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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.76 MB, 4679x7021, Rupi_Kaur_by_Baljit_Singh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22424599 No.22424599 [Reply] [Original]

She will be remembered.
You won't.

>> No.22424603

for five minutes maybe. How many historic cultural figures has the past already forgot?

>> No.22424616

I’d rather be remembered by very few people for somethingworthwhile than many people for something mediocre.

>> No.22424645

Her audience is mostly emotionally vulnerable little girls on Instagram.

She's a blood-sucking leech of the worst kind.

>> No.22424647

Total bait post but No she wont be tbqh cuh. Shes basically a pop lit poet of little literary recognition. Shit, a good chunk of nobel laureates in literature from pre ww2 are already essential forgotten.

Best case scenario in terms of legacy (unless her subsequent work improves dratically) in 100 years shes an asterisk in a textbook chapter on transition from print to digital/social media.

>> No.22424652

I don’t know who that is but I know who I am

>> No.22424666

Who fucking cares. She got rich and broke out of the matrix writing silly little poems for dumb women. Now she can do whatever she wants and doesnt have to slave away from 8-5 in a cube. Can you say the same?

>> No.22424685

Honestly this lol
Makes me think of all those artists seething at Damian Hirst when he sold out his art show for like $250 mill because they said anyone could do his “art”
He responded “But none of you did it, did you?”

>> No.22424690
File: 18 KB, 264x377, Hirst-Love-Of-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Some of his stuff looks cool as fuck compared to a bunch of other pop artists.

>> No.22424706

She wrote the poems sincerely however which makes all the difference. Her popularity was also essentially the equivalent of winning the lottery and deserves about as much respect as that. You won’t tempt me, Satan.

>> No.22424722

Idk if Id call it sincere, lol. She basically just formatted basic white girl IG captions into poems and got a publishing deal. Maybe she was young enough to believe in them at first but no way she put out like 4 more books of that for anything but the money. Her last book was hardcover only and retailed for like $30. Altogether the text would maybe fill 4 pages

>> No.22424753

thats the appeal tho, simple dumb bitch

>> No.22424756

simple dumb bitch shit*, i dont think actual poetry readers care about her, just IG thots that pretend to read

>> No.22424793

Lmfao no she won’t

>> No.22424795


>> No.22424816

Rupi Kaur, author of Milk and Honey.

>> No.22424883

She's alrrady forgotten lmao

>> No.22424885

Why is nobody posting her feet?

>> No.22424892
File: 139 KB, 1296x1296, Rupi-Kaur-Feet-6109100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22424915

She is considered passe now among instagram hoes.

>> No.22424921
File: 86 KB, 1424x1392, 1685586815256539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hundreds of subcontinental writers better than her. She's more of a pseud than /lit/

>> No.22424924

>. Shit, a good chunk of nobel laureates in literature from pre ww2 are already essential forgotten.
List five-six of them.
>inb4 can't tell as they're forgotten.

>> No.22424992
File: 7 KB, 183x275, Woolston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 years from now students will write their thesis on Woolston, his life and works.

>> No.22425663


>> No.22425718

HAHAH that Cut article was top notch trolling

>> No.22425744

How come wypipo only popularize jeets/jeetas who are mogged by random/ blue collar worker/random housewife on streets of Delhi? I suspect a conspiracy

>> No.22426172

Didn't she basically write a poem about her fantasy of squatting on a white man's face and tickling his nose with what she called her "honey sweet brown bearded quim?" How's that not racist and androphobic as f*ck?

>> No.22426392

I already don't remember her, because I don't fucking know who she is. I'll forget her very soon too. God forbid being remembered as a female writer, I know what I think about the female writers I know and it's not even the worse I've seen.

>> No.22426405

she won't and there is even a chance she will be already forgotten in her lifetime, it's just a fad

>> No.22426410

>people don't remember Rudyard Kipling, Yeats, Thomas Mann, George Bernard Shaw, Henri Bergson, Anatole France...
Wut? Apart from random Scandis and shit who got the prize because it was nepotism, most of them are still famous

>> No.22426549

She won't be remembered. I will.

