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22417357 No.22417357 [Reply] [Original]

Dissident-Right-Bros, are we the mainstream now?

>> No.22417359

no come back at 25k+ Bewertungen please

>> No.22417363

you know democracy is complete victory when being a dissident of democracy is just being pro democracy again, ie keeping the bourgeois and their constitution in place

>> No.22417374

demochads, i kneel...

>> No.22417377

demobros, we eatin guuuuuuud 2nite

>> No.22417404
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also stop paying for this trash

>> No.22417485

There is no escape from the loop. You either affirm it or oppose it(affirm it). All the world's a stage, you can lose yourself in the role, or larp that you are larping, but you play your part either way.

>> No.22417582

BAP vs. Nickcels
>no, I'm more edgy!!! that other guy is a pied piper
>no, that other guy is gonna pivot to Israel and mass immigration soon
>no, that guy has more Jewish connections!!!
Can't we all get along? seriously. we should all embrace the pipeline that is JBP/Tate/etc. > Claremont Institute > BAP > America First > ??? (Wild West) and do whatever we can to take advantage of that ecosystem.

>> No.22417601

Fuck off iPhone faggot

>> No.22417602

>the pipeline that is JBP/Tate/etc. > Claremont Institute > BAP > America First
This pipeline exists only in your head. Also Nick Fuentes literally associates with pedophiles and BAP is a gay Zionist.

>> No.22417607

america first is imbecilic anyways. BAP is a jew but at least you can get Celine, Junger, Mishima, Ernst von Salomon, Savitri Devi, Homer etc. out of him. America First just wants super chats

>> No.22417622

There is a third role however: madness (aka irony poisoning), i.e. oscillating so rapidly between affirmation and opposition that it constitutes neither and becomes a new mode.
doesnt substantively affect the outcome of course. The show goes on, but it's more fun for the player

>> No.22417627

Baked Alaska is literally the most obvious glowie and he’s right by Nick’s side. My feelings on BAP are mixed, I generally like him but if you’ve listened to his podcast a lot you notice he says a lot of contradictory stuff when it comes to the big picture, but at least he’s not a clear as day fucking honeypot. Anyone part of America First is an absolute retard throwing away their life.

>> No.22417681
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There is no dissident Right, there is only permitted avenues of child-like rejection which are maintained exclusively by those you are protesting.

National-Socialism is the only thing that can address the systemic -judeo-sickness we must live under.

>> No.22418844

Objectively correct

>> No.22418858

>the dissident right is led by a gay jew who was mentored by Sidorsky (IDF intelligence and soldier, Jewish lobby) and works with Luttwak (IDF soldier)
Zionists always go mainstream anon

>> No.22418972

Controlled opposition

>> No.22419140

pretty sure those two have been separated for a while

>> No.22419174
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Damn... shits got 29 Bertwurgens already...

>> No.22419192

BAP is alright he’s always been a performance artist and a contrarian at heart even in his undergraduate days. He’s not the leader of anything or anyone he just makes silly podcasts and travels to foreign cities to engage in debauched sex acts. All he really does is shitpost on Twitter these days and occasionally shill for Trump. I honestly don’t think his heart is in the fight against the system and he is just enjoying his e-fame. However he is a very funny guy and knows a lot about Ancient Greece so it’s some times fun to listen to.

>> No.22419200

National socialism is for braindead children

>> No.22419225

>Russia fren, globo homo not communist front holdovers from cold war

He's an amusing clown but the inability to put these explicit dots together is terminal convergence.

>> No.22419464

>knows a lot about Ancient Greece
Not beyond the mainstream books on it and Nietzsche's takes

>> No.22419466

and high IQ asians

>> No.22419473
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Why, or how?

>> No.22419483

Go vote, retard.

>> No.22419618

Fukuyama was right, history is over.

>> No.22419653
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>> No.22420583


>> No.22420590

The underwhelmingness of that audiobook is one of the things that convinced me that I'm too smart to give a shit about politics.

>> No.22420596


>> No.22420709

I'm shocked people actually read this. Isn't this just ancient pick up artist bullshit written by a jew?

The bar is so fucking low in the political world. I'm sure plenty of /lit/ guys can write some more compelling stuff than this schlop. But you also need to market it well.

>> No.22420837

Jews shill it here, nobody in the dissident right actually likes this sneaking jewish faggot

>> No.22420902

How can you claim to be dissident. Like the NRx'ers say - "no activism, just vote republican"

>> No.22421535

NRX's ideology passively supports the likes of WEF and other NGOs. They have simply shifted the onus from state to non-state apparatus.

>> No.22421667

What happened to exit>voice? Its been a while since I looked at the NRX sphere.

>> No.22421993
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Internet "right-wing":
>Lift weights and use social media, and some day you will be an ELITE microdosing friend of bankers with friends in the Beltway

Actual right-wing:
>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.22422013
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>London stank of decay back before 1914 and I have recorded the feel of it in a poem here and there. The live man in a modern city feels this sort of thing or perceives it as the savage perceives in the forest. I don’t know how many men keep alive in modern civilization but when one has the frankness to compare notes one finds that the intuition is confirmed just as neatly or almost as neatly as if the other man saw a shop sign.

>Thus London going mouldy back in say 1912 or 1911. After the War death was all over it. Italy was, on the other hand, full of bounce. I said all of this to a Lombard writer. I said: London is dead, Paris is tired, but here the place is alive. What they don’t know is plenty, but there is some sort of animal life here. If you put an idea into these people they would DO something.

>Individuals form classes according to the similarity of their interests, they form syndicates according to differentiated economic activities within these interests; but they form first, and above all, the State, which is not to be thought of numerically as the sum-total of individuals forming the majority of the nation. And consequently Fascism is opposed to Democracy, which equates the nation to the majority, lowering it to the level of that majority.

>Fascism, in short, is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed.

>As far as financial morals are concerned, I should say that from being a country where practically everything and anything was for sale, Mussolini has in ten years transformed it into a country where it would even be dangerous to try to buy out the government.

>In the Fascist State the individual is not suppressed, but rather multiplied, just as in a regiment a soldier is not weakened but multiplied by the number of his comrades. The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves sufficient scope to individuals; it has limited useless or harmful liberties and has preserved those that are essential.

>[N]ote that Mussolini is NOT a fanatical statalist wanting the state to blow the citizen’s nose and monkey with the individual’s diet. IF, when and whenever the individual or the industry can and will attend to its own business, the fascist state WANTS the industry and the individual to DO it, and it is only in case of sheer idiocy, incapacity or simple greed and dog-in-the-mangerness that the state intervenes to protect the unorganized PEOPLE; public; you me and the other fellow.

>> No.22422812

not 1 but 2 BAP threads on /lit/, the talmudic network is out in full today.

>> No.22422836

BAP fails physiognomy check
(see >>22417404)
Like all online right-wingers and NRxers, he's not worth listening to because he is a big ole fuckin dork.

>> No.22422850

"Passively" the mere use of this word sums up the entire 'movement' if you can call it that. There's no way BAP isn't just NRx adjacent

>> No.22422857

Irl activists are the people we should be respecting most, even if you think they're optically flawed. At least they do *something*

>> No.22422867

He gets resoundly shat on every time there's an attempt of a shill, so I'd say I'm not too concerned that there's developing interest in his ideas here

>> No.22423055

I respect National Socialism but I'd rather we make most humanity go extinct because whites of today are unrecognizable from what they were over a 1000 years ago.

>> No.22423306

To be fair, the 30s was back when COIN and glowops were in their absolute infancy.