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22426307 No.22426307 [Reply] [Original]

Why does pop culture shove this book in our faces? What are they trying to tell us?

>> No.22426353

They are trying to reverse psychology it so you don't read. See the retard holding it up. It's to make fun of it. Every time it is shown in pop culture its to keep you away from it because it holds so much truth about modern society that the plebs are ignorant of

>> No.22426460
File: 36 KB, 605x492, Goose .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always been portrayed as being read by some hecking smart characters though!

>> No.22426475

That guy looks like that banjo retard guy from Deliverance

>> No.22426633

It was a fairly massive influence especially on the up and coming TV and film writers, we really see that influence in those turn of the century dramas which dumped the episodic format built around action at the workplace with the characters lives largely being a way to explain why the performed their job poorly or snapped at a coworker, essentially set dressing. The lives of the characters became more important and central, theme is not just a side effect of plot and humor ceases being something only for comedies. IJ taught TV how to deal with life and how to use theme in a more natural way and that influence is still present. Six Feet Under is probably the prime example, IJ's influence is all over the show.

>> No.22426774

>Six Feet Under is probably the prime example, IJ's influence is all over the show
Name one example

>> No.22426816

They probably want you to buy the book.

>> No.22426893

Brenda is a pot addicted caretaker of her damaged brother, as a child effortlessly succeeded at everything and manipulated her therapists. The main characters all come right from IJ, shift some things around a bit but it is all there.

>> No.22426904

For the same reasons it is a meme on this very board, anon

>> No.22426935


>> No.22426977

lol. How obvious does it need to get?

>> No.22427059

It's always so fucking funny when people try to use "nerds" as strawmen. Like bro you're just telling us that the opposition is smarter than you lol.

>> No.22427129

Base Brick.

>> No.22427155

this is going to Russell!

>> No.22427161

because unruly contrarian teenage discord mods wield disgusting amounts of influence on propaganda dissemination platforms like tiktok and they frequent shitholes like /lit/ so naturally le heckin' 4chan counterculture gets called to the front of the class

>> No.22427170


>> No.22427810

So true

>> No.22427818
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issa good book mane

>> No.22427835
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I want to know how DFW got those scars.

>> No.22427842

It's a meme book. The title is pretentious enough to sound funny in the right context.

>> No.22428235

Because midwits love it

>> No.22428247
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>the title
No one tell him...

>> No.22428278

Why did they make a chud joker

>> No.22428291

Because Todd Phillips was denied another Hangover instalment.

>> No.22428549
File: 573 KB, 2048x1176, end of the tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even finish your final novel because your brain died from years of alcohol abuse and television
>augment brain damage with anti-depressants
>commit seppuku
>get portrayed by some shitty sitcom actor, jason segel
It was of his own undoing. He now languishes in the fiery realms of Nakara, for many aeons, to be reincarnated to suffer.

>> No.22428558
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>> No.22428563

most tv writers are harvard graduates. most harvard graduates are pseuds. most pseuds like infinite jest.

>> No.22428574

We know where it came from. The have been countless threads on this book.

>> No.22428577

>most tv writers are harvard graduates.
Maybe if you only watch Amerislop.
>most harvard graduates are pseuds.
How do I know you aren't a pseud? Do you know anyone at Harvard?
>most pseuds like infinite jest.
Yeah but you can avoid most Infinite Jest fanboy pseuds by simply avoiding Amerislop culture. He has no influence except on affected millennial white Americans.

>> No.22428580

>We know where it came from. The have been countless threads on this book.
You could maybe just recognise the line by virtue of not being illiterate, too. You can simply stop using "threads" as the cultural framework for you to know about literature, but I doubt you have the intellectual capacity to read and think on your own.

>> No.22428615

It's basically the same as moby dick, a visual shorthand for stereotypically big thick book nobody has read

>> No.22428631

Being smart is not everything anon. Social skills will take you further in life.

>> No.22428661

that's cope af. Social skills are pretty simple to obtain. What really takes you far is being willing to screw over people without feeling guilty.

>> No.22428663

the negative nerd stereotypes have to deal with ones pride in their own abilities and interests seperating themselves from social dynamics. If you cant see why the point they made in the 50's and 60's applies, you came to the right place.

>> No.22428665

OK I didn't realise I was talking to a master manipulator. Cheers, hope that works out for you.

>> No.22428666

I never said I had that skill. I'm saying that that's what gives you the most success in life.

>> No.22428795

what does David think of comic books/graphic novels?

>> No.22429027

David doesnt think anything because hes burning in hell

>> No.22429040

I have a better question: why should you trust anything pop culture promotes?

>> No.22429067

What show is this?
What cartoon is this?

>> No.22429071


>> No.22429120 [SPOILER] 

The Middle

>> No.22429124
File: 31 KB, 624x351, images - 2023-08-28T010737.415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my fav episode

>> No.22429171

The pseuds that were reading this book AND the roasties that hate the aforementioned pseuds all have writing gigs.

>> No.22429244

American dad

>> No.22429305

I'm I the only person who watched The Middle?

>> No.22429741