>> No.22426713

The last 10 Nobel laureates in literature are all jokes and only one of them is worth a damn because it was Ishiguro. You couldn’t name them if you tried because they are nobodies that got what is essentially a diversity medal now. You’re a reactionary moron with a midwit iq.

>> No.22426746

Bob Dylan will be remembered longer than Ishiguro

>> No.22427103
File: 436 KB, 1896x1519, 100384699_1444398279075478_4665983244091523072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you fat fuck. I'm going to masturbate to this picture of your daughter.

>> No.22427114
File: 411 KB, 1024x843, rupi kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22427117

>carves name into bronze tablet
>carries it into the alps
checkmate, celebrity-brains

>> No.22427124

>Her popularity was also essentially the equivalent of winning the lottery
She’s from a wealthy family with a lot of connections in publishing. Her fame was literally handed to her.

>> No.22427128

She has not said a word worth remembering OP, she comes and goes with the times, like Yung Pueblo. Like all of us.

Everyone is forgotten in the long run. This is precisely why we need great writing.

To survive in this dreadful world.

Now hush and go read.

>> No.22427137

Based historical permanence anon

>> No.22427143

>Indian-born Canadian poet, illustrator, and author Rupi Kaur has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million dollars, as of 2023.

>> No.22427144

>history revisionists hate this one simple trick

>> No.22427164

She always was.

>> No.22427698

Who could forget
Selma Lagerlöf
Grazia Deledda
Sigrid Undset
Rabindranath Tagore
Eugene O'Neill

Do you really know these people?

>> No.22427709

>She will be remembered
by all the guys she gave herpes to

>> No.22427739

You don't pass btw

>> No.22428387

>some literally who woman
Yeah, uh-huh.

>> No.22428393


>> No.22428690

>being remembered on a prison planet run by the taliban

>> No.22428692

Literally who?

>> No.22428728

>androphobic as f*ck
Go back

>> No.22428752

>Rabindranath Tagore
He's still well known, right? He wrote the Indian national anthem. He's the guy who named Gandhi 'Mahatma'.

>> No.22428784

the last time poetry mattered was with the modernists like ezra pound and elliott. This bitch is famous but not her poetry. She is there for dumb white bitches to signal how cultured they are. Its all about aesthetics. ask yourself why the term instagram poet became a thing, its a fucking service based on pictures not writing

>> No.22428981

Too bad she's brown

>> No.22429238

And the Bangladeshi national anthem as well. He's not exactly obscure by any means.

>> No.22429274

>i dont think actual poetry readers care about her, just IG thots that pretend to read
In my experience this is the case.

>> No.22430118

There's a fart singer (a guy who sang through his anus) from late 1800's France who's probably more remembered today than, say, an obscure but good author like Teophile de Viau. Probably more people everyday read and remember something about "that fart singer, heheh..." than about de Viau.
Yet no living person has intellectually engaged with the fart singer, while certainly some of the most intelligent living persons, including poets, historians, philosophers, a few scientists etc., have read and engaged with at least one or two poems by Teophile de Viau, specially in France; another way of saying it is that the average knower of the fart singer is a trivia-knowing retard, while the average reader of de Viau is an academic or independent scholar with a higher than average IQ, or at least a good student, given that the type of poetry he writes cannot be understood by idiots.
I'd rather be remembered as a good author by three or four genuinely good authors of the future, in the same way Vathek was only remembered by few men, but those men were Borges, Mallarmé and other such, than by billions of imbeciles.
In fact, I, like most good authors (including supposedly popular ones like Flaubert), specifically design my writings so that they will be very tough reading on imbecilic peoples, and even if an imbecile reads one of my books he will completely misunderstand it and be recognized as incompetent by those 'happy few' who possess what he lacks, i.e., a brain.