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22416360 No.22416360 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get started in Buddhism! Where do I start?

>> No.22416378

>i want to gain knowledge about buddhism
any book on buddhism. you can even read the sutras.

>i actually want to know what buddhism is and try practicing it
you must join a community led by good dharma teachers

buddhist teachings are ineffable. it cannot taught through words only.

>> No.22416473

Start with the Agamas. Read Bhikkhu Bodhi's translations. After that, decide if you want to read about Theravada or Mahayana.
Read Mahasi Sawadew, Analayo, and Ajahn Brahm and Chah
Lotus Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Parinirvana Sutra, Heart Sutra
Go from there

>> No.22416497
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>I want
You've got a lotta learning to do...

>> No.22416505
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These threads come up a lot. But I have never actually enjoyed the suggests.

For context I'm against spiritualism , gods, rebirth, walking in Thai jungles lol.

I really like this interview OP. https://hardcorezen.info/30-questions-with-nishijima-roshi/6699

Here are some good answers

16. Where will you be in 100 years from now?

Not so long, but when I died in a few years, everything will become nothing including me, and I will take a rest forever.

1.WhatisgainedinZazen? WhatwegaininZazenisthebalanceoftheautonomicnervoussystem.InthechapterentitledBendowainMasterDogen'sbook ShobogenzowecanfindthewordsJijuyoZanmai,whichMasterDogenindicatesasthecriteriaofZazen.ThefirstwordJijuyoseparates intotwoparts,oneisJijuandtheotherisJiyo.ThereforeJijuyoisacombinationbetweenJijuandJiyo.Jijumeanstoreceiveourselves andJiyomeanstoutilizeourselves.ThereforewecaninterpretthatJijusuggeststhefunctionoftheparasympatheticnervoussystem, andJiyosuggeststhefunctionofthesympatheticnervoussystem.AndthesecondwordZanmaimeansthebalancedstateofthe autonomicnervoussystem.ThereforewecanunderstandthatthewordsJijuyoZanmaimeanjustthebalancedstateoftheautonomic nervoussystem,whichmodernpsychologyandphysiologyteachesusabouttoday.

The problem with these threads is they give you like 2 years of readings with no context about what busshists are really trying to do, they make it often seem like metaphysics is something shakyumi had even a second of time for whenn he did not

>> No.22416512

>>22416505his point is a lot of ideology, religion, belief, culture, cool things, is just fucking being a retarded disaster of balancing your nervous system. It's one reason why Christianity is truly vile as it works Perfectly against this goal. Capitalism is obviously much better than Christianity, everyone knows this to be sure. But you have to learn zazen to be the most direct, and skillful, but it's very boring and against mist of what you know

>> No.22416532

The Masked Drama of Rebirth- it is an ancient Tibetan morality play on two different men who die and how the gods/ demons weigh their actions in the afterlife. It is a 30 minute read and will introduce you to basic Buddhist tenants.

>> No.22416535

Here. Just sit and read all this. It should take half an hour.


>> No.22416565

"What the Buddha Taught" by Walpola Rahula Thero

>> No.22416789 [DELETED] 

Lotus Sutra
Diamond Sutra
The Play in Full
Heart Sutra
Rhinoceros Sutra
Pure Land Sutras

Off the top of my head. Good luck, OP. I’m Buddhist too.

>> No.22416858

Stay away from theravada, they are nihilistic faggots

>> No.22416870
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>> No.22417399
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>tfw a monke thinks his journey is complete

>> No.22418515


>> No.22418837

Go on a free 10 day Vipassana course

>> No.22418846 [DELETED] 

Ah, the noble pursuit of enlightenment beckons, and you, a curious traveler, stand at the threshold of the intricate tapestry woven by the tenets of Buddhism. Allow me to offer guidance, though the profundity of the subject might strain against the confines of brevity. Embark by acquainting yourself with the foundational teachings encapsulated within the Four Noble Truths, a cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy. Subsequently, traverse the Eightfold Path, a complex web of ethical and mental guidelines that navigates one toward liberation.

However, do not be beguiled into thinking that this journey is one of fleeting whims; it necessitates rigorous self-introspection and dedication. Engage with canonical texts such as the Dhammapada and the Sutta Pitaka, deciphering their layers of meaning to glean insights that transcend mere verbiage. A sojourn into mindfulness meditation, Vipassana, shall cultivate your inner clarity. Yet, let it be known, this path is not for the fainthearted, demanding a deep commitment that transcends the fleeting fads of mere curiosity. Proceed, if you dare, and may your quest for understanding withstand the tests of time and your own resolve.