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22427732 No.22427732 [Reply] [Original]

>Storm of Steel
I'm having to look up a lot of words

>> No.22427743

This is what is known as expanding your vocabulary.

>> No.22427754

The last new words I had to learn were "apophatic" and "cataphatic". Apophatic knowledge is knowledge of God obtained by describing him in negative terms, and cataphatic knowledge is knowledge of God obtained by describing him in positive terms.

Please post all the new words you're learning and their definitions!

>> No.22427757

Storm is a turbulent condition of weather which involves, but not limited to, heavy rains, thunder and lightning, and strong wind
Steel is a composite material resulted from mixing carbon with various metallic ores, usually to strengthen its durability and rust resistance

Hope that helps my dude

>> No.22427787

so far there's billet, or lodging for troops; din--loud, discordant sounds; weir, a dam placed across a river or canal; and higgledy-piggledy which means hugger-mugger, topsy-turvy, or raggle-taggle.

>> No.22427795

I think Tolkien is also very good for geographic vocabulary.

>> No.22427850

I can’t read Japanese either

>> No.22427882

Storm of Sneed

>> No.22428224

Laughed so hard I shit my pants

>> No.22428576

Are you the guy who posted about All Quiet on the Western Front vs Storm of Steel?

>> No.22428781

Hofmann translation?

>> No.22429466

for me it's Creighton
You get a better sense of German idiom on account Creighton doesn't really speak much German