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/lit/ - Literature

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22419010 No.22419010 [Reply] [Original]

It’s that time again. Time to separate the men from the boys; what are your 10 favorite books?

>> No.22419043

the oresteia
why i am so clever
bronze age mindset
the sovereign individual

the rest i dont like as much

>> No.22419057

A. Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward
V. Nabokov - Lolita
Apuleius - Metamorphoses
I. Nemirovsky - Dogs and Wolves
Y. Mishima - Confessions of a Mask
L-F. Céline - Journey to the End of the Night
N. Hawthorn - The Scarlet Letter
M. Tournier - Friday, or, The Other Island
M. Duras - The Lover
E. Jünger - Storm of Steel

>> No.22419059

Real Ultimate Power
Anything Warhammer
I need to read more I guess

>> No.22419063

Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
Absalom, Absalom
East of Eden
The Great Gatsby
Lonesome Dove
Rabbit Run
Revolutionary Road
Invisible Man
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

>> No.22419067

1. Leaving 4chan - Anon
2. Leaving 4chan - Anon
3. Leaving 4chan - Anon
4. Leaving 4chan - Anon
5. Leaving 4chan - Anon
6. Leaving 4chan - Anon
7. Leaving 4chan - Anon
8. Leaving 4chan - Anon
9. Leaving 4chan - Anon
10. Leaving 4chan - Anon

>> No.22419073 [DELETED] 

Indubitably, the ritualistic exercise of assembling a literary pantheon emerges once more. I shall, in a manner befitting the occasion, proffer a selection that traverses the dimensions of thought, narrative, and insight:

1. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy
2. "Ulysses" by James Joyce
3. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez
4. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri
5. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
6. "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
7. "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
8. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
9. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
10. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This compendium, a symphony of prose and profound contemplation, reflects my discerning disposition towards the literary realm. However, let it be known that preferences may vary among individuals, and this enumeration is but an exercise in opining rather than a definitive proclamation of literary worth.

>> No.22419084


Adding the Bible to my list, especially Exodus, Kohelet, the books of Job, Ruth and Jonas, but does not count as 'literature' to my eyes.

>> No.22419089

Moby Dick
The Brothers Karamazov
Anna Karenina
The Red and the Black
Sons and Lovers
The Name of the Rose
The Third Policeman
Runaway Horses
A House for Mr. Biswas

>> No.22419093
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>tfw I've read every book posted so far

>> No.22419262

Too hard to limit it to ten and I’ll throw in some newer reads as well

>Henry Miller in general (especially Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch, The Colossus of Maroussi, Tropic of Cancer, The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder, and some essays)
>DH Lawrence in general (especially The Rainbow, Sons and Lovers, a bunch of short stories, and some essays)
>Nietzsche in general
>Van Gogh’s letters
>Cellini’s autobiography
>Casanova’s autobiography
>Emerson’s essays
>Montaigne’s essays
>Decameron by Boccaccio
>Gargantuan and Pantagruel by Rabelais
>Conversations with Goethe by Eckermann
>Leaves of Grass by Whitman
>Paris Spleen by Baudelaire
>I Ching
>Tao Te Ching
>classic Chinese poetry
>Siddhartha by Hesse
>Bhagavad Gita
>The Dharma Bums by Kerouac
>Hemingway’s Collected Stories
>The Waste Books by Lichtenberg
>Maxims by La Rochefoucauld
>Sometimes a Great Notion by Kesey
>Gogol in general
>Stendhal in general
>In Search of Lost Time by Proust
>Edmund Wilson in general
>The Idiot by Dostoyevsky
>Mysteries by Hamsun
>Kafka in general
>Rilke in general
>Gerard de Nerval in general
>Plutarch in general

>> No.22419331

decimal system bros, our response?

>> No.22419406

A Voyage to Arcuturus David Lindsay
Trafalga Angelica Gorodischer
Naked Lunch & Junky William S. Burroughs
Complete Works of Sarah Kane
Slaughterhouse 5
A Clockwork Orange
Blood and Guts in Highschool Kathy Acker

>> No.22420175

Nice shorts, my dear anon.
Could you please pull them down so that I may gently and lovingly give you intense oral pleasure with my luscious lips.

>> No.22420184

How can write like you? Your literary craft has had me bedazzled. If possible, please share some pearls of great wisdom of yours acquired throughout the years, and impart me that the ways to emulate this noble diction of yours.

>> No.22420186


>> No.22420195
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In no particular order:
Confessions - St. Augustine
Platero and I - Juan Ramon Jimenez
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Poems of Paul Celan - Paul Celan (Trans. Michael Hamburger)
The Poems Of - Gerard Manley Hopkins
The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air - Soren Kierkegaard
The Bible
Aurora Leigh - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Republic - Plato
Grass and Tree Cairn - Santoka Taneda

>> No.22420214

Now THIS is a quality list.

>> No.22420517

Revolt Of The Masses
Concept Of The Political
Civilization And It’s Discontents
Understanding Media
On Sense And Reference
On The Origin Of Language
Tao Te Ching
The Prince

I am huge into language and how it shapes history and law

>> No.22420576

>Lonesome Dove
What's the QRD on this one

>> No.22420593

Nta but great book. A type of deconstructed western. A couple of older cowboys go on one last cattle drive. Lots of memorable characters and you feel like you’re right there on the trip with them. Some scenes will hit you hard. It is one of the few books where not many people have a negative opinion of it. Oh yeah, you’ll never be able to think of carrots the same… It’s a long book but easy read

>> No.22420608

To add an aside to my post, this got me thinking that all the best westerns are a deconstruction of some type. The genre lends itself well to that. A straight western would be terribly cheesy. I’d argue that the modern western is always a deconstruction of the genre

>> No.22420614

Don Quixote
Gargantua & Pantagruel
In Search of Lost Time
A Doll's House

>> No.22420625


His popularity has suffered greatly as the years have progressed. Read about most early 20th century writers and he was a major influence, like Joyce for example. All in all a generic list that could read as a greatest books ever list but they are all good, so I can’t really throw shade

>> No.22420650

Philip K. Dick – Valis
Michel Houellebecq – Atomised
Louis-Ferdinand Céline – Journey to the End of the Night
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky – Demons
Albert Camus – The Stranger
Charles Bukowski – Post Office
Antony Beevor – Berlin: The Downfall 1945
Stanisław Igancy Witkiewicz – Insatiability
Alexandre Dumas – The Count of Monte Cristo
Uriel Waldo Cutler – Stories of King Arthur and His Knights

>> No.22420659

I feel like I can tell a lot from your list

>> No.22420699
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I have a soft spot for down-and-out stories, sprinkled with a tad of philosophy, history or s.f.

>> No.22420749

>Philip K. Dick – Valis
>Michel Houellebecq – Atomised
>Louis-Ferdinand Céline – Journey to the End of the Night
>Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky – Demons
>Albert Camus – The Stranger
holy reddit

>> No.22420778

You are reddit, my newfriend.

>> No.22420782

>lists half the writer's work

>> No.22420785


>> No.22420854

1. My book (yet-to-be-released)
2-10. The sequels to my book (yet-to-be-written)

>> No.22420881

Not in a particular oder of preference:
Dostoevskij- The Brothers Karamazov
Kafka- The Process
Melville-Moby Dick
London-The Call of the Wild
Tolstoj-Anna Karenina
Céline-Journey to the End of the Night