesn't shy away from sex/drug use/violence/abjection but it's far from the level of many famous western writers (like selby jr/cooper/delany/kane etc) and not even amongst the worst offenders of edgelord russian writers from his time (that's probably limonov)

at the same time, he is simply a way better writer than a hack like palahniuk

and lastly, sorokin is literally a devout christian. read ice trilogy for example - it's all about transcendence of vulgar materialism. when sorokin uses abject stuff there or elsewhere (thinking day of the oprichnik) it's only to satirize the corrupted morals of modernity

maybe he has a different reputation in russia - i wouldnt be surprised if it was more negative, given the fact that he is a vocal critic of the russian state

>> No.22442052

>all lowercase
You’re a troon in Max’s cult

>> No.22442060


>> No.22442073

>simply a twitter use
You clearly don’t know shit if you think Max The DYEL Lawton is simply a random twatter user

>> No.22442075

Exactly, nobody knows shit about whatever twitch streamer you're talking about

>> No.22442076

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22442079

Pretending to be retarded still makes you retarded, Mr. Redditor

>> No.22442083

What a stupid post.

>> No.22442086

Nobody knows your ecelebs, zoomer

>> No.22442087

Sounds cope coming from the troon who said Sally Trooney is a good writer lmao

>> No.22442091

This eceleb you’re obtusely pretending to not know — or if you do, it’s unsurprising since you have read fewer than 10 books after high school — has practically translated most of Sorokin’s books. See >>22436031 ((You) even posted it)

>> No.22442093

If a person has a characteristic he can't pretend to have it.

>> No.22442147
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>> No.22442187
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Jerusalem has bright spots but is very flawed

Pic related still the best

>> No.22443589
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>> No.22443861

>ducks, newburyport

Has anyone read this?

>> No.22443867

the fact that another man fucked my wife and i liked it the fact that this is somehow considered a normal psychosexual phenomenon the fact that indisputably this is linked to my own self-loathing and the rotten underpinnings of my masculinity, underpin, undercut, wave-cut-ledge, sea defenses and rock armour, the victorians built recurved walls, the fact that he was black, the fact that although i am not a racist, in fact, i am anti-racist, the fact that it was still definitely relevant that he was black, the fact that i probably do in fact think that a black man is more of a man than i am, the fact that i wished he was more muscular, the fact that he was still stronger than me, the fact that his cock was as thick as a rolling pin, the fact that i got into an argument with a man who claimed that black men have larger penises and called him a bigot who credulously bought into 19th-century pseudoscientific notions of the sub-saharan black as brutish and inhuman, the fact that i do still in fact believe black men have larger penises, the fact that a dolphin's penis is like a corkscrew, and that they rape each other, the fact that ducks rape each other too, the fact that the whole of civilisation seems to have been created to stop people getting away with rape

>> No.22443878

Sorokin’s original English translator died of cancer, so of course nepo baby Maxy Boy was assigned to translate (with DeepL and Google Translate) the rest of his works.

>> No.22443885

I finished Laurus last night. Fascinating brutal descriptions of (post) medieval, superstitious Russian life, as seen through the eyes of an herbalist monk.

>> No.22443949

>Stephen Florida by Gabe Habash
>Cherry by Nico Walker
>The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littel
>Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen
Stephen Florida was recc'd to me in another thread and i loved it. wish i would've saved that thread, there were a lot of great recs. i'm taking a break from TKOs but it's very good so far. Crossroads was my first Franzen and I don't get why people hate him

>> No.22443953

Fagzen sucks and you have bad taste

>> No.22443966

No reason to hate Franzen. Critics just label him and call it a day.

>> No.22444085

He also only started getting his translations published (accepted) after the Ukraine war. All of his translations are FORTHCOMING (LMAO) excpet for this one, which was recently published. So shut the fuck up you dumb fucking retard. You're probably Max Lawton himself, which is why you're trying to pretend so hard he's a bigshot.