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22424714 No.22424714 [Reply] [Original]

I read textbooks for fun but never remember any of their contents

>> No.22424715

You should see a doctor about that. Might be a simple vitamin deficiency.

>> No.22424731

That's completely normal, lrn2study

>> No.22424736
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I read books on Kindle and it makes learning more difficult because I can't easily flip back and revisit information in 3 dimensional space like with physical books. But maybe it will encourage me to review the entire book afterword and take notes, which overall is better for retention.

>> No.22424761
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I'm reading the entirety of the KJV bible on my ereader and I forget the page as soon as I switch to the next one

>> No.22424823


I completely forgot how Bayesiqn probability works. The frog problem is as mystifying to me as it ever was even though I fully understood it at some point.

>> No.22424829


>> No.22424835

That would be B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. Mostly just applies to vegetarian. I think something else is going on here.

>> No.22424849
File: 91 KB, 853x640, 9E36CF16-6EB4-436F-980E-D3B46923A11D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ADHD gives me dory-levels of working memory at times. My brain barely has any RAM. But I have an amazing ability to hyper focus. It just takes people like us longer to absorbs information. Try reading out loud, taking notes, etc.

>> No.22424952

You guys are not deficient on any vitamins and you don't have ADHD you knuckleheads, you just never learned how to study and how to retain information.
Go ask students of any information dense discipline like medicine how they study their material, and they will give you a full description of a bunch of methods and programs they use, what their routine is like, what they do when they're struggling with something, and so on. They are very systemic about how they approach their studies, because they know that just reading it once is not going to do anything.
The reason you *think* reading something once with full retention is possible is because instead of talking to people who actually have to learn technical information well for a living you waste your time here, where "self-taught" morons who never apply or test what they "learn" will tell you that they only need to skim something once and that taking notes or putting any effort is for faggots.

>> No.22424973

If I had Ritalin, I'd be able to hyper focus too

>> No.22424993

Good advice

>> No.22424996

maybe you're just stupid

>> No.22425664

memory palaces

>> No.22426248

But when I was a kid I didnt have to study or anything, I just went to class and read stuff once and I remembered the material.

>> No.22426253

Palace deez nuts in your mouth

>> No.22427490

That is actually a handicap

>> No.22427826

>you just never learned how to study and how to retain information
Any specific advice on this? I pretty much got through school with divine autistic short term memory.

>> No.22427837

Young people have greater neuroplacticity and can remember things with greater ease. The Greeks recognized this, which is why in the Classical teaching method young children are given large amounts of memorization work, with older students being taught logic, oration, etc.

>> No.22428140
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Take a chad discipline like physics where like 10% of the effort is memorizing first principles and you can power through the rest with deduction.

>> No.22428445

I guess... it's over...