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File: 78 KB, 504x695, Francis_Fukuyama_2015_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22431130 No.22431130 [Reply] [Original]

What's so special about Francis Fukuyama? Why do reddit types think that he is some sort of amazing prophet?
It's just another boring materialist pseudo-religion about the so-called "end of history". He is like Karl Marx except his "end of history" is capitalism and liberal democracy instead of communism.

>> No.22431166

Your post assumes so many dumb things. The end of history is a Hegelian concept. You're casually disregarding people you've never read who are infinitely more intelligent than yourself. Fukuyama wrote the book on Capitalist realism which he himself no longer subscribes to. Still, it's a very good, smart book to read.

>> No.22431177

Wouldn’t this board be a better place if people were only allowed to post about books after they read them ? The weekly Guns Germs and Steel thread is the most infuriating example of this willful ignorance

>> No.22431204

Loved Norwegian Wood

>> No.22431210


>> No.22431228

He's a bit middlebrow maybe but what else is there? Who has a better analysis of our historical moment?

>> No.22431229
File: 139 KB, 426x530, 1692156707933740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, retard.

>> No.22431233
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 41nshVeKdbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who has a better analysis of our historical moment?
Jay Dyer

>> No.22431262

>He is like Karl Marx except his "end of history" is capitalism and liberal democracy instead of communism
Hard to read. Probably even more embarrassing to write

>> No.22431273

You argue like a woman. You just make little passive aggressive jabs.
What should I have expected from some Hegelian creep

>> No.22431283

if you need to ask, start with Wendt and Waltz. these people in charge can't stop constructing a never ending logic of appropriateness

>> No.22431302

nta, but honestly, that comparison is on par with saying Marx is just like Plato because they both did political philosophy. It displays a level of ignorance that's pretty wild.

>> No.22431306

>pretty wild
reddit lingo

>> No.22431312
File: 2.11 MB, 5184x3456, fHV2N6KrzD8CQSTbdmQUMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making some baseless claim of an "end of history" from a materialist perspective is really stupid.
Neither Marx nor Fukuyama can provide an epistemological justification for these claims.

>> No.22431321

I will, this thread sucks and was made by a mouthbreather.

>> No.22431322


>> No.22431330

you suck cock and balls faggot

>> No.22431337

Here's a hint: the essay on which the book as based has a question mark. "The End of History?".
The expansion of his thought in the book still merits the question mark.
The claim is not baseless, it is rather well-argued. Try reading either the essay or the book.
Yes, they are both speculative teleologists. They also both wore shirts and slept in beds.

>> No.22431341

Nope, I'm into vaginer, so you can up and kiss my spurs and hit the road fag.

>> No.22431357

I don't think he's a prophet but he's important to read to know how many Washington thinks

>> No.22431382
File: 39 KB, 500x750, KAZ18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no epistemological justification for it at all. Literally none.

>> No.22431394

Fukuyama has more than Marx, but yes, having limited epistemological justification is the very definition of speculative.

>> No.22431408


>> No.22431412

You argue like a retard. You just make little retarded, inane statements.
What should I have expected from someone who has never read anyone in the post they are referencing.

>> No.22431542
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He just capitalized on the moment and wrote what all the Washington establishment neolib-shitlibs wanted to hear at the time. The internal contradictions between democratic society and corporate capitalism (aka anti-market, private-sphere oligarchism) existed then and exists now and will continue to do so until it implodes into either chaos or totalitarianism. The liberal gambit is to reform the system and its institutions as long as possible to keep the contradiction from destroying the system.

>> No.22431642

someday, you will learn to speak. Hopefully you will learn to think at an earlier time.

>> No.22431769

He just boldly and emphatically claimed that crony capitalistic liberal democracy was the final form and since everyone hates it so much, they hated him for saying it. That’s it really.

>> No.22431802

He is special because regardless if you disagree with thesis of liberal democracy and capitalism being the final stage of political development, his opinion is the official stance of the liberal world order. He is basically their patron saint. Ever since he wrote that book, the West has been emphatically preaching about spreading "democracy" and "freedom" to the rest of the world since they believe they have solved everything. If you want to understand what the West believes about itself in the 21st century then read Fukuyama since he's their biggest mouthpiece

>> No.22431805
File: 34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-1428813107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so special about Francis Fukuyama?
his "end of history" schtick has been fairly influential in international relations for nearly 3 decades
> Why do reddit types think that he is some sort of amazing prophet?
most leftwinger and progressive types weren't a big fan you dumb fuck
>It's just another boring materialist .....
oh jesus

>> No.22431937

Retroactively debunked by Deng Xiaoping

>> No.22431965

Materialism is retarded.

>> No.22432996

The West was doing that shit way before he wrote this book.