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File: 278 KB, 1172x1742, ethicalslutbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22434928 No.22434928 [Reply] [Original]

Book that destroyed chuds and incels.
Men will be subordinate in your generation.
Matriarchy is upon you.

>> No.22434999

What's the book about, OP? :)

>> No.22435025

Even if matriarchy comes, it's not going to be kumbaya libtard bitches running things. It will be the cunning, ruthless bitches that are usually pick-me's.

>> No.22435031

in a matriarchal society, will my female boss force me to have secret sex with her

>> No.22435083

If matriarchy involves women demanding I eat them out in both public and private on a daily basis, and make me to lick their buttholes while they giggle, I'm onboard, provided they kiss me afterwards. Until then, patriarchy, war, famine and suffering continues uninterrupted.

>> No.22435087

In a so called matriarchy monogamy would be state enforced

>> No.22435473
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Youre 50 years too late bro

>> No.22436207

My boss already does. How do I let her know that in fact we live in a patriarchy and this is not ok, without losing my job? She doesn't seem to know

>> No.22436246

in this case, i think it would be best to conceal the truth from her

>> No.22436262

Hard pass

>> No.22436329
File: 2.11 MB, 5184x3456, fHV2N6KrzD8CQSTbdmQUMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all part of the Antichrist's plan

>> No.22436779

You won't survive the Masculinist Revolt, Chudia.

>> No.22436808

The antichrist is kind of a faggot if he’s doing this shit

>> No.22436842

Even the most heckin Girlboss girls melt when you call them a good girl and will gladly let you leashe them like a pet

>> No.22436926
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Here's an excerpt from the book.

>> No.22436944

Women really do write the cringiest things I’m noticing

>> No.22436947
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>Be about 10 years ago
>one of my coworkers reading this book
>we question him about why
>his gf told him to read it
>they have an "open relationship"
>there's another guy
>name's literally Tyrone

>> No.22436964
File: 302 KB, 1908x1320, feminist2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another.

>> No.22436970

Are you in California or NY?
This is absurd everywhere except these two places.

>> No.22436999

North Dakota. That's what made it so bizarre.
This was all before the current "culture war" too.
Guy was ahead of the curve.

>> No.22437004

Sorry, meant for >>22436970

>> No.22437026
File: 116 KB, 1198x794, feminist4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outliers can exist everywhere.

>> No.22437030

Disgusting fatherless women. I bet their daddy still lives rent-free in their head.

>> No.22437035

It happened 10 years ago? Damn I thought cuckolding was a contemporary phenomenon.

>> No.22437037

looking forward to the sequel, "The Human Nigger."

>> No.22437041

this guy knows

>> No.22437064

Here is the author. As you have gussed she is disgusting white pig.
This whole channel is goldmine for radical liberalism.

>> No.22437109
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>> No.22437130

As a poly degenerate with two gfs I like this book.

>> No.22437135
File: 432 KB, 220x201, 1681701414480874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matriarchy is upon you
The last throes of a dying civilization. Strap in, guys.

>> No.22437138

ill just move to turkey and restore the caliphate at that point

>> No.22437144

Where do you live?

>> No.22437153
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>> No.22437164

Looked it up on goodreads. This looks really good thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.22437175

Can ya’ll stop being such basement dwelling incels. Poly relationships are much more common and none of you would have any porn if the sexual revolution in the 60s didn’t happen. This is why left leaning guys get two to three girls and no one wants to date you.

>> No.22437247
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>> No.22437248

kys from diarrhea you faggot. Women are property. Simple as.

>> No.22437259

Idealism makes you put rose colored glasses on. Instead of attributing actions to individuals or groups, you attribute them to evil. And instead of looking at it prima facie and coming up with a counterargument and material solution to the problem, you do nothing and just say God will fix it. There is no antichrist and there is no plan. Believing there is won't fix the problem.

>> No.22437298

>Idealism makes you put rose colored glasses on. Instead of attributing actions to individuals or groups, you attribute them to evil.

you think it's having ideals that causes this confusion and not the interminable stream of manichaeistic movies video games, novels, tv shows, religious doctrines and political propaganda?

>> No.22437301

Kill yourself tranny faggot. You will never be a woman.

