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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 1450x1071, FnM8K_-akAA8wOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22426096 No.22426096 [Reply] [Original]

>start with the perverts
What would this reading list look like? All I have so far is some Batille and Houellebecq.

>> No.22426131

The Romance of Lust

>> No.22426276

Baudelaire and Rimbaud
De Sade
Tropic of Cancer
Wittkop and Sotos

>> No.22426335

Why does his Asian wife deliver prostitutes to him?

>> No.22426346

Because they're bourgeois degenerates

>> No.22426350

Will purchading any book of Sotos put me on a watchlist?

>> No.22426370

Add Rabelais, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Anais Nin, Moravigne, Burroughs, Ovid, Roth, Chaucer’s The Miller’s Tale, Djuna Barnes, Titus Andronicus, but good list overall

>> No.22426381

where is this pic from?

>> No.22426385

His dick doesn’t work so why’s it matter…

>> No.22426610

almost all of poetry after Milton

>> No.22426714
File: 249 KB, 414x442, nabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marc-Edouard Nabe is a real pervert who wasn't afraid of releasing his porn, unlike Houellebecq.

>> No.22427464
File: 1.29 MB, 1929x2500, james-joyce-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything Joyce wrote, especially Ulysses. Joyce is such a huge pervert it's insane. You don't even need to read those fart letters, just reading his actual fiction is sufficient to let you know the man was a freak.

The man could write some darn good erotica, too. The "Nausicaa" chapter is basically porn.

>> No.22427570

He wants to be Houellebecq so bad but no one has ever heard of him.

>> No.22428790
File: 1.70 MB, 320x294, 1622696909120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend Boob/lit/

>> No.22428935

yes the part where bloom gets throatstomped and emasculated by that dominatrix is fucking wild

also add pynchon obviously, he basically invented the decadent bdsm nazi archetype that you see in movies like the night porter and ilsa she wolf of the ss
if ya want just a short story read the chapter Mondaugen's Story from V

>> No.22428997

I should not have gotten as big of a boner to another man as I got to Bloom in "Circe," but Joyce turns it all inside out. It's nuts.

>> No.22429035

not exactly literature but leonard cohen is always singing bout sex, getting his dick sucked and shit.

>> No.22429054

Why are all the perv writers ugly?

>> No.22429597

Bros where to start with hollobebeqc? Is submission good entry point?

>> No.22429612
File: 409 KB, 1486x2048, licensed-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak attractiveness. And if you disagree you're racist

>> No.22429797
File: 597 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the book My Girlfriend Comes to the City and Beats Me Up. its written in slam poem kinda vibe, no joy in description for its own sake, very unsophisticated, very short sentences, "I was raped." THe guy apparently teaches a creative writing class in harvard universtiy and reading it kinda perturbed me, seeing that this kinda approach, which basically doesnt give a fuck about literature as a realization and an awakening of imagination or as a gateway to another world, is whats in vogue right now. A lot of fun to read though especially if you're a man whos into getting beaten up by girls.

also Confessions of a Mask by Mishima (he jerks off to a painting of st sebastian

this is bataille in his 40s i think he looks great, has that ghostly kinda mysterious aura. probably would have made a great femboy.

are there any female writers that are super decadent sexually?

>> No.22429816

swinburne's poem dolores is about a dominatrix

>> No.22429978

Asian women are based.

>> No.22429992

Ugly folks are notorious for being filthy, the nastiest sex out there is between the ugliest mother fuckers

>> No.22430090

start with les particules élémentaires (idk english title)

>> No.22430231

If you include Decameron then it is also right to include Arabian Nights and Canterbury Tales. I was also looking for the writer of Bawdy Tales (the text which was adapted by Sergio Citti) but it is out of print apparently.

>> No.22430361

Catullus opera omnia and the carmina priapea. There might be more like this from classical antiquities, I am not so knowledgable on this kind of poetry.

>> No.22430374

because physiognomy is real

>> No.22430381

what video os this photo from?

>> No.22430382

Surprised no one has mentioned Murakami
Obviously not as deranged as Bataille, de Sade, etc, but still a pervert when it comes to his writing