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/lit/ - Literature

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2243070 No.2243070 [Reply] [Original]

I read this book and it was pretty good and i'm curious about the sequels. The idea seems cool and all but it seems to be careening towards teeny bullshit and stepheny myers commented on it. Is "catching fire" any good

>> No.2243076

If you want to read it just read it, it's not a big commitment. Who cares what Meyer thinks? why did you even pay attention to her?

>> No.2243089

>Female author

Personally i'd avoid it, but if you enjoyed it, go for it.

>> No.2243102

If you like it, read it, where's the problem.

Personally, I didn't like the first book (didn't bother with the rest) due to teeny shit and larger-than-life-kills-everything-but-has-good-feelings main character and because I had already read Battle Royale.

>> No.2243301

The second two aren't as good but they're quick reads and they entertain well enough.

I read the whole series in a week. Go for it OP