>> No.22437307

Kill yourself tranny whore. Nobody likes you in this world. You're a waste of space and oxygen.

>> No.22437308

At this point I think kidnapping and holding women against their will is the only way to stop them from cheating.

>> No.22437310

I doubt the material world is real

>> No.22437344

That video is a /pol meme. It get's posted for well poisoning.

>> No.22437361

Not trans. Why is this board filled with such illiterate Simpletons.

>> No.22437379
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>> No.22437389
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>> No.22437430

> loving someone makes it ok to control their behavior
Sounds like you’re projecting their anon. What should I not have looked up the book? Sorry my thoughts don’t completely aline to your ideals.

>> No.22437433
File: 140 KB, 1536x1016, refugeewelcomea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22437436

Author call it a myth which means she contradict it.
I have a belief where a man should control aspect of woman and woman should control certain aspect in man.

>> No.22437456
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>> No.22437477

I think if both parties agree to it then that’s acceptable. But not if it’s forced and it shouldn’t be expected.

>> No.22437480

Posting by the incel who has never found love, lol

>> No.22437507

sometimes love is tough

>> No.22437509

Love is hard won and rare, yes

>> No.22437534

>50+ replies
>still don't know what this book is about

>> No.22437535

No true. I have a loving wife. We were college couple.

>> No.22437537

Tough only when it's not communicated well.
Toughest when you are in one-sided obsession.
Book is about accepting open relationship.

>> No.22437542
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>> No.22437546
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>> No.22437562
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>> No.22437580

I wasn't addressing the video and didn't even click it. I was addressing his comment on whatever is part of the antichrist's plan.

>> No.22437587
File: 205 KB, 1944x1438, abortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is a leftist ideology or an ideology of submission and infinite tolerance. Christ or anti-christ, it's better to stay far away from anything Bible has to say. The less you look through it's lens the better person you become.

>> No.22437590
File: 180 KB, 1276x1362, excerpta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22437592

Your poor wife. I’ll pray for her.

>> No.22437602

>super right winged
>but I’m picking and choosing the parts that suit me best
> don’t wanna be part of the church
>Still want to subjugate women

Kek, choose one you greedy bastard

>> No.22437618

Germany. And yes, my family is native German.

>> No.22437620

thats a james joyce quote.

>> No.22437629

Not every woman wants to act equally to her man. She is happy being submissive to me and I am happy to take care of her. Don't need your prayers.

>> No.22437634

I ain't Christian and there isn't anything worth in Bible. It's a desert story anyway.

>> No.22437638
File: 1.20 MB, 3500x2366, feminist12a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. Who are her inspiration?

>> No.22437653
File: 54 KB, 948x630, feminist13a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22437659

Anon, you should seek out medical help.

>> No.22437661
File: 253 KB, 2000x1333, C3983526-1850-41E6-A867-13FE55658E63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, maybe relationships people have with each other or more complicated then annons narrow views because he can’t see out his own ass

>> No.22437739

>Seek help
Lol you weakling.

>> No.22437742
File: 245 KB, 1914x1076, feminist14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22437744

Because sex is the most important thing in my life and that's not remotely narrow view. Also I like to use "ass" as much as possible in my posts. Wow amazing.

>> No.22437763

i wish i had a submissive wife to take care of
people are always like noooo i dont want a woman whos looking for a surrogate father that i have to micromanage but i wouldnt mind, ideal to me

>> No.22437912
File: 4 KB, 233x216, 1691440030080510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matriarchy has literally never happened in human history and never will simply because men could easily enslave or kill every woman that exists if they felt like it. It would not be difficult. This is just the biological reality of the world.

>> No.22437975

God created people equal, guns made them equal

>> No.22437980

Women are kids with boobs and vagenes.
Women peak intellectually at age 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.

>> No.22437986

Matriarchal society is an oxymoron.

>> No.22437987

Men are definitely better at shooting guns
Also very importantly making guns

>> No.22438055

Hope my girlfriend likes her new nickname.

>> No.22438090

Men are good at killing each other with guns while women carry on with maintaining social order and structure.

>> No.22438096

This is why women hate you incel

Explain? Because I don’t think you can

>> No.22438099

Sex is an important part of intimate relationships but if that’s all you got out of what I said I feel sorry for you. See some people get other things from their partners like joy, comfort, and love.

