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22425834 No.22425834 [Reply] [Original]

>casual sex bad

>> No.22425845

Unironically yes, brothels are far better. Countries with a casual sex culture are dying from low birthrates and immigration of thirdies so Huxley was right

>> No.22425853

I agree with this not on ethical or sociological grounds but only because I’m a creepy pissbaby chudcel and I hate other people having fun.

>> No.22425857


Sex is over rated

>> No.22425869

>our system is perfect and creates castes where every member is happy with his place in the world
>except the most intelligent caste which constantly produces people rebelling against the system or not feeling fulfilled in it so we send them out to isolated islands

>> No.22426100


>> No.22426123

Can anyone who's had sex confirm if this is true? Is sex better or worse than, say, reading or eating a big mac?

>> No.22426128

Sex is nothing without love in afraid, so just love yourself.

>> No.22426132

I’ve had a pretty good bit of casual sex by 4chan standards far from a Chad still though and I can verify casual sex is bad

>> No.22426187

Yes, its bad for society.

>> No.22426240

I thought sex was hugely overrated with my first girlfriend. With my second girlfriend it is insanely good though. So depends on how attractive and how good the other person is at sex.

>> No.22426262

Sex rocks but only the first 20 minutes, ideally you'd both orgasm within 8 minutes.

>> No.22426274

t. fag