>> No.22438114

is this purely from the perspective of a woman
cause the copyright has a male name
but a thing like this would be aimed toward women for sure

i also do know know what some of these mean, not even from the example, like "unicorn polyarmory" and how the fuck does solo polyarmory even work

>> No.22438154


>copyright has a male name
It’s for both male and females. A lot of couples like the idea of adding another person to the household and bedroom.

>how the fuck does solo polyarmory even work
Great question. I’m actually solo poly. I prefer to live by myself and travel a lot. I still want love and connection so I have partners that I don’t share a household with or daily activities. It’s like being in a serious long distance relationship with more than one person by choice.

>> No.22439135

To be guided by poon or peen?

>> No.22439200

Yes as we all know those silly men just go out and kill each other for no reason at all
Totally not to protect their women from getting enslaved and raped by an enemy faction
Women are the ones who really won every war by sitting in their houses

>> No.22439203

total planetary bantufication will fix this

>> No.22439289

>In a so called matriarchy monogamy would be state enforced
lol look at this naive fuck wit. matriarchies would see the top 1% males shared by all women and the bottom 99% males would be chattle slaves.

women are not romantic. despite them saying the opposite, women are cut throat in wanting only the best man available regardless of any sentimentality

>> No.22439320
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>boundries in a relationship are wrong
>giving in to impulses is the height of freedom

the idiot author objecting to someone smashing her head in with a hammer is limiting that attacker's freedom, and thus the author is toxic

>> No.22439375
File: 31 KB, 620x400, 1613925638788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i intentionally make this convoluted mess of sophistic bullshit to confuse people in order to manipulate and exploit them
you're a piece of shit

>> No.22439432

I had a broad try to cuck me over 20 years ago in Arizona. This is nothing new. Sluttery is an age old tradition.

>> No.22439450

>get two to three girls
At a time, or cumulatively? You allow permutations and this sounds like nonsense. Are you including trans-girls?

>> No.22439475

Slave morality.

>> No.22439506

Men already are serfs to wamen and have been since the boomers lol
So luckt I'm not shitmerican. You deserve it

>> No.22439661

i mean, yes? men are killing men to prevent men from killing?
just stop kiling

>> No.22439695
File: 14 KB, 670x670, 1668486738239012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop killing
Wow I never thought of that
Think of all the other things you could apply such staggering problem solving skills to
Just stop being hungry, sad, tired, the possibilities are endless
You have truly cracked the code of life

>> No.22439808

Only the hottest women can do this though. I know a group of 3 girls, all who wanted to be poly. One was gorgeous and able to get guys, the other 2 were mid so when they asked their partners to be poly, one got dumped and the other kept with their bf but now in a jealous mistrustful hell, he never lets her out alone. The one that got dumped is turning 30 and is unable to get anyone to stay with her for longer than a fuck. It's not freed them from possession but heightened their difference in desirability. I have no problem with polygamy, but a problem with the idea that it's making the world a more equal place, that it benefits ALL women. All this pro beauty/sexual freedom propaganda supposedly emancipates women but really just gives moral justification to trying to be more desirable than their peers. When friends share a mirror to prepare for a night out I wonder if it crosses their minds that they're competing. Watch close the ideology and you'll discover individualism behind these collectivist fronts.

>> No.22439970

On a primal level, the self-serving slut is and will always be bad because she is anti-family and anti-community.

A man who has sex with plenty of women would be seen as an ideal: he is strong and clever enough for his ability to seduce. By his ability to "win" this social game, all it takes is a woman who is "worthy" enough for him to settle down. She will either lock him down with her words, her body, or her material possessions. Regardless, the man-slut is wanted by women and men want to BE him. Our nature as animals is to reproduce, and whoever can do that succeeds at life. A woman's goal cannot be the man's goal (to deposit his seed as much as possible) because her only goal is to receive and create more children.

By contrast, a selfish woman-slut is detested by women and rejected by men. The female slut WILL NOT settle down as her only concern is pleasuring herself and no one else. Myths of succubi are reflective of this: dangerous women are women who sleep around, because they emulate the promiscuity of men, only without the social promise of settling down.

>> No.22440838

>I have no problem with polygamy
why not. you just observed one of the ways it's harmful